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Cherished Union: Made, #8
Cherished Union: Made, #8
Cherished Union: Made, #8
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Cherished Union: Made, #8

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When the woman he cherishes above all else has been hurt… his inner demons come out to play.


Adelina Gallo's life changed in the blink of an eye. She always knew that she'd be a bargaining chip to further her family's connections.


Hayden Gallagher is portrayed as a monster. Someone that Adelina should be fearful of.


But Ade knows differently. She's seen a side to him that not many do and she'll do anything to keep the man she's falling head over heels for from danger.


Even if it means doing things she never thought she would do.


Hayden Gallagher has made more mistakes than he can count. He is haunted by his actions. But the moment he married Adelina Gallo, he believes this to be his second chance.


His wife is soft, sweet, and pure. She's everything that he's not, and he cherishes her for it. He vows to do everything in his power to protect her.


But when his enemies circle, it's more than just his life on the line this time.


Can Hayden and Adelina survive the war that's coming, or will they fall just like so many others have?


Release dateMay 20, 2024
Cherished Union: Made, #8

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    Book preview

    Cherished Union - Brooke Summers



    Six years ago

    D oes Da know you’re here? I ask Jade as we walk into the club.

    What do you think? she says with a raised brow. When does Da ever know what I’m doing?

    I shake my head. You know damn well that if Ma knew what you were doing, she’d lose her damn mind.

    My sister just smiles sweetly at me. That, Hay, is why we keep our mouths closed. What Mam doesn’t know, can’t hurt her.

    Ain't that the truth. Our mam is a little neurotic when it comes to Jade and what happens to her. It stems from Jade being kidnapped when she was seven. Even then, my little sister could talk her way out of anything she wanted. She made her kidnappers realize just how badly they had fucked up by taking her. They ended up leaving her and running off. She was unharmed and thankfully not traumatized. Our ma and da, on the other hand, were. Da went on a killing spree, taking out every cunt that had a hand in his daughter’s abduction.

    Whatever you say, Sissy. As I make my way through the crowds of people I throw the comment over my shoulder. Do you know what we’re doing here?

    She rolls her eyes. Of course. Colin Thomas owes Da money and he’s been working with the Masters, two things that are a surefire way to get yourself a one-way ticket to a cemetery.

    The Masters are a crime family here in Chicago, they’re our enemies. They came after us when we started making waves about taking over Chicago and moving into Indianapolis. The Masters believe that they are superior and have tried everything in their arsenal to fuck with us. Unfortunately for them, they have no idea who they’re fucking with.

    I chuckle. Jade’s as smart as a tack. Her mind works differently than the rest of the family’s. She’s always two steps ahead of everyone else, working out what happens in every situation, so she knows how to get the hell out of it.

    Alright, Sissy, you can take the lead.

    Her smile widens. Damn, she says low. I should really come on more jobs with you.

    She’s bloodthirsty, just as the rest of us are.

    It doesn’t take us long to make our way to the back of the club, where Thomas’ office is. The club belongs to a businessman by the name of Karl Nottingham. The man is stupid for hiring Thomas to be the manager as Thomas is in bed with the Masters, and there’s not a fucking chance in hell that he’s going to live to see fifty.

    I push open the door, and he jumps to his feet, a cigar hanging from his lips. His eyes widen when he sees me, and then narrow slightly when Jade steps in behind me. I’ll get you the money, Hayden. I just need a little time.

    Jade shakes her head. You see, that’s not going to work, Mr. Thomas. You owe the boss money, and he really doesn’t like it when he’s made to wait. She tuts at him. You know what else he really fucking hates?

    The bastard scowls at her.

    Oh, I say with a chuckle. Little Colin here doesn’t like females.

    Jade carelessly lifts a shoulder. She doesn’t give a fuck about what others think. Maybe, Colin should lay off the drugs. If he did, he may just be able to get his tiny pencil dick up. But until then, he’ll be the Masters’ fuck boy.

    What? he whispers, his face ashen.

    Jade laughs. I fucking love when she becomes ruthless. Told you, Colin, my da really fucking hates that you’ve become a traitor. We all know about how the Masters are using you as their errand boy. Her smirk is taunting. You’ve become their fuck boy, Colin. They use you, just as they do their whores. The only difference, at least, is they have some respect for the whores they fuck.

