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Sadi and Max to the Rescue: Sadi and Max Chapter Books, #2
Sadi and Max to the Rescue: Sadi and Max Chapter Books, #2
Sadi and Max to the Rescue: Sadi and Max Chapter Books, #2
Ebook72 pages52 minutes

Sadi and Max to the Rescue: Sadi and Max Chapter Books, #2

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About this ebook

Yay for spring break! Sadi has a whole week to play with Max, the puppy she got for Christmas. But something is bothering her playful dog. When they bump heads, and Sadi hears a voice, could it be Max, and will anyone believe her?


Max is happy to be part of the family. He loves his humans and the two old dogs that are now his sisters. But he left another sister at the rescue home of Talia Wagger. He knows his sister Rosie is still there and lonely. He has to find a way to get her adopted. If only his little human Sadi could understand him…


A neighbor who needs help and a puppy who needs to be adopted are all part of the adventure in this latest Sadi and Max book. Now that they can understand each other, Max has mischievous plans, but he's also a puppy with a big heart—he enlists his little human on a mission to rescue.

Release dateMay 20, 2024
Sadi and Max to the Rescue: Sadi and Max Chapter Books, #2

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    Sadi and Max to the Rescue - Brenda Sue


    When the school bell rang, Sadi scooped up her beanie and exploded from her chair. The best bell in the entire world was the one that rang at the end of the week on Friday. And most especially special was the bell at the end of the last day before spring break. A whole week to play with her puppy, Max, every day.

    Sadi! Sit! Ms. Hutchins pointed a finger. You know we don’t all go jumping and running for the door when the bell rings.

    Behind her, Sadi heard Maxwell and Colton giggling.

    When I say dismissed, we leave in an orderly fashion. Ms. Hutchins glared at her. We aren’t going to trample each other by running to the door.

    Sadi plopped on her chair and tugged her beanie onto her head. She liked Ms. Hutchins most of the time, but her rules could be so stupid. I could’ve been halfway down the hall by now, with no one getting trampled, she grumbled under her breath.

    Ms. Hutchins glanced across the classroom and smiled. All right, students. Have a wonderful weekend. Dismissed.

    Sadi jumped up again, but this time she had to shuffle slowly forward as the first three rows filed out the door. Max would be waiting when she got home, ready to play.

    When she finally got into the hallway, Steven and Leila waited for her.

    Steven stood with his hands on his hips. You know you cost us about ten minutes longer because you had to try to charge out and make Ms. Hutchins yap about the proper way to leave class and if you’d just sit still like you know you’re supposed to then we’d been out ten minutes ago instead of waiting for you to sit down and listen to Ms. Hutchins. Steven gasped for a breath after he scolded her.

    Sadi rolled her eyes.

    Leila giggled, which earned her a frown from Steven. Leila giggled almost as much as Sadi’s mom which was one reason she liked her.

    Don’t be such a grump lump. Sadi poked a finger into his chest. And why is it always ten minutes with you? No matter what they did, Steven always labeled the time ten minutes. Meet you in ten minutes. Don’t be ten minutes late. Eat your lunch in ten minutes, so we can get to the playground.

    He smiled and pushed his green-rimmed glasses higher on his nose. It’s the most plausible amount of time for most situations. His normally deep voice sounded gruff even when he smiled.

    Now, Leila frowned, her lips all poochy like they got when she had to think about something.

    Steven was super smart, so Sadi decided she didn’t need to think too hard about what he said. He entirely knew what he was talking about. She would miss him when he moved. Which was next week.

    Come on. Sadi waved a hand through the air. Let’s make like the wind and blow out of here.

    Leila giggled again.

    Outside the fence, Olivia waited for her. Hi, Olivia. Her best friend most always waited for her at the end of the day. Since she lived across the street from Sadi, they walked to school each morning and home each afternoon.

    The four friends walked along the sidewalk until they came to the first street.

    Wait, Sadi stopped everyone in their tracks. Steven, you won’t be back to school after the break. We have to say goodbye. She moved close and put her arms around him in a hug. He stiffened and made a funny noise, so she let him go.

    Well... He looked at the ground. Maybe he was embarrassed by a friend hug. I’ll miss you. He still stared at the ground. He started to turn, then jerked back. I almost forgot. He pulled out several pieces of paper from his pocket and handed her one. Mom said I could give her phone number to a few of my friends. We can Facetime after I move.

    Yay. That’ll be cool.

    With a wave, he and Leila turned onto the street where they lived.

    Olivia twirled in a circle, her light brown hair flinging around her chin, then jumped in the air waving both hands. She got kind of goofy of the things Sadi liked about her. When she straightened up, she grabbed Sadi’s arm, and

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