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Let's Understand You Are Your Own Healer: Your Ultimate Path to Selfcare, #2
Let's Understand You Are Your Own Healer: Your Ultimate Path to Selfcare, #2
Let's Understand You Are Your Own Healer: Your Ultimate Path to Selfcare, #2
Ebook181 pages2 hours

Let's Understand You Are Your Own Healer: Your Ultimate Path to Selfcare, #2

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About this ebook

Get ready to find a new YOU within YOU from this book.


Do you often feel stuck in negative thoughts that hold you back from growing?


Wonder why challenges seem hard to overcome no matter how hard you try?


How different would your life be if you could use your inner strength to heal and confidently face your journey?


What if you could learn powerful techniques that many successful people are using in their daily lives?


Imagine having a complete set of tools for self-healing, ready to tackle every aspect of your health. See yourself gaining confidence as you learn these transformative practices, guiding you towards a stronger, happier future.


"Let's Understand You Are Your Own Healer" is the perfect guide for you. Within its pages, you'll discover practical insights and effective techniques to kickstart your journey toward holistic healing. This is your guide to breaking free from limitations and finding clarity in the chaos.


This book serves as your comprehensive roadmap, offering you the most effective self-healing techniques (some may seem unconventional) to empower you on your healing journey. Explore the basics of self-healing techniques and get ready to start your healing journey. Each chapter is packed with easy steps, helpful practices, and valuable insights to help you embrace self-healing.


Here is what you will learn from this book:


  • The concept and significance of self-healing in your life
  • Insights from real-life stories like Barbara Arrowsmith-Young's journey
  • Understanding the mind-body connection and its role in self-healing
  • Identifying common obstacles to self-healing and strategies to overcome them
  • Cultivating self-awareness through introspection and reflection
  • Practicing mindfulness techniques for enhancing self-healing
  • Different types of self-care and their importance in supporting healing
  • Introduction to various self-healing techniques and their applications
  • Harnessing the power of thought leaders and high performers for self-healing
  • Navigating through actionable steps and transformative practices for embracing self-healing


Louise Hay once rightly said:

"Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens."


Are you prepared to take that crucial first step towards unlocking your inner healing potential?


Begin your transformative journey today and unleash the full potential of your mind!

PublisherRhonda Morris
Release dateMay 20, 2024
Let's Understand You Are Your Own Healer: Your Ultimate Path to Selfcare, #2

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    Book preview

    Let's Understand You Are Your Own Healer - Rhonda Morris


    The art of self-healing is the embrace of oneself with boundless love and unwavering compassion rather than fixing what's broken.

    - Rhonda Morris

    You Are Welcome

    Welcome to Self-Healing!

    I'm truly thrilled to have you with me on this remarkable journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

    In the pages of this book, I invite you to explore the depths of self-healing and personal growth.

    Life often feels like a whirlwind, doesn't it? Pulling us in so many directions at once. Between work, relationships, and responsibilities, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and lose touch with ourselves.

    This is the story of many of us.

    But fear not, for within these chapters lies a path to inner peace and balance. Self-healing isn't just a choice; it's a vital necessity in today's fast-paced world. This book is your compass, guiding you toward a transformative journey of healing and growth.

    As you journey through these pages, you'll uncover the beauty of healing from within. It's about embracing both your vulnerabilities and your strengths, understanding the profound connection between your mind and body, and nurturing yourself in a way that's uniquely yours.

    Remember, self-healing isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. It's a deeply personal journey you can embark on at your own pace. So, dive in, dear reader, and let the journey begin.

    I'm Honored To Be A Part Of Your Journey

    I'm not just handing you a book; it's more like a map. It'll guide you deep within yourself, where healing and growth take root. Self-healing isn't just about fixing what's broken; it's about accepting yourself fully, with love and kindness.

    Know this: You're not alone. I've walked this path, too, and I get it. I understand the ups and downs.

    My aim? I want to share what I've learned and give you the tools and insights you need to find your own inner Strength.

    Remember, dear reader, you're in control. By picking up this book, you've already shown courage. You're saying yes to your well-being.

    So, embrace this moment. It's the start of something beautiful, a journey of self-empowerment and healing.

    Open this book with curiosity and an open heart. Let yourself be moved, inspired, and enlightened. Within these pages lies wisdom waiting to be discovered.

    Thank you for choosing this book as your companion. I'm honored to be part of your journey.

    A Big Thanks To Barbara Arrowsmith-Young

    Barbara Arrowsmith-Young had a tough time learning when she was young. Simple things like telling time or doing math were hard for her. Reading and writing were especially tough because she saw letters and words backward. This made her feel like she didn't fit in with other kids.

    Adding to her troubles, she often got hurt because her left side felt strange to her. But Barbara had an excellent memory and worked really hard. She could remember news stories word-for-word, showing how smart she was.

    When Barbara was in grad school, she learned about neuroplasticity. This is how the brain can change and grow when given the right kind of practice.

    At 26, Barbara started doing exercises to help her brain. She started with something simple, like learning to read a clock. She practiced a lot until she got really good at it.

    In 1980, when Barbara was 29, she started the Arrowsmith School in Toronto. Her goal was to help others with learning disabilities like hers. She made exercises tailored to each person's needs.

    These exercises helped people a lot. They made new connections in their brains and even grew new brain cells. Barbara's work became famous, and her school helped lots of people who struggled with learning.

    Thanks to Barbara's methods, students who once had trouble reading now loved it. Others who found math hard were now really good at it.

