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Death Was Only The Beginning: Hellion, #1
Death Was Only The Beginning: Hellion, #1
Death Was Only The Beginning: Hellion, #1
Ebook189 pages2 hours

Death Was Only The Beginning: Hellion, #1

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Death was only the beginning.

Helios was content with the hand life dealt him. He had a job with authority, a nice house, and everything he could ever ask for, except for a partner to share it all with.

One morning, on his usual commute to work that all quickly changed. The Earth split open and demons spewed forth from the depths of Hell. Helios watched in abject horror as hapless bystanders were caught in the clutches of demons before being mercilessly torn into pieces.

And then the sun went out...


Release dateJun 5, 2024
Death Was Only The Beginning: Hellion, #1

Jack Braxton

J.W.O.Braxton also goes by the online username JackOfHeart. He has been an avid fantasy reader and martial artist since childhood. Seeking to blend his two passions together in creating a story that will explore his imagination and share his experience with a larger audience! Jack has been training in and teaching martial arts since he could walk adding to more than Twenty-five years across various disciplines. He has trained with many world-class athletes in a range of different styles, including multiple world champions in both Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. It also extends to current UFC competitors and coaches in mixed martial arts. Jack is motivated to continue the legacy of his recently deceased mentor and friend who is recognised for his contributions to the sport in the New Zealand MMA Hall-of-fame. To find Jack's up-to-date work and social media, check out here!

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    Book preview

    Death Was Only The Beginning - Jack Braxton


    Unfortunate Demise

    Otherworldly screams echoed in the distance. Helios anxiously glanced over his shoulder in the direction it originated from. He was searching for signs of pursuit as he urgently navigated through a maze of fallen debris. The sky was a maroon-tinged black without any sign of stars or anything familiar, such as clouds or birds. The sweltering heat baring down from the eclipsed sky caused him to sweat profusely. He uncomfortably tugged at his shirt collar. It was stained with dirt and blood. Helios paused in his escape to investigate his surroundings. 

    Directly ahead, the silhouette of a person recklessly emerged from cover into the poorly lit street. Streetlights flickered ominously as they unlocked a parked car, a coup, accidentally setting off a car alarm.

    Shit, shit, shit... the rest of what they muttered to themselves couldn’t be distinguished as they successfully stopped the alarm.

    The person cautiously looked around the destroyed street before opening the coup’s door and climbing inside. Following the sound of the car ignition being started, he could hear movement coming from a building ahead, debris collapsing to the sidewalk. The disturbance had caused the worst possible scenario for Helios. Something was coming. He shrank back into the shadows of his hiding place. 

    There was a concerning groan of protest from the damaged building’s structural supports. Twisted figures crawled out from broken windows onto the building’s surface just outside the range of the street lights.

    How did they even survive this long, do they want to be eaten alive? I’ve seen some stupid shit, but this takes the cake. That idiot alerted the whole fucking block. As if that’s not enough, they’re trying to drag me down with them. They should know by now that the demons are fucking everywhere. They like to rest inside the taller buildings, I assume for a better vantage point. 

    Under the fluttering illumination of the street lamps, the dust-covered car’s wipers turned on. Through the windscreen, Helios watched with morbid fascination as the person fumbled to remove the lock on their steering wheel. The person inside the car finally had enough sense to look out the window. It was a panic-stricken elderly woman. Helios continued to watch in horror, frozen in place.

    A wall started to slowly tilt under the strain of bodies. The car’s occupant caught a glimpse of movement in the darkness, causing them to plant foot. The car’s engine roared into life, quickly accelerating down the obstructed street. Their escape was short-lived, a pair of nightmarish creatures dropped from the crumbling building onto the car’s rooftop. One of the monsters smashed in the front windscreen while the other took advantage to reach in and drag out the struggling occupant. 

    This was the first time Helios had been able to see the invaders clearly. Their appearance caused his heart to pound loudly in his ears, afraid any movement would draw their attention. The demons shared a basic form but possessed otherwise entirely different anatomy. The pair of monsters stood atop the hood of the idling car at a similar height.

