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My Filipino Wife: An Erotic Interracial Romance
My Filipino Wife: An Erotic Interracial Romance
My Filipino Wife: An Erotic Interracial Romance
Ebook40 pages28 minutes

My Filipino Wife: An Erotic Interracial Romance

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About this ebook

I was always attracted to Asian women, but none of the Asian Americans liked black men like me. They always wanted to date white guys or other Asians. I nearly gave up hope until my friend told me about a website where sexy foreigners were looking for husbands. That is where I met Dalisay. My sexy Filipino wife. This is our story…

My Filipino Wife is an erotic AWBM interracial romance. It is around 7,000 words and for mature readers only.

PublisherHunter Briggs
Release dateMay 17, 2024
My Filipino Wife: An Erotic Interracial Romance

Hunter Briggs

Hunter Briggs is an interracial romance erotica author. He loves writing out of the box stories, that at are different from the rest. If you like reading about tall, dark and handsome alphas and beautiful, thick thighed women, then Hunter Briggs is the author for you. If he's not writing hot, burn a hole in your panties erotica, Hunter Briggs is lazily watching TV because he has no other cool hobbies like other authors. Hunter Briggs is a loving husband and father and while he owns no dogs, he has always wished for a furry friend. He enjoys anything that can raise his blood pressure including, spicy buffalo wings, onion rings and ice-cold beer. Follow me on Twitter: @Briggs_Romance

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    Book preview

    My Filipino Wife - Hunter Briggs

    My Filipino Wife

    An Erotic Interracial Romance

    Hunter Briggs

    Published by Hunter Briggs, 2024.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. May 17, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024 Hunter Briggs.

    ISBN: 979-8224488544

    Written by Hunter Briggs.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Sign up for Hunter Briggs's Mailing List

    Further Reading: The Recruitment

    Also By Hunter Briggs

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    I always was attracted to Asian women. Call me a freak, or it something else, like a sexual fetish, but there was something about their eyes that captured me. As a African American, I always felt disadvantaged when I attempted to date an Asian American in the states. They always seemed turned off by me, and only wanted to date other Asians or white people.

    I couldn’t understand why. I was a good looking black man at the age of twenty six. I had a muscular build, a steady job, not to mention a big cock. I should be at the top of a list for an Asian woman, yet I was ignored.

    I sighed after, not getting a DM from an Asian chick I attempted to reach out to on a dating app. I was having no luck and I looked to my roommate, Devin. He was black like me and was playing video games, mashing buttons on his controller.

    Yo, is it me? Do I scare Asian women? All my life, all I wanted to be with was an Asian woman. Black women and white women can’t get enough of me, yet when I ask an Asian out they scatter like cockroaches . I sighed and sat down on the couch next to him.

    My roommate laughed, that’s because your black, Rashad... his eyes didn’t stray from the tv screen as he played the first person shooter.

    So? I see Asian women date black men all the time.

    Yeah, but those women are usually foreign. They ain’t American. The American ones know better than to date us. Their parents warn them to stay away, but the foreign ones... he smacked his lips. "The foreign ones all they

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