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The Matchmaker's Conflicted Heart
The Matchmaker's Conflicted Heart
The Matchmaker's Conflicted Heart
Ebook100 pages1 hour

The Matchmaker's Conflicted Heart

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About this ebook

Professional matchmaker Mia Langley is determined to find her best friend's perfect match. But when she finds herself drawn to the very man she's chosen for her friend, she must navigate the precarious social landscape of love, friendship, and following her heart. Will Mia take a leap of faith for a chance at true love, or will she stay loyal to her best friend at the expense of her own happiness?

'The Matchmaker's Conflicted Heart' offers a charming romance between Mia and Sebastian, with romantic gestures and a captivating plot that readers can't get enough of. Ideal for anyone looking to lift their spirits with a sweet love story. Ideal for those moments when you need a light and heartwarming escape.

This is a quick and refreshing read you can enjoy in one sitting of about two hours.

Release dateApr 11, 2024
The Matchmaker's Conflicted Heart

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    Book preview

    The Matchmaker's Conflicted Heart - Elena Hopestill

    The Matchmaker's Conflicted Heart

    Love, Loyalty and Lattes

    Elena Hopestill

    Copyright © 2024

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.


    1.Chapter One

    2.Chapter Two

    3.Chapter Three

    4.Chapter Four

    5.Chapter Five

    6.Chapter Six

    7.Chapter Seven

    8.Chapter Eight

    9.Chapter Nine

    10.Chapter Ten

    11.Chapter Eleven

    12.Chapter Twelve

    13.Chapter Thirteen

    14.Chapter Fourteen

    15.Chapter Fifteen

    16.Chapter Sixteen

    17.Chapter Seventeen

    18.Chapter Eighteen

    19.Chapter Nineteen


    A personal note from author Elena Hopestill

    Coming Soon

    Chapter One

    The bell jingled as Mia entered the Rosewood Coffee Klatch Cafe, enveloped by freshly brewed coffee aromas. This was one of Mia's beloved caffeine sanctuaries. Her best friend Sarah, with fiery curls in a messy bun, sat absorbed in her phone at their usual window table.

    Hey, stranger, Mia called out as she approached the table.

    Sarah's head snapped up, and her face broke into a grin. Mia! Thank goodness you're here. I was about to start talking to myself.

    Mia laughed and slid into the seat across from Sarah. We can't have that, can we? People might start to think you're crazy.

    Oh, they already do, Sarah quipped, setting her phone down on the table. I'm pretty sure the barista thinks I'm a lost cause.

    Mia raised an eyebrow. Why's that?

    Sarah sighed. I may have been muttering to myself about my latest dating disaster while I was in line.

    Another one? Mia asked, her voice laced with sympathy. What happened this time?

    Where do I even start? Sarah groaned, leaning back in her chair. He showed up twenty minutes late, talked about his ex-girlfriend for an hour, and then stuck me with the bill.

    Mia winced. Ouch. That's rough.

    Tell me about it, Sarah said, shaking her head. I'm starting to think I'm cursed, Mia. Every time I think I've found a decent guy, he turns out to be a complete dud.

    Mia reached across the table and squeezed Sarah's hand. You're not cursed, sweetie. You just haven't found the right one yet.

    Easy for you to say, Sarah grumbled. You're a professional matchmaker. You have a sixth sense for these things.

    Mia chuckled. It's not a sixth sense, Sar. It's years of experience and a lot of trial and error.

    Sarah's eyes widened. Wait a minute. That's it!

    What's it? Mia asked, confused.

    You can be my matchmaker! Sarah exclaimed, her face lighting up with excitement. You can use your skills to find me the perfect guy!

    Mia blinked, taken aback by Sarah's sudden enthusiasm. I don't know, Sar. Mixing business with friendship can get complicated.

    Oh, come on, Sarah pleaded. You're always saying how much you love helping people find their soulmates. Why not help your best friend in the process?

    Mia hesitated, weighing the pros and cons in her mind. On the one hand, she knew Sarah was right. She did love playing Cupid and helping people find their happily ever afters. But on the other hand, she worried that taking Sarah on as a client could put a strain on their friendship if things didn't work out.

    Sarah, sensing Mia's hesitation, leaned forward and fixed her with a serious gaze. Mia, I trust you more than anyone in the world. If anyone can help me find my perfect match, it's you.

    Mia felt her resolve crumbling under the weight of Sarah's words. She knew she couldn't say no to her best friend, not when she was looking at her with such hope and desperation in her eyes.

    Okay, fine, Mia relented, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. I'll do it. I'll be your matchmaker.

    Sarah let out a squeal of delight and bounced in her seat. Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best friend ever!

    Mia laughed at Sarah's enthusiasm. Don't thank me yet. We haven't even started the process.

    Speaking of which, Sarah said, leaning forward conspiratorially, what do you need from me? Do I need to fill out a questionnaire or something?

    Mia shook her head. No questionnaires necessary. But I do need you to be honest with me about what you're looking for in a partner.

    Sarah nodded, her expression turning serious. Okay, shoot.

    Mia took a sip of her coffee, gathering her thoughts. Let's start with the basics. What are your deal-breakers?

    Sarah didn't hesitate. Smoking, excessive drinking, and guys who are rude to waitstaff.

    Mia nodded, making a mental note. Good to know. What about your must-haves?

    Sarah thought for a moment. Someone who's kind, funny, and ambitious. Oh, and they have to love kids. Since I work with kids, that's non-negotiable.

    Mia grinned. She knew how much Sarah loved her job as a pediatric nurse at the area children's hospital. Duly noted. Anything else?

    Sarah shrugged. I don't know. I guess I just want someone who gets me, you know? Someone who I can be myself around and who makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world.

    Mia felt a pang of affection for her friend. Sarah was one of the most loving and generous people she knew, and she deserved nothing less than the best.

    I'm going to do everything in my power to find you that person, Sar, Mia said, her voice filled with determination. I promise.

    Sarah smiled, her eyes shining with gratitude. I know you will, Mia. I have complete faith in you.

    Mia returned Sarah's smile, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. She knew that finding Sarah's perfect match wouldn't be easy, but she was ready for the challenge. After all, what were best friends for if not to help each other find love?

    As the two friends continued to chat and sip their coffees, Mia's mind was already whirring with ideas and possibilities. She had a feeling that this was going to be her most important matchmaking mission yet, and she was determined to see it through to the end.

    Chapter Two

    Mia settled into her desk chair, her fingers dancing across the keyboard as she pulled up her extensive database of eligible singles in Rosewood Peaks. She focused on those who match Sarah's preferences and requirements, making notes on their interests, personalities, and potential compatibility with Sarah.

    As she scrolled through the profiles, Mia couldn't help but smile at the quirky details that often emerged. One man had a passion for vintage cars, while another enjoyed birdwatching in his free time. Mia made mental notes, knowing that these unique traits could be the key to unlocking a perfect pairing.

    Let's see, she murmured to herself. Non-smoker, check. Loves kids, check. Ambitious and funny... Her eyes narrowed as she read through the bios, mentally crossing off those who didn't quite fit the bill.

    As she worked, Mia couldn't help but picture Sarah's hopeful face from their conversation earlier. Her best friend had been through so much heartbreak,

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