    Help me! the elderly woman shrieked in despair. She futilely punched at the hand holding her as it effortlessly lifted her from the car. The creatures were humanoid but unnaturally tall and slender, twice the height of the unfortunate person in their grasp.

    I’m sorry, but no one’s coming to save you. Make dumb decisions, and win dumb prizes.

    Helios quietly sighed to himself, unable to look away. The one holding the struggling victim stretched to its full height, snarling a challenge. Its face was eerily human but different enough to give a feeling of unease. The second demon hissed in response. It abruptly lunged toward the dangling woman only to miss as the other pulled her out of the way. A shower of debris fell from above, distracting them from their conflict to shield their faces. The rubble ineffectively bounced off their pale skin to severely dent the car underneath them. 

    The second creature produced an elongated tail, wrapping it around the wrist of the first in an attempt to wrestle away the elderly woman. She had been mercifully knocked unconscious by a stray rock. The demon holding the woman unfolded an extra set of arms, using them to slap away prying hands and untangling the arm restrained by the tail. The victor was never decided because moments later they were completely submerged under a building as it collapsed on top of them.

    Are the demons dead? A building falling on top of them should be enough to kill them, surely.

    Helios’s question was soon answered. A piece of rubble was thrown into the distance, crushing a parked car further down the street. More debris was tossed to the side accompanied by grunts of annoyance as the first demon dug itself free. Its pale skin showed faint signs of bruising from the impact but was otherwise uninjured. 

    The creature climbed atop the pile of rubble and reached into the cavity behind it to retrieve something. Helios involuntarily gasped in shock when the creature pulled out the severed head of its peer. It raised the gristly trophy to its mouth, it then started to rhythmically inhale. The head in its grasp responded to the strange breathing, a string of light was coaxed from it to flow into the living creature’s lips. Stepping backward, Helios fell to the ground after tripping over the curb. 

    Oh shit, did it hear me? This might be the end.

    His heart was racing in panic while scrambling back to his feet. The demonic creature ignored him, too busy focused on the head in its claws. It greedily devoured the strand of light, the head visibly shrivelled in its grasp and shrunk in size until it withered into a dried husk. After finishing its meal, the demon mercilessly crushed the dried skull in its fist. Roaring with satisfaction, the demon threw one pair of arms to the sky while beating its chest in victory. 

    Helios recoiled in horror as he watched muscle and sinew move unnervingly beneath the demon’s skin. It shifted down its spine, rapidly growing a tail similar in appearance to the dead demon under its feet. It swished chaotically behind it. 

    Helios cursed before hurriedly turning to flee in a cold sweat, running into an unexpected obstacle. Grunted while stumbling backwards, he panicked before recognising the shadow standing behind him as human. They stood at least a significant amount taller than him. It was a man covered in garish tattoos with missing teeth. Helios could smell his rancid breath at this close distance.

    Sorry, mate. No hard feelings, but those big fucker’s have noticed our scent. I need you to keep them distracted while I get out of here, the shadow spoke, their voice was deep and raspy. Dried out from excess heat and lack of water.

    What?... Helios answered in confusion, stumbling backward.

    His question was cut short by gut-wrenching pain. He looked down to discover a knife embedded in his stomach. The man braced a hand against his shoulder and wrenched the knife free, wiping it on his already stained shirt before ruthlessly shoving him to the ground. 

    The man didn’t hesitate, he fled toward a nearby alley. Anxiously glancing around as he made his exit. He didn’t get far, freezing like a deer in the headlights when something moved in the alley in front of him. Another demon emerged from the shadows. Before the man could react, he was gripped by a pair of claws and lifted from the ground. A demonic face bared its fearsome fangs at the man, dragging him into the shadows moments later.

    Helios cynically laughed at the irony before coughing up blood. He watched a stream of light illuminate the silhouette of a man held by a demon as his eyes lost focus.

    Chapter 1

    And Then the Sun Went Out

    Pain jolted Helios alert. He tentatively reached down to touch the knife wound in his abdomen. Dark-coloured blood rushed from between his fingertips. A wave of agony caused him to become disorientated, forcing him to his knees. 

