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Heaven Veiling Demon Sovereign: Heaven Veiling Demon Sovereign, #5
Heaven Veiling Demon Sovereign: Heaven Veiling Demon Sovereign, #5
Heaven Veiling Demon Sovereign: Heaven Veiling Demon Sovereign, #5
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Heaven Veiling Demon Sovereign: Heaven Veiling Demon Sovereign, #5

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An unexpected disaster transforms Fang Xin from an ordinary insurance salesman into a unique creature in the vast world of Yangtian—a gigantic bird.

His rebirth is filled with confusion and astonishment. Everything familiar has vanished, replaced by feathered wings and breathtaking adventures. Even as a bird, I aspire to become the strongest in this world, soaring above the nine heavens.






Following the sound, Fang Xin saw a lively little Human girl, who appeared to be about twelve or thirteen years old. Although her appearance was not particularly striking, she exuded a youthful aura and seemed full of vitality. Fang Xin was visibly surprised upon seeing this little girl.

 It was surprising enough to see a Human in the Southern Forests, but the little girl had mentioned that her father was nearby. This left Fang Xin rather astonished.

PublisherZhou Yan
Release dateMay 18, 2024
Heaven Veiling Demon Sovereign: Heaven Veiling Demon Sovereign, #5

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    Heaven Veiling Demon Sovereign - Shi Ying

    Chapter 189: Arriving Quietly

    Smiled 17:23:11

    Following the sound, Fang Xin saw a lively little Human girl, who appeared to be about twelve or thirteen years old. Although her appearance was not particularly striking, she exuded a youthful aura and seemed full of vitality. Fang Xin was visibly surprised upon seeing this little girl.

    It was surprising enough to see a Human in the Southern Forests, but the little girl had mentioned that her father was nearby. This left Fang Xin rather astonished.

    His astonishment did not stem from the mere presence of a Human, but rather because that Human was in the Southern Forests. Since Fang Xin was born, he had known that the Southern Forests were the territory of Demon Wind Tiger King and a paradise for the Demon Clan. Although there weren’t many Beyond Mortal Realm Demon Clan members, there were quite a few Mortal Realm, seventh or eighth level mystical beasts. Fang Xin’s senses told him that the little girl was merely at the third level of the Mortal Realm, making her a very weak presence in the Southern Forests. There were countless beasts whose realms surpassed hers, and one could say that she was practically easy prey for them.

    To the beasts in the Southern Forests who were at the fourth level of the Mortal Realm or above, the little girl was nothing more than a moving meal. In the vast dining hall that was the Southern Forests, they could hunt her at will. However, judging by the way the little girl was hopping about and shouting, she seemed completely unaware of this.

    Even Fang Xin, who was observing from the sky, felt worried for this little Human girl who was only at the third level of the Mortal Realm. Well, Fang Xin’s human side was acting up again. Otherwise, it would be rather strange for a member of the Demon Clan like him to be concerned that a little Human girl might be eaten by his fellow clansmen.

    Xuan’er, slow down. I can’t keep up with you.

    The little girl’s cries had barely faded when a deep male voice rang out from behind her. However, due to the obstruction of the trees, Fang Xin could only make out the figure of a Human man. Fang Xin could not see the man’s features or appearance clearly, but judging by the little girl’s cries, he guessed that this Human man following behind her must be the father she had been calling out to.

    Before Fang Xin could move closer to get a better look at the man’s appearance, he walked forward on his own. With the trees no longer obstructing his view, Fang Xin was finally able to see the man’s face clearly. He had short, neat hair and wore a brown sackcloth robe. He was over 1.7 meters tall and had a standard build, neither too fat nor too thin. The few wrinkles on his face indicated that he was certainly not young. Fang Xin judged that the man was probably in his forties. Judging by his attire, he was clearly not well-off. In fact, Fang Xin could tell from the rough craftsmanship of his sackcloth robe that his family was quite poor, as there were several patches on it.

    However, the little girl named Xuan’er was not dressed in rags. Her clothes were clean and tidy, and although not luxurious, they gave off a very comfortable feeling. It was evident that while the family of this middle-aged Human man was not wealthy, he treated his daughter very well.

    No matter whether it’s in Yang Tian’s Great World or the Yan Huang Great World, parents from any race, regardless of their own dire circumstances, would never let their children suffer. Just like the father before Fang Xin’s eyes, who was dressed poorly, even in rags, yet his daughter was dressed so clean and tidy, looking well-nourished and vibrant.

