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Surprising Chapter: A Boomer Babes Book Club Romance, #2
Surprising Chapter: A Boomer Babes Book Club Romance, #2
Surprising Chapter: A Boomer Babes Book Club Romance, #2
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Surprising Chapter: A Boomer Babes Book Club Romance, #2

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Ready to begin a new chapter, retiree Claire never expected it would come with a plot twist including love.


After a successful academic career, Claire's ready to retire. With her book club encouraging her to try new things, she heads to Mexico. Her attractive host, Pat Norby, turns out to be a fellow book enthusiast. On a night out, Claire questions her feelings for Pat after he heroically saves her from a nasty fall. After years spent on her own, Claire must decide if she's ready to give love another chance.

What will happen to Claire's new chapter on love when the hidden truth is revealed?

For fans of blush-free later-in-life romances.

Release dateJun 1, 2024
Surprising Chapter: A Boomer Babes Book Club Romance, #2

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    Surprising Chapter - Lori Haas

    Surprising Chapter

    A later-in-life just kisses romance

    Lori Haas

    Morewellson, Ltd.

    Copyright © 2024 by Lori Haas

    All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written consent of the author and publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial use as permitted by United States copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher: Attention: Permissions Coordinator Morewellson, Ltd. P.O. Box 49726 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80949-9726. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. To provide a sense of place for the story, business establishment names have been included under the aspect of nominative fair use of products or services. No establishment noted in this fictional account has provided any incentive or endorsement of said account.

    Cover design by DLR Covers



    1.Arrival in Ajijic

    2.First Encounter

    3.Surprising Attraction

    4.Romantic Gesture

    5.The Aftermath

    6.Friends to the Rescue

    7.Jealous Heart



    10.Reading, Writing, Romance

    11.Fortunate Reunion

    12.Confrontation and Confusion

    13.Friendly Reconnection

    14.Unexpected Offer

    15.Feverish Discovery

    16.Comforting Companion

    17.Difficult Choices

    18.Past meets Present

    19.Surprising Connection

    20.Remarkable Introduction

    21.Hearts and Healing

    22.Creative Completion


    Chapter one


    Arrival in Ajijic

    An explosion of noise startled Claire from sleep.

    She bolted upright in bed as fireworks outside her rented casita broke the morning’s birdsong.

    Claire fought to unwrap herself from the tangled sheets. Frustrated, she rolled over and fumbled toward her glasses.

    More fireworks went off, causing her to jump.

    Her glasses dropped on the floor. Claire squinted toward the clock on the bedside table. Seven in the morning.

    Taking in a deep breath, she laid back on the fluffy pillow. More used to a firmer one, she’d need to buy a different one while she stayed in Ajijic.

    She listened to the fireworks for a bit and then turned on her side, braced for another assault on her senses.

    When was the last time she’d slept until seven? Yes, she’d arrived late yesterday, but most mornings she rose around five, if she got lucky, maybe six.

    Years of preparing for her students had made her an early riser. It allowed her to get a head-start on the day and grade in the morning versus in the evenings.

    Plus, over the years, she’d become a creature of habit in how she started her day.

    She let out an enormous yawn and stretched her arms into the air. She cocked her head as she listened.


    Maybe the fireworks were done. She swung her feet over the bed onto the terracotta tiles, setting her feet down gingerly so she wouldn’t step on her glasses. The coolness under her feet was pleasant and helped to remove any remaining cobwebs. She twisted her shoulders to remove any leftover kinks from her travels the day before.

    After bending down to grab her glasses, she set them on the bedside table. Rising from the bed, Claire flexed some more before striding to the bathroom. Like the rest of the casita, it had been decorated with bright, multi-color tile work. Reds, oranges, yellows, and blues tiles greeted her, filling her with happiness at the cheerful display of colors, floral designs, and patterns.

    Claire’s long silver hair had come loose from its braid and several strands stuck out from her head. She ran her hand over it to smooth them back. After she took care of her morning ablutions, she made her way into the bedroom.