    I bite back my laugh. Damn, she’s fucking brutal, and I love it.

    Now, she tells him as she steps closer to him. You will give me the money you owe the boss, along with twenty percent.

    His mouth drops open. I can’t⁠—

    She shakes her head. Every day you don’t pay, the percentage goes up by ten percent. She crosses her arms over her chest. So, we’ll try this again. The money?

    He scowls at her but opens the drawer in his desk and pulls out four stacks of twenties.

    Try again, I bark out, knowing that’s not even half of what he owes.

    He takes out another six stacks, and I can’t hold back the chuckle when Jade starts to count it. It’s the ultimate disrespect, showing the man that his word isn’t good enough.

    Good, she tells him. Next time, don’t be an ass.

    She turns and walks out the door. I should definitely bring her with me more often. Hell, if the men saw her at work today, they’d want her to join the ranks, something I know she wants.

    I move to Colin and land a punch in his midriff. You want to stay alive, then you had better get smart real quick. You have a choice to make. Whose side are you on?

    Yours, he squeaks out.

    I reach for his arm and twist it back. He roars with pain, tears rushing to his eyes. Then you had better remember that. You fuck up once more, Colin, then you had better pray that the boss sends someone else after you. I find you, I’m going to fucking gut you.

    He swallows hard. I won’t. I promise.

    I push him to the floor. His promise means nothing to me. A man like him, he’s bound to fuck up. They always do. I’ll be waiting, ready for when he finally does.

    You did good, Sissy, I tell her with a smile as we leave the club.

    Thanks, she replies, handing me the stash of cash.

    I’ll talk to Da. Don’t worry, if anyone can get him to change his mind, it’s you. There’s no reason for you not to join the ranks.

    She grins wider.

    Tires squeal, and I see a blacked-out sedan come to a halt.

    Get the fuck down, I snarl as I reach for my gun.

    Jade doesn’t even hesitate. She drops to the ground, her hand reaching for her gun.

    The moment the car door opens, I spot the youngest of the Masters children. Jamie Masters is a hot head. He doesn’t take direction and does whatever the fuck he wants. I raise my gun, just as he does the same, but I’m quicker to the trigger. I squeeze it, my gun fires, and the bullet sinks into the bastard's head. His eyes widen as reality sets in.

    His gun goes off, but it’s off target, sinking into a vehicle to my right.

    Shit, Hay, Jade huffs. What the hell is that bastard doing here?

    I glance up at the building behind me. The office we’ve just come from has the light on, illuminating Colin. That bastard sold us out, and he’s going to pay the price.

    Sirens sound, and my gut sinks. These fuckers set us up.

    Give me the gun, Jade yells at me, pulling my gun from my hands and shoving her own into my palm.

    What the hell are you doing? I hiss at her, when she begins to wipe my weapon down, cleaning every inch of fingerprints off it, before wrapping her hand around it. Jade, I snarl. What the hell is this woman playing at?

    Go, she tells me, pushing me away. Look at me, she gripes. You get made for this, you’re looking at life, Hayden. You’re finally the underboss, something you’ve worked hard for. Don’t let this one thing destroy all you’ve worked for. Go, find the footage and destroy it, and then find that fucking weasel.

    I grit my teeth. You’re fucking mental, I growl. I’m not doing this.

    I’m not letting her take the blame for this. No fucking way.

    No one has to know what happened here, Hay. All I’ll say is that Jamie pulled up after you left and fired at me, I returned fire, and unfortunately hit him. I’ve got a squeaky-clean record. Please, Hay, let me do this. Find that footage and destroy it. The pleading in her tone makes me want to tear the world apart.

    Go, she yells as the sirens get louder. She pushes against me.

    I do the one thing I’ll regret for the rest of my life. I take the lifeline she gives me and walk away. I leave with my cell at my ear, calling my tech guy to get those tapes and destroy them.

    Had I known that I had sentenced her to the horrors she suffered, I never would have walked away.



    Ireach for the tumbler that’s on my father’s desk. The amber liquid is more than needed right now. Then again, these days, it’s all that helps me sleep—what little I have of it. I bring the glass to my lips and take a sip, loving the burn as it makes its way down my throat.

    We both know that this is your Granda’s way of strengthening our ties, my da says with gritted teeth.

    Yeah, but Jade? I hiss, pissed that my sister has been put in this position. Surely you can’t fucking agree with this, Da.

