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High Stakes: Hotwife Adventures
High Stakes: Hotwife Adventures
High Stakes: Hotwife Adventures
Ebook26 pages20 minutes

High Stakes: Hotwife Adventures

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About this ebook

It's all fun and games until someone raises the stakes!


It's not the first time my husband has shared me. He loves to see me come undone at the hands of other men. Almost as much as I love being brought undone.

This time, we're upping the ante on our role-playing games. Chris has introduced an element of chance to the arrangement, challenging me to a night with an unknown man. Someone who doesn't already know the rules of the game.

Tensions build as I am forced to wait and see which man will win me for the night. For the first time ever, I won't be in control.

May the odds be in my favor.


At just over 5000 words, High Stakes, is a sinfully satisfying short story.

PublisherKLESS Press
Release dateApr 8, 2021
High Stakes: Hotwife Adventures

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    Book preview

    High Stakes - Lola Blackburn

    High Stakes

    Hotwife Adventures

    Lola Blackburn



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6


    About the Author

    Also by Lola Blackburn


    If there’s one thing all men I know—and probably most of those I don’t know—love, it’s their big-boy toys. They get so much joy out of showing off their latest acquisition to all the other men, who outwardly might admire the toy, but inwardly are jealously thinking of bigger and better toys they can get to prove they are the biggest and the best.

    Either that, or they’re thinking about how they can take the toy themselves. They find something extra satisfying in taking someone else’s pride and joy and using it for their own pleasure.

    To take another man’s toy from him and use it in front of him only serves to prove how much more of a man they are. How they are stronger. How their cock is so obviously superior. Especially when the toy is taken and used against the owner’s will.

    It is on this premise that tonight’s adventure is based.


    My husband, Chris, slides his hand down over my ass. His fingers brush the bare skin at the top of my thighs. My dress is so short, if I bend forward enough my bare pussy will be on display to anyone behind me.

    I lean in closer, rubbing my breasts against his arm. Tonight, I am the toy he is showing off to the other men. And if all goes to plan, one of them will take me from him and demonstrate just how superior they believe their cock to be.

    I glance around

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