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What Brought Us Together
What Brought Us Together
What Brought Us Together
Ebook267 pages4 hours

What Brought Us Together

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In the corridors of Forest Lake High School, he embodied rebellion, while I epitomized privilege as a cheerleader.

Our worlds collided unexpectedly amidst

Release dateMay 20, 2024
What Brought Us Together

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    Book preview

    What Brought Us Together - D.S. Tossell


    What Brought Us Together is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    Copyright © 2024 by DS Tossell

    All rights reserved.

    Editing by KP Editing

    Formatting & Cover Design by KP Designs


    Published by Kingston Publishing Company


    The uploading, scanning, and distribution of this book in any form or by any means—including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the permission of the copyright holder is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized editions of this work, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

    Table of Contents


    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37



    From the Author

    About the Author

    Also by the Author

    About the Publisher


    Sam (Age 16)


    My feet stomp the pavement, pacing in line after line, stepping over the cracks because I still believe what my mother told me years ago about the cracks breaking her back. I glance at my ten-dollar watch once again, watching as the seconds tick by, as the minute hand slowly moves forward.

    Four thirty-nine.


    He was supposed to pick me up at three thirty. He knows this because it is the same time I get out of practice every Wednesday and Thursday. The doors behind me open with a slam and I cringe when I hear the voice of my coach and his son coming down the steps.

    Great practice today dad. I roll my eyes at the cheesiness that makes up the Markman father and son combo. The guys on the team call coach Mr. Flanders and his son’s name, Julius, speaks for itself. They are the epitome of lame but part of that is me being jealous as hell.

    I would rather have Ned Flanders than Carl Worthington.

    Thanks kid. Listen when we get home, I want to run by a few… Coach stops when they spot me. I did not want to try and hide but damn if I feel like a fool for standing on the steps of my school, standing outside after my practice waiting on my dad.

    Late. Of fucking course he’s late.

    Sam? Julius smiles a weak smile then climbs down the rest of the steps to stand a little too close to me. I have always had a thing about my personal space.

    Yep, it’s me.

    What are you doing here? Waiting for your ride?

    Isn’t obvious jackass? Yeah, my dad is running a little late. I shrug like it is no big deal but, on the inside, I feel the complete opposite. I hate when people see me as more than the invisible body trying to flow through their school and find a college that will accept me so that I can move far away.

    Well shucks kid. I can give you a ride. You can’t be too far, right? coach asks while squinting as he takes off his glasses and wipes them clean with his shirt. How this guy is the basketball coach of a high school team that gets college scouts at their door is beyond me, but the guy is good and has great connections. Meaning as much as I want to tell him off on a daily basis, he is part of my ticket out of this shithole town.

    No, but it’s fine coach. I turn and wave my hands towards the empty street. I’m sure my dad will be here any moment. Besides, I don’t have my phone with me today and I don’t want him to worry. Lies. All of them, but I am certainly not going to tell them that. My dad could not care less about me, not that the emotion isn’t returned in full.

    Well, only if you’re sure son. I nod my head once again and the two of them walk out past me, heading for the staff parking lot.

    I have been in this town all my life, but only recently has my dad’s drinking made me a target, taking me from invisible to clear as day in everyone’s eyes. We have been to the emergency room on more than one occasion, causing the students who volunteer there to know who I am. Hell, I’ve even heard people call me ‘foster boy’, a term I wish were true but unfortunately isn’t. I don’t think I care what rumors mill around Fredericksburg, Texas, as long as they are some I can one day escape.

    Fuck it. I huff out a tired breath, then grab my ripped shopping bag full of some of the only clothes I own and start making my way home. I don’t live too far but it’s a good hour walk. I don’t care too much for walking, I actually like the quiet, but my concern is Dad. If he remembers and suddenly shows up and I am not there, the last thing I want is for him to find me at home.

