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The Best of Us Is the Last of Us: Rise: The Awakening - Book I
The Best of Us Is the Last of Us: Rise: The Awakening - Book I
The Best of Us Is the Last of Us: Rise: The Awakening - Book I
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The Best of Us Is the Last of Us: Rise: The Awakening - Book I

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Enter a world where forgotten magic thrums in the very air and danger lurks around every corner. Awakening in a realm tinged with mystery and wonder, a spirited young woman finds herself at the heart of an extraordinary journey shrouded in secrets, prophecies, and ancient powers waiting to be unleashed.

Release dateMay 6, 2024
The Best of Us Is the Last of Us: Rise: The Awakening - Book I

Anthony Halligan

Anthony Halligan's debut book series, the Drakaina Blood Saga, is a tale of fantasy, mystery, intrigue, and inspiration, and is centered on the power and transcendence that comes from great resilience in the face of life's greatest tragedies. The impetus to write from this perspective has been drawn from his own journey of overcoming life-altering challenges to achieve post-traumatic growth. He holds a Master of Science degree in Exercise Physiology & Injury Rehabilitation from California University of Pennsylvania, and a double major Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology & Sociology from the University of Oregon. He lives with his family in Oregon.Prior to his writing career, Anthony excelled as a dynamic fitness professional, passionately transforming lives through exercise, education, and community engagement.His roles as a volunteer strength and conditioning coach for a local high school basketball team and as an exercise physiologist at Boeing, along with owning his fitness center Halligan Elite Athletic Development, reflect his dedication to youth development, community contribution, and physical and psychological rehabilitation. Anthony's passion for psychology and the humanities drives him to use writing as a powerful tool to spark meaningful conversations and foster greater empathy on both personal and societal levels.His mission is to use storytelling as a means to build a better world by inspiring and empowering others to lead more honest, authentic, and fulfilling lives.

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    The Best of Us Is the Last of Us - Anthony Halligan

    The Best of Us Is the Last of Us

    Rise: The Awakening – Book I

    Anthony Halligan

    A Drakaina Blood Saga Novel

    Prolific Penman Publishing LLC

    Copyright 2024 by Anthony Halligan

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    First published in the United States of America in April 2024

    by Prolific Penman Publishing LLC, OR

    For information regarding permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to Permissions Department: Prolific Penman Publishing LLC, 4664 SE 14th Street, Gresham, Oregon 97080

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, character, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    ISBN: 979-8-9906693-0-7

    Cover art design by Seth Gustafson

    Editors: Elizabeth Ebba and Anthony Halligan

    Prolific Penman Publishing LLC – Gresham, OR 97080

    This book is dedicated to my late father, Steve Halligan. I began writing this book three weeks before he was diagnosed with brain cancer. My father was the picture of health up until that point, so as you can imagine, it was quite the shock to my entire family. I helped my mother take care of him while simultaneously writing this novel. As his condition deteriorated over the next several months, his favorite thing to do was listen to my mother read the first drafts of this book to him. I will forever carry with me the sparkle in his eyes and the smile on his face as he listened to her read. Until the day he passed, he remained steadfast in his love and support for me, and my literary passion. I could not be more grateful for those painful, yet cherished memories.

    Dad, you were the best father a child could ask for. You taught me how to show up with love, compassion and kindness while still maintaining my fire and passionate belief in myself. For that, I am eternally grateful. As you sit in heaven, looking down upon me, I hope you find this tale as enjoyable to read as it was for me to write.

    A Poem to my father:

    In the threads of my soul, your essence brightly shines,

    A legacy of wisdom and love, a treasure truly divine.

    Each day I miss you, your presence ever near,

    In every whisper of the wind, in every heartfelt tear.

    The best father in the world, your light will never fade,

    Guiding me with tenacity, in every choice I’ve made.

    In a world crowded with noise, you taught me to stand tall,

    To embrace vulnerability, to rise above it all.

    I yearn for your laughter, to feel your warm embrace,

    To witness me soaring, to share in my every grace.

    Though physically you’re gone, your spirit’s strong and true,

    Forever in my heart, forever I’ll carry you.

    As your illness took its toll, you never ceased to care,

    Your love a beacon of strength, a bond beyond compare.

    I’ll cherish the memories, the way your eyes would gleam,

    As you read my words with pride,

    Like a cherished dream.

    I wish you were here to see me now,

    To hold my hand,

    To join in my journey, your footprints alongside mine in the sand.

    But I know you’re with me, in every step I take,

    In every triumph, every challenge I break.

    I’ll honor your legacy, in all that I do,

    With gratitude and love, forever holding onto you.

    My best friend, my father, in my heart you’ll forever stay,

    Guiding me, inspiring me, every single day.

    This book contains graphic violence and strong sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23


    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    In the throbbing heart of a swirling vortex spun from liquid light and impossible colors, a twilight realm where reality and illusion danced a delicate waltz; where the laws of physics seemed mere suggestion and reality was as fluid as water, she slowly regained consciousness and blinked open her eyes to an otherworldly spectacle. Caught in a kaleidoscope of pulsating lights, casting prismatic shadows on an alien landscape, an unearthly scent filled her nostrils and the taste of dubiety sparked on her tongue. The vibrant glow of the enigmatic landscape danced across her wide, apprehensive eyes, painting her world in mesmerizing hues that defied earthly comprehension.

    She was alone in this vibrant abyss, yet she could feel the presence of something—or someone—watching her from beyond some mystical veil that she was unable to see. The ethereal beauty of the place was captivating, yet it held a tinge of danger, causing her skin to prickle. Her heart began pounding a frenzied rhythm within her chest, an erratic symphony of mystery, fear, and intrigue, as she tried to stand up, only to realize that she hung suspended, her feet swaying gently below her body.

    Unseen forces held her aloft like a puppet strung on invisible threads, weaving a tapestry of intrigue that wrapped around her like a shroud of mystical fascination and confusion. As she took in her surroundings—the mysterious lights that twinkled as if they knew a secret that she didn’t, the gravity-defying air that was both thick and sweet on her tongue—a slow trickle of panic dripped into her consciousness, anxiety slithering its way into her thoughts, a stark contrast to the playful colors dancing around her.

