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In Our Advertising Business
In Our Advertising Business
In Our Advertising Business
Ebook156 pages2 hours

In Our Advertising Business

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he talked about his bets. "I probably would have made a lot more profit if I hadn't told anyone else about this - because I did that I couldn't eliminate other computer research groups from getting into the field." this field and earn millions." -He told a journalist. "But it's really hard to keep it a secret because I can't keep quiet."


Release dateMay 1, 2024
In Our Advertising Business

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    In Our Advertising Business - William Blanke

    In Our Advertising Business

    In Our Advertising Business

    Copyright © 2024 by William Blanke

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    Once again, the key to getting the most out of these marketing weapons is knowing how to combine them. Like sales letter templates, flyer materials should be drawn from your original educational marketing efforts and be a shortened version of your stadium speech or core story. That means it will include extremely compelling information and set buying criteria based on your interests. It will use the exact same graphics you use in presentations, advertising, and sales letters to emphasize the connection between different forms of marketing.

    Here's a real-life scenario: You come out and present your backstory. This is a seminar that covers the market data you convey to potential customers. Everything goes well and by the end of the session, the prospect asks you for a copy of the presentation to present to his boss or at one of his company meetings. If your core story is a masterpiece, you probably won't want to show it to your prospects because many of them probably have some relationship with one of your target companies. your player. But you can give them a brochure that includes the highlights of your core story. This is very beneficial to you because when you give them a brochure, you are giving them a sales tool – which will turn them into a person presenting your core story.

    Currently, I am collaborating with United Multi Family company specializing in selling apartments. Their core story not only encourages apartment owners to sell their apartments but also gives many reasons why you should choose this company's services over others. The company's brochure is a miniature version, highlighting the key facts in the core story. Therefore, when a salesperson meets an apartment owner and that owner wants to discuss further with his/her spouse or friend, that employee can leave a brochure as a quote. abridged core story. Or if the agent, for some reason, can't present the entire core story, he might as well take out the brochure and tell a small core story on the spot.

    Let's learn more about this issue. Most brochures are a waste of money. They focus entirely on you instead of on the prospect. I call them ego ads. Imagine you are the owner of an apartment. You are attending a trade show for apartment owners, where there are many brochures. Most of them open like this: Kimberly and Wayne: Why We're Great. Only people who know and are interested in doing business with these companies will pick up those brochures. But among them, there was a brochure that read: Five dangers for apartment owners and how to maximize your apartment assets. Who would want to know about that? Every apartment owner in this show will want to see that brochure. And which brochure would you like to read?

    When done properly, brochures can be incredibly effective sales tools. Also included in this section on corporate leaflets are advertisements. There are many reports that we use as marketing tools. When people subscribe to our e-mail list, they receive these reports every few days. The reports provide useful information and at the end of each report there is always an advertisement for the service we want to sell. It will say: To learn more about how to increase your sales, visit Subtle but very effective. According to the survey, 30% of people who have a report access the link at the end of the article. This is truly a special method of controlling things.

    In our advertising business, we have a series of one-page ads, each explaining a different sales point. They are often used in our campaigns, and salespeople often apply them to specific objections from prospects. For example, if a customer just wants to sign up for one ad, we'll have ads that illustrate why you should advertise regularly. If a client only wants to post black and white ads, we have ads that provide excellent data for why color ads are a better choice.


    Write down 5 to 10 key reasons why prospects want to buy your product and not someone else's, or why you want prospects to dig deeper and/or do more what they originally planned to do. Then create a series of one-page ads for each case. Again, make sure all your advertising focuses on the customer, not you, and tells them why, not how. Use colors and graphics if possible. But if that's not practical, you can make a big ad with a big headline. Check out a sample teleconference ad below.


    Join a webinar with renowned business development consultant Chet Holmes to learn how to double your sales in just 12 months. You'll learn four fundamental concepts that will double your sales – each of which can double your sales in exactly 12 months. This will be a groundbreaking experience and it all takes place in exactly 70 minutes, no need to travel far – join now via your phone.

    Presenting Speaker: Chet Holmes is the only sales trainer in the world to have personally sold services to more than 60 Fortune 500 companies. His client list includes Estée Lauder, Warner Bros., American Express and Citibank. He has 65 training products sold in 23 countries. According to Success magazine: Chet Holmes broke sales records wherever he went. To watch a two-minute trailer about Chet, visit

    And here is the content of four basic concepts:

    1. Focus on your best customers, it's the way to reduce marketing costs and scale sales quickly.

    2. How would you like to have all your best prospects in the same room so you can present to them at the same time? Learn the magic of a concept called stadium presentation.

