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Shattered Union: Made, #4
Shattered Union: Made, #4
Shattered Union: Made, #4
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Shattered Union: Made, #4

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Heartbreak can hurt you. Shatter you. Destroy you.

Falling in love can be easy. Simple. Beautiful.

Until it's not.


That's what happened when Callie O'Hara and Denis Gallagher's paths crossed.


Swept completely off her feet in a whirlwind romance. She thought she was the only girl in Denis's world.  Except she wasn't.


As the head of the Irish mafia, Denis's world is filled with only darkness and anger.

Until Callie.


She tore through his world like a tornado. Denis finds himself falling hard and fast for the young, sassy woman.


In the process of finding the first bit of light in his life--his mistakes come to the surface.

That mistake might cost him everything.


But Denis has a plan. 

Can Denis win Callie back or are the lies too much for her to bear?


Release dateMay 18, 2024
Shattered Union: Made, #4

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    Shattered Union - Brooke Summers



    With pouty red lips and eyes filled with lust, Zoe’s finger trails up my shirt. Denis, she purrs.

    I snap my hand around her wrist and squeeze. The fear enters her eyes, and her pout turns into a snarl. Take your fucking hands off of me, I growl at her. I’ve warned you about this shit.

    Her gaze flickers to the driver, Michael, who’s up front. She hates when I rebuff her in public, but I’ve gotten past the point and I can no longer pretend that she’s my doting wife. Denis, she says quietly, hoping she’ll get me to change my mind.

    Michael’s jaw ticks. He knows how much I hate the bitch and he’s offered more than once to take her off my hands. I can’t. Not just yet. She’s a sneaky fucking cunt and the sooner I have what I want, the sooner she’ll be out of all of our lives.

    I haven’t fucked her in almost a decade. I’d rather bleach my fucking eyes out than sink my dick inside her.

    Two seconds, I warn her. She’s got two fucking seconds to take her hand off me or I’m going to break it.

    She pulls back and huffs. Her arms cross over her fake tits and just above the bump she has. The bump that’s nesting her unborn child. A child who isn’t mine. This’ll make the fourth child which this bitch will use as a pawn. Children who do not share my blood. Yet, she’s never once said otherwise. She’s stupidly smart, being able to play not only me but the major players in Ireland is a tough feat and means that she has brains. But fuck, she’s thick as fuck by going toe to toe with me, especially by threatening my son. I hate her with every breath I take.

    Remember, she hisses at me. Her voice is quiet but powerful, that’s Zoe, she’s always loved the power that comes with being the Boss’s wife. If you don’t want your precious son to go to prison, then you had better act like an adoring husband.

    And there it is. The reason I haven’t snapped this bitch’s neck. She has evidence of Danny, my eldest son, killing a fucking judge. Instead of being a mam and getting rid of the evidence, she’s kept it and has been using it as a bargaining chip for the past eight years.

    I’ve got the best investigators working on locating the thumb drive that contains the video footage and yet, not one of them has come up with the goods.

    And, Zoe, I sneer at her. If you want to continue living in luxury, you’ll remember who the fuck I am. I glance out the window as the rain pelts down against the car. Mike, drop her off here. I’ve got business to attend to.

    I hear her sharp intake of breath, but after the discussion we’ve just had, she knows not to push me further. Michael’s lips tilt at the corners. He fucking loves when I’ve reached my limit with her because I become ruthless.

    Michael pulls the car to a slow stop, he doesn’t get out of the vehicle, just has the blinker on as we wait for her to exit the car.

    Denis, please, she pleads with me.

    Before, I used to love making her beg for my forgiveness, that was until she got pregnant by someone else. Now, I can’t stand to be around her. Out, I snap. Get the fuck out of the car.

    The door opens and the harsh Dublin breeze whips around her, making the bleached blonde hair of hers blow with the wind as the rain falls down on her, soaking through the white blouse she’s wearing.