    What Was The Force Behind Barbara's Motivation?

    You know, what kept Barbara going through all those tough times?

    It was self-healing.

    Despite facing tough challenges with learning disabilities, she refused to give up. Instead, she found a way to heal herself and transform her life. During those tough times, she didn't just survive - she thrived.

    Even though she faced learning challenges, she didn't let them hold her back. Instead, she focused on healing herself. She worked hard and found ways to make her brain stronger. She practiced things like reading a clock until she got really good at it. Bit by bit, she started understanding things better and feeling more confident. Self-healing became her superpower, helping her overcome her struggles and improve her life.

    So, Can Self-Healing Also Work For You?


    Why Self-Healing Matters

    It might sound fancy or complicated, but it's actually quite simple. Self-healing is all about caring for ourselves and discovering what makes us truly happy and healthy.

    Here's why it matters:

    Taking Care of Ourselves: Self-healing means treating our minds and bodies with kindness, just like we do with plants and animals. It's about listening to our feelings and giving ourselves the care we deserve.

    Finding Strength Within: We all have this amazing power inside us, waiting to be unleashed. When we practice self-healing, we tap into this strength and resilience that we might not even realize we have.

    Mindfulness and Calm: In today's busy world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Mindfulness and meditation help us find peace amid the chaos. They teach us to focus on the present moment and let go of worries.

    Nature's Healing Touch: Spending time outdoors can work wonders for our mental and emotional well-being. Whether walking in the park or hiking in the woods, connecting with nature helps us feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

    Taking Care of Our Bodies: Self-healing isn't just about our minds but also our bodies. Eating well, exercising, and getting enough rest are all part of the package.

    Being Kind to Ourselves: When we practice self-healing, we learn to forgive ourselves and let go of negativity. This makes us more compassionate towards ourselves and others.

    Staying Positive: A positive attitude can make a world of difference. It opens doors to new opportunities and helps us face challenges with optimism.

    Healing Past Hurts: Self-healing gives us the tools to confront and heal from past traumas. It's about letting go of the pain and moving forward with a fresh perspective.

    Spreading Wellness: Finally, self-healing isn't just about us; it's also about the world around us. When we care for ourselves, we inspire others to do the same, creating a community of positivity and support.

    I hope you're starting to see just how important self-healing is. It's a journey of discovery and growth, and I'm so excited to have you along for the ride. So, get ready to dive in and unlock the power within.

    Together, we'll make your life happier, healthier, and more fulfilling than ever before!

    Your Learnings From This Book

    I'm so glad you're joining me on this journey of Self-Healing. Here's a sneak peek at what you'll discover:

    Understanding Self-Healing: We'll dig into what self-healing really means, how it connects your mind and body, and learn about its fascinating history.

    Discovering the Benefits: Get ready to explore how self-healing can boost your physical health, nurture your emotions, sharpen your mind, and feed your spirit.

    Breaking Down Barriers: Ever feel like you're holding yourself back? We'll tackle obstacles head-on and learn how to deal with self-sabotage and resistance.

    Getting in Tune with Yourself: Dive into techniques to understand yourself better, manage your emotions, and boost your emotional intelligence.

    Taking Care of You: We'll talk about creating a routine that's just for you and feeding your body with the good stuff it needs.

    Exploring Powerful Practices: Uncover a treasure trove of self-healing techniques that have stood the test of time.

    Throughout the book, you'll find exercises, meditations, and insights to help you on your way. Let's unlock the power of self-healing together and make your life happier, healthier, and more fulfilling than ever before.

    Ready to dive in? Let's move!

    What Is Self-Healing?

    The body is capable of spontaneously healing itself. We can help it with a positive mindset.

    - Deepak Chopra

    When He Defied Death

    In 1943, there was a brave Greek soldier named Stamatis Moraitis. He got hurt in a war and came to America for treatment. Before that, he survived being shot and even ran away to Turkey.

    He really wanted to come to the U.S., so he convinced his way onto a ship called Queen Elizabeth, which was taking soldiers across the ocean. Stamatis settled in Port Jefferson, N.Y., where many people were from his hometown, Ikaria. He found a job doing physical work and later moved to Boynton Beach, Fla.

    Life in America was exciting for Stamatis. He got married, had three kids, and bought a nice house and a cool 1951 Chevrolet.

    But in 1976, something unexpected happened. Stamatis started having trouble breathing and found it hard to climb stairs. He had to stop working halfway through the day. After getting X-rays, the doctor told him he had lung cancer.

    And get this - nine other doctors said the same thing. They thought he only had nine months to live. He was in his mid-60s and facing a big challenge.

    The doctors wanted to try strong treatments, but he chose a different plan - he went back to Ikaria, his home country, to be buried near his family. He thought it would be cheaper and wanted to save money for his wife, Elpiniki. They moved into a small house with his parents on the beautiful island, where he spent time with his family and found comfort in his faith. His friends came to visit often, and they'd talk for hours, enjoying some local wine.

    Even though he was sick, Stamatis felt better and decided to plant a garden. He didn't expect to live long, but he enjoyed the simple things in life - the sun and the fresh air. Surprisingly, he didn't get sicker; he actually felt stronger each day. He kept working in the vineyards, played games with his friends, and took naps. As years went by, he got even healthier.

    Stamatis built more rooms in his parent's house for his kids to visit, and he made his vineyard do really well, making 400 gallons of wine each year! When he went back to the U.S. to see his doctors, he found out they were no longer

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