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Shadows of Torment: The Endgame
Shadows of Torment: The Endgame
Shadows of Torment: The Endgame
Ebook258 pages4 hours

Shadows of Torment: The Endgame

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Three teenagers—Michael, Sinead, and Thomas—find themselves in over their heads after what begins as a mock ritual spirals out of control, accidentally summoning a demon that thrives on torment and suffering. Their situation takes a darker turn following a catastrophic car crash, which serves as their grim welcome to the harrowing streets of New Hopeless City. Trapped in this sinister alternate reality, they are thrust into a desperate battle for survival that pushes their morality, friendships, and very humanity to the brink.

In a city that mirrors a nightmarish hellscape, where madness and depravity are the norms, the trio must navigate a labyrinth of terror and betrayal. As they struggle against the malevolent forces that seek to consume them, the question looms: Can any of them escape and live to tell the tale? Or will they succumb to madness and depravity like so many others before them?
Release dateMay 24, 2024
Shadows of Torment: The Endgame

Matthew Aiken

Matthew Aiken is a writer originally from the northeast of England now living in Scotland. With a passion and talent for horror fiction, nothing is more enticing than writing up a gripping and intense roller coaster ride of suspense and emotion. Drawing experience from real life events and relations to shape the narrative of his stories, his humble twelve years of retail service provide much insight to the raw and often unpredictable human condition. The ‘Shadows of Torment’ series is drawn from the personalities of actual people or emotions in his life and depicts the harsh reality people must face from anxiety inducing moments to love and rejection, or fear!

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    Shadows of Torment - Matthew Aiken

    About the Author

    Matthew Aiken is a writer originally from the northeast of England now living in Scotland. With a passion and talent for horror fiction, nothing is more enticing than writing up a gripping and intense roller coaster ride of suspense and emotion. Drawing experience from real life events and relations to shape the narrative of his stories, his humble twelve years of retail service provide much insight to the raw and often unpredictable human condition. The ‘Shadows of Torment’ series is drawn from the personalities of actual people or emotions in his life and depicts the harsh reality people must face from anxiety inducing moments to love and rejection, or fear!

    Copyright Information ©

    Matthew Aiken 2024

    The right of Matthew Aiken to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 9781035854660 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781035854677 (Hardback)

    ISBN 9781035854691 (ePub e-book)

    ISBN 9781035854684 (Audiobook)

    First Published 2024

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

    1 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf


    E14 5AA


    I would like to thank Dannielle and Mal from my old retail store for all of your support! Your feedback and ideas for my story even in its early stages pushed me to complete my first ever novel! Without you I wouldn’t have achieved this. I still think of you both so much! Long live the pizza cult!


    Silhouetted in the night sky, the plume of smoke rose from that sorry wreck, the crumpled edges of its chassis barely visible by the roadside. It had seen this all before many times in many different places but each one always had a unique hallmark, its own personal touch. This one was driven by one so naive it was surprising this hadn’t happened sooner. But such was the folly of today’s youth! Thinking they’re invulnerable, able to cheat death, able to get one up on their own fate. But fate comes for all and now it was their time to pay up.

    It descended to the wreck of that pitiful minivan amused by the speed in which it had once travelled only moments ago! Now motionless, lifeless… dead. This kind of tragedy was always the sweetest to witness, the moments of joy and carefree happiness before it’s all ripped away like Christmas wrapping paper. Oh, those sobering moments of fear and the realisation of their plight hit them all at once as they hit that bump in the road! The terror as the van flipped and tossed them around like rag dolls! The sadness as the last ebb of life left them that night! As it descended upon the wreck to glean a closer look at this fine exhibit the entity couldn’t help but note the obliterated front end of the van, barely anything left, how sad. Through the shattered windscreen, he caught sight of the first of its victims, drawn initially to the young female ‘Sinead Lowe’, a scrawny 19-year-old nothing whose life never really got her anywhere anyway.

    As it passed through the windscreen to get a better look it saw just what a sorry state she was in, the front end of the van crumpled and broken like her. It really was a bad night to have your legs up on the dashboard like that! It smirked at that! The femur on her right leg protruded through the skin and the left leg bent backwards and to the side. Death came swiftly for this one, not a chance in hell of survival! Exquisité! It chuffed. Head resting on the seat after being thrust feet first into the windscreen it’s surprising she didn’t go through it, oh well.

