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How can massive animal migrations like the monarch butterfly, an ecologist, a Jew who does not want to be a Jew, a peaceful Palestinian terrorist, a converted Rabbi in a democratic government, a recent discovered gene, a Bible prophesy and undoubtedly the Messiah contribute to reach the peace of Israel?

¨The Signature of God¨ is a geopolitical tale of emotions, adventures, and connections as a group of unlikely collaborators that are brought together to achieve peace in the Middle East. The events and names are fictitious, but the data and the basis are real. Can this be an opportunity to change history? Perhaps it would be a dream come true.

Dr. Moises Reznick

Release dateMay 15, 2024

Dr. Moises Reznick

Moises Reznick, also known as Dr. Moy Reznick, is a Messianic Jewish leader of Bet Shalom Mexico. He is the founder of the largest chiropractic franchise in Mexico, and a leader and educator who has trained more than half a million people. Reznick is the author of two other books.


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    THE SIGNATURE OF GOD - Dr. Moises Reznick

    Copyright © 2024 Dr Moises Reznick.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-4562-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-4561-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-5014-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024901974

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 05/13/2024



    Chapter 1 Little Dan

    Chapter 2 Little Michelle

    Chapter 3 Dan the Photographer: Twenty Years Later

    Chapter 4 Little Michelle: Twenty Years Earlier

    Chapter 5 Isabel’s Brother, the Levite

    Chapter 6 The Call

    Chapter 7 Israel Today

    Chapter 8 Big Expectations for Small Mohammed: Twenty Years Ago

    Chapter 9 Coming Back Home

    Chapter 10 More Politics, More Questions, No Answers

    Chapter 11 Yosef Benyacob


    What people are saying about the signature of God:

    With this fascinating prophetic novel, our dear Moises Reznick joins the first Moses (Moshe Rabeinu) and all the Hebrew prophets, in the dream of uniting all the families of the earth embrace them with love and fraternity, which will exchange weapons, for tools of agriculture, I invite you to dream.

    — YOSEF MEIR, a dreamer and founder of

    This book breaks with the structure of the impossible, a dream that although it may seem distant but can be real, it ceases to be a simple story when it is connected to the heart. I let myself be carried away and I even wondered if I also possess that GENE, that DNA of God’s signature...


    International Award winner Movie Director and producer.

    If the title of the book catches your eye, the content will grab you until the end.

    — NADIA CATTAN, journalist, and historian.

    Oh Israel! Millennial nation, loved and hated by many. Its story is multicolored and in reading this work by Dr. Reznick and guided by the protagonists Dan and Isabel, we know in detail the divine reason for its encounter. The final words between the two are significant. Highly recommended reading.

    — Enrique de Jesús Anaya González.

    Director of Public Relations of the

    International Christian Embassy

    Jerusalem in Mexico


    First, I want to thank God for his faithfulness to me and my family, but also to the people of Israel.

    To my family, especially to my wife Alicia for their support, but most of all for their prayers.

    To my children Mateo, Regina and Dominique, for being one of the reasons that leads me to do my best to create a better world.

    To my daughter Francesca because her marriage can show that this peace between Jews and Arabs can be real, and love can do anything.

    To my congregation Beth Shalom that compels me to be better every day.

    To the thousands of dead, fallen, murdered, kidnapped, raped, persecuted, expelled both Palestinians and Jews during so many years of conflict.

    My prayers for ethical governments that seek peace that, as Golda Meir said:

    ¨I wish for people to love their children more than they hate their enemies¨.

    And to my friends, both Palestinian and Israeli, may God reveal to you the only way and the only way to achieve peace.

    Finally, a prophecy from the book of Isaiah. 9:6-7

    6 For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and sovereignty shall rest upon His shoulders. And His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

    7. Of the increase of his government and of peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with judgment and with righteousness from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts shall perform this.



    Little Dan

    Dan was leaving school and heading home in a hurry. That day the sky was very blue although covered with some not-so-white clouds.

    It might rain, the young man thought as he looked at the clouds. His history teacher’s words kept swirling around in his head: expulsions, genocide, discrimination. The lesson was about Jewish people.

