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Wife Sharing is Caring: The Husband: Wife Sharing is Caring, #3
Wife Sharing is Caring: The Husband: Wife Sharing is Caring, #3
Wife Sharing is Caring: The Husband: Wife Sharing is Caring, #3
Ebook42 pages35 minutes

Wife Sharing is Caring: The Husband: Wife Sharing is Caring, #3

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About this ebook

Once would never be enough.


Mark's fantasy was fulfilled when he got to watch his wife be taken by his best friend. Seeing the bliss on her face as Steve popped her final cherry was a thrill beyond his imagination. 
But now the night was over, Mark had a new fantasy. To achieve it, he'd have to convince his wife that sharing her wasn't just a one-off adventure. 
Was Melissa ready for a permanent threesome relationship?


The trio's adventure continues in this 9500 word short story.

Once would never be enough.

Mark's fantasy was fulfilled when he got to watch his wife be taken by his best friend. Seeing the bliss on her face as Steve popped her final cherry was a thrill beyond his imagination. 
But now the night was over, Mark had a new fantasy. To achieve it, he'd have to convince his wife that sharing her wasn't just a one-off adventure. 
Was Melissa ready for a permanent threesome relationship?

The trio's adventure continues in this 9500 word short story.

PublisherKLESS Press
Release dateAug 24, 2018
Wife Sharing is Caring: The Husband: Wife Sharing is Caring, #3

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    Book preview

    Wife Sharing is Caring - Lola Blackburn


    If you’d asked me two months ago, I would have laughed at the idea I’d be cleaning another man’s cum from my wife’s arse while she slept off the earth-shattering orgasm he’d given her. Don’t get me wrong, the image that thought created would have had me horny as all fuck, but back then I didn’t dare let myself imagine it becoming a reality.

    But here I was, doing exactly that. My best friend had just helped bring my kinkiest fantasy to fruition. You couldn’t wipe the grin from my face if you tried. I threw the used wash cloth in the dirty laundry pile and headed downstairs, leaving my sleeping angel, and the man who’d fucked her senseless, spooning in my bed.

    I was chilling in front of the TV, deep into this seriously interesting documentary about how they built damns back in the olden days, when a cold beer dangled in front of me. I grabbed it and Steve launched himself over the back of the lounge into the seat beside me.

    He knocked the neck of his beer against mine. Cheers, mate. He kicked his feet up on the coffee table, making himself at home. Hopefully, eventually, this would be his home. Tell me that wasn’t the hottest fucking thing you’ve ever seen.

    I shook my head. It was definitely up there as one of life’s greatest moments.


    We sat watching the doco, drinking our beer for a bit.

    Melissa still sleeping?

    Yeah, mate. Don’t think we’ll be seeing her again tonight. I don’t think I’ve ever fucked someone as hard as I fucked her tonight.

    I’d like to be able to tell you she’s never been fucked that hard, but…

    Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’ve been fantasising about being inside that tight pussy of hers for the last ten years.

    And did reality live up to the fantasy?

    He tipped his beer up to his lips and drained it. Too fucking right. And then popping her anal cherry smashed the fantasy into the stratosphere. Seriously can’t believe you’ve never gone there.

    I finished off my own beer and reached forward to grab his empty from the coffee table. Tonight wasn’t just about your fantasies.

    Right! You and that watching thing you’ve got going on. So how was it? Watching a fucking bull like me sink my cock into your wife’s virgin arse?

    I had both beer bottles in my left hand, which left my right free to thump him. Don’t be a dick.

    Steve just laughed and held his hands up in mock surrender. Okay, tough guy. Seriously, though, I didn’t really get your kink before. But this past week, not being able to fuck her, but watching her be fucked by you. I get it now. It was like live, interactive porn, performed just for me.

    "Yep. And your performance tonight was top shelf. Man, the look on her face… Kind of

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