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Vows and Violence [Supernaturals Underground: Crime Investigators, Book 5]: Supernaturals Underground: Crime Investigators, #5
Vows and Violence [Supernaturals Underground: Crime Investigators, Book 5]: Supernaturals Underground: Crime Investigators, #5
Vows and Violence [Supernaturals Underground: Crime Investigators, Book 5]: Supernaturals Underground: Crime Investigators, #5
Ebook216 pages3 hours

Vows and Violence [Supernaturals Underground: Crime Investigators, Book 5]: Supernaturals Underground: Crime Investigators, #5

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The final battle has arrived, and I must make a decision that will alter my life forever...


The fae realm is in trouble, and the other worlds will collapse straight into the Infernal dimension when it falls. In other words, H, E, double hockey sticks.


It's up to me and my battle partner, Prince Talien of the Seelie Court, to save Oberon and stop a demon's plan to cause the apocalypse. But to save the universe, I must forfeit my chance to go home, remaining with Oberon's court forever. And even clever Talien can't stop that fate.


Can I survive the final battle and find the strength to do what's right?

PublisherHolly Hook
Release dateMay 20, 2024
Vows and Violence [Supernaturals Underground: Crime Investigators, Book 5]: Supernaturals Underground: Crime Investigators, #5

Holly Hook

Holly Hook is the author of the five-book Destroyers Series, which is the prequel to the Deathwind Trilogy. She began writing at a very young age and published her first book for Kindle, Tempest, in September of 2011. Since then, Tempest (#1 Destroyers Series) has seen thousands of downloads and four sequels. The Deathwind Trilogy is a spin-off of the Destroyers Series, with three books planned.The author is currently working on the Timeless Trilogy, another YA fantasy series with a hint of science fiction, and has written a few short stories. She grew up with a fascination with natural disasters and weather, especially storms. She enjoys writing stories with a strong female lead and exploring concepts that have never been done before. Reading teen fiction and young adult books is another one of her biggest interests. She lives in Michigan with her two cats and an assortment of other pets.If you would like to subscribe to her mailing list for a free book, be sure to check out her blog at and hit the big "subscribe" button or just go to the sign up page here: Titles By Holly Hook Include:Tempest (#1 Destroyers Series)Inferno (#2 Destroyers Series)Outbreak (#3 Destroyers Series)Frostbite (#4 Destroyers Series)Ancient (#5 Destroyers Series)The Destroyers Omnibus (All Five Books in One Bundle)Torn (#2 Deathwind Trilogy) Available Now2:20 (#1 Timeless Trilogy) Coming Soon in April of 201511:39 (#2 Timeless Trilogy) Coming Soon in April of 2015After These Messages (A Young Adult Comedy)Walls (A Teen Paranormal Short Story)Going Home (A Science Fiction Short Story)The Youngest Prince (A Short Story in the anthology Out of the Green)

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    Vows and Violence [Supernaturals Underground - Holly Hook

    Vows and Violence

    Supernaturals Underground: Crime Investigators, Book 5


    Holly Hook

    Copyright Holly Hook 2023


    My brother must have forgotten about his god status because he wouldn't let go of me, and I fought for breath as he hugged me, shaking. To open my airway, I looked up at the giant redwoods and a few orange butterflies, focusing on a cluster of small orange flowers.


    He released me as he must have remembered his strength. Liliana. Xavier let out a breath, and he was clearly agitated because the air around him heated as he spoke, and his violet eyes flashed. I didn't want you following me into the faerie world, and it's dangerous and confusing. You should have run home and got help or got that faerie guy to come after me instead.

    Um. That was all I could manage as I stood there among the giant redwoods. My brother was genuinely glad to see me but also mad, which didn't bode well for my plan to finalize my bond with Talien. But I couldn't help but feel defensive as I spoke because I was so used to always explaining myself. Xavier, it's been days since you fell in here. Time flows differently here, and I brought a lot of help. Trust me, I didn't rush. I motioned to where Talien and the others stood behind me, watching.

