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What it Means Beyond 2012 Cycles of Change
What it Means Beyond 2012 Cycles of Change
What it Means Beyond 2012 Cycles of Change
Ebook105 pages1 hour

What it Means Beyond 2012 Cycles of Change

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This Book: What It Means Beyond 2012
Cycles of Change

daily life and lose track of time. One example is going to a local

grocery store to buy something that used to be readily

available. However, due to various factors, such as supply chain

disruptions and sudden changes in demand, the shelves may

now be empty, and finding what you need can take time and

effort. Similarly, buying a new car was simple - go to a dealer

and choose from various options. But now, with the increasing

complexity of car models and the rise of online sales, it has

become more complicated.

When it comes to healthcare, we rely on doctors to prescribe

medication that can cure ailments. However, in some cases,

medication may have side effects that can harm our bodies. In

today's world, where pandemics and health emergencies are

on the rise, there is talk of a vaccine that could be mandatory

and required to keep your job. This has led to debates about

individual freedom and public health, raising questions about

what caused this shift and when it happened.

The Mayan Calendar has three calendars: the Long Count, the

Tzolkin, and the Haab. Each calendar is cyclical, meaning a

specific number of days must pass before a new cycle begins.

The Mayan Calendar represents time cycles, and each cycle has

ended with devastating consequences. These cycles will

continue, one after another, and intertwine. Every 26,000

years, humanity "may" get another chance to make things

right. Until we do, or until we stop trying altogether, we will

continue to face the consequences of our actions.

Greed is a learned behavior and not innate, as many people

believe. "Survival of the fittest" is not genetic, but it is learned.

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues thatii

humanity faces today. Human activities have significantly

contributed to changes in the Earth's weather patterns and

temperatures, and we are all responsible for this. To make

matters worse, the pursuit of progress and control has led to

greed, drug addiction, and destruction. We must take

responsibility for our actions and make things right.

On June 20th, 1837, U.S. Army officers gave Native Americans

blankets infected with smallpox, and thousands died. Today,

the Mexican cartel is taking over the Blackfeet Nation with

drugs, continuing the cycle of violence and exploitation of

indigenous communities. We can no longer ignore these issues

and must take action to address them. Only when someone

stands up and says, "Enough is enough," will things begin to


PublisherTina Ketch
Release dateMay 17, 2024
What it Means Beyond 2012 Cycles of Change

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    Book preview

    What it Means Beyond 2012 Cycles of Change - Tina Ketch


    In our fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the rush of daily life and lose track of time. One example is going to a local grocery store to buy something that used to be readily available. However, due to various factors, such as supply chain disruptions and sudden changes in demand, the shelves may now be empty, and finding what you need can take time and effort. Similarly, buying a new car was simple - go to a dealer and choose from various options. But now, with the increasing complexity of car models and the rise of online sales, it has become more complicated.

    When it comes to healthcare, we rely on doctors to prescribe medication that can cure ailments. However, in some cases, medication may have side effects that can harm our bodies. In today's world, where pandemics and health emergencies are on the rise, there is talk of a vaccine that could be mandatory and required to keep your job. This has led to debates about individual freedom and public health, raising questions about what caused this shift and when it happened.

    The Mayan Calendar has three calendars: the Long Count, the Tzolkin, and the Haab. Each calendar is cyclical, meaning a specific number of days must pass before a new cycle begins. The Mayan Calendar represents time cycles, and each cycle has ended with devastating consequences. These cycles will continue, one after another, and intertwine. Every 26,000 years, humanity may get another chance to make things right. Until we do, or until we stop trying altogether, we will continue to face the consequences of our actions.

    Greed is a learned behavior and not innate, as many people believe. Survival of the fittest is not genetic, but it is learned. Climate change is one of the most pressing issues that humanity faces today. Human activities have significantly contributed to changes in the Earth's weather patterns and temperatures, and we are all responsible for this. To make matters worse, the pursuit of progress and control has led to greed, drug addiction, and destruction. We must take responsibility for our actions and make things right.

    On June 20th, 1837, U.S. Army officers gave Native Americans blankets infected with smallpox, and thousands died. Today, the Mexican cartel is taking over the Blackfeet Nation with drugs, continuing the cycle of violence and exploitation of indigenous communities. We can no longer ignore these issues and must take action to address them. Only when someone stands up and says, Enough is enough, will things begin to change.

    Table of Contents


    Cycles of change.

    Climate Change

    Where Do We Go From Here?

    Who Said What?

    Alpha Omega Mu.

    What Makes Us Qualified To Help The World?

    The Breath of Life.

    New Cycle Of Change.

    Wars For Power.

    Humanity is Changing.

    Moving forward.

    Our Key To Tomorrow.

    Cycles of change.

    Often, individuals hold past knowledge in higher regard than current information. This is likely due to nostalgia or a belief in the reliability of historical events. However 2012, a rare astronomical alignment occurred, marking the end of a 26,000-year cycle. This event was incredibly significant in human history, as it only happens once every 26,000 years. The alignment was believed to have ushered in a new era of consciousness and spiritual awakening, opening up new opportunities for personal growth and transformation.

    The 2012 alignment is the dark rift or pathway to the underworld. It occurs when interstellar dust and gas clouds along the central plane of the Milky Way obscure the view of the galactic center. This event holds significant meaning in many cultures and religions worldwide and is associated with numerous myths and legends.

    Throughout the Earth's natural cycle, spiritual beliefs and practices have evolved, and the 2012 alignment is a crucial milestone believed to be a turning point in human consciousness. It has accelerated our spiritual evolution and opened new opportunities for personal growth and transformation. People worldwide continue to study and discuss its impact and significance. Some individuals have speculated about the importance of the date 12/21/2012, which marks the end of the Mayan calendar.

    However, it is essential to note that this date does not signify the start of a new era but rather the continuation of an ongoing change cycle. Although some people were concerned about the potential consequences, it is essential to remember that it did not lead to the end of the world. Significant changes did occur due to the alignment, which continues to be studied and discussed by scientists, spiritualists, and astrologists alike.

    The metamorphosis cycle has occurred for the fifth time, and each cycle has concluded distinctly. The first cycle, which happened in the distant past, resulted in the near extinction of jaguars and other dangerous animals. The reasons for this extinction are not entirely understood, but drastic environmental changes and blood sacrifices may have played a significant role.

    The metamorphosis cycle is a phenomenon that happens every few thousand years, where significant changes take place in the environment, resulting in a complete transformation of life. The changes during the metamorphosis cycle are so profound that the world becomes almost unrecognizable. For instance, during the first cycle, the climate changed drastically, leading to the disappearance of specific plant and animal species. The extinction of numerous dangerous animals during the first metamorphosis cycle is a significant event in the history of the world. The reasons behind this extinction are still debated among scientists and researchers. Some believe that the drastic environmental changes, such as the increase in temperature and

    humidity levels, played a significant role in the extinction of the animals. Others think the blood sacrifices during the cycle contributed to the extinction. Whatever the reason, the extinction of dangerous animals and jaguars brought to the brink during the first metamorphosis cycle profoundly impacted the ecosystem and the balance of life on Earth.

    As the current cycle of change progresses, what transformations it will bring and how they will affect the planet and its inhabitants are still being determined. However, we can infer that significant alterations will likely occur based on past events. Specifically, the second cycle ended due to strong winds that caused widespread destruction and displacement of people. The third cycle stopped due to raging fires that

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