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Christmas Overnighted: A Second Chance Romance
Christmas Overnighted: A Second Chance Romance
Christmas Overnighted: A Second Chance Romance
Ebook160 pages2 hours

Christmas Overnighted: A Second Chance Romance

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The fate of Christmas rests in the hands of Warren Kline as he faces both a snowstorm and a difficult woman named Cora LeGrand. 


With the holidays fast approaching, Warren takes on a second job as an office delivery guy, where he encounters the uptight and Christmas-hating Cora on a daily basis. Determined to break through her tough exterior, Warren's persistence and laid-back demeanor slowly start to win her over, especially when she discovers he plans to donate his salary to charity. However, Cora's past mistakes and the darkness she senses in Warren cause her to hesitate, putting their budding romance at risk. Just as Warren is about to make his move, a powerful Nor'easter and Cora's busy schedule threaten to sabotage his plans. Will he be able to overcome the storm and overnight Christmas to his new crush, or will their chance at happiness be washed away? 

Packed with feel-good holiday cheer, romance, and plenty of humor and sarcasm, Christmas Overnighted: A Second Chance Romance is a heartwarming tale that reminds us of the magic and love that can be found during the most wonderful time of the year.

Release dateNov 30, 2018
Christmas Overnighted: A Second Chance Romance

Lara Norman

Lara used to scribble her fictional characters down on legal pads in high school, and then not show them to anyone. In recent years, she started posting her work in public forums for feedback, which gave her the courage to publish professionally.  She needs copious amounts of coffee and chocolate to survive. She enjoys eavesdropping on the character conversations in her head, which she has been assured doesn’t make her crazy. She always gets the best ideas while in the shower, driving, or about to fall asleep. Though she’s a Florida girl at heart, Lara currently resides in the Blue Ridge Mountains with her husband of twenty years and their three children, where she is living out her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age fifteen.

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    Book preview

    Christmas Overnighted - Lara Norman


    I hated everything about Christmas. The repetitiveness of the cheesy songs, the tacky decorations, and the snow. What was there to be happy about when dirty, slushy snow covered my walkway every morning? It didn't bode well for a good day when I had to shovel off my car’s windshield before I could leave for work.

    My discontent with the holiday season meant I had the dubious honor of being known as Scrooge around my office, though I didn't mind entirely. It was partly true, at least. I wasn't miserly, and would often go out of my way to buy the one thing someone had been dreaming of, so Scrooge wasn’t exactly accurate. I simply wasn't interested in participating in caroling or hot chocolate in a crock pot in the breakroom, thank you very much, Susan in accounting. Was that so bad?

    Every year, I spent Christmas Eve at work; just me and my colleague, Julia, who was Jewish. There’d even been a few years when one of the days of Hanukkah coincided with Christmas and I found myself completely alone. I was good with alone. It was generally my preferred state, at work or at home. I’d spent my childhood holidays being shuffled between divorced parents, and realized early on how they both tried their best to buy my love and compete with each other. They didn't necessarily care about me as much as they cared about one-upping their ex. It made for unhappy times, and Christmas was the worst of them all. I loved being alone and not having anyone begging me for time and attention. Of course, I also worked way too much, meaning my time at home was for me to decompress and not have to worry about impressing anyone.

    Andrea, will you have that prospectus ready by end of day, or do you need a deadline extension?

    Andy looked up as I stopped next to her, propping a hip on the edge of her desk. I’ll have it in the next thirty, Cora.

    Sounds great. Thanks.

    Straightening, I prepared to move on to check on my next employee, but Andy stopped me. Hey, you coming to the party this evening?

    I blinked. What party?

    Andrea blushed. Maybe it hadn't occurred to her that I wasn't invited since the whole office had received an open invitation. Sorry, ignore me. It’s a Christmas party, of course you don't want to come.

    I smiled tightly. It looks like I’ll be here late finalizing the Graham account anyway.

    Okay. Have fun, she said under her breath as I moved on to my next victim.

    I have a delivery for LeGrand?

    Andrea stood as a man in matching gray pants, shirt, and jacket stepped into the cubicle area and looked around. He was clearly new, judging by the lost look on his face and the fact that the company’s usual driver knew who Cora LeGrand was.

    Her office is here, Andy answered him and pointed. Cora was already out of the room so Andy went ahead and let him into the unlocked office. Does it need a signature?

    He looked down, and she noted that the fluorescents shined on his blond hair with an unusual glow. When he looked back up, he smiled at her. His teeth were almost blindingly white. Definitely not native to Maine.

    Yep. Here you go.

    Andrea signed her name on the electronic pad and handed it back over, then studied him with interest. Her boss needed a good distraction, and perhaps a hot delivery guy was the answer. She couldn't objectively decide how attractive he was, but he wasn't ugly, she knew that much.

    Uh, so you’re new? She looked at the name tag stuck on his shirt. Warren.

    Yeah, hi. This was a last minute decision to make extra money for the holidays. They put Spencer on a busy neighborhood route and sent me to the corporate parks where it was unlikely I could screw anything up.

    I see. Tell Spence we said hi next time you run into him. Andy tried out a smile—friendly but not flirtatious—but the look on his face told her she’d fallen short of her goal.

    I’ll do that. He raised the tablet in his hand like a wave and half turned toward the exit.

    Andy wondered what she could do to stall him until Cora came back, but short of pulling the fire alarm, she didn't think there was anything. Poor guy probably had to get back to work. See you tomorrow.

    Yep. See you.

    She gave a little wave as he walked off and thought to herself she had probably given off the completely wrong vibes. If he was smart, he’d never come back, and save her the embarrassment of seeing him again.

    Who was that?