    Drive, I instruct Michael. He doesn’t make a sound, just effortlessly pulls back into the heavy Dublin traffic.

    Twenty-two years I’ve been married to that bitch and I feel every inch of the forty years I am. I tried to love her, but Zoe doesn’t understand the concept. All she saw was the money and power that came with my name. The status she’d have if she caught my eye.

    I was a foolish seventeen-year-old who only thought with his dick. She’s beautiful, and always has been if you like easy women. She’s superficial and shallow. She trapped me by getting pregnant on purpose. She had the condom, one in which she pierced before I fucked her. If I had my way, I would have left it after that one encounter. She wasn’t any good, just like in life, Zoe’s selfish in bed.

    Being the man that I am, family is everything. So when she came to me and told me I was going to be a da, I married her, giving her the security she needed and giving my child a home. Unlike what I had growing up.

    A year later, our second son came along. Malcolm came out screaming. Then a year later, she gave me my baby girl. I was a fucking fortunate man. While I tried to love my wife, I couldn’t stand her, and she made it quite clear from the get-go that she had no intentions of being an actual mother. She’d leave the kids with the nanny I hired, while she went out and did whatever the hell she wanted. She’d be gone days on end, without even a thought as to how her children were.

    Chloe came into the world almost seven years after her sister, and that’s when I doubted Zoe and how loyal she was in our marriage. But I left it alone; I didn’t want it to be true. I love my kids; they’re everything to me. I’d fucking kill for them and I have done on more than one occasion. But when Mary was born just over a year ago, I knew the bitch was sleeping elsewhere. Not that I was giving it to her. Now she’s pregnant again, and I finally did DNA tests on my children and found out neither Chloe nor Malcolm are mine.

    For that alone, she’s going to die. First, I need to find where the fuck the thumb drive is.

    Tyres whirl against the slick wet road as Michael’s foot lands heavily on the brake. I’m thrown forward at the impact and he comes to a skidding halt. Fuck, he snarls and jumps out of the car, leaving the door open.

    Jesus, I hear a raspy voice yell. Maybe if you slowed the hell down, you wouldn’t almost run over kids.

    Look, love, Michael begins, and I smile as I open the car door. Michael’s got a way with the ladies, they flock to him no matter where we go.

    Love? the woman snarls. "Listen you, amadán, it’s pissing down with rain, it’s freezing and there’s two children crying. How about you learn how to drive like a normal person instead of thinking you’re Lewis Hamilton, then we can all get along with our day?" [Idiot]

    I climb out of the car and I feel as though someone’s gut punched me. My knees fucking shake as I look at the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Her gaze on Michael, those blueish-silvery eyes of hers glaring at him. The colour of her hair is a cross between grey and silver which highlights her magnificent eyes. She’s wearing a black skirt tight across her thighs and I’m urging her to turn around to see what her arse looks like. On her feet are black ankle boots with at least a four-inch heel. She’s got a cropped jacket on which stops just above her stomach.

    Are you okay? I ask, finally finding my voice.

    She waves me away, not in the least bit impressed. "Fine, but if this amadán is with you, maybe have him retake his driving test."

    My smile widens. Let’s get you in the car, we’ll give you a lift home.

    She gapes at me. Do you think I have a death wish? Why on earth would I get into a car with him behind the wheel?

    I shake my head; this woman is sassy as hell and I fucking love it. That’s also the second time she’s called Michael a moron in Irish. Look, it’s raining, and if you stay in it much longer, you’ll be sick. So please, get into the car and let us give you a lift home. My tone has a bite to it; I won’t be taking no for an answer. I need her to get in the car. I can’t explain the need to spend more time with her.

    She nibbles on the corner of her lip and glances up at the sky before turning toward the car. She sighs heavily, That would be great, thanks.

    I nod, What about the kids? I ask, remembering her saying there were children crying.

    They’re gone. I don’t know them; they couldn’t have been older than seven. She shakes her head in disgust. They shouldn’t be out in this weather and all alone.

