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The witch hunter of the last days
The witch hunter of the last days
The witch hunter of the last days
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The witch hunter of the last days

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Heaven and earth suddenly changed, the demon race invaded, and the creatures mutated. Humans instantly fell from the top of the food chain, and in the blink of an eye, even became the lowest existence, becoming the food of all mutated creatures.  

However, just when the earth is about to be destroyed, Zhang Mo, a mercenary who accidentally

PublisherDorothy Maze
Release dateFeb 10, 2024
The witch hunter of the last days

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    The witch hunter of the last days - Dorothy Maze

    Copyright ©2024 By Dorothy Maze,

    All rights reserved.

    No parts of this book may be copied, distributed, or published in any form without permission from the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction in which all events and characters in this book are completely imaginary. Any resemblance to actual people is entirely coincidental.

    Ebook ISBN: 979-8-8693-8081-4

    Cover designed by Dorothy Maze

    Edited by Dorothy Maze

    ##Chapter 1: The Coming of the Devil###

    Time: August 3, 2025

    Location: Natsukagi Walking Street

    Around five o'clock in the afternoon, a dark gray appearance, and painted on the body of the summer city security company escort car, parked in front of the Bank of China branch, followed by four young people wearing dark gray security uniforms, nimbly jumped down from the escort car.

    The four security guards were divided into two groups, two of them quickly stood in front of the door of the Bank of China, holding riot guns and vigilantly observing the surroundings, while the other two carried two special metal boxes and entered the Bank of China branch.

    Zhang Mo, how about going for a few drinks together after work? It's my treat, as a way to congratulate you on your arrival. The security guard standing on the left side in front of the Bank of China branch door opened his mouth while vigilantly looking at the surroundings.

    Okay, Captain. The security guard known as Zhang Mo, after hearing the security captain's words, smiled coyly and replied softly.

    From the appearance alone, Zhang Mo looked like a shy big boy in general, with a slightly thin figure, his age was around twenty-two or three, and he looked like a student who had just left school and had little work experience.

    Usually Zhang Mo was quiet and silent, and had been working as a laborer in the logistics department of Xia Cheng Security Company, doing odd jobs. Today was the first day he was transferred to the field for escort work.

    For Zhang Mo, who had been working hard and silent, all the security guards within the Summer City Security Company were very fond of him, which was why the captain in charge of the bank escort work in this area wanted to celebrate Zhang Mo's arrival on his first day on the job.

    What no one knows is that Zhang Mo, who has always been a hard-working and silent man, is not as harmless as he appears to be. Underneath his shy and slightly dull face, he is an iron-blooded mercenary with ten years of battlefield experience and bloodstained hands, known as the Crazy Tiger in the mercenary world.

    It was only in the mercenary world that no one expected that Crazy Tiger Zhang Mo, who had suddenly disappeared from the mercenary world more than a year ago, would appear in a small city called Xia Cheng in the Chinese Empire and become a security guard at the lowest level of society.

    Watch out for the guards! Seeing the remaining two security guards, each carrying a metal case out of the Bank of China branch, the security chief whispered.

    Let's go, Brother Zhang. After placing the banknotes inside the escort car without any alarm, Zhang Mo sat on the passenger seat and said softly after greeting the driver, who had been sitting in the escort car.

    Boom! With a sound, Zhang, the driver of the escort car, stepped on the gas, and the escort car quickly drove toward the front.

    Jingle bells! Ding bell! The monotonous ringtone rang from within Zhang Mo's arms, Zhang Mo hurriedly pulled out an old Nokia cell phone from his arms, looked at the caller ID on the screen of the phone, and instantly smiled as he pressed the answer button.

    Say, did you miss me? Zhang Mo had just brought the handset of his cell phone close to his ear when a crisp voice came out of the microphone.

    Of course I want to, Tong Tong, I've already asked my leader for a vacation, so I'll go to Yung City to see you this weekend. Zhang Mo said with a big smile.

    Yeah? Okay, I'll wait for you and I'll make you your favorite fried noodles? Hearing that Zhang Mo was coming to see him over the weekend, a delighted voice came from the other side of the phone.

    Hearing Zhang Mo and the girl at the end of the phone, chatting gently, Brother Zhang, looking at the happy smile on Zhang Mo's face, smiled slightly, more than ten years ago, he and his mouth was also this kind of lovey-dovey at that time.

    The owner on the other side of the phone, named Moru Ruotong, nicknamed Tongtong, was Zhang Mo's girlfriend, living in Rongcheng, which was more than a thousand kilometers away from Xia City, and was a nurse at Rongcheng People's Hospital. It was because of Mo Ruotong's existence that Zhang Mo decided to leave his mercenary career and became a small security guard at ease.

    More than a year ago, because of the betrayal of a teammate, Zhang Mo was tricked by his teammates to Yung City, fell into the trap of the enemy, and was seriously injured and on the verge of death. It was Mo Ruotong, who was just off the night shift at the time, who saved Zhang Mo from fainting, and it was only after Mo Ruotong took good care of Zhang Mo, who had been recuperating from his injuries for three months, that he was able to regain his life.

    However, it was during these three months, Moroto's meticulous care for Zhang Mo that made Zhang Mo fall deeply in love with this Moroto who, although not beautiful, was very kind at heart.

    Although Zhang Mo and Moro Ruotong fell in love, as a mercenary, Zhang Mo knew that countless mercenaries had died in his hands over the past ten years, and his enemies could also be said to be countless. In order to protect Moru Ruotong, Zhang Mo killed the enemy who ambushed him and made up a reason to come to Xia City, which is more than a thousand kilometers away from Rong City, hoping that time would make him slowly fade out of the sight of those enemies, and only then could Zhang Mo and Moru Ruotong live an ordinary but happy little life.

    However, just as Zhang Mo and Moro Ruotong were making love to each other, no one realized that the legendary Nine Stars had appeared above their heads.

    Boom! With a loud bang, just when Zhang Mo and Moroto were sweetly making phone porridge, the escort car in the middle of traveling suddenly exploded, and then Zhang Mo's eyes went black, and he didn't know anything anymore.