    Seeing this father and daughter pair, Fang Xin was somewhat taken aback and forgot to continue on his way. The sight of this Human father and daughter duo made him think of his own parents from his past life, and his childhood as a member of the Human Clan. Back then, he was as carefree and happy as this little girl. However, as he grew older, he found that happiness became increasingly scarce, and as he matured, worries also increased. This was how Fang Xin saw the brief course of his own life.

    Father, look, there’s a rabbit ahead. We’ll have meat for dinner tonight!

    Xuan’er’s voice, clear as a bell, rang in Fang Xin’s ears, interrupting his thoughts. Fang Xin’s attention was drawn away from his endless memories back to the present reality, focusing again on the father and daughter in the Southern Forests.

    Yes, once we catch this rabbit, we’ll leave this place. Although we are at the edge of the Southern Forests where there aren’t any powerful beasts, it’s still the territory of mystical creatures and quite dangerous. We should leave as soon as possible.

    Xuan’er’s father, a middle-aged Human man, said with a smile to his daughter. Looking at Xuan’er, his eyes were filled with affection, showing his deep love for his daughter.

    While he was speaking, Fang Xin noticed that this middle-aged Human man only had a cultivation base at the fifth level of the Mortal Realm, only two levels higher than the twelve or thirteen-year-old Xuan’er. He must also have poor talent. With his talent, now that he was middle-aged, it was nearly impossible for him to advance even one more level. On the other hand, his daughter Xuan’er had very good talent, far surpassing him.

    This Human father-daughter pair, with the father at the fifth level of the Mortal Realm and the daughter at the third level of the Mortal Realm, were practically two portions of mobile food in the Southern Forests. Even Fang Xin admired the courage of this Human father and daughter. However, from their conversation, Fang Xin also learned that the father had only brought his daughter here because she wanted to eat meat. But Fang Xin could not understand why he had brought his daughter to such a dangerous place. He could not fathom the father’s thought process.

    Okay, Father. The rabbit is just ahead. Shhh, don’t scare it away.

    The Human girl Xuan’er whispered to her father behind her, her little hand pointing to a patch of grass not far ahead. Fang Xin followed the direction of Xuan’er’s finger and saw a small, gray rabbit curled up there, nibbling on tender grass, completely unaware of the impending danger. In Fang Xin’s eyes, this little gray rabbit should not even be considered a mystical creature because the demonic energy on its body was so scarce that it could be ignored. Its cultivation base had not even reached the first level of the Mortal Realm. This little gray rabbit could only be called a wild animal and was not qualified to be included among the Demon Clan. This little gray rabbit was probably the weakest creature in the entire Southern Forests.

    Even a little Human girl like Xuan’er could easily catch this little gray rabbit without much effort. However, since the Southern Forests were densely vegetated, the father and daughter pair were very cautious in their approach, slowly moving towards the gray rabbit that had not even reached the first level of the Mortal Realm. Even Fang Xin did not know what kind of creature this little gray rabbit was. Perhaps it was not even a member of the Demon Clan, or else Fang Xin would not be unfamiliar with its species.

    Having lived in the Southern Forests for so many years, Fang Xin was no longer the newborn who knew nothing. He knew the names of almost all the mystical creatures in the Southern Forests. Even for mystical creatures outside the Southern Forests, as long as they belonged to the Demon Clan, Fang Xin had learned a lot about them through the Demon Wind Tiger King’s accounts and the books in the underground cave. However, the gray rabbit in front of him was the only one he did not recognize.

    Step by step, the Human father and daughter carefully took each step, afraid that the gray rabbit would discover them and run away. Originally, they were not far from the gray rabbit, but after taking dozens of steps, the father and daughter were already very close to the gray rabbit. The Human girl named Xuan’er’s big, lively eyes had narrowed into slits, and there was a clear arc on the corners of her mouth. The little girl’s expression revealed her current happiness, while the middle-aged Human man behind her seemed very calm, looking at the happy Xuan’er in front of him with a faint smile.


    Looking at such a happy and warm scene, Fang Xin, who was standing in the air and watching them, suddenly sighed. Fang Xin’s sigh was not for himself, but for the Human father and daughter below. Because Fang Xin, who was standing in the air, had already seen a large green snake lying on a large tree not far away. This large snake had a cultivation base of the seventh level of the Mortal Realm. This large green snake at the seventh level of the Mortal Realm was called the Vine Snake. Fang Xin had seen this kind of snake in the Southern Forests before, but he did not know if it was the same one, because in Fang Xin’s eyes, these snakes all looked the same.