    Oh. I'm sorry. Xavier's mouth fell open as he seemed to spot my scout group for the first time. He stepped back and stared at me, and his violet eyes, which held an insane amount of War Magic—calmed. The air cooled, and my back prickled as I listened to my group shifting with nerves. Some were seeing my brother for the first time.

    What was I supposed to tell them? This is Xavier, and he's a literal god because of something that happened two years ago. He can help us kill Solara if he doesn't get mad about Leon's deal and go off on someone else first.

    My back prickled.

    Aunt Primrose had always hated Xavier and stood fifty feet behind me, too.

    Confusion spread over my brother's face as he spied her.

    How long have you been here? I asked to stall the inevitable.

    Xavier worked his jaw in that broody way he always did. "A couple of hours, I think. Have days really gone by in the other world? They must have if you managed that task." He meant convincing Aunt Primrose to help.

    I took a breath. Xavier would need to take all this news in small doses, or he might accidentally burn down this majestic forest, getting us in even more trouble with the Seelie Court. A lot happened since you fell in here. We have to catch you up. Sweat broke out on my neck as a sunbeam bathed it.

    Xavier stared at me, nodding. Clearly. Is that Richard Grimes over there, too? And who's that woman? That other guy?

    We've had time to plan. I motioned to the others, who stood waiting by a giant, reddish trunk.

    Jixian waved enthusiastically, and yes, he had another butterfly in his free hand, which rested there and slowly flexed its wings. Landon just glared, and Primrose stepped back with Alice. Grimes wiped his brow with the picnic blanket he still held, and Tex stepped forward with his big, yellow eyes trained on my brother. He meowed like he was just a regular cat.

    You. My brother narrowed his eyes at Tex.

    Then I remembered. The last time Xavier had seen Talien, he was in his true form and sitting on my lap, and Xavier knew of Shawna bonding us without my permission. My brother knew nothing since then.

    Smooth this over. Smooth this over!

    His name is Talien, I said once Tex stopped a few feet from us, sitting like he knew not to finish the approach. We got to know each other better while you were in here. He's the prince of this realm. I said it very matter of fact, and then Xavier whirled to face me again.

    His eyes grew even wider. He's the prince? Xavier almost exploded—maybe literally—as a magenta glow surrounded him, and he took a breath, reining in the power as some nearby pine needles smoked, threatening to ignite. There's some big motive in that fae woman binding you two together.

    I gulped, heart pounding. I can't deny that part. The royal family, well, they need help, and we're dealing with demons again. They're gathering slaves from every world and bringing them here so they can take down the Seelie Court. And if that happens, all the worlds spiral into the Infernal, and the demons will rule.

    Needless to say, that's going to suck, Jixian called, releasing the butterfly. He stepped forward to back me up, and he faced Xavier. Sit down, and we'll fill you in. Liliana's right that this feline specimen here is a prince, and it was his sister. This middle princess bound Liliana and Talien. And yes, Talien does feel like a jerk for what happened. He's a good guy, but he's cursed.

    Relief coursed through me since Jixian knew what to say and how to help me manage Xavier. Xavier faced him, letting out a breath, and the glow slowly died around him, though that immense energy was always there, ready to burst out. At least he has a conscience.

    Tex meowed in agreement, letting his little curly ears bend back. Then silence fell as everyone waited. Primrose and Alice stood partially behind the tree as if hiding from Xavier. My aunt was still scared to reveal her partner in front of her family, which made me sad.

    But that would come later. I swallowed. Now I had to explain the really fun part.

    Xavier faced me, mouth falling open before he got his composure. Other stuff happened, didn't it? He then studied our assembled group. Grimes is here, so I believe you about the days of time difference. How did you get him on board? He won't touch demon matters with a forty-foot pole. And who's that guy? Xavier pointed at Landon, confused. That was the second time he'd asked about him.

