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The Last Voyage of Harmony Season 02: The Last Voyage of Harmony, #2
The Last Voyage of Harmony Season 02: The Last Voyage of Harmony, #2
The Last Voyage of Harmony Season 02: The Last Voyage of Harmony, #2
Ebook162 pages1 hour

The Last Voyage of Harmony Season 02: The Last Voyage of Harmony, #2

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The survivors of ship Harmony are finally back on Earth, but they were too late. The alien vampires have invaded Earth, and they are carting humans from one world to another, and everything is dead. There are no signs of human lives. Surviving soldiers make a stand, and finally, they get control over the aliens, but the aliens were not done with it. They had another hellish weapon in their arsenal. The real end is here. Prepare for the ultimate war the world has ever seen!

PublisherC.O. Amal
Release dateMay 18, 2024
The Last Voyage of Harmony Season 02: The Last Voyage of Harmony, #2

C.O. Amal

I live in India, Kerala. I love to read science fiction and dark fantasy. I am well known as the Crazy Writer. I write Science fiction and I am a fan of the book 'Earths Forbidden Secrets by Maxwell Igan. I love to hike hills, and I am an adventurous man. I am well known for my ability to daydream. And most times you can see me daydreaming in front of my novel writing machine. I hope humanity will colonize the far reaches of the cosmos, soon. I love NASA, ISRO, and Virgin Galactica. I am looking forward to landing on Mars, where one of my novels sets it.

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    Book preview

    The Last Voyage of Harmony Season 02 - C.O. Amal

    Episode 06 – War on Earth


    2026 August 1, Earth, Los Angeles, USA

    Johanna, Allen, and Danny run through the street at high speed. Others including Aaron and Matthew run in another way.

    Johanna cannot make out where she is. Then she sees a board in front of a shop in which the town’s name is written. She is in Los Angeles!

    Most shops are already closed, and who knows who is hiding behind the shutters?

    We are in Los Angeles, Johanna shouts.

    I don’t care where we are. What I need is a gun. Allen yells.

    They run through the road. Mega-story buildings stand on both sides of the road. Most buildings are in ruin. In the sky flying saucers still are flying. There are also human-made fighter jets in the sky, but it looks like humans have lost the war.

    There are no people on the streets. Everybody has fled somewhere a long time ago. Or are they all in alien prisons? Sharp screeches and shrieks come from their back which must be coming from their pursuers.

    Johanna and the team see a big building that is standing mostly intact. The three of them run inside the building through a rotating door. Johanna quickly deadbolt the door even though it is useless since it is a glass door.

    Johanna and the team try the elevator but the electricity has been out, so they use the stairs. They climb one level after another. After about fifteen minutes of running, they climb about half of the building. Still, more to go. They pant heavily and then they continue their running. They don’t even try to look at each level for survivors. Now what they want to make sure of is their safety, all else comes later.

    Finally, they reach the top level of the building. From the opened outer level, Johanna looks below. Looks like a battalion of aliens has surrounded the building. Fortunately, no aliens enter the building. Allen and Danny take heavy breaths.

    Then Johanna spots it first. From the horizon comes a cluster of flying saucers like a cluster of fireflies!

    Chapter 1 – Kevin

    2026 August 1, Unknown Mountains

    Kevin run through the snow-covered tree land to the safe haven far away in the Wolforia village. The little girl holds onto his shoulders tightly. She is still sleeping without knowing the danger they are in.

    Boom! Boom! Boom!

    The entrance of tunnel 304 explodes throwing snow and soil in every direction. The ground shakes like a violent earthquake. Kevin almost lost his footing but he quickly regains his footing and he runs through the loose snow.

    A moment later he reaches near the tower. It is eerily quiet here. Kevin doesn’t stop his running there. He runs through the tree land away from the tower. Before long he climbs a hill and reaches near the glacier.

    Suddenly a sharp howl comes from his back. He looks back. About two or three wolves are running at him. Kevin bolts into a run. Wolves growl on the way. Kevin passes the glacier and climbs a hill. He quickly reaches the tents. The wolves are almost on him. He quickly gets inside a tent and closes the entryway.

    Wolves collide with the cloth wall of the tent in which Kevin and the little girl are. In a hurry to close the entryway with another layer of cloth, Kevin without knowing drops the little girl.

    Mommy.... The little girl begins to cry out loud.

    That’s when Kevin realizes his mistake. He quickly reaches the girl and he tries to soothe her.

    Please, stop crying. We are almost near your mommy. Kevin says.

    Ha... Mommy... The girl keeps on crying.