    For the Human father and daughter at the fifth and third levels of the Mortal Realm, a Vine Snake at the seventh level of the Mortal Realm was undoubtedly a being that could easily take their lives. That was why Fang Xin sighed.

    Obviously, with their strength, the Human father and daughter could not sense the existence of the Vine Snake at the seventh level of the Mortal Realm, and they continued to walk towards it. The Human father and daughter did not know that the closer they got to the gray rabbit, the closer they were to the end of their lives. Fang Xin clearly saw that the green Vine Snake had already stuck out a green tongue, its forked tongue flicking back and forth. In its eyes, the Human father and daughter had already become its two meals, two dead people.

    In fact, the Vine Snake was indeed waiting for the Human father and daughter to approach, waiting for them to walk under its gaping mouth.

    Chapter 190: Action

    With the Vine Snake’s length, it could have already lunged forward and swallowed the Human father and daughter in one bite. However, the Vine Snake was acting as if it was playing with its prey. Since they could not escape anyway, why not play with them for a while?

    The Vine Snake wanted to wait until they walked under its gaping mouth, then suddenly appear in front of them and eat them in one bite. The Vine Snake enjoyed seeing the terror on the faces of Humans. It made their flesh taste even more delicious. Perhaps this was the Vine Snake’s unique and evil sense of humor. Fang Xin did not know what the Vine Snake was thinking at the moment. If he did, he would have scoffed at its thoughts.

    Although Fang Xin did not know about the Vine Snake’s perverted psychology, he knew very well that the Vine Snake wanted to eat the Human father and daughter. He could see the greed in the Vine Snake’s scarlet eyes, the same kind of greed that one had for food. It seemed that the Vine Snake was quite hungry. If the Vine Snake had not been hungry, perhaps the Human father and daughter would have escaped this disaster. However, in Fang Xin’s opinion, the Vine Snake did not look like it had eaten recently, so this Human father and daughter were probably doomed.

    Thud, thud, thud...

    The Human girl Xuan’er and her father still had not realized that danger was approaching them. They were still smiling and joyful, completely unaware of any danger. Perhaps it was because the color of the Vine Snake’s body blended in too well with the surrounding environment. Just like that, the Vine Snake lay in front of the Human father and daughter without any cover, but they still did not notice the Vine Snake that had opened its gaping mouth right above their heads.

    Even Fang Xin, who was standing in the air, was anxious for them. Seeing them blissfully unaware of the impending danger, he didn’t know what to say. Although Fang Xin was aware that they knew nothing of their peril, he still felt troubled for them. Fang Xin never considered that he might have looked the same when he was weak. But now that he had grown stronger, his perspective and the vistas he saw had changed.

    A weaker Fang Xin would not have perceived the weakness in others, but a stronger Fang Xin became aware of others’ vulnerabilities. Perhaps even Fang Xin himself hadn’t noticed this shift; as his strength increased, the stance he took and his thoughts had transformed.

    However, it was clear that Fang Xin’s view was entirely correct at the moment. The Human father and daughter remained happy and blissfully ignorant, not knowing that the Vine Snake, with the power of the seventh level of the Mortal Realm, had already coiled its body. Fang Xin, who had once clashed with the Spirit Crown Snake, of course, knew that this was the Vine Snake preparing to strike. Coiling its body was merely to gather energy for a faster, more powerful lunge at its target. Time was running out for the Human father and daughter. Maybe in the next second, they would be swallowed whole by the Vine Snake, their lives inevitably endangered. Being swallowed by a snake demon doesn’t lead to instant death, but the experience is excruciatingly painful and certainly fatal.

    Inside the stomach of a snake demon, though one doesn’t die immediately, they must endure the torment of the snake’s stomach acid and venom. This torture gradually drains life, and the process is extremely painful. Although the victims don’t die immediately, the sensation of being dissolved by stomach acid and venom is worse than death. Despite the Vine Snake’s camouflage, similar to that of trees, it is a pure snake demon with such predatory habits.

    Fang Xin could easily imagine the grim fate awaiting the Human father and daughter. Watching the lovely Human girl Xuan’er about to catch the gray rabbit with a joyous smile, and seeing her father’s face lit with happiness, a sense of compassion arose in Fang Xin’s heart. He wanted to intervene and save the Human father and daughter.

