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You are Not Alone
You are Not Alone
You are Not Alone
Ebook52 pages44 minutes

You are Not Alone

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About this ebook

This short book recounts the thoughts and feelings as the author was coming out of an abusive relationship. It addresses into the way how a small conservative presbyterian church handled the separation, divorce and affair. This book was written to help readers to realize they are not alone in their pain and give them some ideas of how to mov

Release dateJun 21, 2024
You are Not Alone

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    Book preview

    You are Not Alone - Karin Craft

    You are Not Alone

    You are Not Alone

    You are Not Alone

    Karin Craft

    This is dedicated to my husband, John.  I could not have had the courage to pursue this lifelong dream without his love and encouragement.




    1 My History

    2 My Children

    3 My Separation

    4 My Sister and Family

    5 Lost Relationships

    6 My Church Family

    7 My Affair

    8 My Healing

    9 John


    About The Author


    Hello, reader. I don’t know your story. I don’t know what made you pick this book up and start reading. I only know my story. And my story isn’t perfect. I am a flawed human being and I think you’ll see that, if you choose to continue reading.

    Before I start, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

    I am a shy person. I don’t like crowds. I have done online grocery pick up from Walmart even before covid was a thing. When they started offering it, I did it! At that time I was working full time and it was a huge time saver for me. It had the added bonus of not actually needing to shop. I hate being in a crowd and it certainly stresses me out. I think as I’ve become a mom and living the life I lived it has exacerbated my anxiety with crowds of people.

    I have never been a confident person. I always second guess myself. I am writing this in the hopes of publishing this book. But part of me, even as I write this, doesn’t believe it will go past this google document. I don’t think people would be interested in this book. I believe other people know more than me. They are smarter than me. They understand better than I do. They are more learned. This is most likely true for a vast majority of people. However, no one knows my story better than I .

    My purpose in writing this is not to be a tell-all and let the gossip start. Nor is it to shame anyone in my story. It is just to share. I am still processing and still unraveling parts. I’ll never have all the answers. But, I want to share what I’ve gone through.

    So please don’t take what I’ve come to as me telling you what to believe. Know that I don’t have a seminary degree, or anything above a bachelor’s degree. However, I want you to know what I have wrestled through and, in so doing, perhaps help you on your journey. And please know, that no matter where you are on your particular journey, you are not alone.


    My History

    I am a history buff. I have always enjoyed reading historical fiction and I have loved learning about history. I was even a history major in college (along with special education).

    I have also always wanted to write. As a matter of fact, I even wrote my sister a historical fiction novel as a high school graduation gift. I’m not sure if she still has it, but I think if she does, I would not want to read it. I was never confident in my writing skills. I’ve had more than one person tell me recently, though, that they have enjoyed my writing. I don’t know. Maybe my writing isn’t that stellar. But I’ve come to realize in my own study that I should not squash my creativity just because I’m afraid of what people will think.

    All that to say, I think history is important. What has happened in the past, certainly has relevance to what is happening in

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