    Just in the blink of an unconsciousness, Zhang Mo, who was still thinking about who had attacked him, didn't realize that things were far more serious than he thought by a thousand times ten thousand or even a billion times, and that it was a complete catastrophe for mankind, and that the earth would even be destroyed as a result.

    Boom! Boom! Boom! Not only was the escort vehicle that Zhang Mo was traveling in blown up, even the Summer City where Zhang Mo was located was constantly erupting with violent explosions, and in the last picture transmitted back to Earth by the satellites of various countries, without exception, it was the picture of the cities of various countries being caught in the midst of exploding flames.

    The sea of fire created by the simultaneous global explosions instantly wrapped the entire Earth, even the air seemed to burn, a huge vortex of flames appeared in front of the eyes of all the survivors of the Earth, and amidst their agonizing wails, the vortex of flames grew larger and larger, even surpassing the Earth.

    A terrifying pressure emanated from the flame vortex, and all the living beings on the earth, after feeling this terrifying pressure, immediately prostrated themselves powerlessly on the ground, and a huge, covering the entire earth's energy, along with the descent of the terrifying pressure, swept over all the living beings on the earth, just like a scanner.

    Some humans as well as various living beings who had just managed to escape from the explosion, in the energy storm that accompanied the terrifying pressure, their bodies, like a large amount of explosives buried in their bodies, violently exploded and turned into a sky full of blood mist.

    Some other humans as well as living beings, however, found that their bodies rapidly grew stronger in the energy storm, and even the genes of some humans and living beings were instantly altered, possessing all kinds of legendary superpowers.

    Of course humans and living beings like this are only a very small portion of the population, even less than one ten thousandth of the Earth's survivors, but it can be imagined that if they can survive this catastrophe, they will definitely be able to lead the human survivors and walk out a different path of evolution.

    Along with the disappearance of the energy storm, the flames burning on the earth instantly went out as if they had never appeared. The humans who survived did not know what had happened, but the extinguishing of the flames in the sky made the hope of humans surviving, a lot more.

    However, just as the people were cheering and celebrating that they had finally survived. A strange change suddenly occurred, a burning fireball smashed into the ground from the flame vortex. The quantity was as large as a rainstorm, the sky was immediately covered by the fireballs that fell from the sky densely, and the fireballs that descended rapidly in the sky, after violently rubbing against the air and emitting ear-piercing whistling noises, they were like missiles that smashed into all corners of the earth.

    Accompanied by the bombardment of the roiling fireballs, in an instant, the earth was as if a twelve magnitude earthquake had erupted, the ground shook, the earth cracked, the seawater surged, and some of the cities near the seashore were instantly engulfed by the waves and disappeared into the roiling waves.

    In the midst of the landslide and the roaring of the angry sea, the human survivors were once again plunged into a life-and-death situation, looking powerlessly at a scene as apocalyptic as the end of the world, and scurrying around like headless flies in order to be able to survive.

    Luckily, this apocalyptic scene finally stopped with the fall of the fireballs in the sky. When all the human survivors, looking at the collapsed houses around them and the torn earth, all of them cried out in pain, hissed, and asked the various Gods and Buddhas why they were treated this way.

    Just as the survivors were hysterically venting their inner fears, a roar like that of a wild beast was emitted from the crater smashed by the fireball, and then the survivors, who were hysterically venting their inner fears, realized that there were many more monsters around them.

    The height of the monsters ranged from two meters to three meters, just like humans, humanoid, with all four limbs, except that their heads were different from humans, all of them were all kinds of animals, covered with dense hair, with scarlet eyes, staring at the survivors in front of them as if they had seen the delicious and incomparable food.

    Roar! A roar rang out, and these guys, who were like orcs, waved their weapons in their hands and pounced on the survivors around them, tearing their bodies apart and constantly stuffing them into their mouths to chew them up amidst their panicked cries.

    Roar! Roar! Roar! At once the entire Xia City was plunged into the middle of hell, everywhere one could see the orcs that lifted up the humans high and directly ate them alive, in just a few seconds, there were quite a few survivors who were killed by the orcs because they were stunned by the orcs that suddenly appeared.

    Monster ...... monster ...... Until this moment, the survivors only seemed to remember what had happened, letting out horrified cries of misery, and then panicked and ran away in all directions. In the face of unknown monsters, extreme fear, inspired the survivors heart of the beast, at this time, if someone blocked in front of their own body, so that they can not escape, they will not hesitate to push the person in front of them, and then step on a foot, in front of the death, in order to their own can live, they can be transformed into a demon, the innocent people will be pushed to the abyss in the middle of the abyss.

    ##Chapter 2: The Magical Golem###

    Well ......, Zhang Mo opened his eyes and shook his somewhat dizzy head. What's going on? Could it be that I've been ambushed by my former enemies again?

    When it occurred to Zhang Mo's mind that the violent fire just now might be the reason why he was attacked by his enemies, he hastily rolled over and instinctively climbed up from the ground, followed by leaning behind a broken wall and carefully surveyed his surroundings, only Zhang Mo's glance was as if he was struck by a fixation, and he froze.

    Zhang Mo, who was dumbfounded, pinched his cheeks hard, and in pain, Zhang Mo knew that his eyes were not hallucinating. Only to see that the scene in front of him was not what Zhang Mo had imagined, that the escort vehicle he was traveling in had been destroyed, but rather, the entire Xia City had been completely destroyed, becoming a city in ruins.

    The original lively and prosperous Xia City had turned into a city like a dead zone, with burning flames everywhere, as well as the mutilated corpses of human beings, a completely apocalyptic scene after experiencing a war.

    Ah ...... Just when Zhang Mo was confused by the external environment, his mind suddenly felt like, being constantly pierced by whoever with a sharp pointy cone, and the sudden intense pain made Zhang Mo screamed out miserably.

    He half-kneeled on the ground, his hands holding onto the wall, his head constantly hitting the wall with force, trying to use the external pain to relieve the unbearable stabbing pain in his head, and instantly, blood flowed down Zhang Mo's forehead and covered Zhang Mo's agonized cheeks.

    Time might have passed a few seconds, or perhaps a century, the sudden sharp pain, as it came, disappeared without warning, if not for the blood on Zhang Mo's face, the sharp pain that made Zhang Mo want to smash his head into pieces just now would have seemed like a hallucination.

