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Shining Light Within: Magickal Living Series, #2
Shining Light Within: Magickal Living Series, #2
Shining Light Within: Magickal Living Series, #2
Ebook186 pages2 hours

Shining Light Within: Magickal Living Series, #2

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About this ebook

We are all connected to the universal life force. In this book, I will show you how to develop a relationship with your soul, your Spirit guides and the beings of light. You will learn why they are with you and how they can help you in this lifetime. When you make this connection, you are building a solid foundation to develop a deep, profound relationship with Spirit. You will learn how to have a relationship with your light and shadow and also how to detect the different types of negative and dark energy that can be in your daily environment. You will see that everything is all connected. I will show you how to protect your energy and learn how not to fear the darkness in life and maybe even embrace it!

Release dateApr 1, 2024
Shining Light Within: Magickal Living Series, #2

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    Shining Light Within - Sabrina Meglio


    First and foremost, I am and will be forever grateful for my spirit guides and all the beings of light that I work with. Without their daily guidance, continual support, and teaching, I honestly don’t know where I would be in my life today.

    Thank you to soul sisters Michelle, Jill, Elaine, Gracie, Shyvhan, and Geannine for your unconditional love and support and for always understanding my spiritual path. And as always, thank you to my amazing longtime friend Steve Sturla for all of your help and support in writing this series of books. It wouldn’t have happened without you.


    ***A Note to the Reader***

    Sabrina went home on November 17, 2023 before she could finish this book. Her friend Shyvhan Storm edited and where necessary completed the version you now see. Her friends Geannine Roman, Gracie James, and Michelle Ruiz were readers—And throughout we believe Sabrina's spirit provided the needed inspiration.


    We’re all water from different rivers

    That’s why it’s so easy to meet

    We’re all water in this vast, vast ocean

    Someday we’ll evaporate together

    -Yoko Ono


    This book has become quite a personal experience and is very dear to my heart. I guess in many ways, this book is like jumping the broom into the spirit world. The world beyond has shown me how to look at life through the eyes of magick – to see the magick in the Divine and inside ourselves. I have learned that guidance and continued teaching have enabled me to stay connected to my higher self, the Divine, and all life forces.

    I love magick and what it represents, but more importantly, I love Spirit. Everything I know about magick, the realm of Spirit, and the supernatural comes from being closely guided by Spirit. It has taken me a long time to put into words the story of the amazing journey with my Spirit connection. For me, magickal living is a daily practice. It is part of my life.

    Magickal living is connecting with your higher self (your soul) and the Divine. You are choosing to walk towards your truth path. It is about your ability to connect with your true essence and the higher power that lives within all of us. And what is magick? Magick is the practice of using the forces around us to bring about change. Magick is neutral, neither good nor evil.

    Magick is drawing in that pure energy that comes from working with Spirit to better your life and to find your true purpose. That is the essence of magickal living.

    You are using your energy, streaming it with the universe and everything that is connecting with it. It is all around us even if we can’t see it. It has guided me in my darkest moments (and I have had a lot of dark moments), given me direction, and helped me connect with my soul, awakening my spirit!

    The goal of this book is to enable you to connect with your higher self, your spirit guides, and higher beings of light.  Also, you will learn how to protect your energy field and combat the negative energy in your environment.  There are many ways to protect your energy field, including symbols and rays of light, which we will discuss later in the book.

    As you begin your journey into the pages of this book, I recommend you keep a journal. When I began my first journey with spirit, I regret that I did not take notes. I remember having intense, vivid, movie-like experiences when I was communicating with Spirit and my higher self, but I would forget, or get too lazy, to record my encounters with the spirit realm. Now, I write everything down.



    Meditation is an essential part of magickal living. But when I mention meditating to many of my clients and students, I often get mixed reactions. Most assume that they are unable to meditate. Some say that they don’t know how to quiet their mind and don’t have the focus. Many say they just don’t have the time to meditate.

    While there are different modalities of meditation, my favorite form is active meditation. Active meditation requires you to partake by setting intentions within your inner self. You are choosing to make an inner connection with your true self and seek knowledge for your personal and spiritual soul growth.

    That is not to say that the other forms of meditation don’t offer the same benefits, but active meditations are more interactive with yourself and your destination point. By that, I mean connecting with your soul, meeting your spirit guides, and receiving their guidance. It can also mean talking to the Ascended Masters and downloading light into your body.

    When you have a clear objective of where you would like to take a journey (as my spirit guides like to call it), then request information, knowledge, and/or guidance. This is interactive meditation because you must be present while allowing yourself to surrender to your soul. You must get into an altered state deep enough to unite with the being of light that you’re choosing to work with.

    All the meditations that are in this book came channeled from my spirit guides among other beings of light that I work with. They are all designed to be easy enough without making the meditations too complicated (but at the same time creating a strong foundation for you to gain confidence without questioning your ability to meditate).

    You will slowly get into your own rhythm, fully surrendering yourself to connecting to your higher self and embracing other forms of higher consciousness, including beings of light. This is where you can fully experience the art of magickal living.


    Setting Intentions

    Setting intentions gives you focus and grounds you in the present, allowing you to become aware of what you want to accomplish. What are you doing and why? How do you want to take action? Setting intentions will open your energy channels. This is important because sometimes our minds wander. We lose focus or direction. When we make an inner intention, it grounds us to an energetic reality. Ask yourself what intentions you have and what you hope to gain from reading this book.

    The aim of this book is also to protect your energy field, connect with everything around you, and create energy to build a more harmonious atmosphere within yourself and your environment.

    Your journal is your personal guide to self-awareness. Here is where you will remember the messages and experiences you receive from your higher self, spirit guides, and other spiritual beings. You can go back and read your notes, and that will help you develop confidence and insight into what you are experiencing.