    What the…I’m floating. she whispered out loud before looking down again in disbelief. Every sense screamed at her that this was impossible, yet as she hung there, suspended amid this uncanny spectacle, she couldn’t deny the reality of her situation. As she tried to make sense of what was happening, a sudden rush of wonder washed over her. It was as if all the rules of the universe had been broken just for her. Woah, she breathed out in amazement. Strange.

    Her gaze dropped to her feet, hovering above an undulating surface that seemed to mirror the colors of the mysterious lights above. A misty substance, it swirled and shifted beneath her, as if it was a living entity. The sight was hypnotic, and with a sudden burst of courageous curiosity, she decided to reach out and touch the misty substance swirling beneath her feet.

    Its undulating movements were reminiscent of a calm sea, while its lack of texture gave off an ethereal presence. Her hand hovered in front of it, hesitant to make contact. Yet, as soon as her fingertips grazed its surface, the sensation disappeared, leaving behind only a faint chill that lingered on her skin. She couldn't feel any texture or physical presence—just an intangible energy that left her feeling even more confused and overwhelmed. The lack of solid ground beneath her feet only added to her disorientation and she shuddered in response.

    Doubt and dread twisted together in her mind. What kind of place is this? How did I get here? Her questions hovered around her, unanswered and haunting. She was adrift in a baffling realm where nothing made any sense, and everything contradicted her understanding of reality, leaving her bewildered and feeling out of place.

    Though fear threatened to overwhelm her, an underlying sense of curiosity and determination arose to combat it. There was something inside of her compelling her to explore her surroundings, to seek understanding and perhaps find clues that might shed light on her precarious situation. Little did she know that this newfound journey would lead her down an extraordinary path of self-discovery, unlocking hidden truths, and revealing a world she could never have fathomed.

    Hovering above the fog, the battle between fear and intrigue warred within her. She struggled to make sense of her otherworldly surroundings when suddenly, a deep, rumbling voice resonated within her head. Piercing through her conflicting thoughts, it echoed the words, Fear not, for you are.

    The same phrase, from the same strange voice, kept repeating in her head, intensifying her anxiety. She questioned her own mental state and thought to herself, oh great, now I'm hearing voices. Yet, the voice wouldn't stop, continuing to repeat the same exact phrase again and again. Eventually, she gave into her exasperation and decided to answer it back.

    What the… what does that mean?! she retorted with a snappish shout, frustration and confusion mingling in her tone. The mystery deepened as she awaited an answer, desperate for any shred of clarity in this bewildering situation.

    Suddenly, the atmosphere grew thicker and more difficult to breathe, a blast of cold air making her skin bristle. Then, out of the ethereal mist, a colossal creature began to materialize before her eyes. The mist swirled and parted, and there it stood—an enormous being that seemed to have taken shape from the foggy ether. Its form was distorted by the rolling vapors, but its sheer size was undeniable.  

    The mist seemed to swirl and part before her, revealing a jagged mountain peak topped with a hulking titan of a creature. Its enormous wings spread wide, its scales glinting in the fading light. Fear immediately shot through her veins, freezing her in place as it lowered its massive head and fixed her with a deadly stare.  

    Its monstrous silhouette emerged out of the preternatural fog as it continued to roll away, showcasing a majestic panoply of colors. Even the most daring warriors would have shivered in awe at the sight of it, towering over the mountain summit she now inexplicable found herself standing upon. The sudden appearance, and feeling, of solid ground beneath her feet only added to her bewildered state, yet it was the beast that held her focus now. Its scales glimmered with an otherworldly glow, each one a deep iridescent mix of blues, purples and greens that pulsed to the rhythm of its mysterious power.  

    She stood in awe as she took in the majestic sight of the titanic beast perched atop the highest peak of the mountain. Its massive, luminescent scales reflected the brilliant sunlight that cascaded down upon it. The fire blazing in its eyes was impossible to ignore, sending shivers down her spine as she felt the sheer magnitude of its power. Her heart stopped for a moment as fear immobilized her body; she could hardly believe that such an immense creature existed.  

    Its long, sinewy body extended with fluid grace, before falling into a strong, muscular tail that thrashed gently against the loose rocks of its mountain perch. As the mist cleared further, she found herself mesmerized by the intricacy of the beast’s wings. Expanding outward, they were adorned with intricate patterns that seemed to swirl and churn like shifting waves of color and light, transitioning seamlessly, blending rich emerald greens into vibrant sapphire blues, as if mimicking the colors of a mesmerizing yet powerful ocean of mysticism. 

    Her gaze was drawn to its powerful head, lined with razor-sharp, obsidian-black teeth protruding from its massive, serpent-like jaws. Its eyes, a hypnotic combination of piercing amber and fiery orange, glowing with an intelligence that seemed to transcend time and space. Its reptilian eyelids slid gracefully over its sharp eyes, as if trying to focus its vision to get a better look at her, inspecting every fiber of her being while she stood there frozen before its majesty. 

    As the titan’s fiery breath rose in small, wispy tendrils, its snout flicked forward, the sensation of heat prickling at her skin. The massive beast seemed to fill the entire realm with an omnipotent authority, an ancient power that demanded both respect and humility. She couldn't help but feel tiny and insignificant in its presence, humbled by the sheer magnitude of this legendary creature.

    A sharp intake of breath left her lips as she raised her head and slowly looked up, locking eyes with the powerful being in before her; their gazes interweaving in a battle of wills. Its gaze was like an invisible force that pushed and pulled at hers, igniting an intense mix of panic and awe. Her heart raced in her chest like a wild animal desperate to escape its cage, yet her fear clung to her feet as if bound by an invisible force, preventing her from fleeing this distressing encounter. It was as though she was rooted to the spot, unable to move or think as her mind filled with a swirling symphony of dismay and fascination. 

    There was a long, weighty silence, broken only by the sound of her own breathing. The creature’s inscrutable expression spoke volumes. It seemed to study her, as if peering into her very soul, dissecting her intentions and her worth. Her thoughts blurred and raced, her mind grappling to make sense of the illusory experience. She wondered if this being held the key to her destiny, or if it was simply a product of her imagination. 