    Holding onto the wall stained with his own blood, Zhang Mo fought to stand up and rubbed his eyes hard, still not daring to believe. Who exactly did he offend? Could it be that in order to kill himself, he even used a nuclear bomb? Looking at the devastated Xia City, Zhang Mo muttered.

    However, soon the tough nerves tempered by years of mercenary career made Zhang Mo completely calm down, he knew that this was never done by his enemies, they didn't have that kind of strength and didn't dare to destroy a city, this must be caused by some kind of unknown force.

    Just when Zhang Mo wanted to move forward and get a better look at it. Suddenly in Zhang Mo's mind, a cold, dull voice appeared, making one think of the sound of some kind of machinery or system when it was activated.

    The Demon Hunting System is completely fused with the host and has uniqueness; the system will completely disappear when the host dies. The trial mission will now begin.

    Who are you? Why are you in my mind? The voice that suddenly appeared in his mind did not alarm Zhang Mo. Ten years of being a mercenary had caused Zhang Mo to have seen quite a few bizarre incidents. Moreover, Zhang Mo's memory contained several instruments that could utilize brainwaves to make people feel that someone was talking in their heads. Therefore, Zhang Mo thought that this was someone playing tricks on him.

    However, that voice didn't stop because of Zhang Mo's words, and still spoke unsteadily:

    A trial mission is designed to test the host's ability and potential, and to formulate the most correct plan for the host's future development. Upon completion of the mission, one can receive the appropriate rewards, and failure of the mission will be punished accordingly, by deducting the rewards, or obliterating them.

    Task 1, kill one demonized golem.

    Task two, shown after completing task one.

    The mission begins.

    Just as Zhang Mo wanted to say something else, he realized that not only was he unable to make any sound, even his body was uncontrollably walking towards the front.

    After about three minutes, Zhang Mo's body, involuntarily appeared, in front of a hundred square meter pile of ruins. Zhang Mo looked at this pile of masonry ruins that was about three meters high and a hundred square meters, and suddenly felt like a gladiator who was locked up inside a Roman gladiator's arena.

    Mission one, kill one demonized golem, start, time five minutes. Failure to kill a demonized golem within five minutes is considered a mission failure, punishment result: obliteration.

    Just as the voice suddenly sounded in his mind again, Zhang Mo's body regained its freedom. However, just as Zhang Mo wanted to ignore the voice in his mind, he suddenly realized that a digital dial that was counting down: 4 minutes and 59 seconds, and it was still decreasing.

    Although that so-called Demon Hunting System didn't explain the meaning of obliteration, but literally, Zhang Mo was still able to distinguish the meaning of the word obliteration, which was death.

    Although the numbers on the clock in his mind, which represented the countdown of the time left for the quest, were decreasing, Zhang Mo did not act impulsively, but carefully stepped on the masonry ruins and slowly crawled towards the gladiator arena, trying not to make a sound in the hope of discovering the enemy, which was called the Demonized Puppet by the system, first.

    Crunch! Crunch! Just as Zhang Mo was probing for the demonized puppet, there was a strange sound coming from the gladiatorial arena, which sounded like the sound of teeth tearing into food with force, and the crunching sound of bones being bitten off was also continuously emitted.

    Zhang Mo was startled in his heart and carefully poked his head out quietly.

    The first thing that came into Zhang Mo's eyes was a torn human body, which was placed in the center of the gladiatorial arena, and judging from the torn clothes next to it, it should be a male soldier. Although his vision was blocked, Zhang Mo was able to deduce from the smell of blood emanating from the air that the soldier's death hadn't lasted long, perhaps just ten minutes ago.

    Next to the corpse, there was a humanoid monster with muscles rippling all over its body lying on its back, constantly stuffing the flesh and blood from the corpse into its mouth. Bright red warm blood, constantly flowing down the corners of the humanoid monster's mouth, flowed onto the humanoid monster's body.

    The reason why Zhang Mo called the monster next to the corpse, eating the corpse, a humanoid monster, was entirely because the monster that kept on biting at the corpse, from the appearance alone, looked like a human being, but the whole body was as black as ink, with a single meridian like a withered branch protruding out on the surface of the body, just like a human corpse with a distorted appearance.

    Suddenly, the humanoid monster that was in the middle of feeding, as if it sensed something, turned its head in the direction where Zhang Mo was.

    Although Zhang Mo had crouched down as early as the moment the humanoid monster turned its head, his afterglow still saw the humanoid monster's eyes. The whites of the eyes had completely turned red, bright and colorful, while the black pupils reflected only tyranny and ferocity, completely devoid of any feelings that a human being should possess.

    A demonized golem is mutated from a human with an evil heart. In the energy of the Abyssal Demon World, due to the absorption of too much negative energy, thus becoming a humanoid weapon that only knows how to kill, although its strength has increased greatly. However, due to the body being filled with the negative energy of the Abyssal Demon World, the Demonized Puppet can no longer appear under the sunlight, once the Demonized Puppet appears under the sunlight, its body will instantly turn into ashes, and it can only hide in the darkness for the rest of its life. Level: 1, Danger Level: low.

    The moment Zhang Mo saw the eyes of the Demonized Puppet, his mind unconsciously showed the Demonized Puppet's profile.

    At this moment, the time displayed in Zhang Mo's mind was less than three minutes, there was no time for Zhang Mo to hesitate, he had to kill the demonized puppet as soon as possible, or else Zhang Mo would be wiped out by the system when the time was up.

    Pulling out a Jungle King he carried from his waist, Zhang Mo quietly approached behind the Demonized Golem, although he did not know the strength of the Demonized Golem, with the evaluation given by that so-called Demon Hunting System, Zhang Mo believed that he would still be able to kill the Demonized Golem.


    The Jungle King in his hand cut through a bleak and cold blade light in the dark night, pointing straight at the neck of the demonized puppet, believing that regardless of the strength of the demonized puppet, the demonized puppet whose throat had been chopped off would only have one way to die.

    Roar! Zhang Mo had not expected at all that the demonized golem's senses would be so sensitive. When Zhang Mo was still about two meters away from the Demonized Golem, the Demonized Golem, which was munching on the corpse, suddenly turned around and roared at Zhang Mo.

