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Jogging Around The World, Riders And Drivers, With Curious Steeds Or Vehicles, In Strange Lands And At Home
Jogging Around The World, Riders And Drivers, With Curious Steeds Or Vehicles, In Strange Lands And At Home
Jogging Around The World, Riders And Drivers, With Curious Steeds Or Vehicles, In Strange Lands And At Home
Ebook76 pages35 minutes

Jogging Around The World, Riders And Drivers, With Curious Steeds Or Vehicles, In Strange Lands And At Home

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Jogging Around The World, Riders And Drivers, With Curious Steeds Or Vehicles, In Strange Lands And At Home is an exhilarating exploration of human ingenuity, cultural diversity, and the spirit of adventure. The book takes readers on an incredible journey across different continents, showcasing an array of unique and curious modes of transportation. From the bustling streets of New York to the serene landscapes of the African savannah, the narrative is a celebration of movement and discovery.
The main themes of the book include the innovation in transportation, the cultural significance of various vehicles, and the human desire to explore and connect. These themes are highly relevant today, especially in the context of globalization and technological advancements. In a world where electric cars, hyperloops, and space travel are becoming a reality, the book's exploration of past and present modes of transportation offers valuable insights into how far we've come and where we might be headed.
Moreover, the book delves into the environmental impact of different transportation methods, a pressing issue in contemporary society. With climate change and sustainability at the forefront of global concerns, the book's discussion on eco-friendly vehicles and traditional, low-impact modes of travel is particularly timely. It encourages readers to reflect on their transportation choices and consider more sustainable options.
The narrative is rich with anecdotes and vivid descriptions, making it not just an informative read but also an engaging one. For instance, the author's recounting of a camel ride through the Arabian desert is not just about the mode of transportation but also a deep dive into the cultural significance of camels in Middle Eastern societies. Similarly, the depiction of cycling through the European countryside highlights the simplicity and joy of human-powered travel.
In today's fast-paced world, where the emphasis is often on speed and efficiency, the book serves as a reminder of the joy and wonder of travel itself. It appeals to the modern reader's sense of adventure and curiosity, encouraging them to appreciate the journey as much as the destination.
The book's exploration of different cultures through the lens of transportation also fosters a sense of global interconnectedness. In an era where international travel is more accessible than ever, understanding and appreciating the diverse ways in which people move and live around the world is crucial. It promotes empathy and a broader worldview, which are essential in today's increasingly interconnected society.
Overall, Jogging Around The World, Riders And Drivers, With Curious Steeds Or Vehicles, In Strange Lands And At Home is more than just a travelogue; it's a profound commentary on human innovation, cultural diversity, and environmental sustainability. Its themes resonate deeply with contemporary issues, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the past, present, and future of transportation. The book captures the essence of adventure and the endless possibilities that lie in exploring our world, making it an engaging and thought-provoking read for modern audiences.
Release dateMay 15, 2024
Jogging Around The World, Riders And Drivers, With Curious Steeds Or Vehicles, In Strange Lands And At Home

Edith Dunham

Edith Dunham is a fascinating yet often overlooked figure in the annals of literary history. Born in the latter half of the 19th century, Dunham's life spanned a period of rapid technological and social change, which deeply influenced her writing. Her most notable work, "Jogging Around The World, Riders And Drivers, With Curious Steeds Or Vehicles, In Strange Lands And At Home," serves as a testament to her adventurous spirit and keen observational skills. Growing up in an era marked by the Industrial Revolution and the dawn of modern transportation, Dunham was captivated by the possibilities these advancements brought. Her literary pursuits were deeply intertwined with her personal experiences and the broader cultural trends of her time. Unlike many of her contemporaries, who focused on domestic or romantic themes, Dunham carved a unique niche by exploring the burgeoning world of travel and transportation. Dunham's work is not just a travelogue but a cultural exploration. She documented her encounters with various modes of transportation—from horse-drawn carriages to the then-novel automobiles and exotic animals used in far-flung regions. Her keen eye for detail and her ability to weave narrative threads that connected disparate cultures made her work stand out. This was a period when the world was becoming increasingly interconnected, yet many people still lived in relative isolation. Dunham's writings offered readers a window into worlds they could scarcely imagine, bridging the gap between different cultures and ways of life. Dunham's personal life was as intriguing as her literary career. She was known for her independent spirit and often traveled alone or with minimal accompaniment, a rarity for women of her time. This independence drew both admiration and criticism, making her a somewhat controversial figure. Her boldness in both her personal and professional life challenged the traditional gender roles of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, positioning her as a proto-feminist icon. Her influence extended beyond her immediate readership. Contemporary writers and explorers often cited Dunham as an inspiration. Her works were serialized in popular magazines, bringing her stories to a broad audience and cementing her status as a literary pioneer. She championed the idea that travel was not just a pursuit for the wealthy or the male adventurer, but an enriching experience accessible to all. In today's context, Dunham's work holds significant relevance. The themes she explored—cultural exchange, technological advancement, and the spirit of exploration—are still pertinent. In an age where globalization and technological innovation continue to shape our world, Dunham's insights offer valuable lessons. Her emphasis on understanding and appreciating different cultures resonates in our increasingly diverse societies. Moreover, her advocacy for women's independence and her challenge to societal norms mirror ongoing struggles for gender equality. Edith Dunham's legacy is a rich tapestry of adventure, cultural curiosity, and progressive thought. Her ability to capture the essence of a rapidly changing world and present it in a relatable, engaging manner makes her a timeless figure. For modern readers, Dunham offers not just a glimpse into the past but a mirror reflecting the enduring human spirit's quest for knowledge and connection.

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    Jogging Around The World, Riders And Drivers, With Curious Steeds Or Vehicles, In Strange Lands And At Home - Edith Dunham







    Isn’t this a strange playmate? Would you like to have a bear to play with?

    The little Eskimo children on the sledge are having a very happy time. They are merry little children, always smiling and happy, even in the long winter nights when the sun does not shine for months at a time. Wouldn’t you think it queer to have such a long night as that?

    When winter is coming their father builds a low, dome-shaped house of ice and snow, with a funny little door, through which one goes into a passageway, then into a big room where the whole family lives. A lamp burns in there, filled with whale blubber or fat, and having a wick of dried turf. This makes a smoky light, but it warms the house, and the Eskimos think their winter home very comfortable.

    In the long, cold season the father sometimes makes a sledge like the one in the picture. It is made of pieces of wood, with runners of ivory from the tusks of walrus, and sometimes with pieces of reindeer horn. The whole is fastened together with straps made of skin either from the reindeer or seal. It takes a long time to make a sledge, for the Eskimos do not have very good tools to work with, and have to work slowly. Usually the sledges are drawn by dogs. You have seen pictures of them, haven’t you? As many as twelve often draw a sledge, and they run very rapidly over the ice and snow, while their master keeps them in order with his long-lashed whip.


    See these happy Japanese girls enjoying their ride through the park, in ’rickshaws. They look very comfortable and cool in their kimonos, don’t they?

    The park they are riding in is at Nara and is such a beautiful place! It is there that a very tame herd of sacred deer is kept. Nara is on the island of Hondo, Japan, and is a very old city, famous for its carvings, cutlery and toys. You would enjoy seeing the toys that are made there, wouldn’t you?

    India ink and fans come from there, too; perhaps your little fan, or your sister’s, was made in Nara. Did you know that all the figures on a Japanese fan mean something, and sometimes a whole story is connected with them? The parasols, too, are interesting, and the designs on them are not arranged simply to look pretty, but each has its meaning to the Japanese people.

    In Nara, as in most of the Japanese cities, there are some

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