    Suddenly, curiosity broke the grip of her fear weighing down her words. Is that...a dragon?! She managed to stammer, her voice trembling with a combination of awe and terror as she stood before the titanic beast. 

    The same low, gravelly voice that had responded to her earlier calmly affirmed her suspicions, resonating within her mind. Yes

    Her mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts. Dragons were supposed to be mythical creatures, the stuff of legends and bedtime stories. They were never meant to exist outside the realm of imagination, or so she thought. Yet here before her, in all its majestic glory, sat a living, breathing dragon. 

    Still trembling and trying to comprehend the peculiar nature of this unexpected meeting, she gathered her courage and mustered the strength to speak. I thought… I thought dragons were just imaginary… stories, things our parents and grandparents made up to entertain us. 

    The dragon's lips remained motionless, the only indication of its response being the disembodied voice that emanated from it, churning through her mind like a turbulent storm of revelation. Legends often carry a hint of truth, it rumbled, the sound reverberating through her consciousness. While many creatures have faded into the annals of history, dragons have long endured…hidden, a secret mystery of which few know, and of which even fewer are worthy to know

    As the dragon’s words hit her like a sudden gust of wind, swirling and stirring up her curiosity before settling into her mind, she was immediately taken aback. Her heart raced as she pondered the significance of this peculiar interaction—did it mean she was one of the chosen few, worthy to know the secrets of this powerful creature? A thousand questions swirled through her mind, but insecurity and doubt held her back from voicing them, fearful of being rejected by the magnificent dragon before her.

    Regardless, the fear that had initially gripped her slowly began to subside, replaced by curiosity and a newfound sense of wonder. She found herself drawn to converse with the dragon, despite the bizarre nature of their interaction. 

    Wait…how are you talking to me? she asked, her voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and malaise. Am I...dead or something. Are creator?  

    In a way, the dragon responded, dropping its head, and peering deep into her eyes as if drilling directly past her gaze and into the deepest depths of her soul. She could feel it… inside of her. It was in her blood, her essence, swimming around… something ancient yet ageless. Fear not for I have found you, child.

    It was uncomfortable, almost painful—the sheer power of it; the authority it had over the very threads of her existence. She felt like its power would rip her open with ease. Her fear and panic began to return as her blood felt like it was beginning to boil. What is happening to me? 

    Fear, curiosity and wonder all collided within her, prompting her to take a small step closer to the majestic creature, her hand yearning to touch its shimmering scales. Yet, even as her mind was filled with questions and uncertainties, an underlying sense of reverence and wonder took hold, compelling her to surrender herself to the vastness of this chimerical encounter. 

    As she met the unwavering gaze of the ancient dragon, an unspoken connection formed, a fleeting understanding transcending words. In this silent communion, she realized that she stood face to face with something far greater than herself; something far greater than anything she had ever known or thought to know. 

    Slowly, and methodically, the dragon began descending the mountain towards her, each step intensifying the burning heat inside of her. The intensity of the dragon's presence seemed to grow more powerful with each step closer that it came to her, and she could feel a palpable heat emanating from its massive frame. She dropped to her knees, clutching her chest as an unbearable fire built up within her, a fire so hot that it threatened to consume her from the inside out, singeing the very threads of her being.

    Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye she noticed a bear emerging from a dark cave, dug into the side of a grassy hill. Wait…that wasn’t there before, she thought to herself as the bear stopped just in front of the entrance to what she could only assume was its den.  

    Next, a lion gracefully leapt in front of her, startling her and bounding 10 feet up into the air before sitting atop a rock—majestic and proud was the look on its face. Within a matter of moments, the once empty, sibylline space was filled with lush vegetation, trees, mountains, rocks, and a long, flowing stream that snaked through it all.

    The mist had dissipated completely, and she was now kneeling in the middle of a verdant field. There were animals everywhere; many of which she had never seen before. They were all watching her, silently waiting for the dragon to finish playing with its food. 

    The dragon plodded closer, so close now that she could smell it. Gods, the stench! Foul and pungent, like a leathery hide that had been baking in the summer sun; covered in dirt, blood, and the fear of its prey. She couldn’t move—pinned to the spongy earth of the field as grass and reeds swayed with the gentle breeze that cooled her burning hot skin.  

    It stopped right in front of her, bowing its head and was just about to speak again when suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her ribs. The world twisted and warped around her as the force of the blow sent her body hurtling backwards. The world spun, colors melting together like wax on a palette as an invisible force seemed to pull her through the very fabric of space and time.  When she regained consciousness, she found herself in a strange and unfamiliar place, unlike anything she had ever seen before. 

    It was pitch black and there were no sounds or smells. The boiling pain in her blood was gone and she could no longer feel the dragon swimming around inside of her. However, the pain in her ribs continued to pulse as she finally heard the faint sound of a voice echoing within her mind.  

    I think this one’s dead, it said. Then another painful thud on her ribs caused her eyes to shoot open. Oh, she’s alive, said a gruff, manly voice as the light of the midday sun scorched her eyes, practically blinding her.  

    She tried to cover her eyes with her arm but, before she could, there were strong, calloused hands on her, grasping at her arms and aggressively yanking her up to her feet. Ow, she cried out as two men, dressed in black leathery armor overzealously pinned her arms behind her back and tied them together with rope.  

    The men's grip was unyielding as they secured her arms behind her back. Shut it, one of the men barked at her, squeezing her forearm tightly while shoving her towards the tree line. Walk!

    Her heart raced in her chest as she tried to make sense of the situation, stumbling over roots and rocks as she tried to keep pace with the men dragging her, their boots crunching on the underbrush. As they broke through the trees, she felt the calming chill of the shade soothe her burning skin. The two men stopped abruptly, one of them unnecessarily shoving her up against the rough bark of a nearby tree as he pulled out a canteen of water.

    She winced, feeling a mix of discomfort and surprise surge through her body. The coarse texture of the tree bark scraped against her skin as he drank from his canteen, his eyes raking over her body with an unsettling hunger. Utterly confused, her mind hazy and struggling to get her bearings, she couldn't make sense of the situation. However, the realization of her vulnerability hit her like a punch in the gut as she looked down at herself, the reality of her situation now painfully clear.