    Well, that’s something we both agree on. Come on, climb in.

    She walks ahead of me, and I almost swallow my tongue as I catch a good look at her delectable arse. Fuck. Today must be my mother fucking lucky day.

    I climb in beside her and wait for Michael to start the car up again. Where are we going? he asks.

    Before she can answer him, I turn to her. Have you had dinner yet?

    Her brows knit together, and she twists her lips at the corner. Are you asking me to dinner? The confusion in her voice is clear to hear. Almost as though she didn’t expect me to want her.

    Yes, I reply with a smirk. I must be bloody crazy. I’m married to a fucking bitch, I have five kids, and I’ve just asked a woman who’s name I don’t even know to dinner.

    Michael grins. In the past twenty-two years, I’ve never been with anyone but Zoe. I’m not that type of man. I made a vow, and I had planned on sticking to it. But this woman, there’s something about her. I want her in a way I’ve wanted no one before.

    She glances between Michael and me. Will he be coming too?

    I can’t stop the laughter that bursts out of me. No, babe, he won’t be.

    Her lips twist once again, her nose crinkles as she contemplates my offer. Can I get changed first?

    Relief washes through me. Yeah. I glance down at my watch and see it’s almost six. I’ll book us a table for eight thirty. That give you enough time?

    Her silver eyes widen as her features soften. Yeah, she whispers, that’ll be loads of time. Thank you.

    She finally gives Michael her address and I notice she lives in a good neighbourhood, a part of Dublin which caters to the richer people. Once Michael pulls up outside her house, I climb out of the car and walk her to her door. Fuck me, I’m actually being a gentleman. My granda would never fucking believe it.

    I’ll be back at eight, I tell her. I keep my eyes on her face; I’m so close to pushing her against the wall and kissing the fuck out of her. I’ve never had such a visceral reaction before. Even with Zoe and the ones that were before her, I’ve never had the urge to fuck someone there and then.

    She licks her bottom lip and I hold back the groan, Can I get your name? she asks softly, her voice raspy. It’s like sin. Sexy and perfect. I’ve never been hit by a voice before, but hers packs a punch, knocking me off-kilter.

    For the second time in less than thirty minutes, I throw my head back and laugh. Denis, babe, I tell her with a grin.

    She leans in closer to me, her breasts close to my chest. Hey, Denis, I’m Callie.

    Well, Callie, it was a fucking pleasure to meet you. I’ll be back at eight. I lean down and kiss her cheek. It takes a fucking lot of restraint to walk away from her. All I want to do is pull her into the house and fuck her senseless.

    Bye, Denis she whispers as she pushes her key into the door. I’ll see you at eight. She opens the door and disappears into the house, closing the door behind her.

    As I walk back to the car, I can’t help but feel as though something major has just happened. Fucking hell. The sooner eight o’clock comes, the bloody better.



    One month later

    T hank God, you’re back, Ava cries.

    I wrench my phone from my ear so I don’t burst my eardrum. My best friend can be a tad dramatic. I’m walking through the airport now, I tell her, I’ve been gone ten days, yet Ava makes it sound as though I’ve been gone a month.

    I pull the small bag behind me as I walk toward the exit. Glad to have already been past security and lucky I only brought a carry-on with me. I hate waiting for the checked luggage.

    Are you going home? she asks.

    I’m not sure yet. Why? I question. Usually when I get back from a trip, Ava and I will meet up in the evening and catch up.

    Well, some guy has come by your house a few times since you’ve been gone.

    My brows knit together at her words. You’ve been staying at my house?

    She has a key, just as I have one to hers. I don’t go to hers as she lives with her boyfriend, Andrew. I’m not a huge fan of his, but Ava loves him, and I keep my mouth shut, not wanting to ruin our friendship.

    Yeah, Andrew and I had a huge fight and I needed space. I knew you wouldn’t mind, she tells me. I’m back home now, and we’ve kind of sorted things out.