    After taking another moment or so to admire her mangled frame, it moved on to the driver.

    One ‘Michael Bracken’ 21-year-old know-it-all jock, for lack of a better term, thinks he’s the world’s greatest gift to the ladies, how pathetic. This one thought he was cool for driving 70 mph down a public road to impress his ‘friends’. Dressed to impress with a tight collared shirt and a pair of cargo shorts a well physiqued young man, how repulsive! But now the only thing he was wearing was the steering wheel. How unusual? Simply unique! The airbag clearly hadn’t deployed which would explain the blood pooling its way down the steering column.

    The entity was slightly annoyed that his face was not visible, details that would have added flavour to this comically tragic passing. Regardless it savoured the moment of death and the unique positioning of the also crumpled remains of this second victim reminiscent of a pretzel that didn’t turn out right! Ah, but there was more to see though, to witness, to enjoy!

    Drifting to the back of the van now littered with shards of broken glass, beer cans and flecks of blood from the third unfortunate. The youngest one, Thomas Brooker was his name, was being the optimal term for he too met his untimely fate. No seatbelt, Thomas? Oh, dear boy, you are but the saddest one of them all! At least your death was more amusing, the best for last, right?

    Slumped to the side of the van, propped up by the tree branch protruding into his temple. You would think this fate be instant but not in this case, almost like a lobotomy. Thomas, having lost most motor function on impact, helplessly seemed to have squirmed for a while trying in vain to pull himself free, how miserable. This filled the entity with delight, by far the most amusing yet simple fatality of the three, for just a moment it allowed itself to imagine and dream of what all three of these souls must have experienced before their lights went out, picturing itself in their place all three. What a delight it was to dream of this!

    Alas, though taking one final look at all three and having had its moments of blissful reflection to dream and basque in the aftermath of their chaos, there was work to be done. It was time to pull their souls and awaken them once more for their ordeal was far from over! They were chosen! Extending several billowing wisps of smoke from its central mass the entity reached out to the bodies around it infiltrating them so very easily (not that they could resist even if they were alive). Like a puppet master setting up his strings, it tugged into their very essence and awakened their conscious minds once more.

    Welcome back… Yes, you are dead and no I am not your guardian angel! I am your worst nightmare and your only salvation! Your lives are mine to play with, but this also is not the end for you, if you play my games that is! It spoke in a hushed but menacing tone to the trio. I will afford you a single chance to reclaim your pitiful lives as if this were but a near-death experience! Play my games and win to earn the gift of life but fail and you will see just what lies beyond death is a greater hellscape of desolation and depravity like you could never imagine!

    Michael was the first to speak up headfirst into any tough situation however weird it may be. Okay, man? Whatever the fuck you’re supposed to be let’s just say I believe your some sort of demon thing with a bargain for us! What if we just say no?

    Hahaha, those weren’t the options on the table Michael! I didn’t say you had an option to say no! You will play my game and win, or you will die in my game! he bellowed.

    Sinead! Mikey! That’s my fucking dead body man wtf is this? What the actual fuck! Is this some kind of out-of-body experience? Am I just having a nightmare? Tell me this isn’t real man! Thomas cried out in abject fear staring down over his own body with the tree branch still protruding from his head, blood oozing from the freshly opened orifice, lifeless eyes staring out of the passenger window a look of fear frozen on his now pale face. Tell me we just took some weird shit and are tripping balls or something man!

    No, Thomas… the entity spoke again with its oddly calm and raspy voice. I can confirm under no uncertain terms that you are in fact dead. And might I add what a lovely death yours was! Mother Nature spared you no second thought! Much like me in that respect, you’ve always been one for following others like a good little third wheel even in death! Now be a good little follower and come with me, not that any of you have any choice!

    Sinead remained silent even despite Thomas balling and wailing, she was transfixed with her own body mangled and disfigured slumped down into her seat, bones protruding through her skin through her now torn leggings caked in blood and glass fragments from the windshield.

    I see the girl is admiring the reality of her fate! This is good, this also is a passion of mine, I find it fascinating, mesmerising even! For as long as I have existed, I have never found myself lacking in subjects but you three are true gems indeed! Three unique deaths in just one car crash, a prize find indeed! The entity let out a sort of crackling laugh but the sounds that preceded it were indescribable, otherworldly… alien… sinister.

