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THE EVENT Book one of The Event Trilogy
THE EVENT Book one of The Event Trilogy
THE EVENT Book one of The Event Trilogy
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THE EVENT Book one of The Event Trilogy

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A female astronaut is thrown off course into a portal and bumped around through time. Through different eras and different locations. With romance, friendship and adventure along the way.

A female astronaut is thrown off course into a portal and bumped around through time. Through different eras and different locations. With romance, frie

Release dateMay 16, 2024
THE EVENT Book one of The Event Trilogy

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    THE EVENT Book one of The Event Trilogy - Kathleen Patrice


    A Novella

    Kathleen Patrice

    Experience the Unforgettable: The Event, book one of The Event Trilogy, by Kathleen Patrice delivers a Thrilling Journey into Mystery, Romance and Adventure.

    Step into a world of extraordinary discovery with The Event, the debut novelette by author Kathleen Patrice. With meticulous attention to detail and a captivating narrative, The Event promises readers an immersive experience unlike any other.

    In The Event, readers are introduced to Darby, a woman who awakens in a mysterious place with no memory of how she arrived there. As Darby struggles to piece together the fragments of her memory, she discovers that she has been through something remarkable that defies explanation. From there, she is thrust into experiences that threaten not only her life but the very fabric of reality itself.

    Kathleen Patrice's storytelling prowess shines through in The Event, as she weaves a complex tapestry of mystery, fantasy/sci-fi, romance and adventure. With its intricate plot, well-rounded characters, and thought-provoking themes, The Event is sure to keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very last page.

    Her ability to blend elements of mystery and fantasy/sci-fi into a cohesive and compelling narrative is nothing short of impressive.

    At its core, The Event is a story about self-discovery, resilience, and the power of the human spirit.

    With 'The Event,' the author hopes to take readers on a journey of self-discovery and exploration that will leave them questioning the nature of reality and their place within it.

    With its richly imagined world, compelling characters, and thrilling plot twists, The Event is a must-read for fans of fantasy/sci-fi, mystery, romance, and adventure alike. Whether you're a seasoned reader or new to the genre, The Event offers something for everyone and promises to leave a lasting impression long after you've turned the final page.

    The Event is now available for purchase in paperback and ebook formats. For more information about the book and author, please contact:

    For media inquiries, interviews, and review copies, please contact:

    copyright © 2019 by Kathleen Patrice

    All rights reserved. Except as permitted by U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted by any form, or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the author.

    The characters in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. Any historical figures or events mentioned in the story serve as a backdrop to the characters and their actions. Any inaccuracies made were to aid in the narration of the story. This is a work of fiction.

    The Event: a novella by Kathleen Patrice

    For my beautiful daughters

    Your strength and fortitude amazes me

    To love

    In all its forms

    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow…

    ~Albert Einstein


    Kathleen Patrice



    Excitement coursed through my body. I could feel the adrenaline as if it were a drug in my veins. All of my training, though, had taught me to be calm and steady. With one deep breath, I centered myself and smiled, thinking of how long I had waited for this. I strapped in my harnesses as the spacecraft was readied. I heard Commander Adler going through the checklist and my heart beat wildly. I heard the warm-up. Then, the engines started with a roar. The craft vibrated and my body along with it. I had given up everything for this. Everything, so I could be an astronaut. Rarely dating, and never thinking of marriage, children or a family, I had put all my energy into this. This was my big dream and now, finally, after all the years of discipline, school, studying and training, the day was here. My first trip up to the Global Space Station 3; GSS3 as it was called. From there, eventually, I would move on to Mars someday. So hard to imagine. But so exciting!

    The ship lifted off with an explosion of noise beneath it. The power that I felt beneath me felt like the power of an exploding volcano. It lifted us up with the forceful, steady push of its energy. ‘So far, so good," I thought to myself.

    The rocket pushed us on and we got further out. Then I finally would be detached and on to the next step. Soon, my single-person module was finally released from the unit with the crew, and I was on my way to GSS3.

    Through each step, ground control was talking me through it. Our back-and-forth voices were more of a checklist than a conversation. Everything was going smoothly as planned until a voice broke in from ground control with unexpected news. Attention Darby. We have unexpected debris appearing. The meteor shower coming into view was supposed to miss you, according to all calculations. But there is extra debris coming with it. Not sure where this is from. We had prepared for this, but nothing was supposed to be this close. It must be from some space debris that meteor particles broke up. The fragments are pretty small. Hopefully, they will miss the craft.

    And if they don’t? I asked, concerned.

    Minimal damage. Nothing to worry about.

    But I was worried. I knew that the slightest thing could push me off course. One minor thing would change all the calculations they had planned for. I stayed calm and checked my computer screen and the window. By checking them both frequently I finally saw the cluster. Just a few of them passing by quickly, and they missed me. Relieved, I leaned my head back. Then I heard a couple of small taps on the outside. It sounded like a tin can getting hit by pebbles. Sounded so delicate, but I knew my module was strong. I could feel a frown form between my brows. Nothing else hit. Finally, it seemed the threat had passed and I relaxed.

    Bang! Thump! My module shuddered and wobbled.

    Attention Darby! You’ve been hit.

    I felt it.

    Are you ok?

    You tell me. Fine inside, but what about my course. There was a pause.

    Not good news. The largest particle that hit you was fast enough and big enough to push you. You are off course.

    I saw that on my screen as well. I was solemn. Silence was the only thing that came from the radio. And it hung in the air like toxic smoke. My stomach tightened and a lump formed in my throat. All my excitement drained from me and only dread remained. I tried some measures to help me steer, but it did not help in the vacuum of space.

    Finally, there was a voice on the radio.

    I am sorry. You know what this means.

    "Yes. I am aware. It was always a risk and I knew

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