    Andy jumped and turned to see Julia standing next to her. New delivery guy for the season.

    Mylanta, he’s hot. Julia fanned her face as they watched Warren retreat out the glass front doors.

    Back off, Rothstein, I was thinking of pushing Cora at him. Andy knew Julia wasn’t interested in anything more than looking, but the warning came out of her mouth despite that.

    Julia eyed her coworker dubiously. Yeah, okay, she could use some loosening up, but what makes you think the delivery man is the answer?

    We already know he’s good with his hands. Even to her own ears, it sounded lame.

    That’s a stretch, Andy, but okay. Julia shook her head. I have to admit, the idea has merit if there’s something we can do to give Cora a nudge in Warren’s direction.

    I don't know, this isn't my area of expertise. Andy tried to think of the last time she was interested in a guy, but she couldn't come up with anything. Middle school, maybe?

    You’ve got a point. Well, for starters, he’s so hot he looks like he could light a fire just standing next to kindling. He had strong arms under that shirt, I think, but I haven't a clue what Cora’s type is since she never dates. Julia side-eyed Andrea.

    As far as I know, she hasn’t changed her preferences. It’s not like we keep a running tally of the resident lesbians.

    I’m sure she’s not a lesbian because she said something about her last boyfriend almost being the one until she found out he was cheating. Unless she’s changed her mind in the last few months, she’s straight, though I couldn't even blame her if she swore off men. They're hard to figure out sometimes.

    There were a few beats of silence as the two stood there thinking about what they'd said. I’ll take your word for it, Andy finally said.

    They went back to their desks, and Andrea spotted Cora returning fifteen minutes later. She was interested in seeing what would happen the next day, and whether she could play matchmaker in time to keep Cora from being alone for the holidays.


    I wasn't at my desk the next day when the deliveries came in, either, since I made my rounds through the office at the same time Warren was arriving. There was always something being delivered; typically expedited paperwork that needed a real signature and not something the home office could do over computers. Once a week or so there was a large delivery of office supplies, and that was finally when the two of us met.

    Excuse me, who are you?

    Andrea stood at the same time Warren straightened up over the box he’d been scanning. Warren Kline, On-Time Delivery. I have your shipment from Ultra Office Company, if you could just sign here.

    Spluttering the whole way, Andy rushed over, smoothing her blouse and tucking her flyaway hair behind her ear. Warren! It’s so good to see you again.

    Warren frowned at her. Uh, hi.

    Cora, have you met Warren? He’s filling in for Spencer through the holidays.

    I didn't look up from my perusal of the invoice. Great.

    He’s been really nice, Andy said. Even Julia thinks so.

    Finally, I looked up at Andrea’s weird attitude. Fantastic. Don’t you have work?

    Ouch. Sorry.

    Normally, I was even-tempered, so I hoped Andy would know she’d overstepped with that much enthusiasm aimed at a new man in the office.

    I waited until she’d retreated to her desk before I finished up with the delivery, and then I approached her. What the hell was that?

    Huh? Andy blinked her dark brown eyes up at me. Oh, nothing. He started on Monday, but you haven't been down here when he comes in. I, um, just wanted you to know I had it under control.

    If that’s what you want to call that. The poor guy probably thinks you were hitting on him, or at least warming up to it. It was very unlike Andrea to act overly warm and friendly with outside vendors.

    I have no interest in him, I just wanted to make him feel welcome on his new route, that’s all. Andy sounded defensive.

    I narrowed my eyes, pretty certain there was something else going on with her. Maybe tomorrow you can be less enthusiastic with him and more professional. I think you scared him.

    "Maybe you can be more enthusiastic," she muttered as I walked off.

    What was that? I said as I stopped and turned, my eyes narrowed.

    Andy hunched her shoulders and tried not to look suspicious. "Maybe I should be less enthusiastic. I was agreeing with you. I don't want to come off as a creep."

    Ignoring Andrea’s oddness was easy, but I grew more suspicious when Julia mentioned the delivery man later on in the breakroom at lunchtime.

    The temp delivery guy is pretty dreamy, don’t you think? Fire-breathing dreamy.

    All I could do was stare at her until she squirmed. Did you know Andy was super chipper with him this morning? Like mental-patient-excited to see the delivery man with office supplies? It’s starting to feel like a pattern.

    Maybe she thinks he’s hot, too, Julia said.

    Since Andrea had a wife, that was an incredibly unlikely scenario. Unless something has changed that I’m not aware of, I don't think Andy is interested in the On-Time man.

    Yeah, no, you’re probably right.

    I grew more concerned they were trying to set me up, especially when Julia wouldn't meet my gaze, but I chose to drop it.

    When he came to my office the next day, I was there, having intentionally waited so I could fix the mess my staff might have created.

    Hello, Mr. Kline. I gave him a polite smile.

    It’s just Warren.

    Okay, Warren. He smiled at me, and I paused. He did have a nice smile. I want to apologize if any of my employees have been anything less than professional. I suppose they’ve become used to friendly old Spence.

    Well, some of the women seem to find business on the ground floor even though they don't appear to have a desk down here. He flicked a look over his shoulder at Andy's desk. And I think that one is flirting with me.

    I apologize. Mortified at my employees’ behavior, I stood ramrod straight beside my desk, holding my hand out for the signature pad. Andrea’s harmless, I assure you. She has a spouse at home, and she merely got a little excited to make you feel welcome. I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable doing your job because you might have felt harassed.

    I assure you, I don't feel harassed. Sort of used to it by now, to be honest.

    Alright. We’ll see you tomorrow. I handed back the tablet, hoping he made note of my use of the royal we.

    He left without saying anything else, and I put him out of my mind. I had work to keep me busy for hours,

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