    Yes, you are my prize indeed! You will be coming with me for only I know your fate from this point onwards. I am your guide! I am your salvation! I am… your witness! With another scream of its wicked laughter, he extended more plumes of his ethereal smoke only now filling the entirety of the mangled interior of the van and just like that they were gone, they ceased to exist, at least until their fate would be decided, if ever.

    Chapter 1

    Prelude to Horror

    Stop! Gimme that back! I swear if you drop It, I will kill you for it later! Sinead cried out. Relax babe! I have the grip of an eagle, man! Reeee!

    Michael squawked imitating a bird-like screech as he darted past Sinead clutching the parcel he had just plucked from Sinead at the store. Besides, do you know if it’s even the thing we were looking for? What if it’s something else? Car parts? Tools? Sex toooys? he leered with a smirk on his face.

    No, Michael! It’s not sex toys alright! And I’m pretty sure the creepy old dude I bought this from isn’t into that shit! And if he is? I don’t give a shit what he does in his spare time and besides you’ve always got sex on your mind you fucking meathead! You’re lucky; you’re cute, man. Now come on let’s just go find out if Thomas is in the land of the living yet yeah?

    Damn right, I’m cute babe! But why have you got to ruin my fun and drag Thomas into this already? Can’t we just go back to your place for a bit raaarr? he purred like a cat making the gesture of a cat clawing at something. Ugh, serious? And no because my mum will fucking kill me if she sees me bringing anyone home with me yeah? So that’s why we’re going to Thomas’s!

    Sinead snapped back the package from Michael and proceeded to fish out her bus pass from the back pocket of her denim shorts. Fucking hell Sinead you need to join the real adult world! A bus pass really? Bet you wish you could drive like me, eh? Michael winked and stuck his tongue out in a mocking gesture, both hands extending doing the ‘driving’ expression.

    Yeah, okay, Michal honey? First off you only have your provisional licence, okay? Second, I’ve seen you driving with your dad before and good god I fear for that man as much as for you! I’m not even allowed to drive right now after I banged my mum’s car up on that street sign remember?

    Yeah, yeah, I get it fly straight drive like grandma at 20 and play it safe! Sinead, I got this dude! I can drive a car; just wish you’d let a guy take you for a ride eh? And I mean that in more ways than one hehe! Another sly wink. Ugh, you are absolutely insufferable sometimes! But I’m serious you gotta start getting your act together Mikey one of these days flying loose like that’s gonna get you in a lotta trouble, man… Michael, are you listening?

    Turning to face him Sinead is faced with the familiar sight to which she’s grown accustomed, Michael avoiding difficult subjects and talk or responsibility. He’d pulled out his Air Pods and plugged them in while she’d been talking to him and now was lost in the world of metal music. Knowing he was going to be in this state for a while Sinead sat down with him at the first available seats on the bus and rode in silence. She pulled out her phone and began scrolling her socials. Hmm, still no word from Thomas, she thought to herself seeing he was still appearing offline.

    Not entirely unusual for him, half the time he was set to offline to avoid people so this could mean literally nothing. She really wished he was just a bit more talkative than he was, and he usually was if it were about something they all enjoyed! But she knew Thomas was very introverted and weird so gave a bit of a pass on that, after all once they got to unwrap what she’d managed to buy for the club it was gonna make him gush!

    A genuine Ouija board with its own planchette, not the fake novelty efforts you could find just anywhere on the internet. Made from actual wood and with gold and black ornate sun and crescent moon depictions in the upper left and right corners respectively the planchette a teardrop shape with a small glass window in the centre, not as ornate and slightly faded from the pictures online but still nice to look at! It was important for the occult club, which Sinead ran to have genuine merch ideally with a history of use, so this fit the bill just perfectly!

    Sure, it should probably belong in a museum or a rich person’s house but why let it gather dust in some creepy old dude’s house? Sinead doubted even he knew of its worth or if he did want to get rid of it quickly, which made it even more intriguing!

    The pair had been riding a while on the bus service to Pinewood Ipswich, their friend Thomas living much further away from Sinead and Michael in Hadleigh practically down the street from each other according to Michael anyway even though he lived a couple of miles out. But college was out of term and the Chanting Occult club (named after the local region of Chantry) was soon to be in session again. The three of them always kicked this off unsurprisingly with some ‘mock’ ritual or other usually involving chanting an incantation to ‘summon’ demons and other spirits to commune with them.