    Before I could make it ten steps, a busted maroon ‘95 chevy comes screeching to the sidewalk nearly running me over in the meantime. I clench my jaw tightly as the music of Motley Crew blares out of the stolen speakers. My dad’s head peeks out as the smell of stale cigarettes and whiskey peer out through the window.

    Fuck. He’s drunk.

    What the fuck you doin’ boy? Get your ass over here. I ain’t got all damn day. I look behind me, making sure no one else is seeing this, not that they wouldn’t be surprised, then hop in on the passenger side.

    The door screeches as I close it, and Dad takes off like a bat out of hell rolling right through the stop sign indicating for people to watch for students. Great. The last thing we can afford is a ticket. The old man already has about ten he hasn’t paid.

    So, what the fuck were you about to do? Walk home? He lights another cigarette, turning the wheel with this knee. I hang on to the door handle since there isn’t anything else to hang on to, then turn towards him.

    My dad is someone I’ve hated since my mom walked out when I was seven. She never said goodbye, never gave me a call or a reason. Mom wasn’t happy with Dad, being beaten on a daily basis will do that to you, but when I woke up one July morning, and she was gone, I was the one he turned his anger towards.

    Boy, I know you hear me talking to you.

    I snap out of my daze and look at my father once more. He’s tall, taller than I am, and much larger. His dark hair is the same as mine, but I’m pleased to say that’s where the similarities end. I have my mother’s eyes, nose, and straight jawline. His eyes narrow and I answer him before he gets angry.


    You damn right no. I said I was going to pick you up and here you are thinking you’re too damn good for me and decided to walk. He’s getting angrier and the fact that he’s drunk isn’t helping either of us. Dad has always had an idea in his mind that I think I’m too good for him, for this town, for my life. In his mind, my mom left and I’m already one foot out the door. He has no idea how accurate he is.

    I say nothing in return, knowing damn well his statement isn’t meant to have a response. A hard fist comes over and slams into my jaw, causing the back of my head to hit the cracked passenger window, nearly knocking it out of place. Pain registers across my face and anger swarms my entire body but I push it down. He’ll just continue if I show him anything other than submission.

    That’s what you fucking get boy. You want to be like your mama and leave? You want to talk shit about your old man that keeps a fucking roof over your head?

    Another fist slams into my head, this one more painful than the last. My head immediately starts pounding but I don’t look at him, only at the road. I clench and unclench my fists over and over, hoping to keep my anger down, but when the next hit comes, this one landing on the side of my head, my anger is quickly unleashed.

    I turn and slam my fist right back into him, causing the car to swerve and plow into a cement building. Pain unlike anything I’ve ever experienced surrounds my body followed quickly by darkness. I slowly shut my eyes, only to register a few voices moments later.

    Oh my God, Dawn, call 911, they’re still alive.

    Oh no. I think this one broke both legs. More pain, more stabbing pain, only this time the darkness swallows me whole.

    Chapter 1


    I always assumed that when I went into LA Princess, that I would be treated like royalty. I mean, hello, it’s in their slogan. We will treat you like the princess you are. Instead, I was royally disrespected.

    My compact mirror closes with an irritated snap as my eyes roll and my focus turns once again on my best friend going on and on about some pathetic day at the spa.

    Lana, I could have told you what a terrible place La Princess was. That place was all the rave just a few months ago, but ever since Isabella Hogan got the nasty infection, no one dares to go there.

    Lana’s arms are crossed as she rolls her eyes and looks around the hallway. Her long dark hair is straight and frumpy today, and although normally I would gladly tell her to excuse herself to the ladies’ room to fix it, I’m feeling especially nice today. Mother and Father finally came to their senses and dropped off my brand-new black Bugatti.

    I swear, I don’t understand why they insist on these things, she states, and I once again reopen my mirror and make sure my lashes are still gleaming.

    Every class is currently outside in the halls of Shallow Halls High School. Once it was announced that we would be entertaining some type of practice drill today, I knew my compact mirror and my makeup would be my home away from home.

    Are you even listening to me? Shutting the mirror one last time, I take my gaze and transfer it to Lana once again.

