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Explosive Union: Made, #7
Explosive Union: Made, #7
Explosive Union: Made, #7
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Explosive Union: Made, #7

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Never underestimate a woman who's been hurt… The vengeance she has will be beautiful.


Jade Gallagher would walk through fire for her family. Her sacrifices have had no limits.

Being sent to prison for a crime she didn't commit was only the beginning.

Five years have been spent away from her family, enduring unspeakable things while incarcerated.  

She's been put on pause, biding her time until she is released to exact her revenge.

When she is finally free, an arranged marriage was the absolute last thing she thought she'd have to face.  

Being tied to a complete stranger is not on her to do list.

Jade has an agenda, and Rocco will only get in her way.


When their connection becomes undeniable; and walls begin to fall, can she let Rocco in? And reveal her true self?


Rocco Gallo has grown up within the ranks of the Italian mafia in Chicago.  

The Famiglia expects their significant others to behave a certain way.  

A disobedient, fearless wife like Jade goes against everything they stand for.

She gets under his skin in more ways than one.

But when Jade's secrets are unraveled, he realizes there is so much more to her than he initially thought.


No one hurts his wife and lives to tell the tale.

No one challenges the Clann and the Famiglia and gets away with it.

There are enemies around every corner waiting to take them out.


Will Jade and Rocco be able to survive their Explosive Union?


Release dateMay 20, 2024
Explosive Union: Made, #7

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    Book preview

    Explosive Union - Brooke Summers



    G irl, careful yeah? Shona warns me as she gets up from her bunk, her sweatpants loose around her waist and her t-shirt tucked inside them. She’s missing three teeth thanks to her crack addiction. Usually, she’s as high as a kite. Today, though, she's jittery and scatter-brained. Coming off her high is never a good thing to witness. I like Shona; I just hate that she’s a drug addict who can’t say no to the dealers in here.

    She stretches, her back bowed, before she rights herself. Those fuckers aren’t happy with you being here, and they’re bastards, Jade. Fucking assholes.

    That’s something I already know and don’t have to be told about. I’ve felt the wrath of the correctional officers already. The moment I stepped inside these prison walls I had a target on my back. Being the daughter of the Head of the Clann in Illinois, people view me differently than they do other women. I’m the enemy.

    The female COs treat me as though I’m beneath them. That, I can deal with.

    The male COs, however, are on a whole other level. They don’t care that my father and brothers are part of the Mafia; they want to show me they're the boss and will do anything in their power to do just that.

    The thing is, I’ll never show them the respect they crave. The respect I have because of who I am. The moment I walked into this hellhole, the women flocked to me, wanting me to offer them protection from the gang bangers and drug dealers. I’ve had fights to assert my authority. I’ll never back down and let someone dictate to me what I should and shouldn’t do. I don’t deal with authority figures well. I never have; never will. But these bastard guards abuse their power.

    You listening? Shona asks, her brows furrowed as she paces the floor.

    I heard you. I know exactly what they are like. My words are clipped and filled with anger.

    Her pacing stops and she stares. Oh no, she whispers. Jade, have they– She shakes her head, unable to continue.

    Have they what? I ask, wondering what the hell she’s alluding to.

    She bites her lip and glances away. There are five COs in particular who are the worst.

    Barker, Rice, Jones, Andrews, and Greaves, I tell her, and her face pales. Just what have they done to you, Shona?

    She shrugs. It’s not just me. They've done it to so many women here. They think they can get away with it. She runs a shaky hand through her blonde, greasy hair. The other COs don’t care what gets done to us. As long as they pick up their paychecks, that’s all that matters to them.

    I slide off my bunk, my sock-covered feet hitting the floor before I slide them into my shoes. Talk to me, Shona. I can’t help you unless you tell me.

    She shakes her head. You can’t help me, Jade. No one can. The COs here run this place. Just be careful, she instructs me.