    Her large suitcase lay open on a nearby table, garments jumbled from last night where she’d pulled out her nightclothes. From its depths, she pulled out a yoga mat she’d brought along.

    Even as an older woman, her body and flexibility were that of a much younger woman. She’d taken up yoga years ago when the university had added wellness programs. Yoga had stuck. Its daily practice allowed her to continue her life the way she wanted. Once she’d heard the phrase that you’re only as young as your spine, she had been happy she’d begun the practice.

    Already dressed in leggings and the tank top she’d slept in, she took a sip of cold water she’d set out the night before.


    Big mistake. Her tooth throbbed. Claire rubbed along her jawline. That one tooth had become more sensitive. She’d be glad to get her tooth issue resolved in the next few days. This had been one reason she’d traveled to Mexico.

    One lady in her new book club had suggested she check out the dental services there. At first, she’d been doubtful, but being able to get the work done and save some money had piqued her interest.

    Betsy, like the other book club ladies, had become a friend. In addition, Betsy also traveled quite a bit as a house and pet sitter. She’d already helped another group member, Laura, to explore England. When she noted that she could probably find her a place to stay, Claire said no thanks.

    But Claire finally decided to look into it. She’d done the research she always did when posed with a problem or question. After she looked into the cost in the States versus the cost in Mexico, she was shocked. Even with travel to get the same procedures done, she’d be ahead financially. Plus, now that she’d retired, it became a simple decision. She could get the work done and enjoy a warm winter vacation. So she’d decided to head there during the colder winter months when Colorado’s winds and snow penetrated her bones.

    But the idea had met with issues. Of course, all the snowbirds from the States and Canada also headed south for the winter. Thus, finding a place to stay turned out to be more difficult than imagined.

    Finally, Betsy had found someone who would rent out their casita to Claire. But it came with a caveat. The landlord had just opened the casita to rent and would only do a month-long rental.

    Claire hesitated but finally took the plunge, deciding to take advantage of not only the dental services but some pampering and time in the sun as well.

    The casita had a private entrance and a beautiful, quiet garden. She’d seen pictures, and it looked to be a perfect place with a nice chaise she envisioned using for reading.

    While the casita didn’t have a full kitchen, a small alcove held a sink, hotplate, and an under-counter fridge. A microwave had been positioned on an upper shelf and a coffeepot sat on the counter for use. She would have everything she needed. Especially as Betsy told her she’d be spoiled for good food choices there.

    After finalizing the arrangements and leaving her condo behind, Claire had flown to Mexico. The time away would also give her time to think about what she wanted to do next. Retirement had crept up on her, and she felt rudderless without having something to do each day. She wasn’t one of those people who could sit around and not do something purposeful. She needed an outlet.

    Even though she’d retired from teaching English, she often took on editing jobs for former students who were growing in their lives as authors. She’d enjoyed taking that on but wanted to ensure her direction. Maybe the time away would give her some new insights on how to move forward.

    Claire looked around the space. It would be good to have new things around her while she figured out what she wanted to do with this next season of her life.

    Claire spoke aloud to herself. New chapter, new plot. If only I knew where to begin or what to write.

    She moved to her yoga mat, positioning herself to move into her daily routine. Claire raised her hands over her head in a sun salutation pose before bending into a downward-facing dog. As she worked through her morning routine, her body loosened after her flight yesterday.

    She finished her stretching, rolling up the yoga mat before placing it against the wall. In the kitchen area, she found a small bag of ground coffee, a container of cream, and a few muffins that had been acquired for her arrival. She inhaled a deep whiff of the rich, earthy coffee.

    After starting the coffee, she pulled a clean outfit from her bag. Claire took it into the bathroom before putting the rest of her clothing in the closet.

    The coffee’s aroma had her taking another deep, cleansing breath. She poured some coffee and heated one muffin. Clearing the table, she sat with her feet up on the other chair. Her mind emptied as she enjoyed the simplicity and being in the moment. Before she knew it, she gazed at crumbs and the dregs left in her cup.

