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The Look On The Face Of The Person Who Was Dismissed
The Look On The Face Of The Person Who Was Dismissed
The Look On The Face Of The Person Who Was Dismissed
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The Look On The Face Of The Person Who Was Dismissed

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On the contrary, a Hong Kong clothing store imported a batch of clothes from France. On the advertising sign, they wrote: "The most innovative style, the most expensive price", as a result, this batch of imported clothes was compete to buy out, that's because the store took advantage of consumers' comparative disadvantages. PORSHE is a high-end

Release dateMay 4, 2024
The Look On The Face Of The Person Who Was Dismissed

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    The Look On The Face Of The Person Who Was Dismissed - Adreanne Fessler

    The Look On The Face Of The Person Who Was Dismissed

    The Look On The Face Of The Person Who Was Dismissed

    Copyright © 2023 by Adreanne Fessler

    All rights reserved








    Lao Mach is a photographer. He once revealed the secret to making children love taking photos. When taking photos of children, he first said: Very nice photo, thank you little friend!. At that time, the child naturally loses the feeling of fear and anxiety when standing in front of the camera, at which time the child's innocent, innocent face can be captured.

    As expected of a photographer, he always understands the other person's psychology.

    During serious moments, the spirit of the person being photographed is often tense, so it's a little different from normal times. Capturing the innocent faces of children when they stand in front of the camera lens is not easy. But if you say one word of encouragement: Nice shot! It will make children feel more natural.

    Just skillfully changing the shooting status from official to unofficial will make the photographer feel secure, and can even probe and know the photographer's intentions. There was a psychologist who once participated in a discussion at an organizational magazine. After all participants had expressed all their opinions, the chairperson stood up and said: Thank you all, the discussion ends here, please feel free to continue the rest.. ..

    After making such a declaration, the content of the conversation unexpectedly became more interesting. The discussions seemed to never end, the atmosphere was lively and exciting, which made the psychologist feel that this natural conversation was much better and more real than the official discussion just now.

    And after receiving the magazine about the recent meeting, the psychologist was surprised to discover that most of the published content came from the conversation after the discussion.

    It turned out that everyone had won the host's plan. That is a deliberate tactic to create a gentle, comfortable atmosphere, making the participants in the discussion talk more naturally, thus achieving very effective results for the meeting.

    An American tax officer also revealed the following: When faced with stubborn people who refused to pay taxes, after finding out, he drank tea and chatted with the other person.

    When businessmen see tax collectors, they are very worried. At this moment, the tax collector drank tea and praised: What a beautiful picture!.

    Being praised, the businessman forgot his vigilance and chimed in: I'm not hiding anything from you, this is the original work of a famous artist!.

    At this time, the businessman revealed himself, causing the tax collector to grasp tax evidence.

    Business aphorism:

    After being relieved of their initial worries and vigilance, people will easily reveal the secrets hidden in their hearts.


    (Pose a stance but don't fight)


    The original meaning is to teach others how to shoot an archery, nozzle an arrow, stretch the string but not shoot, so that the person learning to shoot the arrow can grasp the key, compared to suggesting and leading.

    Leading children without breaking out in the scheme has another purpose. Setting up a decisive battle on the battlefield but delaying combat: When two people compete with each other, both sides take a defensive stance and refuse to attack; When the chess game started, both sides deployed vehicles and artillery, but no one wanted to open first.

    Leading children without fighting is sometimes to probe the opponent's direction and strength, other times it is to show off prestige, not fighting and causing the enemy to lose. In short, leading children without giving birth is a plan to act carefully.


    Dich Nhan Kiet became an official in the court during the reign of Duong Cao Ton. When Vo Ze Thien proclaimed himself emperor, he held the position of prime minister. Vo Ze Thien highly praised his ability to solve cases, especially important cases and his way of deliberating. .

    At the same time as an official in court with Dich Nhan Kiet, Lau Su Duc was also a prime minister, but because there were some disagreements between Di Nhan Kiet and Lau Su Duc, Di Nhan Kiet did not like Lau Su Duc for a long time, so he often dismissed him. chained Lau Su Duc, wanting to appoint him as ambassador. Vo Tac Thien discovered that the two generals were in disagreement and immediately thought of a way for the two to reconcile.

    The reason Dich Nhan Kiet was made prime minister was thanks to the recommendation of Lau Su Duc. So one day, Vo Tac Thien asked Dich Nhan Kiet: Is Lau Su Duc talented?.

    Dich Nhan Kiet said: As a general, he is careful and loyal. I don't know whether he is good or not. Vo Ze Thien asked again: What is his ability to judge others?. Dich Nhan Kiet said: I have worked with him before, but I have never heard that he has any outstanding talent in this aspect.

