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A City Reborn
A City Reborn
A City Reborn
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A City Reborn

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A City on the Brink. A Hero Unlikely. A City Reborn: From Darkness to Light


Haven, a beacon of light in a world shrouded in shadows, faces its greatest threat. A sinister force, fueled by darkness and despair, threatens to consume the city and its inhabitants. Elena, a reluctant hero, finds herself thrust into the heart of the battle alongside Liam, a warrior haunted by his past, and The Raven, a mysterious figure shrouded in secrets.


Their journey takes them to the depths of a hidden chamber, where they uncover a forgotten magic and the truth behind the encroaching darkness. To save Haven, they must confront not only the enemy but also the darkness within themselves.


In this epic fantasy adventure, you'll discover:

  • A thrilling battle against a powerful and enigmatic foe.
  • A captivating cast of characters, each with their own unique struggles and motivations.
  • A world brimming with magic, mystery, and intrigue.
  • A story that explores themes of courage, sacrifice, and the power of resilience.


A City Reborn is perfect for fans of Brandon Sanderson, Leigh Bardugo, and Sarah J. Maas. Dive into this captivating tale and witness the rise of a city reborn from the ashes of despair.

PublisherAmara Vance
Release dateMay 20, 2024
A City Reborn

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    Book preview

    A City Reborn - Amara Vance


    From Darkness to Light

    by Amara Vance


    © Copyright Amara Vance. All Rights Reserved.

    This book may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 – The Calm Before

    Chapter 2 – A Stranger's Tale

    Chapter 3 – The Depths of Despair

    Chapter 4 - A Tempest's Fury

    Chapter 5 - Into the Unknown

    Chapter 6 - Shadows of Haven

    Chapter 7 - The Price of Freedom

    Chapter 8 - The Final Stand

    Chapter 9 - Rebirth from Ashes

    Chapter 10 - The Beacon of Hope

    Chapter 11 - Shadows Unveiled

    Chapter 12 - The Battle for Haven

    Chapter 13 - The Light in the Darkness

    Chapter 14 - Shadows of the Past

    Chapter 15 - The Truth Revealed

    Chapter 16 - Desperate Measures

    Chapter 17 - Allies in the Shadows

    Chapter 18 - Betrayal and Redemption

    Chapter 19 - Unity in Adversity

    Chapter 20 - The Last Stand

    Chapter 21 - Embers of Hope

    Chapter 22 - A New Enemy

    Chapter 23 - Echoes of Destiny

    Chapter 24 - The Final Confrontation

    Chapter 25 - Redemption and Rebirth

    Chapter 26 - Mirror of Reflection

    Chapter 1 – The Calm Before

    Elena, her weathered face turned skyward, inhaled the salty air.

    The sun, a perfect golden orb, hung high above, casting a glittering path across the endless expanse of the ocean.

    Not a ripple disturbed the surface, the only sounds were the rhythmic creak of the ship and the cry of gulls overhead.

    A sense of peace settled over her, as comforting as the worn leather of the ship's wheel beneath her calloused hands.

    Today, her destination was Haven, the bustling port city on the horizon.

    A cargo of medical supplies filled the hold, desperately needed by the city's struggling hospital.

    Reaching Haven before nightfall was her sole objective, a promise she wouldn't break.

    But the serenity was deceptive. A subtle shift in the air, a prickling at the back of Elena's neck, made her squint towards the distant horizon.

    A faint line, an almost imperceptible darkening, was creeping across the clear blue canvas. A storm. It brewed silently, a threat gathering its strength.

    Her heart hammered against her ribs. Delay meant missed deliveries, broken promises. It meant lives lost.

    Cursing under her breath, Elena barked orders, her voice sharp with urgency. Sails were adjusted, ropes tightened, the crew moving with practiced efficiency.

    The playful sway of the ship morphed into a violent tossing as the first icy tendrils of wind whipped across the deck.

    Lightning, a jagged white scar across the darkening sky, was followed by a deafening crack of thunder.

    Rain lashed down, stinging like needles, blurring the line between sea and sky.

    Elena fought the wheel, her muscles straining against the relentless power of the storm.

    The ship, once a graceful dancer, became a toy in the grip of a giant.

    A rogue wave, a wall of churning water, rose menacingly from the side.

    Elena threw her entire weight against the wheel, her knuckles white, her voice hoarse with exertion.

    The ship lurched, groaning in protest, but it held, narrowly escaping a watery grave.

    As the storm raged, a new worry gnawed at her. A muffled thump echoed from the hold. Instinct honed by years at sea kicked in.

    Investigation was crucial. Leaving the crew to battle the elements, Elena descended into the dim hold, her boots squelching on the damp wood.

    There, huddled amongst the crates, was a figure. A young man, eyes wide with fear, clutched a tattered cloak around him.

    Who are you? Elena's voice cut through the roaring storm, demanding answers.

    The stowaway, his voice barely audible over the howling wind, confessed his desperate need for passage to Haven.

    He spoke of dangers he couldn't outrun, leaving Elena with the cold weight of a choice. Help the man or her sworn duty?

    Just then, a monstrous wave slammed into the ship, throwing Elena off balance. She crashed against a crate, a jolt of pain shooting through her shoulder.

    Through the deluge, she glimpsed a terrifying sight - a dark, sinuous shape moving beneath the roiling water, momentarily revealed by a flash of lightning.

    A shiver ran down her spine. The storm was only part of their troubles. With a grim determination, Elena clambered to her feet.

    Her ship, her crew, and this unknown passenger – all were depending on her. She wouldn't let anything, storm or unseen danger, stand in her way.

    The journey to Haven had just become infinitely more complicated.

    Now, a new question gnawed at her. Who was this man, and what secrets did he carry that were so perilous he'd risk a watery grave to escape them?

    As Elena steered her battered ship through the tempest, the mystery of the stowaway added a layer of unease to the already treacherous journey.

    Chapter 2 – A Stranger's Tale

    The storm's fury had subsided, leaving behind an unsettled sky awash in bruised purples and fiery oranges.

    Elena, her body a map of aches from the harrowing battle with the elements, cleaned and bandaged the stowaway's injured arm in the ship's cramped infirmary.

    The young man, Liam, bore the remnants of his ordeal – his face pale and drawn, but his eyes held a steely resolve that winced only slightly at her touch.

    Liam, he finally muttered, his voice hoarse from the storm's assault and the lingering fear.

    Elena dipped a cloth in cool water, offering a semblance of a smile as she dabbed at his wound.

    Liam, she echoed, the name a welcome anchor in the uncertainty that swirled around them. You gave us quite a scare back there.

    Liam shifted uncomfortably on the cot, the rough fabric a poor substitute for the familiar comfort of his own bed – a luxury he doubted he'd know again anytime soon.

    Needed passage, Captain, he finally managed, his voice barely above a whisper. No other way out.

    Elena pressed on, her gaze steady.

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