    What’s your plans for this evening? Maybe we can have dinner and drink ourselves stupid and she can open up about whatever the fuck is going on between them.

    Ugh, I’m working tonight; my boss is a real bitch.

    I laugh, Shit, I apologise for that, I say through my laughter. I own four bars in Dublin and Ava is the manager in the busiest one I have in Temple Bar.

    You’re a shitty liar, Callie O’Hara, she growls at me. Now, back to this fella that’s been stopping by your house. Who is he and where the hell have you been hiding him?

    What guy? I ask, pretending to act as though I’ve no idea who she’s talking about.

    The hot forty-ish guy, looks delectable in a suit. Hun, I’ve never seen a man fill out a bloody suit the way that guy does. I saw him four days ago and I haven’t seen a guy look that good since. Now spill.

    Damn the man. Denis Gallagher set my body alight unlike no one else. The day I met him, we had an amazing date. He took me to a fancy restaurant and then ended up back at my place where we had two amazing nights together.

    He got a phone call in the morning on day three and told me he had to go, but he’d be back. That was a month ago, and I hadn’t heard from him. I carried on with my life and acted as though his lack of communication didn’t hurt me when in fact it shattered me. Now he’s back?

    Tomorrow night, we’ll have drinks, and we’ll bitch about men, I tell her, not in the mood to talk about what happened with Denis over the phone.

    I’m holding you to that. Right, I’ve got to go, talk to you later. If you want some company, you know where I’ll be.

    I laugh once again, she’s a nut job. I’ll think about it. I’m going to shower and then crash.

    Go, get some sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow, she says softly. Love you, Callie, let me know you get home all right.

    I smile, it’s always the same with us. Love you too, speak soon. I end the call just as I reach the doors to the exit.

    I’m not surprised in the slightest to see it’s pissing down with rain. But as I step out into the street, I inhale a deep breath and smile. There’s nothing better than the Irish air. No matter how long I’m away, I always relish that first intake of breath whenever I return home.

    I walk to the taxi rank and climb in, giving the driver my address. I settle back in my seat and send out the group text to my family, letting them all know I’m safe and well, and on my way home. I ask them to leave me be for the evening and I’ll see them all tomorrow. My mam and dad answer instantly, both telling me they love me and they’ll see me in the morning. My brother, however, has to be an awkward fucker and ring me.

    Yes, Mav? I answer, already dreading what he’s going to say.

    What’s the hostility about, sis? I’ve not seen you in almost two weeks and this is how you act? I’m not feeling the love.

    God, my brother can guilt-trip the damn pope if needed. Okay, let’s try this again. Hey, Mav, what’s the craic?

    The fucker laughs. Hey, sis, what’s the story?

    I shake my head, he’s after something, that much I know. Nothing much, I’m knackered. So, what do I owe the pleasure?

    He’s silent, and that gets my attention. Maverick O’Hara, what have you done?

    I may have had a slight accident while driving your car, he begins. I’m okay, I assure you. But your car didn’t fare so well.

    I take a deep breath. I’m going to fucking kill him. "What the hell happened to your car?"

    Nothing, I just prefer yours, it’s newer.

    You’re lucky Mam loves you. I’d have killed you a long time ago.

    My brother is the king of pissing me off, and he’s been doing it since the day we were born. Unlucky for me, he’s my twin, born six minutes before me. Something which he loves to rub in my face at every opportunity he can.

    What’s not to love? Anyway, I was just calling to let you know I’m in Meath, I should be home in the next couple of days, depending on how this goes.

    Mav, I say gently, are you working for Jer?

    His silence is enough to answer my question. Damn it.

    Please be careful. The last thing I want is to be visiting you at Mountjoy or the graveyard.

    It’s my ultimate fear. My best friend Stephen works for my uncle also, and I’m always waiting for the day when I’ll get a phone call telling me he’s dead or has been arrested. My uncle is the head of the Houlihan Gang here in Ireland. It’s a life that I keep out of.

