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Jar of Tears: Moms aren't supposed to die: Moms aren't supposed to die: Moms aren't supposed to die
Jar of Tears: Moms aren't supposed to die: Moms aren't supposed to die: Moms aren't supposed to die
Jar of Tears: Moms aren't supposed to die: Moms aren't supposed to die: Moms aren't supposed to die
Ebook217 pages2 hours

Jar of Tears: Moms aren't supposed to die: Moms aren't supposed to die: Moms aren't supposed to die

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Kirkus Review: " A young girl grieving her mother's death discovers the healing power of family, friends, and God in Templeton's middle-grade novel. Mira is 10 years old when she loses her mom to cancer. At first, she remains in staunch denial that her mother would ever leave her, even believing

Release dateApr 16, 2024
Jar of Tears: Moms aren't supposed to die: Moms aren't supposed to die: Moms aren't supposed to die

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    Jar of Tears - Kathleen Templeton

    Praise for Jar of Tears

    The counselling world has gained a rich new resource for both children and those working with children facing untimely loss and sorrow in their young lives. Kathleen Templeton has given us the gift of her own journey of grief as a template for dealing with grief and loss. I heartily recommend this book, especially for those looking for a pathway through the devastating losses of life.

    Ingrid Lanting

    Counsellor and Pastor’s Wife

    Jar of Tears is an exceptional and vital addition to middle-grade literature. Kathleen Templeton’s narrative not only explores grief but also celebrates resilience and love, which is stronger than death. This book serves as an indispensable source of support for young readers dealing with loss, offering a way to navigate the challenging terrain of grief with grace, understanding, and the recognition that tears are collected in the hands of a loving God.

    The novel skillfully explores the arduous journey of grief, showing it as a process that requires work and support from others. Mira’s experiences are raw and authentic, capturing not only the mourning of her mother but also the upheaval of her entire life—her home, school, and friendships.

    One of the novel’s poignant aspects is the portrayal of tears as an essential part of the healing process. Mira’s precious tears symbolize her pain, growth, and faith. The novel beautifully weaves in the image of God collecting tears, emphasizing that our tears are valuable to God and that He sees our grief. Faith is a huge part of Mira’s journey. Initially skeptical, Mira realizes that God’s love endures even in the face of profound pain.

    Pauline Miller

    Assistant Principal, FFCA

    I have been left breathless, heart hopeful and soul soothed from the many readings I’ve made of this story. Though you clearly hit your target audience, there was healing in your story for this adult too; without question you’ve surpassed your goal.

    Val Dedugd

    Librarian, FFCA

    Kathleen Templeton’s Jar of Tears is a book I would highly recommend to all.  For those who are grieving, it is a book highlighted by honesty regarding the difficult journey ahead but lined with hope. This book is insightful for the those that give help and support to the grieving but struggle with what to say or do.

    Thank you Kathleen for letting us into the heart of Miracle and the marvellous storytelling that makes us better.  

    Pastor Blair Butterfield

    Calvary Chapel Youth - Calgary

    Through the tear-filled eyes of a child devastated by loss, we are vulnerably taught about grief. From lived experience, Kathleen gently weaves into each chapter practical ideas to navigate grief with faith and hope. Jar of Tears equips children to understand their own loss and gain confidence to support a grieving friend. And it’s a necessary read for every adult, too.

    Shirley Thiessen

    Author of The Little Black Funeral Dress

    and Creator of Cornerbend Ministries

    Fiction has a way of reaching under our guarded conscious mind into otherwise unreachable places where we need healing. Kathleen Templeton wrote a mid-grade novel to help children deal with grief. In fact, Jar of Tears is the best guide that anyone of any age could have through their unresolved grief. The story of Mira will wring your heart, and the tears that you weep for her will be like a soothing balm to the emptiness you might not know you feel.

    Nicola MacCameron

    Audiobook producer and author of the Leoshine series

    I would recommend this book to a grieving child. Children take comfort in knowing they are not alone, even if it is a book character going through the same or similar situation.

    Mira, despite all her trauma, grew through her grief into a lovely pre-teen. The maturity that Mira shows is heartwarming as she accepts her new path that God has placed her on. I love being reminded that God never fails.