    Splattered blood, mixed with saliva that smelled like rotting corpses, splashed onto Zhang Mo's face, the stench that was enough to suffocate him did not affect Zhang Mo's will to fight to kill the demonized puppet in the slightest, his right foot lashed out, and the sharp blade of the Jungle King slashed directly at the throat of the demonized puppet.

    Pfft! In a splash of blood, the Demonized Puppet's throat was cut open by the Jungle King's sharp blade. A bloody arrow shot out from the throat wound of the demonized golem and splashed onto Zhang Mo's face.

    Bang! Before Zhang Mo could wipe the blood from his face, he felt a pain in his abdomen and his entire body was kicked out by a huge force. Zhang Mo's body tumbled on the ground three or four times before he stopped rolling backward.

    Pfft! A mouthful of fresh blood that tumbled out from his throat was spat out by Zhang Mo, and it was only at this time that Zhang Mo felt that the severe pain within his abdomen was slightly lighter.

    Damn! Careless! Looking at the blood that kept spraying out from the throat of the demonized puppet, while the demonized puppet moved freely as if it was not traumatized in any way. How could Zhang Mo not know that the Demonized Puppet in front of him was not at all an enemy he had encountered before, and even when the vitals of his body were fatally attacked, he was not affected in the slightest, as if he was a robot without any sentience.

    Death! After the demonized puppet coldly spat out the word death, its body bent and violently accelerated towards Zhang Mo.

    Want me dead? You're not even close! Looking at the oncoming demonized golem, Zhang Mo did not retreat but advanced, charging fiercely and fighting with the demonized golem.

    ### Chapter 3: The Minotaur ###

    Bang! Bang! Bang! The sound of punches and kicks kept coming out as the demonized golem and Zhang Mo were intertwined, only from the condition of their fight, although the demonized golem appeared to be attacking wildly, it didn't hit Zhang Mo for a single time, but instead, it was constantly being hit by Zhang Mo in all the vital parts of his body. It was only that although the demonized golem screamed miserably, Zhang Mo's vital attacks did not have any fatal effect on the demonized golem.

    Bang! Seizing the opportunity, Zhang Mo kicked above the chest of the demonized puppet, and the powerful force contained therein caused the demonized puppet to continuously retreat backward.

    Pfft! Pfft! Pfft! Pulling out the Jungle King again, Zhang Mo followed the retreating figure of the Demonized Puppet and launched an attack close to him. Along with Zhang Mo's flexible rotation of his wrist, the Jungle King, like lightning, drew a brilliant arc in the air, leaving a bloody hole in each fatal part of the demonized puppet's body, only that the fatal injuries to an ordinary human being were only exchanged for the incessant angry roars of the demonized puppet.

    Just as the Demonized Puppet, finally dissolved Zhang Mo's kick that contained tremendous power, his body stopped retreating and stood firm, ready to counterattack. Seeing Zhang Mo suddenly take his right foot as the axis, his body violently rotated, at the same time, the Jungle King flexibly rotated on Zhang Mo's fingers, strangely turning from a forehand blade into a backhand blade, under the powerful force brought out by Zhang Mo's own rotation, the Jungle King, like a curved crescent moon, swept across the demonized puppet's throat with a bleak and cold light.

    No ...... The demonized golem watched, as the Jungle King swept across his throat, and without even uttering a single word in full, the hideous head, left the demonized golem's neck, leaving a headless corpse with empty shoulders.

    The body has no sentience, any fatal injuries will not affect its combat power, its speed and strength is between double and double that of an ordinary person, the only fatal vital point is to decapitate the head, or blast the head with a firearm, other than that, any fatal attack for an ordinary person will not be able to take effect in the body of the demonized golem. Standing beside the headless body of the demonized golem, Zhang Mo calmly analyzed the combat power of the demonized golem.

    No wonder the Demon Hunting System evaluated the threat level of the Demonized Puppet as low, although it seemed that the Demonized Puppet possessed an immortal body and it was difficult for an ordinary person to kill the Demonized Puppet, for a battle-hardened warrior like himself, the Demonized Puppet that only had speed and strength could be killed with a single slash even if it were a few times stronger and he knew its weaknesses.

    Time is over, Demonized Puppet is dead, Mission 1 is complete, Mission 2 is about to open! The moment Zhang Mo killed the Demonized Puppet, the metallic voice of the Demon Hunting System reappeared in Zhang Mo's mind.

    Using the corner of his coat to wipe away the blood on the Jungle King's blade, Zhang Mo closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing in order to reach his strongest state in the shortest amount of time.

    Although Zhang Mo didn't know what task two would be? But from the extent of task one, killing the demonized golem, task two would definitely be exceptionally tough, knowing that although Zhang Mo had seemingly easily killed the demonized golem, that was based on Zhang Mo's ten years of career as an iron-blooded mercenary.

    If it wasn't for Zhang Mo, I'm afraid that even a heavily armed soldier facing the demonized golem wouldn't have been able to kill the demonized golem. This could be seen from the assault rifle that fell beside the corpse of the soldier killed by the Demonized Puppet, the power of the Demonized Puppet. In comparison, Zhang Mo believed that mission two would definitely be difficult and even life-threatening.

    Mission 2 is open, kill one Bullhead Warrior for half an hour, mission failure, wipe out. Around ten minutes or so, just as Zhang Mo had adjusted his entire body to its optimal state, the metallic voice of the Demon Hunting System came out once again, signaling that Zhang Mo's new mission was coming.

    Roar! Accompanied by the fall of the Demon Hunting System quest tone, a roar like that of a wild beast resounded above Zhang Mo. At the same time a dangerous feeling surged into Zhang Mo's heart, the instincts developed between life and death over the years caused Zhang Mo to instinctively lunge forward and do a forward roll, tumbling out a distance of seven or eight meters.

    Bang! The instant Zhang Mo's body lunged forward, the ground that Zhang Mo had just stood on under his feet exploded violently as if it had been buried with violent explosives.

