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The Gem Project Genesis
The Gem Project Genesis
The Gem Project Genesis
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The Gem Project Genesis

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Every story has a beginning. Every path has a journey. The Gem Project takes you through a world of intrigue and espionage. A new government program is created, and it focuses on dealing with the homeless crisis in the United States. Participants have the choice to join. They will receive care and be given training to serve in the military for two years. Upon completion, they will receive a new life. But there is another side to the program. Our heroes, Benny and J, homeless friends who have become brothers, find themselves in a life-changing situation that compels them to join. Demarah, assistant to the pharmaceutical CEO, spearheads the program at a cost. Choices begin to define their actions. What is ethically right begins to turn gray. What is justified fogs to become questionable. What will remain as their paths begin to curve? The first of a trilogy in a universe that demands certain uncertainty will show the results of what truly defines them.

Release dateMay 18, 2024
The Gem Project Genesis

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    The Gem Project Genesis - Sylvester OConnor


    The Gem Project Genesis

    Sylvester OConnor

    Copyright © 2024 Sylvester O’Connor

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2024

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    ISBN 979-8-89157-267-6 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-89157-281-2 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22


    About the Author

    To my wife, Alecia. You were the motivation that led to my courage to finally put pen to paper. May we enjoy the success of this universe together.


    The clock turned to 10:22 a.m. Watching the clock was a panel of five made up of three men and two women representing the Special Counsel of the United States. Their purpose for being there was to listen to a presentation made for a new program for the United States. This meeting should have started at 10:00 a.m., but the presenter was not there. It was not until 10:15 a.m. before the counsel began to speak among each other. As they grew impatient waiting for the presenter, they spoke among themselves.

    Okay. The general is a no-show for his appointment. That gives us time back till the next case. I will take my cold cup of coffee that was extremely hot when I came here and take a break. The woman wore a navy blue pencil skirt suit. The pleats on the lapel were crisp, and her shirt was buttoned to the top. Her papers in the file that she picked up were all in order and even. The broach that was on the left side of her suit jacket was straight and even, perfectly aligned with the necklace that she wore. Her hair was styled short. There was not a strand was out of place. Her name was Linda Miles, and she served as the White House counsel to the president.

    Linda, please! I know he is late, but believe me, the noise he will make if you leave now will ring in both ears of your man in the Oval Office. And that will take even more time to undo. If you don't want to be here, that's fine, but at least consider it a good gesture on my behalf. He was a paltry man with the most interesting hairstyle, though parts of his hair weren't the same color brown. He had a short toothbrush mustache, perfectly and cleanly shaved around it. His name was Mark Wendel, head of the Special Counsel's Office.

    There were three more members that made up the counsel. Marianne George was the longest sitting member of the counsel. She was nearing retirement and was sixty-four years old. Elliot Spencer was the newest and youngest member of the counsel. He joined six months prior to today. And Bartholomew Smith also had tenure on the counsel. He had served six years. Though Bart usually just sided with Wendel most of the time, Elliot usually sided with Linda when voting was done on federal funds that were given as grants to those that presented their case to the Special Counsel. Marianne just wanted to make it to retirement. She usually just voted on the easiest choice.

    I'm giving him five more minutes, Mark. And then I leave. He certainly has more important things than being here on time. And if it was anyone else, we would have all left five minutes past the hour.

    Immediately after she said that, the doors to the courtroom opened, and the general walked in. He stood about six feet tall in his clean and primed uniform. His walk was straight and proud, which would draw attention in any room. His hair was grizzled with gray. He was a military man who had known combat. The panel watched him, and Linda reopened her file. His name was General John Andrew Harding. He was known for his service record. However, it would be the first time that Linda saw him in person.