    Wolves begin to claw at the cloth wall and they sharply growl. The girl’s sound is making the wolves keep on howling and clawing.

    Please. Stop crying. There are wolves outside the tent. They are gonna kill us if you don’t stop crying. Kevin says.

    Wolves? Mommy... The girl keeps on crying. This time she increases her sound.

    In all his lifetime, Kevin actually doesn’t know how to make a kid stop crying. Actually, he is not a big fan of playing with kids. What he knows a little about kids was when his baby brother Tim was born.

    Thinking about kids reminds him about Tim and his tragic death. It was actually his fault that Tim and Thomas are dead. It was really his fault that he is trapped in here. If he haven’t told them to go a little further to throw the net to capture fish, he wouldn’t be here, but these things are planning this attack for years. So, it doesn’t matter if he is on Earth or here. Things happen for a reason. It may be his destiny to die here by the side of a young girl. Kevin doesn’t even know the name of the girl.

    But, Kevin is happy that she doesn’t cry when they were inside the city of Tunoria. If she would have cried down there, they both would have been dead long ago.

    Suddenly wolves stop howling and they run away. Kevin hears the retreating footsteps clearly.

    Wolves are gone. Now will you stop crying? Kevin asks.

    The little girl stops crying and looks at Kevin’s face.

    Where is my mommy? The girl asks.

    Your mommy is near here. I am gonna take you to your mommy soon. Kevin says.

    I want my mommy right now. The girl demands.

    Then, I will take you to your mommy right now. Come on. Let’s move outside. Kevin says.

    The girl reluctantly nods her head.

    Now that we two are together, why don’t you tell me your name? Kevin asks.

    I am Zoe. The girl says.

    Kevin opens the entryway and gets outside. The girl follows closely behind him.

    Do you want me to carry you? Kevin asks looking down at Zoe.

    I am old enough to walk on my own, Zoe says.

    Okay, Kevin says. Suit yourself.

    Suddenly Kevin stops moving. In front of him stand two men. By the looks of it, they are aliens, no doubt. Kevin quickly holds Zoe behind his legs but the girl peeks at the men from behind Kevin. No wonder why the wolves ran away.

    Who are they? Zoe asks in a lower voice.

    They are bad men. You go ahead and hide in the tent. Kevin says.

    We are bad men? Then who are you? One of the men asks. They both grin.

    Young girl, we are your friends. He is the bad one. The second man says pointing at Kevin.

    Don’t listen to them, Zoe. They want to drink our blood. Kevin says.

    Zoe looks around confused.


    Ahh... Kevin drops to the ground and cries.

    A third man comes from Kevin’s back with a piece of log in his hands.

    I want my mommy... Zoe begins to cry.

    I will take you to your mommy The man with the log lifts Zoe from the ground and moves his mouth to her neck. A moment later he opens his mouth wide, showing the sharp stained teeth.

    Please, let her go. Take me instead. Kevin pleads from the ground. She is a little girl.

    Pain is still coursing through his head.

    One of the men standing nearby comes near Kevin and he lifts him from the ground by holding on to his neck.

    We will let her go, but you need to tell us where the rest of you are hiding. The man holding Kevin says.

    I don’t know where they are, Kevin says struggling to breathe.

    Don’t lie to us. We can tell when you’re lying. The man says.

    Suddenly the man’s hand on Kevin’s neck loosens and the man drops to the ground dead. Kevin massages his neck and stands up. Before knowing what’s happening, the man holding Zoe also drops to the ground. The remaining alien screeches sharply. Suddenly he too drops dead.

    Kevin looked around and sees that arrows are protruding from each of the aliens’ heads. Then he spots Lucy standing near a tree with a Bow and a quiver full of arrows. An arrow is still hauled back in her bow to fire at any moment.

    Miss Lucy. Zoe runs towards Lucy.

    Lucy loosens the bow and sighs deeply.

    Isn’t this our Zoe? Lucy places the Bow on the ground and hugs Zoe.

    Where is my mommy? Zoe asks.

    We are going to your mommy, Lucy says. Come on, Kevin, let’s get out of here.

    Okay, I am coming, Kevin says

    The three of them walk deep into the mountains.

    Chapter 2 – Jimmy

    2026 August 1, Wolforia

    Mister Gary leads everyone to Wolforia, a town Jimmy knows from the Journal by J.C. Jacobson. Miss Lucy leaves them when they enter the Wolforia village. She has said she needs to look for Kevin and the little girl, Zoe.

    The village is dead silent and it looks like nothing has changed

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