    In the roiling dust and fog, a tall figure slowly stepped out from inside and walked five meters in front of Zhang Mo. At once, a horrifying pressure, like a mountain pressing on top of Zhang Mo's heart, caused Zhang Mo to have a feeling of wanting to escape from here, but the only trace of clarity left in his heart told Zhang Mo that he couldn't run away, or else there would only be a road to death.

    The figure that stepped out from the dust and fog was not human at all, it was like the Minotaur from mythology, a bull-headed monster. The huge three-meter tall body as well as the swollen muscles all foretold the fearsome nature of the bull-headed monster.

    Minotaur Warrior, Race: Beast, one of the most powerful races on Planet Biel. After Planet Biel was captured by the Abyssal Demon Race, they became slaves of the Abyssal Demon Race and were the cannon fodder troops of the Abyssal Demon Race during the war. This time, due to the weakness of the Orc race, passing through the passage between the Abyss and Earth consumed the least amount of energy, so the Orc warriors became the vanguard of the Abyssal Demons' attack on Earth. Level: 4, threat level: high.

    Feeling the increasingly strong and terrifying pressure coming from the Minotaur, Zhang Mo knew that he couldn't wait any longer, or else his only trace of battle spirit would disappear before the Minotaur's terrifying pressure, and at that time, Zhang Mo would only die.

    Biting his lips with force, the taste of blood immediately filled his mouth, causing Zhang Mo to not be able to help but be energized, and the power that had disappeared for most of his body seemed to have returned to Zhang Mo's body once again.

    Kill! With a loud shout, Zhang Mo's right foot stomped vigorously on the ground, and his body violently tumbled toward the mangled soldier's corpse, aiming at an assault rifle emitting an ice-cold glow next to the soldier's corpse.

    Ta da da! The assault rifle was taken into Zhang Mo's hands the moment he rolled over the soldier's mangled corpse. With his years of combat experience, Zhang Mo pulled the trigger with force the moment he rose from the ground, a tongue of fire erupted from the muzzle of the assault rifle, and a dozen of bullets instantly shot above the minotaur's chest.

    Boom! Boom! Boom! The bullet that erupted from the muzzle of the assault rifle carried a strong momentum and instantly struck the minotaur's chest. However, the sound that came out from the minotaur's chest was not at all the sound that Zhang Mo was familiar with, the sound of a bullet tearing through flesh. Instead, it was a dull sound, like the sound of drumsticks hitting the drum skin, which was intense but could not break the drum skin.

    Looking at the Minotaur who stood still and took dozens of his bullets, Zhang Mo let out a bitter smile and threw the unloaded assault rifle in his hand on top of the ground.

    He should have thought that even ordinary people's bodies were capable of ignoring all sorts of fatal injuries after becoming demonized puppets. Then how could a Minotaur from the Abyssal Demon Realm not have that kind of ability?

    See a golden-colored bullets, in the moment of hitting the chest of the minotaur, was the minotaur's strong muscle power to block down, not only did not hurt the minotaur in the slightest, but by the huge pressure from the minotaur's chest, they have been turned into a nail cap size small gold cake.

    Be a good boy and be my food! A loud sound as dull as thunder issued from the minotaur's mouth, followed by the minotaur's figure appearing in front of Zhang Mo.

    Poof! With blood splattering everywhere, Zhang Mo's body, like a cannonball, crashed heavily on top of the wall of a street-side store. The force was so strong that it even cracked the wall.

    Puh! Another mouthful of blood sprayed out from Zhang Mo's mouth, and Zhang Mo's body leaned helplessly on top of the cracked wall, relying on the cracked wall to barely stand straight. Only from Zhang Mo's slightly trembling body, as well as the blood that continuously sprayed out from his mouth and nose, it was not difficult to see what kind of heavy damage the Minotaur's punch had inflicted on Zhang Mo.

    With years of experience, Zhang Mo knew that the minotaur's punch had already caused his internal organs to be heavily damaged, and if he was hit once, he was afraid that his body, in an instant, would be broken apart under the minotaur's terrifying punching power.

    The ears constantly rang with the dull footsteps of the Minotaur, as he walked. However, Zhang Mo, who had blurred vision, could not see the tall body of the Minotaur, shaking his head violently, trying hard to wake up a little bit, but the violent impact with the wall behind him just now, made Zhang Mo's head dizzy, as if he had a concussion in general.

    Puh! Along with the sound of a sharp blade entering the flesh, a blood arrow shot out from Zhang Mo's left leg, the intense pain caused Zhang Mo's drowsy head to wake up a bit, and the tall figure of the Minotaur appeared in his eyes, only that his vision was still a bit blurry.

    It's not enough ...... Looking at the blurry figure that kept approaching him, Zhang Mo inwardly roared. Immediately, he only saw Zhang Mo roar, and his right hand, which was holding the handle of the Jungle King's blade, twisted a little bit with force, and then the sharp blade, which was rotating within the muscles of Zhang Mo's left leg, and a large amount of blood exploded out from the wound of Zhang Mo's left leg.

    Ah! Ahh! Ah! The intense pain caused Zhang Mo's face to twist like a devil from hell, terrifying and hideous.

    The severe pain coming from his left leg caused Zhang Mo to burst out in pain, but Zhang Mo knew that this kind of great power gained by self-mutilating his body was drinking hemlock to quench his thirst, and if he didn't kill the minotaur in a short period of time, I'm afraid that even if he didn't need the minotaur to make a move, Zhang Mo's body would collapse on its own due to forcing the use of a power that exceeded his own, and he'd become a plant person.

    Hoo! A violent stream of air, accompanied by a sharp whistling sound that tore through the air, appeared in front of Zhang Mo's head, followed by a huge fist that blasted towards Zhang Mo's head.

    ### Chapter 4: Trampling of War ###

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    ##Chapter 5: The Kiss of Death###

    The icy cold item that caused Zhang Mo to erupt into a horrifying smile was a small test tube, enduring the severe pain that was like a lingering death, Zhang Mo's trembling right hand effortlessly took out the test tube from his pocket.

    The test tube is very small, only the thickness of an ordinary person's little finger, the length is not more than three centimeters, inside is as bright as blood, even in the dark night, the liquid inside the test tube still emits a bewitching light, one can't help but be intoxicated, bright and bewitching liquid, can't extricate themselves.

