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Polarity Shift: Ascension Cycle 2024
Polarity Shift: Ascension Cycle 2024
Polarity Shift: Ascension Cycle 2024
Ebook94 pages1 hour

Polarity Shift: Ascension Cycle 2024

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As a collective we slowly have awoken from slumber as the unveiling of truth has begun to unravel. We will closely look into terminology, correspondence, and historical events that may result in many recognizing a pattern. 

Release dateMay 17, 2024
Polarity Shift: Ascension Cycle 2024

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    Polarity Shift - Chyanne Johnson


     In the greatest time in history we are presented with the most beautiful time. The time has come for the polarity shift. Planet Zero, if one may. In this time, we have reached the Zero Point Field. In touch with the God-like particle. In one day, I will put years of research in this book. This past week, we witnessed a beautiful once in a lifetime view of the Northern Lights, a phenomenon caused by Geomagnetic Storm reaching 5 out 5. 

    Geomagnetic storm is an exchange of energy from the solar wind. Results from wind produce major changes in the currents, plasma, and fields in the Earth’s magnetosphere. The largest storms like we experienced on May 10th, 2024 resulted in Coronal Mass Ejections where billion tons of Plasma arrived to Earth. These storms result in changes of the radiation belts and changes in the ionosphere. 

    So you understand about this energy issue of the sun, I want to tell you that the entire universe moves on the basis of energy. That this energy, which will be as it were, is a flash of the sun.

    In addition to the effects it will have on the planet's terrestrial, atmospheric level, it will be a great activator. Let's call it the big broom that will end up cleaning up all those negative memories that humanity and beings of light have carried throughout their lives, their incarnations .This will go a long way in getting all the rot stored in their DNA. It will help to cleanse, heal. Because we desperately need all beings to be healed in order to be set free.

    Keep in mind, all these bursts of energy coming from the sun will affect you directly. This will have a very strong impact in the coming days.

    Stay focused, stay calm. There is nothing to fear. The Children of the Light will see this as a great incentive for the signs they have been waiting for. This solar flare, which is another solar flare, not a big one, but one of the big ones.

    It is very strong because many emissions have joined together and combined to form a large mass to hit the planet very strongly. I know that from this moment you already feel that the first waves of energy are already coming. They may already feel uncomfortable. Because the body accepts it and uses it. Be calm while resting. Save energy for the processes you need in your body. Because it is not only physical, but also emotional, mental and ethereal.

    Prepare, if possible, in meditation, in prayer. Because these coming days are days of much energy turbulence.

    As I said at the beginning, the entire universe is energy at different frequencies and vibrational levels. An energy that many may not see, but feel and feel its effects and consequences. Meaning everyone, be alert and calm, because the forces of light help everyone. We observe the earth's axis. Further south of the poles, away from the poles, where there was no geomagnetic storm before.

    These massive solar flares etc. are a huge blessing as they are expanding our consciousness levels in ways we will only fully realize the extent of, in a few months' time.

    With the full extend of the whole pyramids and crystalline energy centers, spine of the earth, etc. fully activated, it means we are now fully plugged into the 7th Sun of Illumination once more as the sun discs are returning and being activated. 

    More than this it is ushering huge changes not only in our consciousness levels, but also our new crystalline energy bodies, as our higher heart centers unify with our higher mind, as balance is returning.

    This energy works intensely with the water element. Add fire to water and you get steam. It will feel like being in a sauna and sweat lodge at times, and thus cleansing, purifying at very deep levels not known before. 

    The old simply collapses now as it cannot hold form.

    Do not be surprised when your life also takes on totally unexpected turns and know that the best laid plans will simply not work any longer nor old structures.

    It will seem at times, as if we are in a spaceship, entering a black hole, having no idea what awaits us and  waiting to reveal itself.  Yet in the process the new opens, as we expand into higher cosmic knowledge, find new life and life forms, higher ways of living heart-centered lives, and deeper ways to lovingly co-create. 

    Yet, herein lies the great blessing:  as we adjust to a totally new life and much higher dimensional too, our creative genius expands, and we find new and even greater ways to fully expand into our highest soul potential, leadership, and the truth of who and what we are, yet now in unison with other souls, and with great love, sharing the same expanded vision.

    Indeed, these sun flares are lifting us, beyond the beyond.

    The next ten years will see such transfiguration such as never known, nor recorded ever before!

    Rest, being in nature, etc. are so necessary now as the cosmic accelerator is now pushed to the  maximum.

    What does this have to do with us, you may ask. I’ll explain beginning with the correspondence of the human bodies and celestial bodies. In this book you will learn all the basics of Interconnectedness and collective consciousness. 

    Let's Dive In 



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