    Roxane Woelk

    Librarian, Glenmore Christian Academy

    If you know of, or are, someone going through the grieving process, the story and the Bible verses within can be a comfort.  There are moments of  tears, of humour and of insight.   

    An excellent first book. I am sure will be many from this author. 

    Tracey Judge, B.Ed, MBA

    Perhaps for the first time, I got a glimpse of how difficult this journey is for children. What makes this book truly captivating is Templeton’s authenticity, drawing from her own childhood experiences to craft a story that is both relatable and deeply moving. Above all, Templeton’s message of hope, rooted in her unwavering faith in Christ, resonates throughout the pages, reminding readers of the enduring promise of God’s presence in our darkest moments. Jar of Tears is a testament to resilience, faith, and the power of storytelling to inspire and uplift.

    Stanford Hielema

    Head of School, Glenmore Christian Academy

    This book is an absolute must for any parent, caregiver, teacher, to read. It is a powerful tool that really gets to the long, exhausting, and overwhelming process of loss, and it would be highly beneficial for any adult to immerse themselves in the mind frame of a young person’s experience of it. 

    Carolyn Jerrard

    I love how the story of this book gently leads kids through the grieving process and shows them that they are not alone.  The feelings of this 11-year old girl are relatable to kids who are going through grief and will be encouraging and helpful as they navigate their heartbreak.  Such a powerful tool for grieving kids and families!

    Corinna M.

    This book will leave you feeling loved and eager to love harder. It will have you laughing to crying and feeling every emotion in between. Highly recommend for adults to kids alike, whether you’ve lost someone you love or, you just need to be reminded of the power of God’s love.  

    Melissa Griffith

    Jar of Tears is a great book to read for all ages. I enjoyed reading it. Thank you, Kathleen, for sharing your story with us. Your mother would be proud of you. I’d encourage anyone to get a copy for their loved one or a friend who might be grieving.

    Sarah O.

    From grief to divorce, blended families to anxiety, this book addresses many expected and unexpected responses to grief. Some of the most comforting passages include verses reminding us that there is no crying or sadness in heaven.

    Summer Bandola

    Author’s Daughter

    Jar of Tears is a poignant and heartfelt story that delves into the themes of forgiveness and finding peace among life’s trials. The reader is drawn into a journey towards healing, hope, and resilience. The grace of God is highlighted and is a guiding force woven throughout the book that leaves a lasting impression on the heart.

    Susan Elies-Guss

    Associate Principal

    A must-read for those working with grieving children! 

    Explore the inner world of a grief-stricken preteen. Kathleen Templeton has drawn a compelling account of the stages of grief in the life of a child whose world has suddenly turned upside down. Learn helpful strategies to respond as you travel alongside young Mira.

    Kathleen has launched a well-written novel that captivates readers ...  young or old!

    Mary-Catherine Bailey-McKenna

    MEd, MA, BEd, Author

    In Jar of Tears, we confront the pain of loss through the eyes of 10-year-old Mira. We join her on her journey of grief over the loss of her mother. Mira must suddenly adjust to a new reality: she is thrust into a new home, a new school, and a new role as a big sister. She must find the strength to find her place in her new life, all while feeling abandoned and broken.

    Death and grieving are a universal part of life. By reading this story, we begin to trust, as Mira does, that God has a plan for our pain. Gradually, Mira begins to awaken to see that she is not alone, and is able to allow herself happy moments amongst her sadness. Ultimately, Jar of Tears is a story of hope and of returning home.

    Joanne Botros

    Moms aren’t supposed to die.

    Kathleen Templeton

    Copyright ©2024 Kathleen Templeton

    The author reserves all rights to be recognized as the owner of this work. You may not sell or reproduce any part of this book without written consent from the copyright owner.

    The book you’re reading is a work of fiction. While the inspiration is from the author’s life, characters, places, events, and names are purely the product of this author’s imagination. Any resemblance to other events, other locations, or other persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    ISBN (paperback) 978-1-7388818-0-2

    ISBN (eBook) 978-1-7388818-1-9

    ISBN (audiobook) 978-1-7388818-2-6

    First paperback edition February 2024

    Cover Design by Travis Williams

    Space image by Robert, Adobe Stock/252073235 ©Robert

    Pansy photo by Kathleen Templeton © 2023 Kathleen Templeton

    Jar photo by Travis Williams © 2023 Kathleen Templeton

    Interior layout and additional cover design by Colleen McCubbin

    NLT: Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation. Copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015, by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    NIV (2011): Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.®

    ESV: Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®). Copyright ©2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by Permission. All rights reserved.

