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Root of all Evil: Origins of the Modern Banking System
Root of all Evil: Origins of the Modern Banking System
Root of all Evil: Origins of the Modern Banking System
Ebook167 pages2 hours

Root of all Evil: Origins of the Modern Banking System

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In "The Root of All Evil," delve into a thought-provoking exploration rooted in the powerful words of 1 Timothy 6:10, which warns of the dangers of serving mammon, (money). This book is not merely a historical recount; it's a revelation, a wake-up call inspired directly from the teachings of Jesus Christ and grounded in deep historical analysis spanning almost a millennium.

Author and dedicated watchman unveils the seldom-discussed origins of our modern economic systems, tracing back to the enigmatic Knights Templar. Discover the chilling connections between ancient orders, the corruption of spiritual institutions, and the rise of banking powers that have shaped our world's landscape under the cloak of secrecy and power.

"The Root of All Evil" is more than a book; it's a journey through history, theology, and conspiracy, weaving together threads that many have dared not to unravel. It challenges readers to question the very fabric of current global economics, the influence of clandestine societies like the Freemasons, and the profound implications of the shift from tangible wealth to the elusive control promised by central bank digital currencies.

Dive deep into the twisted roots that have sprouted our current reality, including the transformation of the Catholic Church, the manipulation behind national foundations, and the ominous move away from the gold standard. This book doesn't just recount facts; it connects dots that have been intentionally obscured from public knowledge and discourse.

As we navigate these perilous times, "The Root of All Evil" offers not just insights but a call to awareness and spiritual awakening. Echoing the divine promise of salvation and the wisdom of the Scriptures, this work is a beacon for those seeking to understand the darker underpinnings of our societal constructs, urging believers and skeptics alike to look beyond the surface.

Prepare to be challenged, enlightened, and inspired. Whether you're a steadfast believer, a curious skeptic, or somewhere in between, this book is a crucial read for those yearning to uncover the truths hidden in plain sight and to understand the biblical prophecy's role in our modern era. Embrace the journey towards knowledge, for, as Solomon said, "For in much wisdom is much grief, And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow."

Do not miss this eye-opening account that bridges the past, present, and prophetic future. "The Root of All Evil" is not just a book; it's an awakening. Be one of the enlightened ones – uncover the truth that has been shielded from the masses and discover the power and love of a sound mind in these uncertain times.

Release dateMay 13, 2024
Root of all Evil: Origins of the Modern Banking System

Jacob Novak

Jacob Novak is an aspiring and devoted historian, dedicated student, and inspired author. Balancing his time between full-time work and academic pursuits, Jacob is on the cusp of graduating from Metropolitan State University of Denver with a bachelor’s degree in History and a minor in Criminal Justice and Criminology. Raised in a close-knit family as the only son alongside younger sisters, Jacob has always found solace and strength in his Christian faith and the intricate tapestry of history. A committed Bible student, Jacob delves deep into the realms of clandestine cults, European as well early American history, carrying a fervent passion for understanding the past since creation. His academic journey is not merely a path of personal enlightenment but a mission to uncover truths hidden within the annals of time. The inspiration for Jacob’s writing comes from a divine source; he believes fervently that The Lord has called him to write as a beacon for others in these tumultuous times. His book emerges not only from an academic background rich in historical knowledge but also from a heartfelt need to ensure that Christians are not left in the dark about the realities of our era and the prophetic times to come. Jacob’s journey is one of dedication, faith, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. His work aims to enlighten, educate, and guide readers through the complexities of our past, present, and future. As we navigate the end times, Jacob offers a unique perspective rooted in a deep understanding of history and an unwavering faith in divine guidance. 

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    Root of all Evil - Jacob Novak

    Root of all Evil

    Origins of the Modern Banking System

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    I dedicate this book to the Almighty God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, Yahweh. The one true and living God, the Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. I pay homage to Him; by Him alone was this book written, and at the time it was through divine inspiration. I thank my God for His loving-kindnesses and tender mercies, aiding me every step of the way to finish the word that he has instilled in my heart. His word was in my heart like a burning fire, shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not.