    Lana and I have been friends ever since we could crawl. Our mothers were both Tri Delta sorority sisters at Boston University and both decided to come here and start their lives. She’s a lot like her parents. Tall, thin, and tan. Her mother is Hawaiian and her father Italian. I love her like a sister but right now, she’s a total pain in my butt.

    Lana, I get it, you’re upset with a mani-pedi. I shrug then flip back my hair when I notice Jake Johnson staring over here. I tell you what. Why don’t we get one together next weekend? It’s been a couple of weeks and I think I’m due for another spa day.

    Thanks, Tori. But that wasn’t what I was just talking about. She turns her body, and we watch as her former lover, and pathetic horndog, Isaac Gonzalez, practically goes to town on his new girlfriend. Isaac and Lana have only been split a few days and here he is making out in the middle of the hallway around teachers and students? Can we say trying too hard?

    I wouldn’t worry about that, Lana. It’s obvious he isn’t over you. Why else would he be… I’m interrupted when I’m pushed hard against my locker, my hand getting caught in the mix and slamming against the cold metal. I can hear Lana gasp just as I turn, ready to give someone a piece of my mind, but stop when it appears all the students’ loud whispers quiet down to a stunned silence.

    What’s going on? Lana whispers but our answer quickly comes as the student’s part ways and in walks a body no one ever in their right minds thought would return to the halls of Shallow. Is that?

    Sam Worthington, I answer with a sneer. He makes his way towards us, ignoring everyone’s whispers and points, even the giggles of girls that assume they have what it takes to tame him. For a moment, his gaze matches mine and I’m stuck watching as a small smirk carries his top lip. He’s gotten larger since his leave, his muscles much bigger and his strong jaw line is chiseled and dominant. He’s wearing what he did back then, dark jeans, white tee, and black boots.

    The epitome of a high school bad boy.

    He leaves just as fast as he enters, heading right for the main attendance office. The moment the door closes, everyone’s chatter becomes overbearing.

    The rumors surrounding Sam Worthington vary from person to person. No one knows the truth, not even our principal. I can still remember overhearing the conversation Dad had with Principal Harris after he had come over for dinner at our place. Sam was busted for driving drunk and apparently hit a building with such force he was in a coma and had broken both legs. Still, those are just the rumors of rumors, but they all have the same variable.

    Sam was an idiot and paid a price.

    Alright everyone, let’s slowly evacuate off the school grounds and I will show you where you will line up in case of an emergency, Mr. Rodgers shouts as the long line of students walks off the school grounds. I follow behind Lana placing my sunglasses onto my face once we reach the sun behind the school.

    Although it’s normal to have some lasting heat following us into the fall, today seems like an exception to even that. It’s extremely warm today, the humidity making the air feel like you’re trapped inside Billy Armstead’s armpits.

    So, what do you think Sam is doing back here? Lana asks and I’m instantly taken back to the moment he and I just shared. It felt strange, to be stared at by him. Being in the small town of Fredericksburg, we’ve had the unlucky opportunity of knowing who one another is for some time. I can recall bits and pieces of him during school ever since we were eight years old.

    What I don’t recall however, is his good looks.

    Hello? Tori. Earth to Tori. I snap out of my daze and turn and look over at Lana. I can see Chelsea Mandrill behind her, and smirk when the girl sneers our way.

    Chelsea and I had a falling out at last night’s dinner at the country club. Both our parents are members and have been for some time now. Her mother is an uptight witch who thought it was a good idea to bad talk my mother right in front of me.

    I allowed it for a few moments, then happily shared with everyone during a dinner toast that we are happy the Mandrills could join us even though Mrs. Mandrill had been cheating on her husband with his brother for some time.

    Mother and Father were not too pleased, not until I told them the reason for my so-called outburst. Which is why I have a brand-new car waiting at the end of our driveway for me this morning.

    What? I ask as Lana’s eyes narrow once more. Honestly, does she assume I hang onto every word she says?

    I asked about Sam Worthington.