    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I apologize for my tardiness, but evil doesn't have a schedule. As you know, war never changes. The weapons do, and whoever has the better weapons wins. Even now, with what I'm about to show you, there have been forces trying hard to combat our efforts of success. Allow me a moment. He propped up a laptop and showed images of destruction from a terror attack in the US. February 26, 1993, changed everything we knew in the intelligence community. Before then, threats against the United States were just that. They were empty. Only an act of God could be capable of causing harm in our amazing country. But as we prided ourselves on our successes, the scourge of the world wanted to test our might. That day, we were exposed with both cheeks out like college hazing. After we recovered, we got back into our pride of life again, never realizing that it was just a test. Then September 11 happened, and we were outsmarted and shamed.

    Linda hit a gavel on the bench. General ‘Hard Man' Harding. It's a pleasure for you to join us today. I've reviewed your record. I must say that it's highly impressive. Your merits for the Gulf War, Afghanistan, and Iraq speak volumes. They say that your nickname was given because you just didn't know how to die. The members of the panel all smirked. But I would ask that you be as delicate as possible. I lost family during that day, and I've seen presentations that try to play on our sympathies for that day and the lives lost just to get grant money. I know that's not the case here, but I wanted to mention it in case it applies.

    It certainly doesn't apply here. I know that you haven't served. A leader of soldiers would never use the deaths of soldiers or civilians as a marketing tool. My presentation today is to show you what happened and to pitch a reason that this will never happen again. I tried to be professional because I don't know anything about politics, where you watch every word you say because some moron reporter will hear it. I even tried to get you this fancy presentation thing, but so far, I don't think I know how to get to the next slide, so I'll be forward. I'm here today to bring attention to a program that our country needs. There is a pharmaceutical company known as Albright Technologies. I have been in direct communication with their founder, Aaron Dupont, in developing a serum to help create what we call advanced soldiers in a program named the Gem Project.

    Marianne asked in confusion, What do you mean by advanced soldiers?

    "Imagine this. The United States military is one of the best trained militaries in the world. However, we contend with risks to our country that challenge our best procedures. For example, last year, we had defectors that joined the ranks of terrorists. Add to that spies that are in our land that are undercover, working with foreign countries that are enemies to us. The result is that we have serious security breaches where critical intel and some of our known strategies are being used against us. Even now, I hear that we have soldiers in the Middle East who have turned over their beliefs to foreign ideologies, thinking that we are the enemy. Just one of our soldiers for those terrorist scums are worth twenty of their men with the training and knowledge that they have. Even outdated intelligence can add to these enemies gaining an advantage over us in combat.

    With that in mind, the military must do everything that it can to create the most diverse and versatile soldiers they can create to be able to combat our enemies in their lands. The answer to that is to enhance or advance our soldiers to be faster, stronger, and smarter than our enemies. Think about soldiers that don't need to sleep like ordinary people. Just three days ago, one of our bases were hit by enemy forces in Afghanistan. It was a key area that we held though due to a limited capacity of soldiers. The security rotations were a mess, and the soldiers were worn out. A dust storm came, and the guards that were on watch ran into the base and shut the doors. They became tired and were unable because the men and women over there were in a steady rotation. However, due to a dust storm, some of the soldiers on watch fell asleep. That caused them to be overtaken by those scum who came out of their caves just to attack us in the night.

    Mark intervened. General, please. We can get through this without being so forward on who our enemies are.

    Counselor Wendel, are you insane? They are not people. And I don't speak from a place of hate. These are our enemies, and they would carve your intestines out if left alone with you on the city train if they knew they would get away with it. But that is why this program is vital. It is a step up above anything we've done before as a nation. The United States has always been one step ahead when it comes to advanced technology in the world. And if we don't be one of the first to make strides in genetic advancement that this program will offer, we stand to be at the tail end of a world that's moving forward without us. And that would mean that we would have our enemies at our front doors.

    After General Harding spoke, Linda looked at Mark before responding, General, you certainly made an interesting case in your presentation. But what you're asking is just a little far-reaching. I read these reports that you sent us in advance. I mean, this sounds like something out of a science fiction movie. From some of the progress that's been made, it doesn't seem as if everything is guaranteed. Some of the advancements in physical fitness also show signs of being random, from what I reviewed. And the number of participants are too low to be considered real progress. I mean, we have no guarantees that if given more volunteers that Albright Technologies will even perfect their research to have the same result in every participant.