    Have we gone through all of that? the little boy asked himself in a low voice while he strolled.

    Dan Zyman was a child born to Jewish parents in Rosario, Argentina. However, they did not practice the religion, nor did they teach their son about their roots. It seemed instead as if they ignored who they were. However, that lesson had made the little one think. Even though he had never investigated much on the subject, he knew well that the Bible said that God chose the people of Israel. If they were chosen, why did they have to suffer so much? Dan recalled the teacher talking about the invasions of Assyria and Babylon in 722 BC and 586 BC, problems in Rome, and expulsion from many countries, such as France and England, as well as the Inquisition. What a terrible story of these wandering people!

    He was so confused, and Dan didn’t like to be confused, so he preferred to drop the subject.

    The sky suddenly turned a brighter shade of blue. The clouds began dissipating, and some birds were crossing the stratosphere. It looked so close, like he could touch that brilliant blue curtain. It was beautiful. Simply splendid. Dan stopped for a second. He bent over and put a small camera case on the ground.

    Dan had asked his parents for a camera for so long, and finally he received one as a gift for his last birthday. His camera was the world to him. He carried it everywhere, taking pictures of everything around him from the most stunning sunset to the tiniest ant. He certainly loved taking pictures of anything, but animals were what amazed him the most.

    The walls of his room were covered with posters from the most recognized nature magazines. Every night the little boy would watch them from his bed, dreaming that his pictures would one day be in those famous magazines. That was Dan Zyman’s biggest dream of all.

    He took photos of the blue sky and a smoky, chubby squirrel climbing a tree. He was very focused on that, but suddenly, he heard some familiar voices calling his name. He turned around slowly and saw kids approaching. He didn’t know their names and wished to never know. The boy put the camera in its case and tried to follow his path, ignoring them.

    Hey, you filthy Jew, where do you think you’re going? one of them said.

    We’re calling you. Answer! Don’t be rude. The other one laughed.

    Leave me alone. I don’t want any trouble, answered Dan.

    The palms of his hands were beginning to sweat. Those two boys took advantage of their age and strength and beat him whenever they caught him off guard. That hadn’t happened too often, but they would leave the poor guy in pieces.

    Easy. We just want to talk, said the taller one, passing a heavy arm around Dan’s neck. Did you pay attention in class today, or are you so dumb you couldn’t even do that?

    Don’t you think it was interesting? the other asked. It’s funny that you happen to be Jewish. Aren’t you?

    Of course, he is. Look at his nose, said the heavy one, and then they both burst out laughing again.

    Yes, I am Jewish. So? Dan replied.

    Didn’t you hear? Your people were exiled several times. They are miserable and wandering Jews! Luckily you are still here. Besides, you deserve it. My mom always says that you and your people killed Jesus. Don’t you think it would be good for you to have a taste of your own medicine?

    The boy holding Dan suddenly threw him to the ground and laughed. In the blink of an eye, both boys were kicking Dan while Dan was protecting the small case in which he kept his camera. The little boy felt kicks in the back and the ribs and legs, followed by slaps and blows all over his body.

    Hey, Dan, one of them yelled, what do you have there? Give me that case!

    The little boy clung to his camera case, but he was rather skinny and weak so the bad boys managed to take it away quickly, and they opened it to take out the camera.

    No, wait! Please don’t touch that! Dan screamed.

    What? This? said the big boy pointing to the camera.

    I beg you! I’ll do anything!

    At that moment, the wicked boy dropped the camera to the floor.

    The two boys began to stomp the camera while weak and injured Dan tried to stop them, weeping and screaming. When the camera couldn’t be more shattered, the bad boys ran away from the scene victoriously.

    Dan mustered all his strength and got up to pick up the camera—well, what was left of it. He picked up every piece as tears flowed down his cheeks and fury coursed through his veins.

    He made his way home with difficulty. His legs trembled, and he felt the breeze was making his bones fall apart.

    When he arrived at his house, his mother was shocked. Dan! My God, what happened to you? What happened, son? the lady screamed.