    I make a show of rolling my eyes as I turn and look away from Lana. Pulling out my phone, I ignore the teachers giving us a lecture on safety and protocols and things no one honestly cares about. A message comes in and I smile when I see it’s Archie.

    Archie: Miss you babe.

    Me: I miss you more.

    I send him a kiss face emoji and laugh when he asks for a nude picture instead.

    Is that Archie? Lana asks, and I turn and show her the phone. I’ve been seeing Archie for over a year now. His father and my father worked together once and wanted to introduce us. Although Archie is already twenty, and in college, he always makes time for me.

    Sending me a text is just another form of his devotion for me.

    Ugh, I wish I had someone that wanted me like he wants you.

    What about that exchange student? I ask, shutting down my phone.

    Rule one of being a girlfriend. Do not let them know you are interested.

    He came over last night and we hooked up, but as soon as I put out, he left like I had tooth decay. She crosses her arms and I do the same.

    Lana, I’ve told you. You cannot let them turn you into booty calls. As the words leave my mouth Mr. Rogers picks that exact moment to come walking over. He turns and looks Lana and me up and down, then shakes his head and mutters something as he walks away.

    Don’t worry, I won’t be making that mistake again. I nod my head, then grab my phone once again. I’m about to take a selfie when I spot a figure walking behind me.

    I turn and nearly collide into Lana as I spot Sam walking up to Mr. Rodgers and speaking quietly with him. I stare at his back as they speak in hushed tones. His broad shoulders flex as he adjusts his black torn backpack. I look away just as he nods his head and turns around walking towards me again. This time though, he doesn’t walk past me, he walks right up to me stopping just a few mere inches away.

    You Tori Lake? I don’t answer, I’m too busy staring at his deep blue eyes. His cologne flutters my senses and for a moment I don’t recall where I am. Well?

    Yes. She is. Lana speaks up from behind me and I snap out of my pathetic gaze, cross my arms, and look right up at him.

    And what exactly do you want? A bus pass? I answer with a snark attitude. A few people chuckle around us, including the school’s best wide receiver Dominque Jones, but stop instantly when Sam hits him with a death glare.

    No, Princess. I’m you’re new lab partner.

    Chapter 2


    I scrub my hands down my face for the tenth time in the past thirty minutes. I feel the slight tickle of hair and shake my head with my decision to not shave this morning. I don’t like growing my beard out. If I do, I look too much like him.

    Huffing out a depressing sigh, I man up and get to cleaning the kitchen, it’s covered in beers and whiskey bottles. The cracked tile flooring is sticky, and the sink is full of needles and broken glass. But I know if I don’t clean it now, it will result in serious problems later.

    Fifteen minutes later, I have most of the kitchen cleaned. The needles and glass are thrown out, along with my latest pair of gloves I could conjure up. The floor is less sticky, although still completely cracked and falling apart. I even cleaned out the fridge, knowing damn well that is one of the requirements. I couldn’t do a damn thing about the fullness of the fridge, the only food I normally eat consists of cafeteria lunch and three-day-old pizza. But I hid the rotten expired milk, along with the half block of moldy cheese.

    It’s something.

    A pounding at the screen door sounds and I look around once again, making sure everything is as clean as it’s going to get.

    With a shrug of agreement, I open the door and welcome a familiar face.

    Mr. Worthington, thank you for meeting with me so early in the morning. Janice Acosta walks in, all three hundred pounds of her, and shrugs off her jacket. It’s a warm day, but since it’s six in the morning, I suppose it makes sense to have a jacket on. Like I said over the phone with you yesterday, I’m just going to be checking on things around the house and make sure it’s a suitable environment.

    I nod and step back, her perfume too much for my senses this early in the morning. Janice has been my social worker since last year. Although I hate that she must come here every now and then, I’ve made it a point to make it seem like we are happy and healthy, just a bit on the broke side. I can’t afford for her to see anything else.

    I can’t afford for her to know the truth.

    She’s a kind woman, someone that has been

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