    Don't look at this test tube is very small, the liquid inside is only one drop, but the price is very high. The price of this drop of liquid was two million dollars, and there was no market for it. In order to get this drop of liquid, Zhang Mo spent three times its original price in the black market, that is, six million dollars to get it.

    However, if you think that this is a potion that can make people live forever or cure all diseases, then you are completely wrong, the potion in Zhang Mo's hand not only can't cure any diseases, but on the contrary, it's a poison that can cause people to die.

    This potion is called the Kiss of Death in the mercenary world, its only effect is that in the instant of injection, it can make the user abandon all consciousness, even if the body is bombed, there will not be any pain, and can also greatly enhance the user's physical fitness, so that the user temporarily has the strength of a superhuman. However, after using the Kiss of Death, the user will instantly collapse and turn into a puddle of rotten meat due to the extreme explosion of the body's potential.

    And this Kiss of Death only lasts for one minute, which means that once Zhang Mo uses the Kiss of Death, then Zhang Mo can only survive for one more minute in this world.

    As of now, the death rate of the Kiss of Death is 100%, since the birth of the Kiss of Death, there has not been a precedent of using the Kiss of Death, can survive.

    Although the Kiss of Death can cause death, most of the people who can become mercenaries in the mercenary world are crazy, if they die naturally or on the spot, then they have nothing to say. But if they are seriously injured by the enemy and still have a breath left, they will not hesitate to use the kiss of death and die with the enemy.

    It can be said that the Kiss of Death is the devil for ordinary people, but for mercenary kings like Zhang Mo, who have been traveling in the land of the dead for many years, the Kiss of Death is their most loyal companion, which allows them to die without regrets.

    Go to hell with me! Looking down at the minotaur below, who was still shaking his head and trying to pull out the bull's horn from the wall, Zhang Mo forcefully stabbed the Kiss of Death down towards his chest.

    At the moment when the Kiss of Death pierced Zhang Mo's chest, the brightly colored potion, like blood, instantly transformed into countless tiny cells, crazily biting and devouring Zhang Mo's cells, and then splitting, devouring, and splitting ......, in one thousandth of a second, all the cells in Zhang Mo's body were completely devoured, transforming into another kind of cellular tissue, making Zhang Mo transform into a superhuman with super strength. All the cells were completely devoured and transformed into another kind of cellular organization, causing Zhang Mo to incarnate into a superman with super strength.

    Roar! A sound that did not resemble a human voice came out from Zhang Mo's suppressed throat, and his body, which was hung above the wall by the Minotaur's bull horns, began to rapidly expand, and a furious to the extreme aura burst out from within Zhang Mo's body.

    Feeling the violent aura that was no less than his own that had erupted from Zhang Mo, who should have been dead, the minotaur, who had been lowering his head and trying to yank the bull's horns out of the wall, instinctively raised his eyes and looked upward.

    Only to see, that human's body is constantly expanding, gradually exceeded their own, and the original black and white eyes, also became black as ink color, no longer have the white of the eyes and pupils respectively, completely is two black as ink crystal, black without a trace of sensibility * * * color.

    Looking at Zhang Mo's eyes that were as black as ink, the minotaur suddenly felt a creepy sensation and couldn't help but increase his strength, wanting to pull his bullhorn out of the wall and then hide far away from the human in front of him, who terrorized him.

    As his body swelled, Zhang Mo's feet were already next to the ground. Black as ink, his eyes were completely devoid of any emotion, making Zhang Mo look like a demon from hell. Zhang Mo, who had a hideous smile on the corner of his mouth, grabbed the Minotaur's horns with both hands with force.

    Open! Accompanied by a roar like that of a wild beast from Zhang Mo, the minotaur's left horn was unexpectedly broken off from his head by Zhang Mo.

    Ah ...... The bull horn that the minotaur clan treasured as if it was their life was actually broken by Zhang Mo, the intense pain as well as the sense of humiliation made the minotaur fight to yank out the bull horn that was right in the middle of the wall.

    Pfft! As the bull's horn was yanked out from the wall, the minotaur's bull's horn was also yanked out from Zhang Mo's abdomen. At the same time, a large amount of blood was ejected from Zhang Mo's abdominal wound, and a blood hole the thickness of an adult's arm appeared on top of Zhang Mo's abdomen. If Zhang Mo hadn't been injected with the Kiss of Death at this time, and completely lost consciousness, this kind of pain alone would have killed Zhang Mo.

    Just as the minotaur yanked his bull's horn out of the wall, ready to tear that human, who broke his bull's horn, into pieces. But he found that his right horn was actually imprisoned by a huge force, he knew that it was that damned human, who grabbed his bull's horn, and without thinking about it, his right fist blasted hard on top of, that human's right rib.

    Ka-ching! A crunching sound came from Zhang Mo's ribs, the minotaur showed a fierce smile on his face, he knew that his punch had broken all the ribs of that damned, human. Only what puzzled the minotaur was that after hitting the human so hard, he didn't hear any screams from that human, could it be that the human had been killed by his own punch?

    Right, that damn human must have been killed by himself? Thinking of this, the minotaur wanted to raise his head, to see the miserable state of that human's death, but he realized that his right horn, still being deadlocked by that human, was unable to move the slightest bit, and he couldn't help but raise his only left eye to look upwards.

    Ah! The moment the minotaur raised his eyes, a tragic and incomparable howl erupted from the minotaur's mouth. Only to see Zhang Mo expressionlessly plunging the horn, which he had broken, into the minotaur's only remaining left eye with force.

    Ah! The intense pain, as well as the feeling of darkness that he was plunged into by his blindness, caused the minotaur to howl miserably like a headless fly, spinning around in front of Zhang Mo's body.

    Dang! Dang! Dang! Looking at the Minotaur, who was spinning around like a headless fly and howling miserably, Zhang Mo's mouth revealed a cold smile, and then his body swayed and appeared in front of the Minotaur. His hands turned into a trail of shadows, continuously striking above the minotaur's head and chest.

