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The Babysitter
The Babysitter
The Babysitter
Ebook31 pages27 minutes

The Babysitter

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When Mr. Neufield returns home earlier than expected, his babysitter, Andrea, decides to make her move. Sparks fly as the pair wander into an unexpected night of passion, tumbling deep into one another time and time again.

Release dateMay 17, 2024
The Babysitter

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    The Babysitter - FuntimeTales

    The date ended sooner than expected, leaving me with a bad taste for the online scene. My match was just as pretty and friendly as she'd led me to believe, but was part of a married couple looking for their plus one, not something I'm interested in. Especially as I'm just getting back into the dating process after finally convincing myself it's what my late wife would have wanted.

    I return home with a confusing mix of disappointment and relief, prepared to work out the pent-up frustrations by myself after checking on my kids and dismissing the babysitter, Andrea. Both kids are in bed, sleeping soundly as they usually are when I get back from whatever distracting adventure I may be on, Andrea greeting me from the living room with a start. She hadn't expected me back so soon, probably thought someone was breaking in. Poor thing. Not that she'd be completely defenseless in that situation, I reckon she could take down most intruders.

    Andrea is an extraordinary girl, if I may say so. She's just over five feet tall, fiery red hair cascading down to her shoulders in shiny curls, sparkling emerald eyes, freckles scattered across her fair skin. Her cheeks blush and nose crinkles when she smiles, an expression that brightens up any room (or mood). I've noticed her figure as well, though I try to avoid dwelling on it too much. Despite her usual attire, loose fitting sweatshirt and matching pants when she babysits, I've caught glimpses of her bending over or stretching to get something just out of reach. She has pleasant curves under those layers, something even more apparent when she asks for help retrieving an object, and forgets to step back. Her body has accidentally pressed against mine on more than one occasion, leading to more than one cold shower later on.

    The outfit she wore today is a little snugger, apparently she came over right after a yoga class. Her green leggings match her eyes compliment her hair, but are stretched so thin across her wide hips and thick thighs they're practically translucent. Above her leggings is an uncovered portion of her belly, my eyes lingering on the shimmering piercing in her navel beneath the waves of her loose sweater. Seems to defeat the purpose of a sweatshirt

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