    Shit, this is it. I don’t know why I thought I could somehow survive the goddamned apocalypse. Just arrogance, I guess. Well God, if you’re listening. It’s time to come in clutch with a miracle for me.

    His prayers were left unanswered as his vision started to narrow. The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was the victorious demon atop the car alerted by the dying man’s struggles. Raising its nose to the air, it sniffed and looked around. Facing his direction, it focused its attention on him. The demon shrieked, desperately rushing toward him. 

    It was still a significant distance away when Helios’ world turned black. Broken fragments of memory from his last day on Earth surfaced in his mind. 


    The day before. Helios was awoken by the beeping of his alarm clock. Tiredly reaching over, he hit snooze for what felt like the tenth time this morning. Jolting awake, Helios sat up and looked at the time.

    Fuck, I’m going to be late! Helios cursed, throwing back the blanket. 

    He swung his feet out of the bed and threw on some slippers. He hurried to the bathroom and turned on the shower. He put a hand into the water to check the temperature. Satisfied, he got in and quickly lathered his body with soap. Because he was in a rush, he brushed his teeth while in the shower. When done, he climbed out and hurriedly towelled himself dry. Hopping on one leg, he pulled on his suit trousers, tripping on his pant leg and falling to the floor.

    "Oof, why do I always do this to myself? If I got up when my alarm was set, I’d be able to beat the morning traffic rush. It’s not meant to be. I don’t even have time to eat breakfast. That’s okay, I’ll make up for it at lunchtime," Helios muttered, staring wistfully at the ceiling.

    He pushed himself to his feet and finished pulling on his trousers and sliding on his crisp white shirt before buckling his belt. He looked into the mirror as he did up the last button, staring at his reflection in satisfaction.

    I hope Margaret is behind the counter today. One day I’ll work up the courage to ask her out, Helios said to himself. 

    Giving his collar one last tug, Helios hurried to his car parked in the attached garage. It was a modern electric car. He liked to tell people that he got it to benefit the environment, but the reality is he enjoyed the status it afforded him among his peers. Quickly climbing into the driver’s seat, he pulled down his sun visor and pressed an attached button. 

    Looking in the rear-view mirror, he watched the garage door swing up, simultaneously turning on the silent engine. His morning was progressing the same as any other day until he hit the packed motorway.

    Sitting patiently in his car blaring the radio, the car began to violently rock. Outside the window, a lamppost collapsed, crushing the bonnet of the car in front of him. Helios hurriedly climbed out of the car.

    Are you okay, do you need me to call you an ambulance? Helios called out, locking his car door before rushing to their aid. 

    He was interrupted by another earthquake knocking him from his feet. Once the shaking stopped, car and building alarms were blaring in every direction. Someone rushed to his side and helped him to his feet. They were saying something to him, but Helios didn’t pay any attention to their words. He was focused on an enormous crack in the road racing toward them. The person noticed it too and quickly abandoned him to flee. Helios leapt to the sidewalk to dodge as his car precariously teetered on the edge. He scrambled away on all fours. 

    No, not my car! Helios exclaimed, his words emphasized by the sound of metal grinding against the concrete. 

    Helios placed his head in his hands, unable to watch his prized possession slide into the opening. The hole widened toward him, causing him to scramble away until it suddenly stopped. In front of him, a large void stretched down into darkness. Peering over the ledge he couldn’t see the bottom.

    A movement drew his attention to the other side of the trench. An unfortunate man desperately clung to the side of the opening. The only thing preventing him from falling to certain death was two everyday heroes holding onto his wrists. They worked together and tried to pull them up. That wasn’t what had drawn his attention.

    What the fuck is that? someone said nearby, pointing into the bottomless pit.

    Look out, something’s climbing the sides! another exclaimed in panic. They pushed aside the person next to them and started running down the cluttered motorway, toward a bridge that had collapsed in the distance.

    In the direction they pointed, Helios stared in stunned silence at a nightmarish creature scaling the inside of the trench. Unable to believe what he was seeing, he rubbed his eyes in an attempt to clear them. It was a giant creature that looked like

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