    Poof! Pfft! Poof! When Zhang Mo was bombarding the Minotaur, the effect of the Kiss of Death was about to disappear, and the powerful side effects made Zhang Mo, who was attacking, feel as if he was constantly being hit by bullets in every part of his body, and blood holes appeared one after another on the surface of Zhang Mo's body, and in just a few seconds, his body became a sieve, as if it had been swept by a heavy machine gun, and a large amount of muscle fragments and bone residue, mixed with warm blood, came out of his body. In just a few seconds, Zhang Mo's body turned into a sieve as if he had been swept by a heavy machine gun, and a large amount of muscle fragments and bone residue, mixed with warm blood, burst out from Zhang Mo's body.

    Die for me! Sensing that his body was about to collapse, Zhang Mo concentrated all of his strength and struck hard on top of the minotaur's head.

    Boom! Gathering the strength of Zhang Mo's entire body made the minotaur's head, as if it had violent explosives buried inside, violently explode, milky-white ** mixed with warm blood, as well as fragments of shattered cranial bones shot out in all directions, followed by the minotaur's headless body, which fell heavily to the ground.

    In the midst of the dust, Zhang Mo, who had blown the minotaur's head off with one punch, also fell to the ground like a piece of wood, and the time for the Kiss of Death had come, and Zhang Mo had to leave this world with the death of the minotaur.

    I'm sorry ...... Tong Tong, if there is an afterlife, I will definitely marry you ......, Zhang Mo said wordlessly as he looked in the direction of Banyan City, a large amount of blood coming out of Zhang Mo's mouth, constantly spurted out, making it impossible for Zhang Mo's voice to come out at all.

    Task 2 completed, detected that the host's body has been heavily damaged, repairing has begun, body repair in progress, estimated repair time: fifteen minutes. Just when Zhang Mo's eyes were lax and he was about to die, the metallic voice of the Demon Hunting System once again sounded in Zhang Mo's mind.

    With the metallic sound of the Demon Hunting System, in Zhang Mo's lax eyes, his own body, which was like a rotten sack, started to recover strangely, and he couldn't help but relax his spirit and fainted.

    The cells in the host's body have been found to contain the berserk gene, is it eliminated? Right after Zhang Mo fainted, the metallic voice of the Demon Hunting System sounded again, if Zhang Mo was still awake, he would definitely be able to understand that the berserk gene that the Demon Hunting System was talking about was the Kiss of Death.

    Cells in the host's body were found to contain the berserker gene, is it culled?

    Cells in the host's body were found to contain the berserker gene, is it culled?

    The cells in the host's body were found to contain the berserker gene, is it culled? Perhaps not having received Zhang Mo's order, the Demon Hunting System kept repeating this sentence.

    The host has no orders, according to the test, the Berserker Gene is able to enhance the host's strength, according to the system's rules, everything is based on enhancing the host's strength, fuse the Berserker Gene. After a few inquiries and no answer from Zhang Mo, the Demon Hunting System, according to its own rules, executed what it thought was the best choice for Zhang Mo - fusing the Berserk Gene.

    Zhang Mo, who had fainted, didn't know that the Demon Hunting System had fused the berserk genes within the Kiss of Death with his own genes. For Zhang Mo, he didn't know if this was a good thing or not.

    ### Chapter 6: The Demons of the Abyss ###

    Zhang Mo felt like he was in a dream, surrounded by darkness, as if he had become a soul without entity, like a lone boat, floating and drifting in the endless ocean ......

    Whew! A mouthful of turbid air was exhaled, and Zhang Mo, who was lying on the ground, violently rolled over and sat up, looking around in a daze, seemingly forgetting everything that had just happened.

    Suddenly, Zhang Mo stood up and shouted loudly, Who the hell are you? You come out to me?

    My full name is Demon Hunting System, you can call me Hunt, my duty is to help the host become stronger, hunt the Abyssal Demons, and avenge the people of Planet Vitale. A metallic voice appeared in Zhang Mo's mind.

    Why did you choose me? Zhang Mo said after a moment of silence, looking up at the sky.

    The most core program of the Demon Hunting System is set to take a creature with a killing heart as its host and help the host grow stronger as quickly as possible, ultimately destroying the Abyssal Demon Race and avenging the tragic deaths of the people of Planet Vitale at the hands of the Abyssal Demon Race. The Demon Hunting System that called itself Hunt replied.

    Is it possible that my insides are filled with the lust* to kill? Is that why you chose me? After hearing Hunt's reply, Zhang Mo said in a self-deprecating manner.

    No, you are my twelve hundred and seventy-second host. Although Zhang Mo only said in a self-deprecating manner, Hunt still gave Zhang Mo the answer.

    I remember in the beginning, didn't you tell me that you had uniqueness? How come I've become your one thousand two hundred and seventy-second host again? After hearing Hunt's words, Zhang Mo asked in confusion.

    That's right, I do have uniqueness. But only after passing the trial mission will I be bound to the host and become an auxiliary system with uniqueness. Among the one thousand two hundred and seventy-one host candidates before you, seventy percent did not pass the initial fusion, twenty percent died at the hands of the demonized golem, and the rest all died at the hands of the Minotaur, this month, you are the only human who completed the trial mission and survived, so you have become my only host, and once you die, I will also eventually perish. Hunt explained.

    What? A month, are you saying that I've been in a coma for a month? Not caring about Hunt's explanation, hearing that a month had passed since the disaster appeared, Zhang Mo roared loudly.

    No, for you it was just a five day coma. Hunt replied in a voice still devoid of any emotion.

    Then what do you mean by a month? Zhang Mo asked in confusion.

    I came to Earth through a wormhole a month ago, and at the same time used the remaining energy to create the demonized golems and minotaurs needed for the trials to select my host, only unfortunately, a month was wasted until the Abyssal Demon Clan invaded, and then I ended up fusing with you, and missed out on the opportunity to rapidly increase my strength. Hunt said in a deep voice.

    So, what exactly are you? After thinking about it, Zhang Mo opened his mouth and said to Hunt.

    I am a Thinking Brain with the ability to self-evolve, theoretically capable of infinite evolution, eventually becoming the god of your legends. I was created by Professor Mecca of Planet Vitale, and was originally a Thinking Brain used to assist Planet Vitale in its evolution. It was only due to the fact that Planet Vitale was overrun by the Abyssal Demons more than three thousand years ago. When Planet Vitale was destroyed, I was changed to the final core program, everything for hunting the Abyssal Demons as the first priority, then I was sent out by Professor Mecca using a wormhole, I didn't expect that after passing through the wormhole, I actually came to the Earth three thousand years later, just in time to catch up with the preliminary stage of your being attacked by the Abyssal Demons. Hunt said.