    A cold wave of panic washed over her as she realized that she was completely naked, except for a thin strip of dirty, tattered fabric barely clinging to the curves of her hips. Unfortunately, the torn underwear had been ripped off on one side and was only held together by a few fraying threads, rendering it basically useless. She was completely exposed before the two men, her heart seemingly beating in her throat as she tried to swallow down her rising fear.

    Gods, why am I naked? she thought to herself, shivering as a cool breeze nipped at her bare skin.

    With a rough exterior and rugged hands, the grizzled older man with weathered features grumbled curses under his breath as he wiped away the droplets of water that had soaked into his thick, black beard. Standing much taller and seeming more muscular than the other man, he looked down at her with a mixture of frustration and admiration, a mischievous grin spreading across his lips as he took in the contours of her body.

    Well, well, well, he sneered, his deep voice sending a shiver down her spine. Looks like we caught ourselves a dirty little bird who flew too close to the sun.

    The older man's leering gaze lingered on her a moment longer before he turned to his companion, tossing the canteen in his direction. The younger man caught it with a snicker, his eyes never leaving her as he unscrewed the cap. His cruel amusement was palpable, adding another layer of fear to her already terrified state.

    The other man, younger and with a cruel glint in his eyes, seemed to take pleasure in her discomfort. A twisted smile curled along his lips as he took a swig of the water and nodded in agreement. Sure looks that way, he said, chuckling as he took a sip of water and handed the canteen back to the older man.

    The taller man shared a wicked grin with his younger companion before moving closer, his eyes devouring the soft curves of her petite figure with an intense hunger. She bristled with fear and indignation, her muscles tensing as she prepared to defend herself even though her arms were tied behind her back.

    Naked and all alone in the countryside, he mused, leering at her body with a look of amusement on his face, wondering how a beautiful girl like her had found herself in such a precarious situation.

    His gaze lingered on her, his grin widening as he swished the water within the canteen. He enjoyed the look of trepidation in her eyes, the panic and desperation that was beginning to creep in. She swallowed hard, her throat dry and aching for relief.

    You must be parched, little bird, the older man continued with a wide grin, revealing a set of crooked yellow teeth. Why don't you have a drink? he taunted, his voice laced with amusement and malice as he unscrewed the cap and extended the canteen towards her.

    She was parched, her throat dry and scratchy, but she wasn’t going to accept a thing from these monsters. She glared at them, her eyes flashing with defiance and anger. You can keep your fucking water, she snapped, her voice barely a whisper. I'd rather die of thirst than drink from your filthy hands.

    The older man, taken aback by her foul language, chuckled and shook his head, a sly smile tugging at his lips as he looked back at his younger companion. Oh, I believe we have a bit of a firecracker on our hands here, he said, undeterred by her defiance. But don't worry, sweetheart, we'll make sure you don’t get too hot.

    With that, the grizzled man poured the cool water over her face and bare breasts, the cold droplets sending shivers down her spine and causing her nipples to harden in response. She squeaked, in horror, her eyes widening in shock and surprise as the icy liquid cascaded over her exposed skin, momentarily forgetting her bravado. The man laughed at her plight, pouring more water over her abdomen and down her legs, leaving her soaking wet and shivering.

    Still laughing, the older man tossed the empty canteen to his younger companion and wiped his wet hands on his trousers. The younger man watched with an amused grin, his eyes never leaving her body as he drank in the sight of her perky, glistening breasts. He gestured to her hardened nipples, her body shaking with cold and suppressed fear as he said, looks like she’s a little too cold now.

    The laughter faded as the older man's eyes narrowed, his amusement morphing into a more sinister intent. He stepped back, observing her with a predatory gaze, his grin never faltering. The younger man followed suit, their taunting silence echoing louder than their previous mockery.

    Well, I’ll be the older man said, his grin widening as she shivered before him, looks like you’re right… the little bird looks cold. The man paused, his eyes glinting with a cruel satisfaction as he slowly removed his leather gloves. He flexed his fingers, the sound of his knuckles cracking breaking the eerie silence.

    Let's warm you up a little, shall we? he drawled, a predatory gleam in his eyes as he took a step closer, his hands reaching out and grasping her breasts, squeezing them roughly as he ran his thumbs over her hardened nipples.

    She gasped and tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but the man's grip was too strong, and he just pushed her up against the tree, the rough bark scraping against her back. Now, now, the older man cooed, his voice low and menacing, there's no need to struggle. We're not here to hurt you, we just want to make sure you’re not cold, little bird.

    He released her breasts and gently brushed a strand of hair from her face before cupping her cheek in his hand, admiring the softness of her skin. For such a filthy little bird, you have such soft skin.

    He ran his fingers down her arm, tracing the goosebumps that dotted her skin. You know, I could warm you up real quick, sure to get you feeling right again. She shivered as he leaned in closer, his foul breath hot against her lips, I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you, little bird? he asked as he pulled back, his lecherous gaze traveling down the lines of her stomach to the tattered piece of cloth that barely concealed her vulnerability.

    Fuck you! she spat defiantly, her voice trembling but resolute.

    The older man chuckled, a dark amusement flickering in his eyes. He didn't seem deterred by her outburst. Instead, he seemed to enjoy her defiance. Well, well, well, he sneered, I see you've finally found your voice. I do so enjoy a spirited little songbird.

    You know, he said, his finger tracing a gentle circle across her breast, running around the countryside ass naked is quite the desperate call for attention. He paused, giving her a chance to respond, but she remained silent, her heart racing as she struggled to catch her breath. Well, The grizzled man stepped closer, his breath hot against her ear as he whispered, You’ve got my attention, sweetheart.

    With a cruel smile, he leaned away from her. His eyes, filled with a predatory hunger, scanned her naked body once more. Damn, the man uttered, a mix of admiration and lust in his voice as he ran his fingers down the lines of her stomach, causing her to flinch. Never have I seen such a beautiful creature in my life.

    As he spoke, the grizzled man bent down and took hold of the scrap of fabric that barely clung to her hips. With an almost reverent expression, he lifted the threadbare material, pulling it away from her body and revealing the soft, delicate flesh that lay beneath.