    My hand clamps around her wrist, and I stop her from pacing yet again. I’m not letting you brush me off. What the hell happened to you?

    She wrenches her arm from me, spins around, and throws her arms in the air. Her eyes wild, her lips pulled into a snarl. They like to rape us, okay? Whenever they need to get their fucking rocks off, they come to us. We can’t do anything except take it. She slides to her knees and shoves her hand under her flimsy mattress. Within seconds, she’s got pills in her hands.

    Great. Just what I need—her high again.

    All of them? I ask her, and she nods while popping the pills. At the same time? Just the thought makes me want to vomit.

    No, she tells me, as she fiddles with her keychain, the one that houses the pictures of her children. Just take turns each night.

    Goddammit. Why am I not surprised? This place is fucking awful. The COs and the inmates run it how they see fit.

    It’s going to be a long fucking five years.

    Coming to this hellhole was to save my brother—my best friend—from losing everything he had worked hard for. Hayden and I are, and have always been, thick as thieves. Growing up, we did everything together. I watched him move up the ranks in the family. He was passed over for positions time and time again, but Granda made it clear. He was expanding and wanted Hayden to be a part of that expansion. The moment the Masters found out about the Gallagher’s plans, they set out to take us down.

    Hayden and I went to a bar and ran into trouble. The Masters somehow knew where we were, and they were packing. They shot at us, and Hayden returned fire, killing the youngest of the Masters boys. Within minutes, the police were on us, and I did the only thing I could do to save my best friend. I told him to run, and I took the blame.

    I let the water cascade down my hair and onto my back. I let it hit the knots on my back and wash away the grime I feel on my skin.

    A door creaks, and it’s followed by heavy footsteps. It’s then I notice I’m all alone in the shower room. Fuck. Why the hell didn’t I notice everyone leaving?

    You stuck up bitch, I hear Rice growl. You think you’re better than us?

    Nice ass. Who knew the Irish bitch had such a great body? I mean, that ass is sculpted. I bet it would be great to spank, Greaves sneers.

    It’s time to teach this Irish mutt some respect, Andrews says loudly over the running water.

    I’m standing in the shower room, completely naked, surrounded by men.

    I’m at my most vulnerable, and these cowards think it’s the best time to try and teach me some respect?

    Hell fucking no.

    Respect is earned, not taught. I don’t respect pussies. I’m antagonizing them, and I don’t give a shit. Men like these assholes are bullies. They won’t be happy until they assert their dominance.

    Hear that, Jones, she’s disrespecting us again, Barker growls. What do you think we should do?

    I hear a whirl in the air and duck just as a baton hits the shower wall.

    My laughter is filled with angry humor as I turn to see them. I stand tall while their filthy gazes rake over my naked body. You five sure are cowards. Five against one? Scared I’m going to beat your asses?

    Greaves’ smirk is sinister. No, you won’t be doing anything of the sort, whore. You’re about to get what’s coming to you.

    I roll my eyes. These men are all talk. Well, all except Greaves. His anger is palpable. His eyes are filled with hatred. This is personal for him. There’s something about me that makes him crazy with rage. Whereas the other men, they’re here because of Greaves. They wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t by his say so.

    So, you’re going to what? Beat me? Rape me? From what I’ve heard, it’ll be nothing new. You assholes take whatever the fuck you want from the women inmates. What’s wrong—you not getting it at home?

    The punch to my stomach winds me, taking every ounce of oxygen from my lungs, and sends me to my knees. I gasp, trying to catch my breath, but those fuckers aren’t finished with me. Not yet anyway.

    Get her, Greaves growls out, just as I press my hands against the wet, tiled floor, trying to lift myself off the ground. Teach that fucking bitch some manners.

    The baton hits my spine, and I release a cry as pain ricochets up my back, forcing my face to smash against the ground. Blood fills my mouth as the assholes let their anger loose.

