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My Little Book of Testimonies: Prayer Changes Everything
My Little Book of Testimonies: Prayer Changes Everything
My Little Book of Testimonies: Prayer Changes Everything
Ebook72 pages40 minutes

My Little Book of Testimonies: Prayer Changes Everything

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About this ebook

This book is written so that you may read some of the

things that I would like to share of what has happened

by having God our Heavenly Father in my life since I

was five years old..

It is good to look back sometimes and see what The

Lord has done in our lives.

It is incredible to think that He can use us to h

Release dateMay 27, 2024
My Little Book of Testimonies: Prayer Changes Everything

Jessie Larman

The Author Jessie Larman was born in England. Was married in 1958 and emigrated to Australia in 1973 with her Husband Patrick Larman and their three young children.She is a Christian and Naturalized Australian Citizen, is fortunate to have Grandchildren, also Great Grandchildren.Was healed of an incurable disease in 1984 in Perth, Western Australia.The Author at the moment is living in Carnarvon, North West Australiaat her Carnarvon Art Studio.Is involved with Writing, Art Work plus Desktop Publishing, Oil Painting etc.,.

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    Book preview

    My Little Book of Testimonies - Jessie Larman

    My Testimony

    This is to let you know that The Lord Jesus Christ
    Healed my lungs of an incurable disease
    in 1984 in Perth, Western Australia by the
    laying on of hands at a Church
    Service there.
    Praise The Lord for His Healing Power
    The same now as when Jesus walked upon the earth.
    Also I have come to know The Holy Spirit
    More fully in my life
    Since inviting Him into my heart
    So that the Lord God can use me
    For His work and Glory.
    The Holy Spirit is our Teacher,
    Comforter also our Guide.
    He wants us to fellowship with Him each day.
    He is the one who helps us to pray.
    His presence is lovely,
    Once you have lived with The Holy Spirit
    (who is The Spirit of Jesus Christ)
    You will never want to live without Him.
    Jesus said:
    John Chapter 14 verse 6.
    I am the Way
    The Truth
    the Life.
    No one comes to the Father
    except by me.
    I will start writing about my Testimonies from when I was five years old about the things that I remember.
    Hoping that they will be of interest to those who read them and that God will bless each person who kindly reads and believes. Amen.

    I was 2yrs. old when the 2nd world war started and 8yrs when it ended.

    5yrs old. - I invited Jesus into my life sitting out the front of our Church Sunday School at ‘St. Lenard's’ Hythe Hill, Colchester Essex. England.

    The Sunday School children were asked to come out to sit at the front of the Church for a Story read by the Priest. Then we were asked to put our hand up if we would like to invite Jesus into our heart.

    So I put my hand up and became a Christian.


    My Mother and I lived with my Nanna Tainton in her house on Hythe Hill Colchester, while my father was in the Army (Second World War)

    As the 5yr. old - I had Bronchial Pneumonia and was in Hospital - very ill. Penicillin had been invented so that saved my life. - Then I was at home to recover in bed for a long time. I Remember the heated Bread Poultice they put on my lungs each day to help heal them.

    Nanna used to put them on, we could not always get the Kaolin so they made them with cloth putting bread inside and soaking them in hot water, cooling the poultice of course before wrapping around my chest.

    I used to sing Sunday School songs jumping on the bed when I was getting better, also listening to the Soldiers going past down the street, sometimes they would sing as they walked under the street gaslights in the evenings

    12yrs old. - November/December time I was taken into Hospital with Bronchial Pneumonia & Pleurisy - laying in the Outpatients on the hospital trolley - I heard them say that I may not last the, being left on my own in there I prayed to God that He would let me stay to help my Mother with the children.

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