    By the gods, you're a vision, aren't you? he whispered, his voice thick with desire as he stared hungrily at her vulva, offering a whistle of appreciation as he took in the sight of her labia, nestled between her legs, sitting beneath an unruly bush of dark curls. Oh, you are a rare one indeed, aren't you, little bird? he crooned, his voice filled with admiration and lust as he gazed upon her feminine beauty.

    With a sudden surge of defiance, she drove her knee into the grizzled man’s face as hard as she could, the impact sending a shooting pain through her leg, but knocking the man off balance. She seized the opportunity to dash away from him, her hands still tied behind her back and her heart racing with fear and determination.

    However, she didn’t make it more than two steps before the younger man grabbed her from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist and pinning her restrained arms to her sides. She struggled desperately, kicking, and twisting in his grip, but he held her tight, his grip unyielding.

    Now, now, sweetheart, he said, his voice soft and chillingly calm as he spoke into her ear, there's no need for that. We just wanted to appreciate your beauty.

    She tried desperately to scream, but a strangled gasp was all that escaped her lips as the grizzled man's calloused hand tightened around her delicate neck. The rough texture of his skin, marred by scars and a split lip oozing crimson, sent shivers down her spine. Anger flickered in his eyes like a wild flame, casting a sinister glow upon his features.

    You, fucking bitch, he spat, venom lacing his words. His grip constricted, constricting the very air she needed to survive. You’re gonna pay for that! Panic surged through her veins as her vision blurred and darkness threatened to consume her.

    Summoning the last vestiges of strength, she fought against the younger man's vice-like hold, her body thrashing and contorting with desperate determination. Her heels collided with his shins, eliciting a grunt of pain, but still, he clung to her tenaciously, refusing to release his grasp.

    A wicked smirk stretched across the grizzled man's face as he eyed her with a twisted desire. The gleam in his eye hinted at his enjoyment of her fiery spirit, relishing the thought of being the one to break it. With swift and calculated precision, his fist crashed into her stomach, stealing the air from her lungs. The force of the blow sent her crashing to her knees, a guttural wheezing sound escaping her lips, only to be drowned out by the blaring horn resonating from a distance.

    Gasping for precious breath, she clutched her aching abdomen, each inhalation a struggle against the intense pain. The two men exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes betraying their frustration at the timing of the horn, calling them back to their commander. Their iron grips tightened around her arms, their fingers digging into her flesh with merciless force as they yanked her back up to her feet.

    I guess we'll just have to pay a little visit to your cozy little cell back in town, the grizzled man's voice rumbled with menacing delight as they spun her around. Walk, bitch!

    They propelled her forward through the dense underbrush, their aggressive shoves propelling her towards a weathered wooden wagon. It was filled with a motley crew of people, some adorned in tattered garments, others donning the worn armor of battle. A mix of bruises and blood adorned their weary faces, betraying the suffering they had endured.

    Terror coursed through her veins, a potent cocktail of fear and uncertainty as the two men led her right up to the wagon. Her mind raced, a whirlwind of thoughts colliding as she contemplated the harrowing fate that awaited her.

    In, shouted the grizzled man behind her, pushing against her back and forcing her to climb up into the rickety wooden wagon. His large, calloused hand lingered on her ass, gripping her firm cheek tightly as he assisted her into the cramped space. His thumb accidentally brushed against her sensitive flesh as he shoved her inside, causing her to stumble forward.

    Get in there, you worthless bitch! he barked at her, slamming the wagon door closed with a final, resounding thud. Clearly, he was still furious over the knee she had delivered to his face, a tiny bit of satisfaction amid the dire circumstances she found herself in.

    The man guarding the prisoners inside the wagon was an imposing figure. His broad shoulders were accentuated by the two swords strapped to each hip, glinting in the sunlight. A bow, tightly strung with what appeared to be horsehair, was slung across his back. He had the look of a hardened fighter—hard eyes, sharp features, and muscular arms that seemed ready to strike at any moment. It was clear that he was a seasoned warrior, with scars crisscrossing the weathered skin of his sun-scorched face.

    His piercing gaze was locked onto her naked form, his narrowed gaze lingering on her vulnerability with an unsettling interest. His deep, brown eyes, once cold and unyielding, now held a different kind of intensity, and a cruel grin spread across his face as he reached out, grabbing her chin and forcing her to meet his gaze.

    What do we have here, he said in a low, gravelly voice as his fingers tightened on her chin, making her wince in pain. She tried to pull away, but his grip was like iron, his grin widening at her discomfort. She could feel the heat of his breath on her face as he leaned in closer. You’re a long way from home, aren’t you? he taunted, his voice dripping with malice as he took in the sight of her exposed skin.

    Despite the fear knotting in her stomach, she refused to show any weakness in front of this menacing figure before her. With a defiant glare, she straightened her back and squared her shoulders, refusing to cower before him.

    Such a pretty little whore, he observed, his voice oozing with condescension as he traced a finger down the side of her face. She recoiled at his touch, a shiver running down her spine at the feeling of his calloused fingertip against her skin, yet she refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her flinch.

    Maybe you’d rather ride up front with me…sit on my lap. he suggested with a twisted grin, his rough hand sliding beneath the threadbare fabric of the underwear that hardly concealed her vulnerability. His fingers dug into the flesh of her ass, his grip like an iron vice as he pulled her closer, his hot, foul breath sending a shiver down her spine as he added, I bet you look quite lovely riding the iron saddle, don’t you?

    His words hung in the air, a vile promise that made her stomach churn. She could feel the tension in his grip, his adventurous fingers digging into her flesh, exploring the crack of her ass as he continued to speak in a low, seductive voice. She could feel the heat from his body radiating through her, and the stench of his sweat and alcohol clung to her nostrils.

    She swallowed hard; her throat dry as she gathered her courage. Her eyes met his, a silent challenge in their depths. Her heart raced at the veiled threat in his words, and she fought to keep her voice steady as she replied, I’ll take my chances back here, thank you. Despite the bravado in her tone, she couldn’t shake the unease that settled in the pit of her stomach.