    The Origin


    Chapter 1: The Root

    Chapter 2: Siege of Jerusalem

    Chapter 3: The Duke and the Lord

    Chapter 4: Novus Ordo Seclorum

    Chapter 5: Riches to Rags

    Chapter 6: The Auld Alliance

    Chapter 7: The Dissolution

    Of the Masons

    Chapter 8: Exiles and Vagabonds

    Chapter 9: A New World

    Chapter 10: Gilded Age Strides

    Chapter 11: The Gold Acts

    Chapter 12: The Grand Finale


    First, I would like to thank the reader personally for taking their time to explore a dying topic not only amongst the general populace but also across the modern educational system. Our government and many other folks are trying to erase history—good and bad history does not matter; truth is what matters. When we as the people wash away history and rip and burn our books, free thinking goes out the window, and as our forefathers warned us, we will repeat history because man is fallen. It says in the holy counsel of God, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.¹ So, the first thing I would like to establish here is that the Holy Lord Himself put inspiration upon my heart many months ago to write a book, until recently on February 10, 2024, I received the inspiration to start writing The Root of All Evil. I give all glory to God for granting a young twenty-year-old man the courage and discipline to share knowledge that is rarely talked about, in fact discouraged to talk about, because it reveals an ancient evil that goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden. That ancient lie that says, ...we shall become gods.² Man has always strived for monetary wealth, assets, and control just like Nimrod in Genesis 10. He, just like every other man, seeks to defy Almighty God because of pride, believing that he needs to only rely on himself to save him. The fact is no matter how we control money, people, conquer nations, or rewrite history, we all must realize it is written that ... as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.³ We cannot save ourselves; we need Jesus Christ of Nazareth to be the propitiation for our sins that we may live life and live it more abundantly. If we erase history and try to rely on our own understanding, we will make the same mistakes our ancestors did. I see the current events, and it makes me weep, such as the removing of our statues that remind us of the blood, toil, and sacrifice our ancestors made for this nation of ours. To be salt and light, a shining city upon a hill, we must repent for the kingdom of God is near and at hand. I appreciate the reader going through the preface to see why this book was so heavy upon my heart. I pray that the Lord will touch you through this book and give you not only knowledge and understanding but wisdom to apply it in our rapidly decaying institutions. That leads me to one of my other points of being inspired to write this book. Being a university student at Metropolitan State University of Denver, I see the vast evil and brainwashing that teachers impress upon the ignorant youth. No longer are they teaching biblical principles but tearing down the Judeo-Christian values that made up the foundation for what was once a great nation of ours. I hope you enjoy this book. Once again, I give all glory to Yahweh, the one true God of the heaven and earth.


    The Lord impressed upon my heart to give the title of this book The Root of All Evil. It is written, For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.⁴ The root of this saying comes from the living breathing Word of God. Jesus also says in the account of Matthew, No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.⁵ It is an objective truth that absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is a statement I learned in my earlier years when I was in the Civil Air Patrol (United States Air Force Auxiliary, Raptor Squadron, Parker, CO). One of the principles instilled in us young cadets was that absolute power corrupts absolutely, that man alone cannot responsibly control anything or everything. This statement is truth in life but also drawn out in the written revelation of God. The root of all evil is money. Ever heard of statements and sayings such as, Follow the money trial, Despotic power is always accompanied by corruption of morality, or Property, not conscience, is the basis of liberty. For the defense of conscience need not arise. Property is always exposed to interference. It is the constant object of policy.⁶ These statements are what inspires this book. In The Root of All Evil, I will be going over almost one thousand years of rich history rarely discussed, not only in institutional settings and media, but also the pulpits. This book will answer many questions but most importantly the questions surrounding how the current economic system came about and how the current banking system came into place. Why the banks are so powerful goes to a very ancient root not many people realize, except for the select few who ask themselves there must be more to why the system in place is controlling the global populace but also politics and the way we live our very lives. Like a python constricting its victim mercilessly, so too does the current economic landscape. The root is ancient and very evil, some would say my life is in danger for talking about this very topic. It goes back to the Knights Templar of Europe! In this book, we will discuss the origins and who exactly were the Knights Templar, why and how did they became so powerful and influential in such a short span of time. We will then go on to discuss the evil twist of such an order that unfortunately through an offense set their agenda against God and turned to black magic, clandestine teachings, and many other ungodly sources. I will talk about their persecution and supposed dissolution of the order on March 18, 1314, along with the infamous Curse of Jacque de Molay, the money trail behind Pope Clement V of the Catholic Church and King Philip IV of France. The order then went underground. We will cover the corruption of the Catholic Church and how to this day they hold the gold and silver from the sack of Jerusalem and the income from the Templars to the resurgence of the order under a different name called the Freemasons, the very first Masonic Lodge in Scotland on July 31, 1599. It was founded by the ancient Templars, but they had to flee Europe because of religious turmoil and for power. We’ll talk about the discovery of the New World, influences behind the founding of the United States of America, but also our government’s involvement with the Masons and the Dutch to fund our independence. All the way to the abolishment of the gold standard from 1931 to 1973, to the present and then the future of the banking system through a central bank digital currency (CBDC). Finally, to the future system of the Antichrist and his beast system predicted by God before time, written also in Revelation 13 and Daniel 7.

    There is a lot to cover in this book. We must not fear For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.⁷ We live in the end times that’s for sure; Jesus gives us clear directions: Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.⁸ Living in these perilous times, we must trust in God, as He has a promise for us, that we shall be saved and always be in the house of the Lord forever and ever. This book will bring much knowledge, and those who are part of this system in the slightest will try to stop it, maybe call it conspiracy theories. Be careful what you call a conspiracy theory or not, as we know the government popularized the term conspiracy theory through the CIA to discredit conspiratorial believers. All of this was predicted and known by Almighty God before the foundations of the earth. We must take comfort that God was, is, and will always be on the throne that dwells afar in the congregations of the north between the holy cherubim. This book is knowledge, and it is true that Solomon said, For in much wisdom is much grief, And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.⁹ We as Christians must not be ignorant of Satan’s devices; we must turn to the Lord for knowledge on these matters. Not only does it make us more effective at preaching the gospel but better able to answer why things are the way they are in this day and age. I know this was rather a lengthy introduction. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have enjoyed writing it. The Lord put this on my

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