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Blind Marriage
Blind Marriage
Blind Marriage
Ebook40 pages23 minutes

Blind Marriage

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In a tale of heartbreak and revenge, Anne finds herself at the crossroads of despair after her two-year relationship with Mike comes to an abrupt end. Mike, hailing from a wealthy family, is pressured into marrying the daughter of his father's friend, leaving Anne devastated. Seeking solace in alcohol, she ends up at a bar where fate leads her t

PublisherDD USA
Release dateMay 1, 2024
Blind Marriage

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    Book preview

    Blind Marriage - Farah Sepanlou





    Chapter 1: UnexpectedBeginnings

    Chapter 2: Parallel Lives

    Chapter 3: Closer Yet Far

    Chapter 4: RevelationsandRealizations

    Chapter 5: OvercomingObstacles

    Chapter 6:A New BeginningTogether



    Unexpected Beginnings

    Sam's Reluctant Agreement

    The grandeur of the trading empire that Sam had inherited was both a blessing and a curse. His days, filled with endless meetings and decisions, left him with little time for personal endeavors, let alone the pursuit of love. It

    was during one such evening, as he sat across from his grandmother in the dimly lit study of their family estate, that the topic of marriage was broached.

    Samuel, you need someone by your side. Someone who understands the weight of our name, his grandmother began, her voice laced with a mix of concern and determination.

    Sam shifted uncomfortably in his chair. Grandmother, I hardly have time to manage the company. How can I possibly find time for courtship? he replied, hoping to steer the conversation away from this unwelcome subject.

    His grandmother sighed deeply before continuing. "I've spoken with an old friend of mine. She has a granddaughter, Julia. She's bright, kind-hearted...

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