    The man's grin broadened at her defiance, and he let go of her with an amused chuckle, forcefully pushing her down into the cramped corner of the wagon. Stumbling backwards, her legs wobbly and incapable of providing support, she found herself sinking into a sea of humiliation. The heat of his eyes bore into her as she plopped down onto the rough wooden surface, the tattered cloth that barely shielded her modesty from prying eyes fluttering open to expose the vulnerable folds of her femininity.

    A wave of embarrassment washed over her, causing her to squirm uneasily, desperately yearning for some semblance of modesty. Yet, there was little she could do to conceal herself, and the guard, fueled by his own lascivious desires, leered at her exposed vulnerability with a lewd twinkle in his eye.

    His impertinent smirk deepened, further fueling the crimson blush that stained her cheeks with humiliation. She instinctively averted her gaze, only to be met with a disheartening sight. The wagon was filled with men, their eyes brimming with an insatiable hunger that lingered unabated even after she tightly squeezed her legs shut in a feeble attempt to preserve some shred of dignity.

    You're gonna be mine soon, darling, the guard declared, his voice dripping with a mixture of possessiveness and amusement. With an amused scoff, he climbed up into the elevated driver's seat, awaiting further orders.   

    Her head hung low, burdened by the weight of exposure, violation, and abject confusion. Her arms were painfully bound behind her back, rendering her defenseless and utterly devoid of any means to shield herself from the prying gazes that hungrily devoured every inch of her exposure. Just as despair threatened to consume her entirely, a feminine voice pierced through the air, laced with irritation and righteous anger. It emerged from somewhere behind her, a beacon of empathy amidst this sea of predatory masculinity.

    Gods, give this poor girl something to cover up with, you fucking animals! The words echoed with an indignant plea, demanding a shred of decency from those who had forsaken it.

    The woman stood tall and poised, emanating strength and control with every fiber of her being. The soldiers, who moments ago were engaged in crude behavior and staring at the poor girl’s vulnerability, immediately stopped when she spoke. It was evident that she held a position of power among them. Like a well-choreographed performance, they all snapped to attention and redirected their focus towards her orders. The wagon fell silent as everyone waited with bated breath, the only sound coming from the soft shuffling of feet on the dirt outside.

    A chill ran through her body as the cold air seeped in, causing her to shiver uncontrollably. Suddenly, she felt a surge of surprise when a pair of sturdy arms enveloped her. The sudden warmth of a thick woolen blanket wrapping around her brought her some comfort, yet she couldn't help but notice that the pair of hands lingered on her body for longer than necessary. Whoever he was, he took his time tucking the blanket snugly around her, and she could feel his rough palms graze against her skin as they moved slowly, ensuring she was fully covered and warm.

    There ya go, love, he uttered, the heat of his voice wafting over the back of her neck. That ought to keep ya nice and warm. 

    Ignoring the man, she watched the woman as she climbed up into the front seat of the wagon, studying her keenly. The woman wore a coat of hardened black leather, a metal helmet, and she had a sword strapped to her hip. Her face was as hard as granite, and a smugness lit up her icy blue eyes as she climbed atop the wagon seat, barking at the arrogant guard to move over while grabbing the reins to a pair of huge black stallions. Their long manes twisted into elaborate braids and both of their flanks rippled with muscles as they tugged against their halters in anticipation of being released. 

    A smirk spread across the strange woman’s cold, battle-hardened face as she turned to regard the frightened prisoners huddled together in the back of the wagon. Look at all this traitorous scum, she barked, wiping beads of sweat from her brow as her keen gaze swept across the group before lingering suspiciously on the younger girl, now thankful to be covered in the warmth of the wool blanket. You’re lucky I’m here to offer a fleeting moment of mercy… she paused, sighing with resignation as she added, though I’m sure it won’t last long. With a look of contempt, the woman glanced over at the burly guard sitting next to her his wicked grin still plastered on his face as she shook her head and ordered the horses on, YAH!

    The young girl flinched at the authoritative woman’s words, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to understand the situation that she’d found herself in. Suddenly, one of the men sitting next to her spoke up, the desperation in his voice palpable. I’m not part of the rebellion…I’m just a farmer!  

    Shut the fuck up! The woman snapped, her voice cutting through the air like a blade. The wizard will find out the truth, she added with a sneer as she turned her attention back to the guard, now chuckling softly to himself, Don’t waste your breath.  

    The arduous journey stretched on, the hours blending into one another as day slowly surrendered to night, casting an inky darkness upon the landscape. She kept herself pressed up against the corner, confined within the back of a rickety old wagon with a group of prisoners from a war she had no idea about, its worn wheels creaking in protest with every jolt and sway. The road beneath her seemed to conspire against her comfort, each jolt and judder of the uneven terrain threatening to liberate the scratchy woolen blanket from its feeble hold, leaving her exposed to both the unforgiving elements that gnawed at her like a relentless predator, and the lecherous gazes of wagon full of horny, lonely men.

    Determined to shield herself from the biting chill of the night air, she contorted her body into a small, almost fetal position. Hunching her shoulders and narrowing her frame, she sought comfort in shrinking away from the world, as if hoping to vanish into the shadows of the wagon. With her hands still bound tightly behind her back, she pressed her chin down into her chest in an attempt to secure the meager material around her exposed form.

    Yet even this feeble attempt at self-preservation proved futile. The corners of the woolen blanket offered little resistance against the harsh gusts that infiltrated the wagon's creaking wooden frame. The biting wind slipped through every crack and crevice in the wood, piercing her skin like icy daggers and tormenting her with its persistence. It felt as though the very elements conspired against her, determined to strip away any semblance of warmth or comfort.

    As the wind howled through the wagon, it carried with it a haunting symphony of despair. The cacophony of shivering bodies and muffled sobs filled the air, their collective misery echoing off the wooden walls. She could feel their collective fear, their desperation palpable in the cramped space they all shared. It was an existence reduced to mere survival, stripped down to its rawest form.

