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The Blood Oracle: The Grimshade Chronicles, #5
The Blood Oracle: The Grimshade Chronicles, #5
The Blood Oracle: The Grimshade Chronicles, #5
Ebook57 pages46 minutes

The Blood Oracle: The Grimshade Chronicles, #5

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About this ebook

In The Blood Oracle, five haunting tales spanning ancient Germanica to post-apocalyptic worlds intertwine, revealing the eternal struggle between light and darkness. As corrupt forces threaten to consume all, a Roman Centurion, a street magician, a curious aristocrat, a grieving countess, and a lone Paladin must confront their deepest fears and the allure of forbidden power. This atmospheric dark fantasy collection explores the consequences of tampering with sinister entities and the sacrifices required to balance good and evil. Brace yourself for a journey through the shadows of human nature and the whispers of ancient, malevolent forces.

Release dateMay 19, 2024
The Blood Oracle: The Grimshade Chronicles, #5

Chuck Anderson

Chuck Anderson is an author and artist based in Colorado. Chuck can often be found trail-running through the stunning Colorado landscape when he's not crafting imaginative tales or creating artwork. An avid outdoor enthusiast, he enjoys camping in the majestic Rocky Mountains with his trusty little trailer. Chuck's love for the natural beauty of his home state infuses his creative work with a strong sense of place and adventure.

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    The Blood Oracle - Chuck Anderson

    The Blood Oracle

    The Blood Oracle




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    Mead Hall Media

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    Eagle's Lament

    The bitter wind howled through the snow-laden forests of Germanica, carrying with it the icy breath of winter's fury. Lucius Bucculeius Verulus, a battle-hardened Centurion of the Roman Legion, led his patrol through the treacherous landscape. The once-proud soldiers, now weary and frost-bitten, trudged through knee-deep snow, their crimson cloaks fluttering in the relentless gale.

    Lucius squinted against the swirling snowflakes that stung his eyes and clung to his greying beard. The weight of his years and the burden of command hung heavy on his broad shoulders. He had seen the rise and fall of emperors, the glory and the decay of Rome, and now, in this unforgiving land far from the warmth of the Mediterranean, he wondered if he was destined to witness the Empire's final twilight.

    The patrol moved in silence, the only sounds being the crunching of their boots in the snow and the mournful whistle of the wind through the barren branches. They were deep in the heart of barbarian territory, far from the safety of the fort that bore the grim name of Tenebris—the Fortress of Shadow. It was a name that now seemed all too fitting as if the darkness that haunted these lands had seeped into the very stone of the walls.

    Lucius held up a hand, signaling the patrol to halt. Something was amiss. The forest, usually teeming with the sounds of life, was eerily silent. The wind seemed to hold its breath as if anticipating some unseen horror. The veterans among the group exchanged uneasy glances, their hands instinctively reaching for their weapons.

    Eyes sharp, Lucius growled, his voice barely audible above the wind. There's something out there.

    As if in response to his words, a figure emerged from the swirling snow. It was a Roman scout, his crimson cloak tattered and his face ashen. He staggered towards the patrol, his eyes wide with terror.

    Centurion! he gasped, his voice ragged with exhaustion and fear. The temple... the old gods... they've awakened!

    Lucius felt a chill run down his spine that had nothing to do with the biting cold. He had heard the whispers, the tales of an ancient evil that slumbered beneath the ruins of a long-forgotten temple. Superstitious nonsense, he had always thought, the ramblings of frightened peasants and drunken soldiers. But now, looking into the haunted eyes of the scout, he felt the first tendrils of doubt coiling in his gut.

    What temple? he demanded, his hand tightening on the hilt of his gladius. Speak plainly, man!

    The scout's eyes darted nervously, expecting some unseen horror to emerge from the shadows. The Temple of the Forgotten Gods, he whispered, his voice trembling. We found it, buried beneath the snow. But when we entered, we... we unleashed something. Something dark and ancient...

    His words trailed off, and he shuddered violently, his eyes rolling back in his head. Lucius caught him as he fell, lowering him gently to the snow. The other soldiers gathered around, their faces etched with fear and confusion.

    Lucius stood, his eyes scanning the forest. The wind had picked up again, howling through the trees like the wailing of lost souls. He knew, with a certainty that chilled him to the bone, that they were no longer alone in these woods.

    Fortify the perimeter, he barked, his voice cutting through the wind. Double the watch and light the fires. Whatever evil lurks in these shadows, we will face it as Romans, with courage and steel.

    As the soldiers scrambled to obey, Lucius turned to the north, where the

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