    You know he’s gonna have shit for Wi-Fi right? Michael chimed in at last. Ass end of Surrey you bet your butt I am not gonna be able to connect!

    Ah, stop being a cry baby and peel your eyes from your phone for a while man we’re going to see our friend Tommy Boi! Besides, if we get lucky, we’ll make a whole different kind of connection if you know what I mean man! Also thank you for returning to the land of the living I thought we’d lost you back there! Sinead quipped.

    Oh, I get what you mean! He winked. A little special connection between us, right? Plus, you could never lose me, babe! Licking his lips, Michael continued to tease. Just don’t see why we need timid Thomas for that one unless you’re into threesomes?

    Ugh, fucking meathead I’m talking about the Ouija board I bought and you know it, besides you’d be so lucky if you get any attention from me today after ignoring my ass the whole way up here, so you play nice Michael!

    Nah, man, I only play dirty and you know it babe speaking of raising spirits you should have worn that black gothic skirt of yours we could have raised something else! Michael certainly seemed to be on the offensive today winking once more. Still, at least the evening would play out more interestingly with everyone in high spirits, pun intended she thought!

    As the bus pulled into the area Thomas lived in, Sinead couldn’t help but admire what a nice place it was! Not exactly mansions but certainly a more affluent area, detached houses with small but private driveways not like the street houses in the town centre these were somewhat more secluded. Thomas’s parents were clearly doing well for themselves, his dad was a builder and his mum a realtor selling houses. Suffice it to say they were very busy people and rarely at home, this made Thomas’s place ideal for the Chanting Occult club.

    The first time Thomas said he’d turned the garage into ‘the perfect hangout space’ admittedly she wasn’t expecting much of what a surprise she and Michael got when they held their first meeting there! Quite the handyman despite his quiet demeanour, suppose he got his skills from his parents plus the boy doesn’t have much of a social life outside the club so probably had a lot of free time!

    Michael pressed the call button as they approached Thomas’s Street and moments later the bus pulled over. Heh, much as I want to ride with you all day babe this is our stop! Michael teased, no response from Sinead who just gave a quizzical and unamused look like ‘Really’? Grabbing their bags, the pair hopped off and started making their way down the path when a thought crossed Sinead’s mind. Fuck! I just remembered. Did you get the drink, Michael?

    No, I thought you were bringing it! he replied.

    Michael I gave you one job to do and you couldn’t even…

    Relax babe I’m just teasing! I got it! he teased as he jingled his bag. The dull muffled clinks of tonight’s refreshments, alcopops, and vodka more than likely may be bears for Michael knowing him! Can’t have a spirit summoning without spirits, right? All that was left was to set up the spirit board at Thomas’s, and they were set for the evening.

    They came up to his house and made their way up its gravel path a thought occurred to Sinead. What would they actually say to a potential spirit? All the previous sessions they had attended had never actually involved attempting to speak to a presence from the beyond. Hi, how are you? Are you a friendly ghost? Sup, mate. How’s it hanging, bruv? Nah who was she kidding?

    The biggest scare she’d be likely to get tonight would be from Michael jumping up from behind her or something. ‘A body to die for’ he’d say to her and as much as she hated the egotistical vanity he had for himself she also couldn’t deny it either, she just wasn’t ready to knuckle down yet though and wished he would mature the fuck!

    Following the gravel path around the house to the garage at the end of the driveway Sinead and Michael were surprised to see the garage door wide open with red and black drapes and tapestries decorating a rather cramped space stuffed with tables, chairs and weird occult memorabilia scattered around like a hoarder’s home. I can sense your presents! Thomas called out turning to the sound of gravel underfoot.

    I got your message about your creepy old guy and his macabre collection! Very nicely done getting it so cheap on your income! Thomas chuckled at the thought of a 19-year-old still doing paper rounds.

    Thanks… And yeah at least I have a job to pay for nice things Thom! Sinead sniper back mockingly. Oooo shots fired! Hehe! So, are we ready for tonight? he replied. Eeyup as ready as I can be!

    She set the package down on one of the larger tables assuming the smaller tables were for the drinks.

    She began to unpack the box and its contents, taking care not

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