    Back Cover photo courtesy of Chris Keating of Keating Painted Portraits

    Printed in Canada by Blitzprint

    Distributed to the trade by IngramSpark

    Lemons & Sunshine Press


    I dedicate this book

    to my beloved mother, Jean,

    who died too soon at 36 years old. In her precious nine years of my life, she made childhood magic for me and showed me what unconditional love felt like. She taught me the importance of my soul, prayer, and Jesus.

    I also dedicate this book

    to my brave father, James,

    who picked up the broken pieces of my heart and encouraged me. He taught me the two most important lessons in life: heartbreak is a learning opportunity, and that God’s word is infinitely wise.

    I hope I’ve made you both proud.


    Praise for Jar of Tears


    Chapter 2

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapter 50

    Chapter 51

    Chapter 52

    Chapter 53

    Chapter 54

    Chapter 55

    Chapter 56


    To the Reader from Kathleen

    A Word from the Author

    About the Author

    About the Cover Designer

    Chapter 2

    I keep pinching myself, but I can’t wake up from this nightmare. Dad told me to pack because I’m moving in with him and Jessica. Muriel is weeping in Mom’s room and packing up her things. I can’t hear anything but my crying. I can’t stop. Tears, sniffing, and tissues are everywhere. I want my mom!

    Dad’s drinking coffee from Mom’s favourite blue teacup and phoning people from Mom’s address book. He’s telling people my mom died.

    But there’s been a mistake. She’s my mom. Moms don’t die.

    I sit on my bed, reach for my cell phone, and call Mom’s phone. It rings four times before her voice picks up. ‘Hello, you’ve reached Violet Reid’s phone. I can’t take your call right now, but if you leave me a message, I’ll call you back as soon as I can. God Bless.’

    She recorded that message as I tried to make her laugh. I distracted her at least a hundred times. She didn’t get mad, she just laughed her big, loud laugh. I’d give anything to be back in time, with her, right now.

    Mom! Call me back right away! PLEASE! I wail at the beep.

    I stare at my phone, willing it to ring. How long will I be at Dad’s house? I leave my posters on the wall because Mom’s not actually dead. When my parents split up I was only three, but Mom told me I could live with her forever if I wanted to. This is my home.

    Mom isn’t calling me back yet. But she will—she always does.

    Mom call me ASAP 911!

    Nothing. And ‘911’ is our emergency code.


    I stare at the wall Mom let me paint flowers on. My empty suitcase sits beside me.

    This can’t be happening. She’s probably in the bathroom or maybe the nurses are talking to her. Or her phone’s dead.

    I text my best friend Leela.

    Leela, my dad just told me that my mom died!

    ??? That’s impossible!

    Right? Moms don’t DIE!

    Our home phone rings in the kitchen. Dad picks it up.

    Yes, Lorraine, she did. Earlier this morning. Lorraine is Leela’s mom.

    He says a bunch of other stuff, too. I can’t hear the rest since I’m crying too hard.

    Leela texts back two minutes later.

    I’m so sorry, Mira I think it’s true

    I’m scared. I want to throw up.

    God, please, there’s been a mistake. My mom’s not dead! She’s MY MOM! God, I’m begging you, don’t let this be true! Please!

    I’m confused. My Dad never lies. Did Mom make up this horrible story just to get away from me? Is it because of the fight we had before she went into the hospital? I should have been a better daughter to her. It’s all my fault.

    If only someone could answer my mom’s phone, I could tell her I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

    I step into her room. Muriel has left it tidy. She even made Mom’s bed. I open Mom’s closet door and run my hands over her hanging clothes. I spot her favourite cardigan. It’s soft from wear and has pilling on the sleeves. It’s older than me. I bury my face in it and cry, smelling her spicy floral perfume, sweat, and a faint smell of onions. I’m going to keep it until I see her again.

    This is all just a misunderstanding.

    Chapter 1

    It’s still dark outside when I add the last layer of canary yellow paint on the daffodil for my first solo art show. Five o’clock in the morning is still kind of night if you ask most people, but it’s when I do my best painting and I’m already behind.

    Mom has talked

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