    General Harding was impressed that Linda read through the actual information provided to her. In all the years that I've taken orders, I never questioned my commanders because deep in my heart, I knew that they had the country's best interest at heart. Even if that meant that if I was entrenched by the enemy, I had to blow my own brains out. That was what was necessary. So in this instance, I understand what it is to have assurances. And on my end, I will do above and beyond my power to get them. But I believe that it is within the capacity of this counsel to put the country first above our own opinions and desires. There's no point in titles and positions if we end up overtaken by the scourge of villains that want to destroy liberty. China and Russia are sitting back with their feet up on the desk while many of the other countries they support are rallying behind these third world deserts that are trying to position themselves for a future that ends with enslaving the world in their core beliefs on ideals or religions that only acknowledge war, not peace. So I implore all of you to consider the proposal. Read it! Not like a bill with thousands of pages of subtext. But read the information. And I will provide more information on those assurances that have been requested.

    Before they could dismiss, the general walked out of the room. The panel sat and looked at each other in disbelief.

    Well, I never had anyone leave before we dismissed them, said Marianne.

    Linda took her files and hastily left the room. Counselor Wendel ran after her, calling her in the hallway.

    So I think we need to think this through. Harding can make things difficult, so I'm hoping you will pass this information along to the president with some enthusiasm, the counselor said while motioning his hand in a forward, hoping Linda would understand his meaning.

    I don't know about you, but what I just saw in there was a bit ridiculous. Harding isn't the first one to present a hairbrained scheme about super soldiers. I must forward this information along to the president because it's my job. But it's the president's decision at the end of the day, Linda said.

    And we know you have his ear when necessary. Harding made a great effort to get in front us. In plain words, he pulled strings from people who approve our paychecks, Linda. And that means he can twist those strings if necessary if he really wants to push this through. You know he has a very large footprint across agencies and will make it difficult for us if we don't work this out. What you saw in there was a man who doesn't ask for anything ask for something from us. And as much as I'm not impressed with him, even I know where he stands in Washington.

    Well, his footprint isn't bigger than the fence around the White House, Linda said.

    Understood. Just give it some thought. You know the president listens to you, said Wendel.

    Is there something I need to know? Because you're petitioning for him like your job is on the line, asked Linda.

    That and more, perhaps. You know this line of work we're in, said Wendel.

    Well then, counselor, maybe you should think about the beds you play in and who are in those beds with you. I have a meeting to attend to brief the president. If you'll excuse me, said Linda.

    Linda met with the president twenty minutes after the presentation. President Arthur Walsh was a Republican candidate who won his presidency by being positive against the opposition. However, it was an election year, and many of his views had started to shift, as per usual with political elections.

    Mr. President! Linda greeted him as she entered the Oval Office. His adviser, Henry Spool, greeted her as well. I'm sure you're aware of the presentation that I had earlier with General Harding.

    Linda, lovely to see you, but I can't stay. I have a phone call that I must take. He looked up at her with suppression in his eyes. We must push forward with General Harding's proposal, Linda. There are no if, ands, or buts about it. I want you to talk to Henry while I take this call. Today is Monday, and I need to have an action plan by Friday, so please do this for me, said President Walsh.

    Linda was surprised. Mr. President, did you look through the information that the general sent? I mean, some of these numbers can't possibly be the proper reflection of what Albright wants us involved in. There is just no—

    Before Linda could finish talking, the president held her hands tightly and implored her to make it work. As he left the room, Henry walked up behind her and asked her to sit.

    Linda, this must go through. Tell me what your biggest concerns are, Henry said.

