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End the Endless Cycle of Dependency to Pharmaceuticals
End the Endless Cycle of Dependency to Pharmaceuticals
End the Endless Cycle of Dependency to Pharmaceuticals
Ebook127 pages1 hour

End the Endless Cycle of Dependency to Pharmaceuticals

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Embark on a transformative journey to holistic wellness. This book explores the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional health. Packed with practical tips and motivational insights, this guide empowers readers to make positive choices for a balanced

Release dateMay 16, 2024
End the Endless Cycle of Dependency to Pharmaceuticals

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    End the Endless Cycle of Dependency to Pharmaceuticals - Kerline Cornet



    Discover the hidden secrets in your kitchen cupboards


    Kerline Cornet

    Copyright © 2023 Kerline Cornet

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the author’s prior written permission.


    978-1-963764-10-9 (Paperback)

    978-1-963764-11-6 (Hardback)


    First and foremost, I give all honor, glory, and praise to The Most High God! To Him, it all belongs. I am grateful for all the situations and circumstances from which The Most High has delivered me. Those were learning and strengthening moments; I wouldn’t be who I am without them. The Most High is my strength, my guide, and my salvation! Without Him, I am nothing. I praise Him for His mercy, love, and grace. The Great I am, the same yesterday, today, and forever!!

    Looking back on this journey - I cannot thank enough the many friends and family members who have helped and supported me along the way. To my wonderful spouse, the man I’ve been blessed to call my husband for almost a decade. I am incredibly grateful for your love, immense support, and strong leadership. You are truly my blessing. You make loving you easy.

    To my loving mother, you taught me what it means to fight for my beliefs. I’ve watched you push through trial after trial – and never give up until you’ve conquered. At the end of it all, you have managed to build a legacy from virtually nothing. You are a woman who is full of strength and compassion. My heart and mind thank you. I honor you for who you are, my inspiration!

    To my baby girl Ashley, there are no words to express my love for you. I am so proud of the beautiful young woman you are! Your dedication and zeal to win and overcome is reflected in all you put your mind to, which is evidence you were listening to all my talking when I thought you weren’t. Remain focus, and always remember that the utmost pursuit is achieving salvation. Now and always, I love you! You are my heartbeat, my love, my baby!

    To my sister, your love and strength are admirable. You have a heart of gold that shines for the ones you love, and I love and appreciate it so much. You’re still a big chicken, lol...

    To my sweet and very brilliant twin nieces, you two are my precious(es) ones today and always! You bring me so much joy and always lift my spirit; I love you both so much.

    To my baby boys, you both have warmed your way into my heart from the day I met you, and I have not looked back. Auntie Ta-Ta loves you both very much. Two princes on their way to the kingdom!

    To the big head sister I call my friend. Christ tells us that a faithful friend is a strong defense; one who finds such finds a treasure. I’m blessed and so grateful to have found my treasure. May the bond of our friendship grow stronger as we continue on this narrow path leading to salvation.  

    To all my sisters in Christ, the friendships made and the laughter we’ve shared are rays of sunshine in this world of chaos. The Most High placed us together, for how can two walk together except they be agreed?  

    To my nephews, brothers, cousins, brothers-in-law, friends, and coworkers – where would I be without you all?! Thank you for your constant support, guidance, and insight. Your love, patience, and contribution have been one of the reasons I pushed through. Love y’all.

    I thank The Most High for you all. Here’s to many more victories as we march on!!


    Empowering your body to thrive doesn’t have to break the bank. Simple, natural remedies exist for various symptoms, and all it takes is understanding how to harness them. The beauty lies in the fact that our Creator provided these solutions; it’s up to us to utilize them effectively. 

    One of the many lessons I’ve learned on this journey is the wisdom to recognize and appreciate what works. If something isn’t broken, there’s no need to fix it. If it works, use it, keep it, and repeat it! Why not? It works! This journey we call life provides numerous opportunities to translate theory into practice through historical milestones and learning experiences.

    I’ve always been curious about things. That curiosity has helped me to discover effective health remedies, and you might be surprised – they’re often right in my kitchen cabinet. These remedies have helped me tremendously; I hope and pray they prove helpful for you too!


    My story is not uncommon. Like many, I struggled with various types of health issues - issues that included my weight, acid reflux, indigestion, constant stomach pains, migraines, vertigo, and depression, to name a few. I had suffered with these illnesses for so long that I lost track of how far back they go. I would estimate roughly fifteen years or more. My eating habits were out of control, and my health showed it. The migraine would trigger vertigo, which would trigger acid reflux and stomach pain, and vice versa. At times, with the onset of the vertigo, my sugar would drop, and I would pass out.

    That’s precisely what happened on my way to work one morning. Traveling via train is the way of the city. This particular morning, as I got off the train, I felt the weakness in my knees and the dimness behind my eyes. My vision slowly became faint; I knew I had only seconds before I would hit the ground and lose consciousness. Without knowing what else to do, I prayed as I practically ran from the train station to the office. I thank God I didn’t have far to go. The distance from the train to the office was only a block. I prayed and ran. Reaching the office, I pushed the doors open. As I did so, I fell in, dropping to the floor. I could hear security speaking over me. I lay on the floor with no strength to open my eyes. My head was pounding, my vision blurred, and my body was weak. Two staff members grabbed me, one on each arm, and dragged me to a room. There, they laid me down, placed a cold napkin on my forehead, and gave me a small bottle of orange juice. One person fanned me as the other told me to sip on the juice. This went on for several minutes before I felt my body return to normal.

    Despite the severity of that situation,

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