    But just as Fang Xin was about to intervene, he hesitated. Now that Fang Xin was a Demon, the gray rabbit and the Vine Snake were his kin, and the Human father and daughter wanted to kill the gray rabbit for food, while the Vine Snake also considered the Human father and daughter as food. Whose side should he be on? Neither side seemed to be doing anything wrong, so how was he supposed to choose? At that moment, Fang Xin wanted to save the Human father and daughter, but he couldn’t find a reason to do so. The Human father and daughter wanted to take the gray rabbit’s life to survive, and the Vine Snake wanted to eat the Human father and daughter for the same reason. For a moment, Fang Xin was lost in thought.

    After all, Fang Xin wasn’t a pure Demon in his heart. Some of his thoughts and feelings from his past life as a Human remained, or else he wouldn’t be so conflicted. A pure Demon would probably have eaten the Human father and daughter before the Vine Snake could get to them. Even though Fang Xin had changed a lot and could now eat raw meat, he couldn’t bring himself to eat a Human. It wasn’t that his body couldn’t do it, but his mind couldn’t. Deep down, Fang Xin rejected such behavior. He was certain that he would never eat a Human, even though he was now a Demon. He still had a Human heart.

    The Vine Snake, however, was different from Fang Xin. It was a pure Demon with no memories of a past life. In the Vine Snake’s mind, it was a Demon beast, and eating Humans was perfectly normal. Its bloodline told it that Humans were delicious, and eating them could even help it improve its cultivation. As it watched the Human father and daughter approach, it felt its taste buds tingle. It could no longer hold back. It had to rush out and swallow these two Humans in front of it in one bite.


    Suddenly, a loud hiss came from the Vine Snake’s mouth. Accompanying the hiss, the Vine Snake’s body, which was as thick as a water bucket and nearly twenty meters long, shot towards the unsuspecting Human father and daughter. At the same time, the Vine Snake opened its gaping mouth, revealing four sharp fangs dripping with a green liquid—the Vine Snake’s own venom. A few drops were enough to paralyze and render a Human unconscious. To lose consciousness in front of the Vine Snake was tantamount to death.

    Xuan’er, run!

    The moment the Vine Snake let out its hiss, the middle-aged Human man saw it charging towards them, mouth agape. In an instant, the smile on his slightly wrinkled face turned into horror. His dark pupils even filled with despair. However, upon seeing his daughter Xuan’er in front of him, the despair and horror in his eyes faded away, replaced by determination.

    Yes, determination. The momentary despair and horror seemed illusory, and the determination he felt now was his true emotion. As the Vine Snake charged at them, the middle-aged Human man unleashed an unprecedented speed. In an instant, he pulled his daughter Xuan’er behind him to a safe distance and stood in front to face the Vine Snake head-on, without any intention of dodging.

    At this moment, the Human middle-aged man, this father, had given up on the idea of surviving. He was prepared to use his body to buy his daughter time to escape. He wanted to trade his life for his daughter’s.

    Father! Father!

    The young Human girl Xuan’er, who was pulled to a safe distance, no longer had the smile on her face, nor the cute little dimples. Now, her bright, watery eyes were filled with cascading tears. The vibrant look in her eyes had turned to one of terror. She was petrified, clueless about why this was happening. She wondered where the green snake that charged at her and her father had come from and if they were going to die there that day.

    She was unaware of it all, her heart filled only with fear. After all, she was just a twelve or thirteen-year-old child who had never witnessed such a scene. Even an adult might be terrified, let alone a young girl named Xuan’er. She had always felt safe behind her father’s back, but now, even with her father standing in front of her, she felt an innate fear from deep within.

    Xuan’er was also a cultivator, albeit only at the third level of the Mortal Realm. Unable to sense the Vine Snake’s realm, she could still feel the terrifying aura it emitted, an aura her father and she could not possibly withstand. Despite the distance her father had put between them and the Vine Snake with his pull, Xuan’er found herself unable to think of escape, closing her eyes in fear, awaiting the death she dreaded.

    The Vine Snake, with its gaping maw, charged at the Human middle-aged man standing in front, who could even smell the stench from the Vine Snake’s mouth. The Vine Snake, a creature accustomed to eating raw flesh, certainly did not brush its teeth, making its foul breath unsurprising. However, the stench was so overwhelming that the Human man almost passed out, and it seemed the Vine Snake’s bad breath alone could kill the Human man. Fortunately, Fang Xin was someone who cared about oral health; he didn’t even have a cavity, let alone bad breath.

    The Vine Snake didn’t care if its bad breath would kill the Human in front of it. As long as it could eat its prey, it didn’t mind how they died. The Vine Snake was only interested in the result of eating, not the process.