    Vo Ze Thien said: I value you so much, do you know why?. Dich Nhan Kiet replied: Thanks to literature and morality, I obtained a position as an official. I am not an ordinary person who tries to rely on others to advance his career.

    Vo Tac Thien pondered for a moment and then said: At first I didn't know you. The reason you were used was entirely thanks to Lau Su Duc's recommendation, through which I see that he is truly a person who knows how to look at people. Having said that, he brought out the petition written by Lau Su Duc to recommend Dich Nhan Kiet for Dich Nhan Kiet to see.

    Dich Nhan Kiet read carefully, suddenly sweating, because he had a long-standing prejudice against Lau Su Duc so he didn't know what to do.

    Through Dich Nhan Kiet's facial expression, Vo Ze Thien saw all his thoughts, knew he had achieved his goal, so he did not blame Dich Nhan Kiet a word.

    After leaving the palace, Dich Nhan Kiet said to others with emotional emotion: I didn't expect Duke Lau to be so tolerant. He was kind to people, but he didn't seem to boast. Compared to him, I am still far behind!. This had a great effect on Dich Nhan Kiet, not only eliminating his prejudice against Lau Su Duc but also helping him pay more attention to the strengths of others.


    People holding important positions have no more headaches than mobilizing personnel. To make those dissatisfied employees convinced and willing to accept the company's arrangements, superiors must use all means to try to convince their subordinates.

    Below we would like to introduce a skill for convincing an employee to be fired from a position by a head of the human resources department at a large enterprise.

    First, he called each of the other employees over and talked informally with them. We say it's a conversation, but in reality, as soon as it starts, we let the other person express their opinions. It's not until the other person is tired that we comfort them: I really understand your feelings right now...

    Just based on this one sentence, the look on the face of the person who was dismissed seemed like a burden had been lifted. The dean continued: If I were you, I would happily go to that small city's nutrition hospital. There you won't have to worry about complicated relationship problems. Furthermore, you can develop your full potential and have a better chance of being praised by your superiors. In fact, there are quite a few people who, due to their good performance, were specially promoted at the Nutrition Institute of the small city.

    Not using coercion, standing on the opponent's position to analyze the pros and cons, and giving opinions, this is the secret to successful persuasion. The other manager used this method to make all the employees who had to change jobs happily accept the company's secondment.

    The persuasion method of this person in charge of human resources is actually directionlessness in negotiations. Those in charge of negotiations do not express opinions or feelings, just try to listen to what the other side has to say. When the other person talks about all the dissatisfaction or pain in their heart and knows that you are always listening attentively, all the clouds in their heart will disappear. That's because you listen to his words from the bottom of his heart, making him feel liberated.

    From the mailbox answering difficulties in life, we easily discover that in the answers almost all appear the phrase: If it were me.... For example, when a marriage counselor talks to a person who is having troubles about marriage, he will first let the person talk about his troubles, and then he will say one sentence: If I'm you... I will definitely try again and see how it goes. The miracle is that the other person will listen to this advice. After all, the counselor's statement: If I were you... makes the person feel like he cares about me like that.

    Once you have this feeling, the next words the other person says, even if they are unfavorable to you, will be fully accepted because they think they are beneficial to you.

    Business aphorism:

    When the other person thinks that you understand his situation, your subsequent words will be absorbed by him.


    (Playing strong against weak)


    Short attack is to promote all strengths, flexibly use one's strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses.

    Using this strategy, the premise is to know yourself and others, to understand the advantages of our side, the weaknesses and shortcomings of the enemy side, and from there we can develop and use them correctly to attack and control the enemy. accurately.


    After Han Tin sent a great army to destroy the Trieu army, he ordered people to find Ly Ta Xa, the person who had donated plans to Tran Du, invited him to sit on a noble seat, and respected Ly Ta Xa as his teacher.