    Linda sat and turned in the seat, showing uneasiness. My concern is that the amount of money that would have to be invested in this thing might go way past any kind of normal budget. Aside from the money itself, we'd need a testing facility to house what they want done. I don't know if you or the president read this, but the only successful cases have been with mice from the Amazon rainforest. And these claims of being able to create advanced soldiers sound more hypothetical than reality. So those are just a few of my concerns, with the largest one being if this thing works, assurances on knowing that they won't just trade information with other countries pitting us in uncomfortable situations globally. And that's just a worst-case scenario, because containing the information is just as hard.

    Okay, Henry said. I think you're also omitting the few humans that were included in that report that showed signs of progress. The president doesn't need it to be completely successful. He just needs it to look successful. But I don't have all the details about the specifics. I have a contact who is going to set up a meeting for you. The general is very keen on seeing this through, so I think you should meet with a representative from Albright. Aaron Dupont is the owner, but he runs much of his operation through the woman you will meet. Her name is Demarah Keating. What time are you available tomorrow? Henry asked.

    Did I miss something, Henry? Everyone seems to think this is a done deal except the people who decide on it. Linda grew more uneasy as they spoke.

    There is something that you need to know, Linda. You of all people know how politics work here. The president is in a vulnerable position because in six months, he wants to be reelected and finish the job that he believes the American people want him to do. He can't do that unless he wins. Dupont seems to have the golden ticket somehow or at least knows how to obtain such a ticket. And as you know, those types of tickets are bought with influence. There is a good number of influencers surrounding this deal that gives us the votes that we need. The president needs to pursue all avenues that will take him to a second term, Henry said.

    Even if the avenue that leads to this golden ticket has red flags all over it? Linda asked.

    Even if the street has dead bodies littered across the highway. Meet with her, and hopefully, some of the questions you have can be better explained. How's ten o'clock? said Henry.

    Make it eleven. I must drop my kids to school and make sure I meet with the school board about a possible community event that might help other kids, Linda said.

    Okay. Eleven o'clock it is. Make sure you brief me after you meet with her and let me know what the safest way to move forward is, Henry said.

    Henry got up, and Linda began to walk out of the Oval Office. Before she left, she turned back and asked Henry, So it goes without saying, but why do I feel as if this is already a done deal and I'm just going through the motions to make it look legit? she asked.

    Henry smiled at her. I see why the president likes you. Just know that this kind of service will be rewarded, Linda. In Washington, you always need friends, and this would be a friendly gesture, Henry said.

    Linda got in the limo outside and headed home. She got in and carefully placed her pocketbook on the table near the front door. Then she placed her coat on the coatrack and went to the bathroom. She washed her hands and then looked at her appearance in the mirror. She paused for a moment. She decided to undo the first three buttons on her shirt, and she opened her suit jacket. She walked toward the kitchen. The house was empty, but it was clean. She looked at the picture of her family with her husband, Darryl, and her two kids, Denise, who was thirteen, and Marcus, who was sixteen. She went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of Pinot Noir. She reached for a wineglass from their wine cabinet. As she began to pour some, she heard the front door open.

    Darryl walked in right past the kitchen into the living room. He opened his bag to pull out his laptop. He seemed to be excitedly stressed, though it seemed that he had a large workload. His wife walked behind slowly as he was unraveling his items and said, Wow.

    Oh my…Linda! I didn't know you were here. Even worse, why are you stalking behind me?

    All I said was wow. You walked right past the kitchen and didn't even notice that I was there.

    Honey, I'm sorry. I was rushing in and should have paid attention.

    I could have been a killer.

    Well, that would be a compliment being killed by someone who looks as good as you.

    Linda smiled faintly. She glanced at what he was working on. She saw government seals on some of the files on the coffee table.

    Where are the kids?

    Well, Marcus wanted to hang out with Freddy. It was something about him getting a new entertainment system or something. And Denise is over by Charlotte's house. It's some kind of girls' night thing.

    Okay, I remember. She raged about it for the past two weeks. I didn't realize it was today. She paused for a moment. Working on something new?