    I cry out once again when the baton connects with my head, then a foot is shoved into my ribs, making it hard for me to breathe. Blood seeps from my face and gets washed away by the running water.

    I try to lift off the tiled floor, but my hands, slippery from the water, make it tough for me to achieve. I manage to get to my knees—and realize the mistake I’ve made. I’m more accessible for them to get to me. While I was lying with my stomach to the ground, I was only giving them my back and side to target.

    The beatings don’t stop. Every single man is in on the act. Punching, kicking, hitting me.

    The darkness starts to creep in, my gaze unfocused on the blood that surrounds me.

    This is just the beginning, Greaves promises me.

    I know that what’s about to come is going to be far worse than anything I or my family could have expected.

    If Hayden ever found out the truth about what’s happening now, he’d blame himself. That’s the very last thing I want. I just know that when I come out of this fucked up place, I’m going to make every single one of these bastards pay for what they’ve done to me.

    Strong hands grip my arms and hold them behind my back. The sound of a belt buckle being undone has me tensing. These fucking bastards. God, they really are the scum of the earth.

    I wrestle against the tight hold on me as the fucker gets close to me. The heat of him tells me he’s inches from me.

    I’m going to enjoy this, Greaves snarls as he grips my hair. You’re about to learn what happens to those who don’t respect me.

    I grit my teeth and think of what I plan to do to these animals when I’m out and breathing fresh air.

    Revenge is a dish best served cold.




    Fresh air fills my lungs, and I let it seep in. God, it feels so fucking good to be free. It’s been a hell of a long five years. I’m sure as fuck glad to be able to walk out of here a free woman. I let the feeling of the ground beneath my feet fill me with joy. I’m close to tears. The turbulent five years inside of this hellhole were sometimes more than I could ever bear, but I made it through. I made sure those assholes never saw me at my lowest, and when I could, I gave them as good as I got.

    The gates open, and I look up at the sun, loving the way the heat caresses my skin. The slight breeze sends a chill through me, but I don’t care. It’s been too long since I’ve felt this good. The moment I step outside of the gates and out of the prison line, I feel a well of emotion hit me. Tears spring to my eyes, and I breathe deeply through my nose, trying not to let those tears fall. My time will come soon, and I’m ready for it. Not one of those bastards are getting away with what they have done to me. Not fucking one of them. They made the biggest mistake when they targeted me, and I’m going to ensure they’ll pay for every single crime they committed against not only me, but the women in the cell with me. They were for me to protect, and I failed them. Both of them. Shona and Marcy.

    I shake my head to get rid of the onslaught of memories. No, I can’t deal with them. Not now.

    A car door slams, and I glance in the direction it came from. My heart stutters heavily as I see the man who’s just got out. God, I’ve missed him. His black hair is longer than I remember, and he’s wearing a suit, something I hadn’t expected. Before I was sent away, he was happiest wearing jeans and a tee.

    I keep one foot in front of the other as I walk toward him. His bright smile is solely for me, but I see anger and guilt swirling in his whiskey-colored eyes.

    Jade. His gravelly voice is deep and filled with love.

    I give him a smile, so glad to be out and with him. My brother is the best person in the world, and I know I hurt him when I refused to see him in prison. I only saw three people while I was locked up. My cousin Finn, my granda Henry, and my sister-in-law Annemarie. It wasn’t because I love them better, or that I wanted to punish anyone. I didn’t want my family to see how much prison had affected me. How deeply those bastards had cut me; not physically, but mentally. I never wanted Hayden, in particular, to see me. He’d feel the guilt more than anyone, especially as I took the fall for him.

    Hey, Hayden, don’t you look dapper? I say in jest, and I sigh with relief when I see his shoulders shake and the corners of his eyes crinkle.

    Yeah, well, we have a lot to discuss. But first, come here, he instructs as he opens his arms.