    My spirit guides gave me some advice when I first began my journey with spirit. They said there is one essential tool that is needed when living life, the breath.

    To get through life, one must not forget to breathe. Everything starts with the breath. Breathing can help guide the mind, body, and spirit. When the mind is at peace, the body is at peace and when the body is at peace, the spirit is at peace, Spirit said.

    Our breath is our physical lifeline. Breathing keeps your body alive and flowing- your body, mind, and spirit stream together in union, but most of us are not aware of our breathing. Sometimes, we even forget to breathe for short amounts of time. Many times, my spirit guides remind me to Breathe! As you take the journey into this book, don’t forget to breathe.

    Enjoy the road to magickal living!

    Chapter 1 - The World of Spirit

    The world of Spirit is infinite and connected to everything around us and beyond. It is universal, inter-dimensional, timeless, and limitless. It is almost indescribable. For some, it will sound like something out of a fantasy novel.

    The spirit world is literally another world.  Breathtaking, beautiful, massive. Freeing is the word that comes to mind when I think of and go to the spirit world. If you can, imagine a world that has no war, hate, or fear. Instead, this world has unconditional love, no judgments, harmony, knowledge, and understanding.

    Within the infinite, it manifests into different vibrational energies and beings such as the Ascended Masters, the angelic realm, elementals, deities, and even our spirit guides. These beings of light, as they are often called, help govern the spirit world. They help maintain and cultivate the daily matters of the world and/or dimensions they are governing. They also give counsel when a soul is in need.

    Spirits also guide the inner workings of the process before and after the soul has finished an incarnation. There is a special team of council members who help each soul with the transition. Before a soul is ready to incarnate, they help guide them to reach whatever purpose/goal they want to complete. It can be complicated because of the choices that have been made in the past, karma.

    Each soul will also want to consider what they want to achieve in the next life - maybe finish a project or tie up loose ends that they were unable to complete, and hopefully, pay attention to lessons that need to be learned. It can take more than one lifetime to learn a particular lesson. This is because we process these lessons on each level of consciousness:  mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. It could take 20 lifetimes to learn one particular lesson, but don’t let that discourage you. The learning process is not always painful. It can also be fun and enlightening!

    When a soul is returning, there is a debriefing process (at least that’s how some of my guides refer to it). It is not aggressive or judgmental, but rather a loving communication between loved ones who want to help, heal, provide answers, and soothe the soul after its journey. This helps each soul find meaning and process the learning experiences.

    It also helps each soul have a better understanding of the choices that they made and helps with the next incarnation. It gives each soul a direction when they are ready to embark on their next journey.

    The spirit world has many different realms of existence. Each realm is equivalent to a city. In each city, one can gain information, knowledge, and understanding. One of these realms is called The City of Knowledge.

    Imagine a city that looks like a lavish, otherworldly university with lush grounds and flowers that bloom continually and vibrantly. The halls have libraries full of books, lectures, scrolls, ancient texts, and energetic knowledge that can be absorbed and energetically downloaded into your consciousness.

    The City of Knowledge is a place where souls, especially after an incarnation, gather together to study, meditate, and take teaching.  This translates to going to school, taking a course, and hearing a lecture, one of my spirit guides said.

    The City of Knowledge is designed to help our souls between incarnations. This knowledge can help us achieve our soul’s goals and lessons. The soul is learning and gathering information to make choices.

    This is where the Akashic records are located. The Akashic records are where all of our lifetimes are held. It holds every thought, action, and deed. It also holds all the knowledge of our destiny, karma, and strong soul connections. It holds the history of all things and dimensions.

    Imagine a huge filing cabinet filled with all the knowledge of your past, present, and future lives. This is where you can go to find answers to questions on issues that you might be dealing with and questions about how you are connected with the people in your life.

    This is a place where you have access to any questions you might have about your life, but you must be open and have the courage to see the truth. You might not like the information you receive, but it can help you move forward and make changes, especially if you want to break patterns in your life.

    Another example would be if you happen to have any phobias, such as fear of water, spiders, fire, etc. This is the place that can give you insight into your issues and often help heal your fears. Even though all the answers are in your records, you might not always be ready to receive the information you are seeking. You will find that you only receive the information that you are ready to download into your consciousness.

    The Records Room, as I call it, is always accessible to you. You can go up to the Akashic records as many times as you need, but you must be patient with the process. Take your time with each experience. Enjoy each journey you take to the Akashic Records; each time you go up there will be different.  Make sure you write down the knowledge you receive; you can get so much information it can be overwhelming. Writing it down in your journal can help you process the information and help you remember your experiences.

    As you take your journey into the Akashic records, you will be guided by beings of light to your records room. These beings of light are there to assist you and help you access your files. You can ask them questions if you don’t understand what you are being shown. How you get your information will depend on each person.

    Sometimes the information will come to you like energy being downloaded in your consciousness, sometimes you will see it like watching a movie, and sometimes it will present itself as a book that you must read. As I mentioned, each time you go to the Akashic, you might experience a different approach on how you receive your information.

    Although you can access the Akashic records whenever you like, keep in mind that this is a very sacred journey. Make sure you are in the right frame of mind and have the time because it can take a while to get up there and a lot of energy to make this journey. No matter what answers you are seeking, your soul and the beings of light will be there to guide you.

    Another realm is the City of Councils, which consists of all the higher beings of light, such as spirit guides, Ascended Masters, and council members that govern, guide, and assist us in their assigned areas.

    The City of Councils is where all the light workers come together to discuss world events, (in any dimension) deliberate strategies among comrades, and counsel one another. They are working together for the same purpose. Each being brings its own unique system, an energetic fingerprint that beholds unique gifts. Some beings carry many gifts while others have very specific gifts

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