    Just as the Vine Snake was about to enjoy its meal, a green figure suddenly appeared before it. The Vine Snake couldn’t see how this green figure appeared in front of its eyes; the figure was too fast, so fast that its eyes couldn’t catch the movement.

    Chapter 191: Rescue

    •  Starting from issue one, if there are no special circumstances, there will be two updates every day, each update containing three thousand words.

    As the Vine Snake opened its massive jaws, intending to swallow the middle-aged Human man whole, a green figure appeared in front of the man without any warning.

    The Vine Snake, already with its gaping mouth, was momentarily taken aback, but only for a brief moment. Even though the Human who suddenly appeared wasn’t its initial target, the Vine Snake was more than willing to devour anyone who presented themselves as a meal. At that moment, the Spirit Crown Snake, seeing the green figure suddenly appear before it, was delighted, thinking it had stumbled upon incredible luck to have food deliver itself to its mouth.

    Even though the Vine Snake hadn’t gotten a good look at the green figure before opening its jaws wide to enjoy this meal that had come running to it, it could tell from the size of the green figure that it was a Human. As long as it was a Human, it considered them its food, with no exceptions. It didn’t give it much thought, but after all, there’s no such thing as a free lunch, nor a meal that would willingly walk into its mouth. The Vine Snake was perhaps too naive in its thinking.

    This green figure was none other than Fang Xin, who had been observing the father and daughter from the Human Clan while hovering in the air. What had started as a mere pastime during his rest had taken an unexpected turn. Fang Xin had been torn between saving them or not, but seeing the Human father’s actions and the young girl’s cries, he made his decision in an instant: to save them!

    Rescuing them was imperative. Witnessing such a scene, if Fang Xin hadn’t intervened, he would be no better than a beast, having lost the very essence of his humanity. Saving this Human father and daughter from the clutches of a Mortal Realm seventh level Vine Snake was a simple task for Fang Xin, an act of effortlessly lifting his hand. How could he not do something so straightforward?

    The actions of the Human father were enough to compel Fang Xin to act, not to mention the sight of the young Human girl crying tugged at his heartstrings, stirring a discomfort he couldn’t ignore. It was an unwillingness to let the young girl cry that, among other reasons, finally resolved the conflicted Fang Xin to make a decision. Just as Fang Xin was making up his mind, the Vine Snake, unable to hold back any longer, launched its attack.

    The Vine Snake’s lunge was incredibly fast, reaching the middle-aged Human man in a blink. At the moment Fang Xin moved forward, he saw the man had closed his eyes in despair, giving up resistance. Indeed, for the middle-aged Human man of Mortal Realm level five to confront an inherently superior Mortal Realm level seven Spirit Crown Snake was like a fool’s dream, a futile effort. Giving up might not have seemed like the worst choice, but at that moment, it was too soon for the man to surrender because Fang Xin had already decided to save them. There was no chance the father and daughter would perish.

    For a normal cultivator at the first level Beyond Mortal Realm, saving the man who was about to be swallowed in the next moment might seem nearly impossible. However, for Fang Xin, a cultivator at the first level Beyond Mortal Realm, it was extremely easy, thanks to his mastery of Thunder Flash, a bloodline technique that allows him to fully utilize the speed of the Thunder Phoenix, a mighty race.

    The Thunder Phoenix Clan, a powerful branch of the Phoenix Clan, possesses unmatched speed among the races, born to dominate the skies. As the lightning attribute Phoenix Clan, the Thunder Phoenix Clan has an even better talent for explosive speed compared to other Phoenix Clans. Thunder Flash was devised to fully unleash the Thunder Phoenix Clan’s potential for short bursts of speed. Created by the ancestors of the Thunder Phoenix Clan, it became a signature bloodline technique of the clan. Indeed, this technique is uniquely suited to the Thunder Phoenix Clan, and only they can cultivate it to its true potential.

    Harnessing Thunder Flash, Fang Xin instantly appeared in front of the middle-aged Human man. This was why the Vine Snake was unaware of how Fang Xin appeared before it. However, blinded by its desire to consume the Human before it, the Vine Snake failed to realize how formidable a Human that could appear so suddenly without detection could be. Thus, in the next second, it paid the price for its foolishness.


    The Vine Snake’s tender green body was sent flying like an arrow by Fang Xin’s kick. Fang Xin didn’t put much strength into the kick since the Vine Snake was, after all, his fellow Demon Clan member. It only wanted to devour the Human father and daughter to satisfy its hunger. Fang Xin was already quite embarrassed to have interrupted its normal hunting behavior. Although the kick sent the Vine Snake flying quite far, Fang Xin hadn’t used much

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