    I don’t hesitate. I’ve missed my brother—my best friend. I sink into his embrace and swallow hard as once again the tears well up. God, I didn’t expect to be so emotional today. I’m usually able to close off my emotions, bury them down and forget about them.

    You doing okay, Sissy? he questions quietly.

    I giggle at him calling me Sissy. It’s something he has been using since we were kids. It used to annoy me, but like all big brothers, he was never going to stop. So Sissy stuck. Thankfully, only Hayden calls me it.

    Better now I’m out, I reply as my hands slide around his waist and I rest my cheek against his chest. It’s been so long since I’ve had a hug.

    I’d say, he grinds out as he releases me and takes a step backward, his eyes hard and flinty. He opens the car door for me to get in. We’ll talk on the way home.

    I climb in and see Hayden’s right-hand man, Cody, up front driving. As soon as Hayden settles in beside me, Cody slides up the privacy screen.

    Say it, I instruct him. I know he has a lot of shit to get off his chest and I’d rather have him say it now when it’s just the two of us.

    I’m so fucking mad at you, Jade. Fucking furious. Words cannot describe just how fucked up this has all been, he grinds out, his palms pressing against his eyes. He sounds more like our da when he’s angry. His Irish brogue comes out thicker.

    I know, I reply softly. I needed you to be able to go on while I was there. I needed you to do what was needed. You needed to focus.

    He raises his head and glares at me. You have always been so fucking stubborn, Sissy. But Christ, Jade, you were raped. I should have been able to see you. I needed to see you.

    My heart aches for him. I knew the moment Granda Henry found out what had happened to me, he would tell my family, even though I asked him not to.

    I’m sorry. I never wanted you to hurt, but, Hay, I needed to be able to fight this alone. I know if I had seen you, you’d have wanted to kill them. Then you’d have been locked up along with me.

    His sigh is heavy as he leans back against the seat. I don’t care. If it meant stopping those bastards from ever touching you, then so be it.

    Then being inside was for nothing. Granda told me that you’re the Head of Indiana. I smile at him. I knew you’d do it, Hay. You were always destined to be the boss.

    He once again scrubs his hands down his face. You think that matters to me—that I’d want to be boss if it meant you were hurt? Fuck’s sake, Jade. You really think that little of me?

    I look at my brother, the man I adore above all else. That’s not it at all. I think you deserved this, and five years in prison was worth making everything we’ve worked hard for, come true.

    His jaw is tight, but thankfully, he nods. There’s no way I could ever repay you for everything you’ve done for me.

    I rest my shoulder against his arm. Just don’t forget me now that you’re the big bad boss of Indiana.

    His chuckle eases my heartache. Never going to happen, Sissy. You know that. You'd never let it. I get too big for my boots and you’d knock me down a peg or two.

    I laugh. God, it feels so good to be here with him. Not having to worry about what I say or who I say it to. Being inside, I was always on edge, wondering when the next attack was going to come.

    I’d knock you out, more like, I reply with a bright smile.

    He shakes his head. We’re going to need to see how much of your edge you’ve lost.

    I humph. I haven’t lost any of it. In fact, being in prison only enhanced that edge. I’m better than I have ever been. Hayden will be in for a shock when we go sparring.

    His body tenses and I brace for whatever he’s about to say. Da wanted to be the one to tell you this, but fuck that, I need to, he begins as he sits forward, jostling my head with his movement.

    Jesus, Hayden, spit it out.

    Granda has arranged for you to be married, he says through gritted teeth.

    My mouth dries and my stomach drops. My vision goes blurry. Married? No way, there’s absolutely no bloody way.

    What? I hiss. This can’t be fucking real.

    Sissy, Ma’s tried, Da’s tried. Nothing we say is going to make Granda change his mind.

    Anger wells up in the pit of my stomach. What the fuck? Why would he do this? Fuck, why would they let him do this? My heartrate is climbing as my palms begin to sweat. The palpations I have are nothing compared to the unease clawing its way through my stomach.