    Finished with her coffee and meal, she cleaned up, putting everything back in place. Now to grab a shower so she could go out and explore. She stopped.

    Why the rush?

    She’d be here a month, so she had plenty of time to explore the town. Pulling the painted mug from the strainer, she poured herself another cup of the fragrant brew. If anything, maybe she’d learned to slow down and appreciate each moment more while she was there.

    After she’d enjoyed her time with her coffee, she decided to go out. Dressing in a long, flowing off-white dress and two-tone sandals. She moved her wallet and other necessities to a smaller over-shoulder bag. Setting it down on the table, she decided to see the garden first. She grabbed her coffee cup, adding some more to heat the tepid brew.

    As she opened the door, the warmth of the morning had already penetrated the garden wall. She walked outdoors to the garden, marveling at the enormous floral vine along the tall, white-plastered wall. Instead of confining, it supplied a wonderful sense of security, like a warm hug or a soft, warm embrace.

    She stopped as a noise came to her.


    She turned toward the sound, grinning at the melody’s off-tune charm.

    Possibly the landlord?

    Claire rushed past a small table, almost spilling the coffee in her cup over its rim. By the time she made it over to the adjoining garden, the front gate was closed.

    Oh, well. I can meet them later.

    Happy the coffee hadn’t stained her dress, she kept it carefully in hand while returning to the casita. As she rinsed out the mug, she thought about where she wanted to go. The first stop would be the Chapala Society. She’d found that they had a library there and also supplied buses for going to the larger stores in the area.

    Claire grabbed a large sunhat and her purse.

    A smile crossed her face as she exited the garden onto a cobblestone street.

    A man with weathered skin tipped his hat at her as he rode by on his horse. Buenos Dias, Senora.

    That’s a sight I don’t see every day. She smiled at him. Buenos Dias, Senor.

    He tipped his hat as he rode by, and she watched as the horse plodded down the street.

    A strange warmth came over her as she stood on the sidewalk. Her brow crinkled at her response. Joy.


    Elusive emotions that snuck up on you when you weren’t looking for them. Suddenly, you just knew you were content. Happy. That is the emotion that flooded her now. She basked in it.

    Deciding to come here looks to have been a wonderful decision.

    She marveled at the peace she felt inside.

    Turning towards the town, Claire recalled the map’s directions. She’d checked the computer maps earlier to know how long it would take to walk to the Society. Happily, the route wasn’t far from the casita. She strolled along, saying good morning, avoiding cracks in the sidewalk, slowing her normal quick pace to fit that of the town. No need to rush to make a class or a lecture. She also shortened her usual long stride as she kept her eyes on the uneven ground.

    As she made her way down the main street of Colon, the sunshine flickering against the lake caught her attention. She understood why this place beckoned so many expats with its quaint, quiet charm. She knew she had to turn down Septiembre but had become distracted by the lake. She turned around when she realized she’d missed the street. Claire made her way back up the street and headed right. Soon, she found herself at the entrance to the Lake Chapala Society gate.

    This is it.

    She hesitated.

    As if by walking through the gate, everything would change. Forever.

    She shook her head at her odd feeling. Was it a strange response to jetlag? No, that couldn’t be it. The flight wasn’t that long. So no jetlag, though travel always seemed to take it out of her. She pushed her shoulders back at this strange mood.

    The gate only served as an entrance, not a threshold to another world. Still, her heart pounded at some unknown warning.

    What’s the matter with you?

    A couple of women walked past, smiling at her as she stood there.

    On the cusp.

    The words came to her.

    On the cusp of what?

    Claire chuckled at her silliness. Good grief. What’s gotten into me?

    She took a step forward.


    After she’d wandered around the interior gardens and spoken to some members, she made her way to the library. It was a small facility but had what appeared to be a wonderful selection of books on offer.

    Claire reached up and pulled a book from the top shelf, but its bulk caught her off-balance. She teetered for a moment at its heft. Stepping back to prevent herself from falling

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