    My dad owns hotels all over Ireland and the UK, when he met my mam, they fell head over heels in love. Their love story used to be my bedtime story when I was younger. I’ve always known just how deep my parents’ love for one another is. Their relationship is only something I can hope to emulate.

    Uncle Jer offered Dad a position high in his ranks when Dad proposed to mam. Jer wanted the business to be a family affair, but Dad wanted nothing to do with it. He respects Uncle Jer, but his criminal ways aren’t something Dad’s down with and he’s made sure that mam and they have kept away us kids from the drugs, guns, and death that follow Jer around.

    Does Mam and Dad know you’re working for Jer?

    Not yet, he replies. The heavy set of his tone tells me he’s dreading telling them. Please don’t say a fecking word, Callie. I’ll do it when I’m ready.

    I won’t, Mav, you know I won’t.

    As much as Maverick annoys me, he’s my twin brother and I love him, I’d do anything for him. We both live separate lives, but we’re still really close. He knows all of my secrets and I know his.

    I know, Callie Wally.

    I grit my teeth. I fucking hate you, I hiss.

    The arsehole just laughs. I know, you make it so easy to wind you up.

    "Póg mo thóin," I snap back at him. [Kiss my ass]

    "Tá grá agam duit," he whispers at me and just like that all my anger dissipates. [I love you]

    You’re still an arsehole, Mav, but I love you too.

    Got to go, sis.

    My heart clenches. Be safe, I whisper, and pain lashes through me when he ends the call without responding.

    I rest my head against the seat and close my eyes. So much has changed in the past few years. I thought I’d have been married by now and I’d be happy, but thankfully, that never happened. God, just thinking about Keith, sets me on edge. He’s someone I don’t talk about. Ever. I never told my family what really happened between us. Just that we had broken up, and I was home for good.

    The taxi pulls to a stop outside my house, and a sense of calm settles over me. It’s my haven, the place I feel at peace. There’s nowhere on this earth I feel safer than my home.

    All right, love, that’s you, the taxi driver says, a smile on his face.

    I glance at the meter. Not too bad, not even thirty Euro. Thanks a million, I tell him as I pass him two twenty Euro notes. Keep the change, I say as I reach for my luggage that’s on the floor of the car beside me.

    He flashes me a brilliant smile. Ah, you’re too kind, love.

    I push the door open and laugh. Grab a pint or two this evening.

    He winks at me. Will do, have a good one.

    You too. I close the door behind me and set the wheels of my bag on the ground.

    The taxi pulls off and I narrow my eyes when I hear a car door close and see Denis striding toward me.

    I’m not in the mood, Denis. I’m just home, I snap as I stroll toward my house. Come back another day, or better yet, not at all.

    I look up at my home and pride fills me. I worked my arse off to get this house. Dad gave both Maverick and I bars here in Dublin, and he told us we were to do as we wished with it. It was our present for turning eighteen. Mav sold his within a month. I made mine a success and managed to not only purchase three more here in Dublin along with two in London, I also purchased my home. It cost me close to two million. It needed a hell of a lot of work, but it was worth it in the end.

    I owe you an explanation, Denis says, keeping strides with me.

    I reach into my bag for my keys and open my front door. You owe me nothing. We had sex, Denis. Sex. That was it.

    He pushes me into my home and slams the door closed behind us. Bullshit, he snarls. That’s fucking bullshit and you know it.

    I sigh because he’s right. It was a hell of a lot more than just sex. I thought there was something between us, but he disappeared for almost a month. What the hell am I supposed to think? Hmm, I mean, it’s been a month since I last saw you. I can’t keep the anger from my words.

    Yeah, he grunts. Every time I came by your house, you were gone. I don’t have your number, hell, don’t even know your surname. Your girl told me you were gone, and she said you’d be back today.

    Damn it, Ava.

    I had to go to London for some business. I apologise I didn't inform you, but as you said, I don't know you all that well. My bitchiness is out in full force. I don't

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