    This damned guy, is he the Abyssal Demon Race you're talking about? Zhang Mo said disdainfully as he stepped on the minotaur's headless corpse with his right foot.

    Him? No, he can't even be counted as the lowest class warrior of the Abyssal Demon Race, he's just the cannon fodder of cannon fodder, a test subject created by utilizing the energy of the Abyssal Demon Race, whose strength is only one half of the original body, in reference to the fact that the Abyssal Demon Race was the weakest among the warriors that were sent out when they attacked Planet Vitale at that time. After fusing with me, you should be able to see through me that his rank is level four, while the lowest class of warriors in the Abyssal Demon Race is above level twenty, can you imagine how terrifying the Abyssal Demon Race is? Hunt opened his mouth and said.

    The lowest level warrior is level twenty? There is no need for higher level warriors at all, just a few low level warriors would be able to destroy the earth, are we just going to wait to be destroyed? After hearing Hunter's words, Zhang Mo said in horror, having fought with the Minotaur, he clearly knew the terror of the Minotaur, if not for the Minotaur's carelessness, coupled with his own injection of the forbidden potion Kiss of Death, he would not have been a match for the Minotaur at all.

    As for the battle-hardened himself, his current strength was considered strong in the peacetime Earth, even so he was not a match for a mere level four minotaur, not to mention level twenty demonic warriors, even a large number of level four minotaur could destroy the entire Earth.

    No, it's not what you think? That the universe is fair and there will be no certain death? Hunt spoke up.

    Then according to your meaning, is the Earth still saved? Zhang Mo asked hopefully.

    Whether there is any salvation or not will depend on you humans yourselves. Although the bridge between Earth and the Abyssal Demon Realm has now been opened, but limited to the rules of heaven and earth, the Abyssal Demon Race is now unable to descend on top of Earth. They must wait until Earth is fully able to withstand their super strength before they can descend to Earth. With the current withstanding capacity of the Earth, it can only withstand engagements between strong people below the tenth level, once strong people above the tenth level engage on the Earth, the Earth will be destroyed due to the powerful energy impact, which is exactly why the Abyssal Demon Race sent the Beastmen to the Earth, so currently, all of these Beastmen's strengths are below the fifth level. Hunt opened his mouth.

    Then is it true that Earth will never have the descent of the Abyssal Demons, only these beastmen? Zhang Mo asked in a hurry.

    No, as the bridge between Earth and the Abyssal Demon Realm is opened, Earth will slowly be filled with the energies in the Abyssal Demon Realm. These energies will continue to transform the Earth, making it able to withstand stronger pressure until it can allow the Abyssal Demons to descend without fear. Hunt explained.

    In that case, wouldn't Earth still be destroyed by the Abyssal Demons. Zhang Mo asked in a low voice.

    No, this is exactly what I said, the hope of the Earth depends on you humans yourselves, in heaven and earth, there are pros and cons to everything, when the Earth is filled with the energy of the Abyssal Demon Realm, not only will the Earth be transformed by the energy of the Abyssal Demon Realm, even you humans will enter a higher level of evolution. As long as you evolve fast enough, or if you are on par with the level of the Abyssal Demon Race's Demon Warriors that can arrive, there is still hope for you. Hunt said.

    Then, how long will the higher level Abyssal Demon warriors arrive? After hearing Hunt's words, Zhang Mo couldn't wait.

    Given the current state of affairs, it will take two to three and a half years until the first Abyssal Demon's lowest warrior arrives, and that's where your human hopes lie. Hunt explained.

    Then what should I do to increase my strength as soon as possible? Zhang Mo said.

    Complete the tasks I give you, that will allow you to increase your strength faster and still get more supplies? Hunt said.

    Will I be able to get stronger faster as long as I complete the quests you post? Zhang Mo said expectantly.

    Of course, as the strongest Thinking Brain of Planet Vitale, I possess the ability of spatial transformation, and not only do I have the important strategic materials of the entire Planet Vitale stored in my body, but I am also able to utilize the demonic qi within the Abyssal Demons that you have killed to create potions suitable for the strength needed to enhance your strength. Hunt explained.

    So didn't I just complete the task you gave me, is it possible that my strength will be able to increase and I will also be able to obtain the supplies you mentioned? Zhang Mo said excitedly. Now that the world had been destroyed by the energy of the Abyssal Demon Realm, everything would have to start from scratch, so if he was able to obtain the strategic supplies that Hunt had mentioned, he thought that he would be able to adapt to this world that was about to become a demonic realm much faster.

    I'm sorry, what you've accomplished is just a trial mission without any rewards. Hunt's words interrupted Zhang Mo, who was fantasizing about being able to get supplies.

    Yes? After hearing Hunt's words, Zhang Mo, who was originally filled with excitement, collapsed.

    You don't have to be frustrated either, although you won't be able to get the strategic materials, as a reward for you passing the trial, you'll be able to obtain the natural ability which is known as supernatural ability on your Earth. Hunt's next words caused Zhang Mo's face to turn brilliant.

    Hurry up and tell me what my natural ability is? After hearing Hunt's words, Zhang Mo instantly jumped up and shouted loudly.

    ##Chapter 7: Natural Abilities###

    "Originally, after passing the trial test, you were able to obtain a random natural ability from me as a way to enhance your strength. But after you used the Kiss of Death, according to my core rules, anything that can enhance the host's ability will be retained. So the Kiss of Death that you injected when you killed the Minotaur has been purified and slightly altered by me to become your own natural ability, giving you two natural abilities. Of course compared to the natural ability I gave you, it's quite a bit worse in terms of usefulness, and can only be called a pseudo - natural ability.

    Are you saying that I can use the Kiss of Death as much as I want without being threatened by any side effects? After hearing Hunt's words, Zhang Mo said happily.

    "Not bad, except that after purification, your strength can only increase between two and five times, the time is still one minute, and you

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