    Sit down, I said, taking my brother's hand and leading him back to the redwood where everyone gathered. We have a lot to tell you, and it involves a road trip, a crappy faerie deal, and a bunch of screwups on my part. Oh, and the Elders. All of them.

    Xavier slapped his hand to his forehead as he let me lead him back to the tree. No!

    I exhaled, checking the surrounding forest to ensure Solara's guards weren't bursting through to find us. I no longer knew where the entrance to the palace was, but I knew they were searching for us, and they might take the portal into this forest at any moment. But with Xavier by our side, we had a better chance at fighting them and of fighting Solara.


    That was why he needed to know the story. The entire story is about how I gained my new position. That was going to be a doozy.

    Okay, I said, pushing Xavier against the tree so he could sit against the curved trunk. It's Horror Story Hour, and here we go.

    * * * * *

    Telling everything was a group effort, and Tex remained in cat form as I did because, after our fight, we were drained. Tex might be able to retake his form, but that would use up energy, and he couldn't act as the storyteller, anyway, thanks to the curse. But I had Jixian's help. Primrose even sounded irritated when we told Xavier about following her to that restaurant and discovering her double life. I didn't blame her there since we'd violated her privacy.

    The demons have been gathering slaves for a long time? Oh, sorry. It's good to meet you. Xavier calmed down and shook Alice's hand, and I detected relief in his voice. He was glad to discover the reason for Primrose's behavior all these years and that it wasn't anything nefarious. You seem pretty cool, Alice.

    She took his immense energy well, smiling. Clearly, she knew about Xavier already because no shock came over her face. I've always been hoping to meet you.

    Primrose sighed and dropped her shoulders. I was still followed and spied on.

    Xavier worked his jaw but said nothing as he shook hands with Landon next. My brother was holding back the best he could, especially after his mistake at the portal. Landon drew back quickly, eyes widening, and the black flecks in them were still visible despite leaving the Malificus and its amplifying effects behind.

    But wait. There's more, I said, parroting some old commercial. We had to get the help of the Elders to take down Solara and—

    Liliana is now High Elder, Primrose said, peeling herself from the tree.

    She just dropped it like that, as if impatient to get going suddenly. I snapped my gaze at her, and she squared off with Xavier as if daring him to yell at her as if it were her fault. And it wasn't. Primrose had been trying to take the position herself.

    Then the magenta glow exploded around Xavier, and his jaw dropped. People backed away from him, including Tex, whose power probably didn't rival his.

    Repeat that. Xavier's voice seemed to fill the forest, and I shushed him since I wasn't sure who was around.

    Primrose stared at the ground and then turned her attention back to my brother. Liliana was given the title of High Elder, and as punishment.

    A lump formed in my throat as Xavier stood there, absorbing the horrible news, and then Primrose did something amazing. She swallowed her pride and took over the storytelling, describing how Chang broke the rules, wounded her, and how Talien healed her while Chang handed me the title. Then she told Xavier about everything that happened after, up to the fight with Solara and Johnny's conniving move.

    Then the angry god emerged, and Xavier balled his fists while everyone but me and Primrose backed off from him. His violet eyes appeared to be on fire, and the glow expanded.

    Xavier. I've survived so far, I said. Trust me, as soon as we're done taking out Solara, I'm getting rid of that position as soon as I can, but we needed it to get all the Elders on board. I'd dropped so much bad information on Xavier, including Leon's deal with Oberon. Now he paced as more pine needles smoked above every place he walked. The pine needles at his feet did the same thing, and Tex yowled a warning.

    My brother was trying his best, but he looked like those Mars statues back in the Elder Council meeting hall. He had that angry jawline, but that came from our direct line of descent. How could he hold all that War Magic inside of him?

    We need that anger to deal with Solara, I said.

    Then Xavier glared at me. I'm going to kill Chang and Johnny!