    3. Growth strategy with good employees: any company, no matter how small, can recruit a team of experienced sales staff to grow radically business work.

    4. From zero to $100 million: The skills you need to take your company's value to $100 million. Even if your goal isn't $100 million, you'll learn about things that can change everything. Most companies are stuck at some level. But with the experience that Chet provides, your company will escape the deadlock and grow.

    Come join me and renowned business development consultant Chet Holmes at exactly 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 10 (Eastern Standard Time) and find direction for your life. in just over an hour. Only 1,000 people will be able to attend. So you should register now to reserve your spot: [link to website here].

    This is a great headline and ad that piques your curiosity, making you want to learn more. And this commercial focuses mainly on me, because, in this case, I'm a famous sales professional, but at the same time, this commercial also focuses quite a bit on potential customers and clients. made a lot of promises.

    You should prepare ads like this with a good headline, focus on the benefits for your potential customers, and include a call to action.


    What is public relations (PR)? PR is the job of organizing events such as parties and trade show performances for your clients. PR also includes press releases, building relationships with the press, getting articles written by or about you, and connecting with powerful forces that can help you such as associations. trade and community groups. Most companies' PR work is not highly effective and does not really make any effort. Even if you only have a small company, it can still work effectively to build your reputation if you maximize your PR work. Today, with the rapid development of the Internet, this is even more true.

    As I mentioned, we always have a lot of reports available to use as advertisements in our email list. We also use these reports as articles and hire a PR company to send them out everywhere. In any given month, an article I write will appear in e-zines on more than 100 websites. If you go to Google and type in my name, you will find my articles on thousands of websites.


    Write down a few ideas for articles that could be published in magazines, trade publications or e-zine websites. These same articles become free reports that you can use to market to potential customers. Here's how you can beat your competitors with your brain, not your wallet.

    An interesting backstory will make this job a lot easier. For example, what do you think about fruit businesses with pictures of famous people painted on them? The core story here is about the state of American health and how eating more fruit can increase your life expectancy. This interesting information is the key to helping your problem get more attention from more people.


    A study from 1963 to 1970 showed that obesity among children between the ages of 6 and 11 was about 4% of all children. A similar study from 1999 to 2002 found that obesity now reached an alarming 16 percent.

    There are many reasons contributing to these indicators. Among them is the fact that fast food companies are spending more money on advertising and marketing that have a strong impact on children. If in 1960, about five billion dollars were spent on buying fast food, today, that number is 500 billion – that is a huge increase.

    The number of fast food products that US companies market directly to children has increased from 52 products in 1994 to more than 500 products today. A study of elementary school students found that 96% of them could recognize Ronald McDonald, the clown character who advertises for the fast food company McDonald's.

    A fruit and vegetable company's solution: Two women at a small farm called AMF in Burlington, Washington lobbied and received a grant from the US Department of Agriculture to find out whether the images above Does the tree encourage children to eat more fruit?

    AMF Farm began offering small pumpkins with cartoon characters drawn on them. These products are distributed throughout the United States at chain stores such as Wal-Mart, Kroger, Safeway and Albertson's. Once they had perfected the mass production of painted pumpkins, they went to the next step of embossing edible images on the fruit.

    AMF Farm can draw any shape on fruit, specifically on apples and pears. Imagine how much your child would want to eat an apple with a picture of Dora The Explorer or Sponge Bob (famous cartoon characters) on it, says AMF Farm employee Michelle Younquist. .

    Currently, AMF Farm is cooperating with large fruit farms to expand the use of cartoon characters on fruit. In addition, they also engrave logos of famous sports teams and companies that want to advertise on fruits.

    According to Agriculture and Chemistry, eating lots of fruits and vegetables will halve the chance of getting cancer and reduce the chance of cardiovascular disease by 20% (these are the two main causes of death in the US). .

    AMF Farm co-founder Liz Mitchell said: This is just one small thing we can do to help people, but we are just a small company. We are trying to do our part to help children be healthier. If doing this can make one child eat an apple a day, then everything we have to go through will be meaningful.

    This PR information is very effective because it starts with a painful, newsworthy issue. Every day there are articles reporting on obesity, especially childhood obesity. This PR is also effective because the data presented is quoted from major and very reliable information sources. Reading it is like reading a new article without much editing. The article introduces a company that is doing the right thing by offering some solutions to help children eat better nutrition. Since the article does not focus on AMF but on general issues, it is likely to receive higher attention from the press.

    Create news

    The press is part of your PR job, so you need to attract their attention. The strategy

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