    The other prisoners huddled close, their eyes alight with a primal hunger that made her skin crawl. They stared hungrily at her exposed form, their gazes lingering on her vulnerable womanhood. It was a violation that transcended physical boundaries, an invasion of privacy that threatened to break her spirit. Each gust of wind that swept through the wagon seemed to mock her attempts at modesty, revealing glimpses of her femininity to those around her. She clenched her teeth, fighting back a grimace as she battled to maintain some semblance of composure amidst the suffocating weight of her circumstances.

    Fear settled like a heavy stone at the base of her throat, its taste thick and acrid. She swallowed hard, forcing herself to breathe, to push back against the overwhelming sense of helplessness that threatened to consume her. However, as the hours passed and the wagon bumped and lurched along the uneven road, she found herself slipping a little further into despair, her strength waning, and her resolve crumbling under the weight of her predicament. She fought back tears, her eyes stinging in the cold air, and tried to focus on anything but the ache in her body and the fear gnawing at her heart. Yet, the wagon continued its relentless journey, indifferent to her plight.

    In addition to fighting against the brutality of the elements, no matter how tightly she attempted to draw the scratchy blanket around her, its tawdry fabric provided little protection against the jagged edges of splintered and warped wood that persisted in their relentless assault on the tender flesh of her butt and legs. The discomfort, like a thousand tiny needles, pierced her skin and seeped into her bones, an insufferable reminder of her entrapment within this nightmarish ordeal.

    Nestled into the corner of the prison wagon, she sought refuge in the small space allotted to her. It was a feeble attempt to escape the unforgiving elements that whipped through the gaps in the wooden slats, clawing at her exposed skin with icy fingers; the leering gazes of her fellow captives, filled with resignation and despair yet alight with a dangerous hunger that made her skin crawl every time they caught a glimpse of her soft, inviting femininity; and the relentless discomfort that added to the torment of her unbearable situation.

    Sleep beckoned to her, a seductive savior promising temporary reprieve from the harsh reality that surrounded her. With weary eyes, she yearned to surrender herself to its embrace, even if only for a few fleeting moments. But even as exhaustion tugged at her eyelids, the unforgiving terrain beneath her refused to relinquish its torment.

    With every bone-rattling bump along the uneven road, the sharp edges of the wooden wagon floor clawed and scraped at her body with renewed vigor. Each jolt sent shockwaves of pain coursing through her, a torturous symphony that rendered sleep an impossible dream. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself to find consolation in the darkness behind her eyelids, but the agony persisted, unrelenting.

    She fought to suppress the waves of discomfort that clawed at her body, determined not to succumb to their torment. Yet, with every jolt of the wagon, every bone-rattling judder that threatened to throw her off balance and liberate her naked body from the confines of her meager blanket, it became increasingly impossible to ignore. Sleep, once a tantalizing prospect, now eluded her grasp, slipping through her fingers like grains of sand. Malaise, her unwelcome companion on this seemingly endless journey, tightened its grip, making every second feel like an eternity.

    As night turned back into day, her eyes met with those of one of the men sitting across from her. So…what did they get you for? His eyes were quizzical and mysterious. She turned her head and tried to ignore him, but he pressed on. You aren’t part of the rebellion. If you were, I’d recognize you. Plus, our uniforms are a bit more modest than that. His eyes snapped down to her body and she glared at him.  

    Relax, I was just joking…sorry. He paused, glancing down at his boots with a sigh before regarding her with an apologetic expression. I have a habit of trying to make jokes to lighten the mood, but I see that…yet again, my timing has been less than ideal.

    Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the strange man, assessing his authenticity. His hair was long and black, curling over his ears and doing its best to hide one of his maple-colored eyes. Her eyes fell down his fit frame, landing upon a long, thick scar that ran across his exposed shoulder. It was peeking out from where his worn gray shirt had fallen off his shoulder, and it appeared to be quite large. Gods it was deep, and it must have been painful.  

    The strange man smirked at her, noticing that her gaze had fallen upon his scar. It’s nothing, he said, snatching her attention back to his eyes, sparkling with an odd amusement given the situation they found themselves in. The other guy lost his head…quite literally.  

    She tipped her head to the side and scoffed at the man, unimpressed and uninterested in talking with him. Yet, he annoyingly continued trying to engage with her.

    So, he continued undeterred by her disinterest. Who are you?  

    This man just couldn’t seem to understand that all she wanted was to sit in silence, but not because she despised him, or anyone else in the back of that wagon, for that matter. The reason for her silence was because she was having trouble remembering anything from before that strange dream where she felt a dragon swirling around inside of her blood. She had spent the entire night trying to remember…something…anything, but she couldn’t.  

    I… she stammered, searching for a clue, anything at all, but she still came up empty. I don’t know.  She slumped forward like a wilted sunflower drooping as it waited for rain, a heavy sigh belying her distress. Her shoulders curved inward, as if to protect her heart from the pounding anxiety that threatened to consume her. The weight of it pressed against her chest, making each breath feel like a laborious task.  

    You don’t remember anything? The man pressed on, unaware of the internal struggle his curiosity was fueling inside of her. Not even your age, or where you live, or how you got here, or…  

    No! she cut him off sharply, immediately getting a response from the front of the wagon.  

    Quiet back there! The burly guard in the front of the wagon stared back at her, eager for a reason to put his hands on her.  

    The stranger across the wagon could sense the maelstrom of despair inside of her, so he stopped pressing her. Sorry, he said, trying to calm the obvious storm of consternation that was growing inside of her. Fear not, for you are in the presence of the great Alexander, leader of the rebel fleet. My people have been tracking us through the woods. His words were quiet—a whisper that she barely heard. They will free us soon. You can come with us, and I’ll help you find out who you are.  

    She looked up at him and shook her head, thinking to herself, is this man delusional or something? Suddenly, the horizon gave way to the piercing rays of the sun as their transport crested the top of a large hill. Down below was a massive, bustling city she had never seen before, at least not that she could remember. 

    There it is sweetheart! The burly guard in the front of the wagon leered at her, his lecherous smirk betraying his intentions as he taunted her from the front of the wagon. He relished the thought of having her all to himself once they arrived at the prison, all the delicious ways in which he was going to enjoy her lithe young body. Home sweet home…welcome to Saltwick!