    I wanted to do the same but doing that would cause the other Elders to defect, and we needed them. I knew better than to tell my brother to calm down, even as purple fire ignited around some pine needles above and sent tendrils of smoke upward. Xavier. If you lose it, things will get worse for me. If there was anything my brother wanted to do, it was to keep as much crap away from me as possible. He'd gone through some horrific things and knew what trauma was like.

    Xavier! Primrose shouted, using her full authority. I am still the head of Cumberland's Underground. Your sister is the High Elder. And you are the most powerful War Mage in existence. After we stop the demons' plan, we will handle and worry about the Elders together. We have until Solara's birthday feast tonight to stop the poisoning of Oberon and to stop Solara's Legion from marching on his palace. Oberon and his wife, Titania, are not in the palace now. Perhaps we can find them if we search.

    Tex. I turned to him, and I was glad Primrose was helping me. Can you detect their life forces? You found Xavier, and I'm sure your parents have a strong life force, too.

    Tex stood there, still wide-eyed, like a cat in a crazy painting. My brother intimidated the prince.

    But the golden light exploded, and Talien stood there a moment later, all regal in his green robe. They are not near, and I fear they will look for me near the Unseelie border.

    Xavier jumped and faced me, and the glow calmed again. He can do that whenever?

    Not when Solara is nearby, I said.

    Xavier ran his hand through his hair. Where's Alyssa? He meant his partner.

    I swallowed, thinking of everything. It would be…too difficult for her to be here, and you know Alyssa can't handle anything to do with demons.

    Xavier's gaze went somewhere dark, and then he nodded. I'm glad she's home for this, too. I wouldn't want her dragged in, and sometimes I tell her she should go to therapy, but yeah. No therapist specializes in that. Anyway, this Solara. I can't die, so I'm the best one to go up against her. His voice calmed, and the purple fire died. My magic is made to beat demons back down to where they belong.

    I smiled because that was the Xavier I wanted to see. He would complicate things with the Elders and turn my family into an even bigger target. Still, he also scared people, and we needed that right now. Our status seemed like such a small problem compared to everything else.

    But then he spoke again. And Oberon. I'm setting him straight when I find him because it's unfair that he roped you into this raw deal. I know you don't want to stay here forever, and I'll ensure it. And as he spoke, he glared at Talien, unable to hide his anger.

    Xavier— I started, determined to tell him that I wanted to solidify my bond with Talien and–

    There they are!

    I whirled because the authoritative voices of guards echoed off the tree trunks from the portal that I'd forgotten the location of.

    They hadn't given up the search.

    And I was weak and unable to fight, which left the task to Xavier.

    Over there! Landon shouted.

    I turned to where he pointed. Green-skinned pixies emerged from the trunk of another redwood as if it were a hologram, a good three hundred feet away. Still, the spears they held glinted in the sunbeams that made it to the ground. The leader was gone—Solara had killed him for learning the truth about her—but the remaining guards, all men and women who looked as if they worked out—faced us. The tense hatred in their stances told me what had happened.

    We were the prime suspects for the lead guard going missing, plus the Seelie Court was still mad over the burned White Forest.

    We're innocent! Jixian shouted, even though we weren't.

    We didn't kill your friend, I added. Solara did!

    Solara hadn't come with the guards, which more and more poured out of the tree trunk, using the reality curtain to enter the redwood forest. I counted two dozen of them, all dressed in leather armor. A few had bows and quivers. Yikes.

    I'll take care of this. Xavier had murder in his eyes. He hadn't processed his emotions yet, but if he hurt all these guards, the palace would have less of a defense against Solara's Legion later. She was playing them, and the guards were only doing their jobs.

    Don't hurt them! I told Xavier.

    Talien looked at me, emerging from behind a tree, and if the guards saw him—

    They would stop if the prince was with us. Without Solara, he could order them around, even if she was his oldest sister.

    But Xavier already acted. Get back! Then he looked at me, reassuring. I won't kill them.


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