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My Time with Nature
My Time with Nature
My Time with Nature
Ebook83 pages6 minutes

My Time with Nature

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About this ebook

As humans, we are part of nature. It's understandable then why we observe nature, react to it, and find delight in it. As a child, we oftentimes observed nature intently, using our senses to take it all in. As an adult, nature has proven to be a solace in our busy lives. Many of our life memories can be associated with nature. Moments in time have their reflection in what was around us. We can be reminded of a memory, profound or fleeting, when we focus on aspects of nature that was happening at the time. In his book "My Time with Nature", the author Greg Paramore has made 25 nature subjects the focus of a drawing and a corresponding poem, using life memories as he associated them with his subject. Nature has inspired him to think deeply on his past and learn from it through creativity. He hopes you can use art as therapy, as you also use nature to calm your soul.

PublisherGreg Paramore
Release dateJan 7, 2021
My Time with Nature

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    Book preview

    My Time with Nature - Greg Paramore

    Foreword and Dedication

    Some of my fondest memories are being outside in nature as a child, oftentimes alone, sometimes with friends. This time in nature usually revolved around playing, riding a bike, engaging in some sport, or just walking. As many kids do, I would take moments to focus on the flowers, the plants, the trees, the insects, and the sky.

    As I have gotten older and as I have lived my life, I have found myself turning to nature, this time for comfort, for meaning, and for a sense of something familiar that has always been with me. As I observe nature today as an adult, I

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