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Wings of Minds
Wings of Minds
Wings of Minds
Ebook425 pages1 hour

Wings of Minds

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My poetry book entitled 'Wings of Minds' is a collection of modern English poems dealing with the stern realites as well as direly sombre aspects of life that focus on how man suffers on account of hostile fate and its workings on love in the course of reaching a destination through inscrutable predicaments contrived by despair, disease and death. These collected poems conjure up a real world of melancholy that commands sympathy .The poems virtually celebrate macabre situations by means of philosophical ideas that are related to passions of life weaving a cobweb in a psychosocial domain. My poems generally represent my personal ideology as they overshadow my concepts of pessimism and realism that make a mark on my poetic creativity.

Release dateMay 17, 2024
Wings of Minds

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    Wings of Minds - Dr. Sirajul Hoque


    There's a little symphony

    In the melody of our minds,

    When birds sing in the choirs

    And flap their weary wings.

    There's a little symmetry

    In the sphere of our minds,

    When clouds soar in the sky

    With their wonderful wings.


    My mind turns restless

    Like a parrot in the cage,

    As earth seems covered

    With a canopy of the sky.

    My mind turns restless

    Like a captive in a prison,

    As earth looks like a trap

    That decoys my only soul.


    Let's open our eyes now

    With high hopes of hearts,

    To sweep away all sorrows

    For the pleasures of minds.

    Let's open our hearts now

    With the shattered dreams,

    To shove out all distresses

    And worries from the minds.


    There lies no melancholy

    In death of a ruthless tyrant,

    That makes all minds rejoice

    And forget the horrors of life.

    There lies no melancholy

    In the melody of perfect love,

    That springs from true hearts

    And soothes all heavy minds.


    It's but a kind of mania

    To revive a moribund day,

    That's spent with poverty

    When pangs are plenty.

    It's but a kind of mania

    To invoke a gloomy night,

    That brings all melancholy

    When miseries multiply.


    My mind fidgets so fast

    Like a blossom in the bush,

    It seeks perfect peace of life

    When a storm horribly howls.

    My mind flaps its wings

    Like a partridge in the cage,

    It shudders in fears of death

    When thunder peals in clouds.


    In a reverie at noonday

    I wish to take a pair of wings,

    Like a wanton wild warbler

    To enjoy all freedom of flight.

    In a dream at midnight

    I wish to make a happy nest,

    Amidst the verdant leaves

    To enjoy the peace of mind.


    You say a woman's weak

    And not so wise as a man,

    She bears a womb in herself

    But not a perfect mind for me.

    You say a woman's weak

    And not so wise as a man,

    She forges wiles in her mind

    But not a genuine love for me.


    If I would die for my love

    And all my mementos fade,

    Will you not mourn for me

    Like a rarely faithful friend?

    If I can revive myself to life

    To prove mendacity of death,

    Will you not believe me then

    And hug me as a true friend?


    Ever I lead a candid life

    Though I have spent years,

    With momentous memories

    Of my lost childhood days.

    Ever I lead a candid life

    Though I have spent years,

    With the pleasures of youth

    When my mind had wings.


    I find no peace in life

    As it has gone far away,

    With the dusky sundown

    And the darkening night.

    The nightmares gather

    To break sleep in the dark,

    And I can't fall fast asleep

    To restore peace of mind.


    I feel the touches of death

    While living a miserable life,

    As the most intrepid mortal

    That breathes still on earth.

    I see all grimaces of death

    While lying in gloom of night,

    But I never live like a coward

    To set my mind free from fear.


    If I find myself besieged

    By a pride of hungry lions,

    Whom should I fear most_

    Either the beasts or death?

    If I find myself imperilled

    In a sinking shallop at sea,

    Whom should I fear most_

    Either the depths or death?


    My poems take wings

    That carry me to heaven,

    With all splendour of love

    To offer pleasures of life.

    My poems take wings

    That impel my mind to fly,

    With the thrills of ecstasy

    To forget the fear of death.


    I can vividly recollect still

    Those days of my childhood,

    They're lost in oblivions of life

    Like the fragrance of flowers.

    I can vividly recollect still

    Those days of my youth time,

    They're lost in an oasis of love

    Like the mirage in the nights.


    I find myriads of memories

    To conjure up a yarn of love,

    But few of them I shall forget

    Never to bear in a sad mind.

    I find myriads of memories

    That I shan't care to restore,

    As they may make a mistake

    To fill my mind with miseries.


    When I hear the cloud

    Rumbling in the dark sky,

    It threatens to rain eftsoon

    So I call it a cruel nature.

    When I see the rainbow

    Smirking at my face in joy,

    It provokes a rare surprise

    So I call it a gentle nature.


    It's God's grace to me

    As I find a crumb for life,

    And take it as a great gift

    For my living on the earth.

    It's a God's grace to all

    As I find breath for living,

    Yet I can't praise his boon

    With gratitude for rare love.


    Once a minx came to me

    In the dead of a dark night,

    When stars were all awake

    But the moon was asleep.

    Alone the minx appeared

    In the still of a murky

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