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One Tough Gringo - The Return of Sam Granger
One Tough Gringo - The Return of Sam Granger
One Tough Gringo - The Return of Sam Granger
Ebook43 pages36 minutes

One Tough Gringo - The Return of Sam Granger

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Enrique Cortes nodded as he rode with Salazar. The two men rode their horses outside the church grounds. Cortes had rode with Salazar for quite some time since his youth, and was now a young man of barely 21. Admittedly, he did not like Salazar, or his methods to keep power. Cortes grew to manhood with a healthy respect of what Salazar was capable of. He only rode with him because he felt he had no choice. After all, Salazar was a wealthy man, and riding with him ensured Cortez of a somewhat decent life. 

Release dateMay 18, 2024
One Tough Gringo - The Return of Sam Granger

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    One Tough Gringo - The Return of Sam Granger - John J. Law





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    Published by J.C. Hulsey Books

    August 2023



    The Contest.

    The church was nearly completed. Its exterior was made of stone and each slab was placed meticulously over the other, forming a structure that was good enough to house most of the residents of San Pedro Bautista, on a good Sunday. Most of the settlers of the town were Mexican, and Roman Catholic. The remaining others were not really religious folk, and would not hesitate to shoot a man where they stood. The church was there to fill a need for those who called on a higher power, and Juan Alberto Salazar liked what he saw. He looked around at the church, and he beamed with pride. He ran the town with an iron fist, and would not hesitate to shoot a man if he had to. The good Lord knew that Salazar had killed his fair share of men in his time, and in brutal fashion. Salazar was a violent man, who did what he had to do, to put up this town, and get wealthy. However, he was also quite religious. It was a strange contradiction that only heightened his legend and made him even more fearsome.

    The work progresses swiftly. The workers work well, and with great haste. That is a rare combination, Salazar said.

    Enrique Cortes nodded as he rode with Salazar. The two men rode their horses outside the church grounds. Cortes had rode with Salazar for quite some time since his youth, and was now a young man of barely 21. Admittedly, he did not like Salazar, or his methods to keep power. Cortes grew to manhood with a healthy respect of what Salazar was capable of. He only rode with him because he felt he had no choice. After all, Salazar was a wealthy man, and riding with him ensured

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