    A heavy weight settled in her chest as she took in her surroundings, knowing that this was where she would be imprisoned, at the mercy of the guard’s insidious plans. Her jaw tightened as she prepared herself for the challenges that awaited her inside the vast city of Saltwick. Memories of her encounter with the grizzled soldier and his young companion flooded back to her mind, their leering promises of frequent visits to her cell ringing in her head like a sinister lullaby, leaving a sickening taste in her mouth and a queasy feeling in her gut.

    Swallowing her fear, she turned her gaze away from the guard. She decided to focus on the city instead, trying to find something, anything, that could distract her from the impending doom. As they descended towards Saltwick, she noticed the intricate details of the cityscape, forcing herself to marvel at its grandeur.

    Despite the circumstances of her arrival, she couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity and wonder as they descended towards the city. Kept her gaze on the city, refusing to look back at the guard as he chuckled to himself. Her eyes held a tumultuous sea of trepidation, yet a hint of awe still sparkled within their depths, as the magnificent city of Saltwick came into full view—towering spires and sprawling marketplaces, the sun glinting off the rooftops like shimmering gold. There was a strange beauty to it, a sense of life and vitality that contrasted sharply with her grim predicament.

    As the wagon rattled closer, she squinted against the sunlight reflecting off the city's golden rooftops. The city was nestled amidst rolling hills, a picturesque sight that would have been breathtaking under different circumstances. She drew in a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart as Saltwick exuded an aura of splendor, blending strength and beauty seamlessly. 

    Alexander couldn't help but notice the haunted expression on her face as she gazed at the city below. He let out a deep sigh, feeling a pang of sympathy for the horrors that she was bound to endure within the confines of her prison cell. Hey, he whispered, snagging her attention for a moment. It’s going to be okay…we will find a way out of this. She turned to him with a mix of anger and disbelief in her eyes, her expression one of stoic dejection as she returned her attention to the city.

    The walls of Saltwick, rising tall and imposing, reached a staggering height of thirty feet, their imposing presence projecting the city's strength and fortified nature. Made of sturdy stone, weathered, and worn by the passage of time, they stood as a formidable barrier, encircling the entirety of the city with an air of invincibility. Guard towers, spaced twenty feet apart along the entire stretch of wall, punctuated its length, their gnarled silhouettes commanding attention and instilling a sense of watchful protection and comfort for the citizens milling about below.

    Each tower, rising high above the bustling streets below, was manned by a vigilant handful of archers, their watchful eyes scanning the city's surroundings for any signs of disturbance. Clad in black armor that gleamed in the sunlight, they stood at the ready, bows drawn, and arrows primed with lethal precision. The archers symbolized the defensive preparedness of Saltwick, a constant reminder that the city's safety lay in their unwavering vigilance.

    Beyond the towering walls, her gaze swept across the expanse of Saltwick, captivated by the charming diversity of its architecture. A harmonious blend of old and new, the city boasted a mingling of historical structures and modern designs that told the story of its ever-evolving identity. Narrow cobblestone streets meandered through the heart of the city, lined with thriving marketplaces and bustling alleys. The air was filled with fragrant scents from bakeries and spice shops, mingling with the vibrant sounds of merchants hawking their wares and children's laughter echoing through winding lanes. This lively rhythm indicated the vibrant pulse of daily life in Saltwick.

    The cityscape of Saltwick was dominated by the towering spires of the majestic castle, an imposing structure that rose up from its small hill like a sentinel overlooking its domain. Silhouetted against the backdrop of the bustling city spread out below, its presence was undeniable. Its white walls, meticulously maintained and gleaming in the bright sunlight, stood as a testament to the power and wealth of the ruling family. Atop its keep, a golden banner bearing the castle's coat of arms fluttered proudly in the breeze, a symbol of heritage and authority.

    A second pair of high stone walls stretched around the perimeter of the castle, protecting its regal inhabitants from any potential threat that dared to encroach upon its sacred grounds. Visitors and tourists alike made their way toward its grand gates, their eyes filled with anticipation and curiosity, eager to explore its opulent chambers and meticulously manicured gardens. From the ramparts, one could catch a glimpse of the spectacular view provided by the castle's privileged position above the city, where rooftops mingled with treetops and the distant horizon melted into a breathtaking tapestry of rolling hills and meandering rivers.

    Saltwick, with its towering walls, vibrant streets, and majestic castle, was a city that defied time itself. It held within its embrace a rich tapestry of history and progress, an embodiment of strength and resilience that invited all who ventured within to be swept away by its captivating allure.

    Slowly, their transport approached the city gates. Sarcastically, she looked over and teased the confident dark-haired man, I guess your men had better hurry, huh? Then, with a deep exhale, she leaned back into the corner and listened as the sound of people chattering grew louder. Women and children, workers, and guards. The city was crowded, and the atmosphere hectic, as they approached the outer gate and stopped.  

    Open up, the woman called to the two men at the top of the wall. We have prisoners for the General. The large gate slowly creaked open, giving way to a courtyard full of stone that seemed to stretch on endlessly. As the wagon pushed forward, the gates slammed shut behind them with a loud thud; the sound of metal locking into place reverberating through the air like a death knell, confining them within the city walls and cutting them off from the heroic rescue of the Alexander's so-called men. 

    Fool, she whispered softly under her breath as they were carted through the city, taunted, and leered at by the citizens of Saltwick until the wagon finally came to a stop near a large stone wall.

    Her gaze lingered on the vibrant colors that adorned Saltwick—flowers cascading from window boxes, vibrant banners fluttering in the breeze, and intricate murals adorning the sides of buildings. These artistic touches added a touch of liveliness to the city, infusing it with a sense of warmth and community. A truly magnificent city.

    Everyone out! Her silent appreciation for the city was shattered by the harsh order of one of the guards, aggressively dragging them off the wagon. 

    One by one, they clambered off the rugged wagon, their weary bodies aching from the long journey. But she, the last one remaining on that unforgiving wooden platform, could not escape the guard's cruel intentions. With a cold, calculating gaze, he reached for her trembling arms, his touch heavy with malice.

    In a moment of calculated cruelty, the guard seized the opportunity to strip away her meager blanket, revealing her vulnerable flesh to the harsh scrutiny of the entire city. The shabby material fell to the floor

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