    Definitely. I just got a new case. Some friends at the bureau want me to analyze a case they are working on. Thing is, they can't tell me who exactly the person is that they want me to profile. It's kind of exciting because I don't know if it is a killer or a terrorist. But with some of the info that I'm seeing, I think it might be a terrorist. If I help them, I could help protect this country. I know. I sound like a giddy schoolkid. Um, how was your day?

    Well, it doesn't sound as exciting as yours. There's some new military program some parties want to see get passed. But it comes down to my say, and I'm not sure I should give in. Although at the same time, maybe I should help the party move things along. Linda stopped talking and noticed how much Darryl was reading his files while trying to reply to her. I was looking at our picture of our time in Turks and Cacaos. The kids enjoyed it just as much as we did.

    They did. It was an amazing trip. That was a long time ago. I think Denise was nine and Marcus was twelve. I remember that flight being so rocky when we got there, and then it was so smooth when we flew back. Anyways, you should think about at least seeing what this thing is all about. The last time you had issues with some military program, it almost turned ugly. But I know you'll make the right decision.

    That's why I love you. She looked at Darryl with intent. She got up from her chair and began to walk slowly toward the light switch. Are you going to wash up?

    Oh, let me take all of this with me. I'll head to the office and close the door so you don't hear me printing. He kissed her on the cheek. Have a good night, honey.

    Linda had disappointment on her face. She went upstairs and turned on the shower. She began to place her earrings back inside her jewelry box. She continued to watch the photos that were sprawled around room yet began to feel lonely. The thoughts of tomorrow began to weigh on her as she thought about her decision. All these feelings she bottled up and went to bathe and fell asleep.

    Linda woke up the next morning, and Darryl was already gone. She prepared her clothes and wore a tan dress suit with pants and an orange blouse. She made sure her hair was tied in a bun. She looked at her perfume and reached to apply it but then placed it back on her dresser and headed downstairs. Darryl left a note on the fridge saying that he had to leave and left a brewed pot of coffee sitting on the coffee warmer. Her phone rang. It was a woman on the phone. She let her know that a car was waiting outside her house to drive her to New York. She was alarmed at first, knowing the ride would take three hours. However, the woman on the phone assured her that her drive would be in comfort. She told her she would gather her things and asked that a message be passed along to Demarah, stating that she didn't have any time to waste with what was being presented to her.

    She headed to the office to grab some items she could read pertaining to Albright's proposal. Linda thought about canceling the meeting, knowing that she was in for that long drive, until she saw some empty file folders on the desk in the office that Darryl had left behind. It stirred up angry feelings, and she grabbed her things and headed for the car.

    As Linda got inside the limo and drove away, there was a red sports car that drove a short distance behind them until they reached the highway. The man in the car made a call from his phone.

    Miles left her house about twenty-six minutes ago. The limo seems to be headed to New York as they just hit I-95. Should I stay on them?

    Yes. Don't lose them until you know they reach Demarah. The general called Demarah right after the call. Did Linda reach out? Is your meeting set?

    Yes, she is, General. As if you didn't already know. They are headed to me in New York now. And my plans for her are set. Looks like you were the right man for the job after all.

    I always am. You just make sure on your end that it's airtight. We're running out of time to put things in motion.

    Chapter 1

    Here we are. Central Park. It's hot and humid! But man, oh man, the women are out today and barely dressed. And you, girl. You are just calling my name. That beautiful yellow sundress with your hair out. That chocolate skin that looks like you just threw a bucket of coconut oil all over you. It's the kind of thing that makes me want to just get close to you. And you got pretty kids. Damn! Even your husband is pretty. Well, I just want those two things that you got that have my mouth watering. If I could just figure out a way that's convenient to get them without turning this into a cop situation.

    The man stood from a short distance, watching the woman in the sundress. Her husband just left to take her son to the bathroom. The man approached her slowly.

    "Excuse me, ma'am. I don't mean to bother you at all, but if you could spare some change, I would really appreciate it. I haven't really eaten

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