    He runs his hand through his hair. He’s agitated, his brown eyes filled with rage. No, I don’t agree with it, son. That’s why I’m fucking pissed. But your Granda has spoken. I’ve spoken to him calmly, I’ve yelled at the old fucker, and I’ve even fucking pleaded with him. The bastard is set in his way and will not change his mind.

    Anger wells in the pit of my stomach. So why the fuck am I marrying their daughter if Jade has to marry Rocco? That’s something that makes no sense to me. My sister has just been released from prison after spending five years locked away and suffering at the hands of those raping, abusing bastards.

    I can never repay my sister for what she has done for me, nor will I ever not feel the guilt of what happened to her deeply. I’m the reason she was locked up. I’m the reason that for five years, she was raped.

    I’m proud of you, Hay. You’ve come a long way in the three years that you have been boss. You have succeeded, just as I knew you would. But you still face some opposition. That will go away the moment you and Adelina Gallo marry.

    I grit my teeth. The thought of marrying that woman makes me furious. I’ve met the Gallo’s on numerous occasions and the prissy princess thinks she’s above everyone else. That just because she’s the daughter of Ado Gallo, she’s untouchable. She’s beautiful, there is no doubt about that, but the woman needs to remove the stick that’s lodged up her ass.

    We’re expanding, Hay. The connections we have made over the years are helping us grow. You already have the support of not only our family, but also our soldiers and captains. You have shown that you are willing to fight with them, and that you can be one of them.

    I glance away from him and turn my gaze to the window that overlooks the backyard. They also know that Jade went to prison for me.

    He sighs heavily. This is a conversation we’ve had on numerous occasions. No matter what my da says, the guilt will always remain. I’m a motherfucking bastard for allowing my younger sister to take the blame for me killing a man.

    Your sister would have done the same for any member of this family. You are not special.

    I raise a brow and smirk. You keep reminding yourself of that, Da. You and I both know I’m everyone’s favorite.

    His lips twitch. You’re an ass, Hay, that’s what you are.

    My relationship with my father is filled with respect and love. The man knows me better than anyone—including Jade. I’m just like my father, from looks down to temperament.

    You're betrothed to Adelina, just as Jade is to Rocco. These weddings will be taking place. Jade’s will happen in less than a week. I’m sorry, Hayden, but our hands are tied right now.

    I down the rest of my drink. I know, and it’s fucked up, ain’t it, I tell him as I put the empty glass on his desk. The man knows what happened to his granddaughter and thinks it’s okay to marry her off.

    Da gets to his feet and begins to pace. Jade’s finally accepted what’s happening. Why can’t you?

    I stare at the man, taken aback by his question. Oh, let me see… Ma went over your head and arranged a marriage for her daughter like she’s some prize. My sister gets fucking raped, and the entire family is okay with her being married off. I get to my feet and stare at the man in disgust. Not once has any fucking member of this family thought about Jade. The trauma she’s been through. That’s not something that will disappear, but instead of letting her heal, you arrange a marriage to a man that she doesn’t know. When the fuck did we stop giving a fuck about this family and start giving a fuck about alliances? I’m sick of this shit.

    I don’t stick around and wait for his response; I’m too worked up for this bullshit. Everyone has failed my sister, but none more than I.

    Hayden— my ma calls out, no doubt having heard what was just said in Da’s office.

    I don’t stop. I can’t listen to anything they have to say right now. I walk out of the house and come to a stop when I see Annemarie waiting at my car, her arms crossed and a fucking sympathetic look on her face.

    Not now, I grind out. The woman’s trying her hardest to get into everyone’s good graces, but unfortunately for her, it’s going to take a whole lot more than sucking up for it to happen.

    Oh, now is the right time, she replies, her brow raised. You need to stop, she tells me, and I come to a halt. This woman has fucking balls telling me what to do. Have you actually spoken to Jade about all of this?

    I glare at her. I don’t need my brother’s wife telling me about my own damn sister.

    He knows everything, Hayden, she whispers softly. Jade broke down the other day, and Rocco was there. He helped her through it. The man we see isn’t the man your sister sees. Just as the man the world sees, isn’t the real you. This world doesn’t allow the men to show their soft side, Hayden. You know that more than anyone. The facade you, Liam, Hayes, and even Rocco have, is just that. When you go home and you're alone, you’re not the same sadistic man you show the world. Remember that, she implores. Jade’s glowing. She’s finally in a place where she can move on. Maybe it’s time you did too.