    After everything that’s happened to me, the fact they think this is a good idea, infuriates me. They know what happened. Granda fucking told them. Haven’t I been through enough in the name of this family?

    I’m so fucking sorry, Sissy, his voice croaks.

    Who? I ask. Who is my soon-to-be husband?

    Rocco Gallo, he replies, and I scowl. Yeah, yet another fucking Italian.

    I can’t help but chuckle at that. Our cousin, Makenna, is the head of the Clann on the east coast. She, too, had an arranged marriage to an Italian, Dante Bianchi. However, her marriage has turned into one filled with love. Her Italian stallion loves my cousin, and she loves him. They’re happy. My other cousin, Holly, is also married to an Italian—Dante’s brother, Romero. He’s easy on the eyes, even with his serial killer scowl. It works for him. He also loves Holly more than anything in this world.

    But I’m not stupid. I know an arranged marriage isn’t going to be easy. In fact, being married to a Gallo is going to be hell. Those Italian’s aren’t known for their welcoming hospitality. Although, it’s been five years since I’ve heard about them. A lot could have changed since then. I’m not holding my breath.

    Tomorrow, there’ll be a party thrown in your honor.

    I scowl at him. Let me guess, I say with disdain. Everyone is to be in attendance.

    He nods. Yep, you know this family. This is a huge fucking ploy to show the who’s who of the criminal underworld; to make it clear the Gallaghers are making waves. Put you in a fancy dress and show that you’re going to be the perfect bride for the Gallos. That the two families coming together is one giant power play to make this family stronger. The bitterness in his voice has me giving him a wary glance. What the hell is going on with him? This doesn’t sound like him. He’s always put the family above all else. So, what the hell has happened to make him like this?


    He shakes his head. Not now, okay. You’re finally home. Let me just be happy that you’re here. It’ll mean I won’t continue to have sleepless nights thinking about what those fucking animals have been doing to you.

    Fine, I mumble, not in the least bit happy about the brush off, but I know him well enough to leave it alone and not badger him until he talks. So, I drawl, is Leon still around?

    Hayden’s brows knit together. Yeah. He’s not used as much anymore. Why, you need him?

    I nod. I need someone I can trust, and as much of an introvert as Leon is, he’s one of the best tech guys I know, and I’m going to need him.

    For the first time since we’ve seen each other again, he smiles brightly, this one reaching his eyes. I’ll call him and have him meet us at the house this evening.

    I scowl. This evening?

    You’re expected at the house. Ma and Da are waiting to see you. I’m pretty sure Ma would have demanded that she be the one to pick you up if Granda hadn’t put his foot down and said it was me who was coming.

    I laugh. I can imagine just how annoyed Mam was at hearing Granda telling her she couldn’t see her daughter, losing her ever-loving mind over it. No doubt Da’s had to calm her down.

    How many people will be at the house? I ask, dreading his answer. I know my family. We’re close knit. We all rally around each other when things get tough. But I don’t want to see anyone.

    Just us, he says, and I know he means our parents, Hayes, our brother, and his wife, Annemarie.

    What’s up with Annemarie anyway? I query.

    Before I was sentenced, she was a fucking bitch. She hated this life and everything about us. Mam gave her a choice: she could either shut the hell up and live the life she married into, or she could take her out of it. I couldn’t help but laugh when Mam threatened her. It was about time. Annemarie bitched for almost two years about our family and how much she hated us.

    Yeah, fuck if I know. One minute, she’s bitching about us and how much she hates me, and the next she tells us she’s going to become your defense attorney. Now she’s all about the family.

    I don’t buy this shit. All of a sudden she’s in? That doesn’t make sense at all. How does someone go from hating us, to wanting to get me out of the hellhole?

    That, Sissy, is something we’re going to have to uncover now that you’re out. I don’t trust her as far as I can throw her, he growls. "The fact that bitch is so close to us, makes me

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