    The boy handed his mother the pieces of the camera. I am a damned Jew. That’s what happened! cried the boy.

    His mother looked at him puzzled. As she approached him, he fell to the floor. The woman carried him to the couch in the living room, and she immediately called her husband.

    When his father got home, Dan was awake.

    He hasn’t said a word up to now.

    The little boy heard his mother whispering from the kitchen while he lay on the couch.

    I already checked on him. He just got hit. Nothing is broken.

    He has to tell us what happened to him, Dan’s father said as he walked out of the kitchen.

    Wait! Give him some time, his mother said with concern.

    My God, Dan. What the hell happened to you? his father asked as soon as he saw him lying on the sofa.

    He hasn’t opened his mouth since he arrived. I already told you. Also, his camera is smashed, said Dan’s mother.

    What? his father said in a low voice.

    Dan’s mother pointed toward the kitchen, and the two adults headed back to where they were before. Dan lay on the couch for a while with his eyes closed. His body still ached. He couldn’t move, and he wasn’t even trying to. He wanted to hear what his parents were whispering in the kitchen, yet the voices in his head were louder than anything else. He couldn’t forget the blows, the words of those two boys. Even closing his eyes, he couldn’t get rid of the images of the violent boys from his mind and heart.

    Dan finally managed to fall asleep after some time.

    Hey, son, wake up, called his father, shaking him a little.

    Dan woke up, sat up with difficulty, and rubbed his eyes.

    We need you to talk to us, said Dan’s father.

    We want you to tell us everything that happened, his mother said.

    Dan scowled at her. I’ve already told you.

    We want details! his father yelled. Who did this to you? Or did you fall? Did you hurt yourself?

    The woman placed one of her hands on her husband’s shoulder. Dan, his mother said more calmly, holding her son’s hand gently, it is important that you tell us everything that happened. Don’t hold back anything, OK? We want to help you.

    But I don’t want your help, the boy answered. I don’t want your help or anyone else’s. I’m fine! replied the boy angrily.

    Dan, please. Now his father raised his voice, intimidating Dan and his mother.

    I don’t know who they are, the little boy said after a while of silence. I don’t know their names, but they bother me whenever they can.

    So has it happened before? his mother asked him.

    He nodded yes.

    His parents looked at each other for a few seconds, and then they looked at Dan with sadness.

    "You’re not the only one, Dan. Perhaps you had not realized it, but now that you are growing up, you can notice the discrimination that our people suffer. Your mother and I have always had a hard time living here. But somehow we’ve gotten used to it, and we put it aside. Now I see that we should never have made that decision.

    Dan’s father and mother hugged each other while they cried.

    Dan couldn’t even react. It seemed that everything he had heard in his history class was becoming real in his own house and skin.

    Anyway, I wasn’t planning on telling you this now, but given the circumstances, your mother and I had been thinking for some time now and have decided to move. I got promoted at my job and—

    What? Dan exclaimed, interrupting his father. Move? There’s no reason for us to do that! I’m not going to let them do that to me again. It won’t happen again.

    I know, and I’ll make sure of that. That’s why we’re moving, his father stated as he stood up.

    And will we repeat history? Dan struggled to his feet, tugging at his father’s sleeve.

    What are you talking about? His father turned to face him.

    The expulsions of the Jewish people, the boy said with an altered voice. They taught me about it in school today. They have expelled our people so many times from their home: 722 BC with the Assyrian Empire, 586 BC with the Babylonian Empire, the Inquisition, which was expulsion from Spain and Portugal, the expulsion from England in 1290, pogroms in France in 1614, the expulsion from Syria, the pogroms and murders in Poland and Russia in 1900, and of course the Second World War. The Jewish people, time after time, have been left homeless. Will we seriously repeat that history with our family? We must not allow it! There is no reason to move! Do we always have to run away? What have we been chosen for? To run away, to be wanderers, to be mocked? I don’t understand! Dan exclaimed with hatred.

    The house fell into a deathly silence. Only Dan’s sobs could be heard, which echoed throughout the place.

    Dan’s father sighed and took his son from his shoulders, carrying him back to the couch and sitting on it. He knelt in

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