    Her words ease the worry that has been in my gut since the moment I found out she was to marry the Italian asshole.

    You think you know me, I hiss at her. While I appreciate everything she’s just said, it doesn’t make up for the years she’s been a bitch. You don’t. There is no soft side to me. You’d best remember that, Annemarie, because sister-in-law or not, you start your shit again, and I’ll take you out.

    She holds her head high and nods. I’m sorry, she tells me with tears in her eyes. For all of it. I fucked up, but I’m trying to make amends.

    Yeah, how are you going to make amends to your husband? Hmm? Because of you, he’s been passed over time and time again for a position in this family.

    Her lip trembles. I never wanted that to happen.

    I don’t buy the woe is me act she’s putting on. She’s known for years that her bullshit reflects on Hayes, and because she’s a drama queen, everyone watched the shit play out. Making Hayes look like a fucking idiot who couldn’t control his wife.

    But you never stopped your shit. Constantly berating our ma, always flipping the fuck out whenever Granny Margret questioned about the kids.

    The tears fall from her eyes. Fuck you, she hisses, and I smile. Yeah, this is the Annemarie I know. You think you’ve got it all figured out? Hmm? You have no fucking idea what I’ve been through, what your brother has gone through. Your grandmother is an old coot and would ask me about when I’m having more children when she knew I had just miscarried. Three times the bitch did it. Three times she made comments about how I should count my lucky stars because I’m unfit to be a mother and that it’s God’s way of telling me I’m not good enough to have children.

    I stare at her in shock. What in the actual fuck?

    Your grandmother and mother have been on my case since Jill was born, wanting more grandchildren. I’m fucking trying, Hayden, but seven miscarriages in the space of eight years fucking hurts. So fuck the lot of you for being assholes. She spins on her heels and goes to walk away.

    My hand clamps around her wrist and I pull her to a stop. Why didn’t you say anything?

    She laughs. I’m already useless in the eyes of this family. Why would I give you any more ammunition? The only person who ever gave a fuck was Jade. She didn’t like me, but she never treated me like I was beneath her.

    This time when she walks away, I let her.

    We fucked up with her. Had we known what she was going through, we’d never have pushed her aside. We should have fucking helped them. Climbing into my car, I call my brother, asking him to meet me. We've got shit to discuss, and I want to know why he never told me.

    You made my wife cry, Hayes growls as he climbs into the car. What the fuck is wrong with you?

    My brother is nine years older than me. We’re close, just as I am with Jade, who’s six years younger than me. He’s just as vicious as I am; a little less psychotic, but much smarter. He has the brains to do whatever the fuck he wants.

    I didn’t mean to. Christ, Hayes, why the fuck didn’t you tell me?

    He glares at me as I put the vehicle into drive. Tell you what? That I was utterly helpless as my wife lost our babies, that nothing I said would comfort her. What would you have done? You fucking hate her.

    Hate is a little far⁠—

    He shakes his head. She came home and was sobbing, telling me that she needs to apologize to you, because she upset you.

    Christ, what the hell? How badly have I gotten that woman wrong?

    I told her that you’re an ass and to not worry about it, but she’s fretting that you’ll start hating her again.

    I don’t fucking hate her, I grunt, my hands tightening on the steering wheel.

    He laughs. I know that. Look, we’ve all made mistakes, and Annemarie is done paying for hers. His tone brooks no arguments. Especially now that she’s pregnant again, he tells me without emotion. I turn to look at him and see the fear flickering in his eyes. They’re not getting excited about this, not with everything that’s happened with the previous pregnancies. Don’t tell Ma, yeah? I can’t deal with that shit again.

    Don’t worry, I won’t say a word. But I’m happy for you, brother, I tell him genuinely. He’s an amazing father.

    Thanks. Now, want to tell me why we’re heading to The Cage?

    I don’t answer him. The Cage is an underground fight club that both Jade and I are undefeated in. Although, it’s been five years since Jade’s had a fight. I, on the other hand, fight whenever the hell I need to release the anger, and since she went to prison, that’s been a hell of a lot.

    I blamed you, he tells me. "I hated that she took the blame for you,

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