    Han Tin asked Ly Ta Xa to teach him: I plan to go north to attack Yen and go to the east to attack Qi, so how can I win?. Ly Ta Xa said: The general despised the King of Wei, destroyed Dai's army, once again defeated Trieu's 200,000 army, killed Tran Du, so his reputation was famous, he commanded the world, hundreds of people were not Who doesn't want to follow the general's orders? Those are the general's advantages. However, the general's soldiers have been fighting for a long time, and the soldiers are very tired. If the general wants to use extremely tired troops to attack the country of Yen, he wants to fight but is afraid of fighting for a long time. If he wants to fight quickly but cannot succeed, the days are long, food is difficult to maintain, the dire situation of the soldiers will be inevitable. Weakness will be revealed. The small and weak country of Yen still cannot be subdued, so the country of Qi will certainly do its best to resist at the border, the struggle between the two countries of Yen and Qi will not be finished, then the balance between Liu Han and Xiang Chu will be difficult to distinguish. That is the general's weak side. Now it would be better for the general to stay still, calm the state of Trieu, and comfort the people of the state of Trieu. Hundreds of them will naturally give food and frighten the army. Then he plotted to go north to attack Yen, and sent people who were good at talking to Yen to advise them to surrender and tell them our side's advantages. The country of Yen will certainly not be defeated before it is destroyed. Thus, even intelligent people do not know how to plan for the state of Qi, and as a result, the state of Qi will also surrender to the general. So there is hope for winning the world.

    After hearing this, Han Tin agreed and followed the plan. Not long after, he conquered the state of Yen, then the state of Qi was also defeated by Han Tin.


    Any goods, if they are too cheap compared to the general price and lack a sufficient reason, will not sell. On the surface, many customers make purchases without their own intentions. In fact, everyone has a psychological standard, which means when they buy, how much money they already plan to spend. . If the price of the goods matches their inner calculations, they will buy. If the price of the goods is too low, it is difficult to make a purchase. Taking famous items as an example, if an imported handbag costs 100 Yuan and is sold cheaply for 10 Yuan, will female customers be happy and compete to buy it? Certainly, selling at a low price will lead to customer skepticism, wondering if it is an imitation product or a waste product, and will therefore no longer care about this product.

    On the contrary, a Hong Kong clothing store imported a batch of clothes from France. On the advertising sign, they wrote: The most innovative style, the most expensive price, as a result, this batch of imported clothes was compete to buy out, that's because the store took advantage of consumers' comparative disadvantages. PORSHE is a high-end racing car factory in West Germany.

    Recently, sunglasses and watches from Porshe design company are very popular with customers around the world. Porshe was originally a car factory, not eyeglasses and watches. However, Porshe's high-end product criteria is very famous in the world, so as long as a product has the Porshe label, consumers will feel that watches or sunglasses are high-end products.

    People who cannot afford to buy Porshe racing cars, even if Porshe watches and Porshe sunglasses are expensive compared to similar products, they still want to buy them.

    The reason this commercial tactic works is because people often do not pay attention to the substantive content of the things surrounding the high-end image, so psychologically they will have the feeling that it is a high-end product. grant.

    Taking newspaper advertising as an example, if the enterprise is not famous, the advertisement inserted between the leading enterprises and not famous enterprises will not only not be suspected, but on the contrary, it will also leave an impression on people. Even though it's not famous, at least it's a decent enterprise."


    The popularity of toy (automatic) cameras has caused Japan's Nikon cameras, which previously held the throne in cameras, to fall into trouble. One of the reasons is due to its inherently high-end impression. Nikon is not only famous in Japan but is a famous high-end product. Consumers see that toy cameras are cheap and convenient and immediately use the excuse that Nikon cameras are not a mass product, so they just stand far away and look at it.

    Counterfeit goods displayed next to high-end goods will make people feel high-class; On the contrary, if low-end goods are displayed next to high-end goods, then high-end goods will make people feel cheap.

    For example, in Japan there is a store that thrives by only selling cheap goods. Because it has a mass-oriented image, people will not wait to buy high-end products at this store. From there, it can be seen that if a certain impression is deeply ingrained in people's thoughts, it is very difficult to change it.

    Business aphorism:

    first)Goods displayed around high-end products, even cheap ones, will still have a high-end feel.

    2)If the goods cannot be sold, changing the brand completely is also a good move.


    (Humble yourself to rise)


    I hide and seek my body taken from Chu Dich - The system from below:

    The caterpillar wraps people around to reach further, this is a strategy of retreating to advance. This strategy is used when the temporary force of the side using the plan is weak, the opportunity is not yet ripe, and we cannot help but be patient first, temporarily causing the opponent to abandon previous calculations, thereby causing our side to Avoid turning evil into sand, overcome the hurdle, gain time, then follow the plan, gradually grow stronger, wait for the opportunity to subdue the opponent, and erase the disaster.


    Before Liu Bang's death, La Hau asked him: After your Majesty is a hundred years old, if the State of Tieu Tuong disappears, who will replace him as General of the country?. Liu Bang said: Cao Tham can do it. La Hau asked again: After Cao Tham dies, who can replace him?. Liu Bang said: "Vuong Lang is okay, but Vuong Lang is too honest,

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