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BANANA CREAM MURDER: A Deliciously Deadly Mystery (2024 Beginner Cookbook)
BANANA CREAM MURDER: A Deliciously Deadly Mystery (2024 Beginner Cookbook)
BANANA CREAM MURDER: A Deliciously Deadly Mystery (2024 Beginner Cookbook)
Ebook46 pages27 minutes

BANANA CREAM MURDER: A Deliciously Deadly Mystery (2024 Beginner Cookbook)

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About this ebook

"Banana Cream Murder" serves up a tantalizing blend of mystery, intrigue, and culinary delights in this delectable whodunit. When a renowned pastry chef is found dead under mysterious circumstances, amateur sleuth and dessert enthusiast Emma finds herself entangled in a web of secrets and suspicion in the quaint town of Sweet Grove.

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Release dateMay 3, 2024
BANANA CREAM MURDER: A Deliciously Deadly Mystery (2024 Beginner Cookbook)


Valentine Greer is a passionate writer and culinary enthusiast. With a knack for crafting engaging mysteries and delectable recipes, Greer's works are perfect for readers who enjoy a mix of suspense and culinary delights.

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    Book preview


    Chapter 1

    Bitsie passed a sample of the newest bakery creation to her sister-in-law, Liz, behind the counter.

    What’s your take? she inquired. I’m thinking a tad more caramel drizzle over the banana cream frosting.

    Liz admired the treat. I’d say it’s flawless. Where did you come up with the idea for banana-infused frosting?

    It hit me a few mornings ago, Bitsie explained. I was up at four AM thanks to Max, and the inspiration just struck.

    Poor Max, the overweight cat, seemed perpetually famished despite his reduced diet of Svelte Kitty Kibble. Bitsie recounted Max’s frequent vet lectures on his weight issues to Liz.

    Maybe Max should wake you up more often, Liz teased. But seriously, the frosting is perfect.

    The cupcakes flew off the shelves, with customers clamoring for more. Anabel, one of the bakers, praised their success before leaving for the night.

    Bitsie inquired about Nick, who was still attending to a last-minute customer. When a late arrival caused a scene, Bitsie intervened.

    I want to see your boss! the irate woman demanded, wagging her finger at Nick.

    Nick tried to calm the situation, lying about Bitsie’s absence. But Bitsie stepped forward, confronting the woman’s accusations of recipe theft.

    I don’t understand, Bitsie said, puzzled. How could I steal a recipe not yet published?

    The woman, revealed as Ingrid Morrison, accused Bitsie of pilfering her banana cream frosting recipe from her upcoming book. Bitsie, confused, denied the allegations.

    As Ingrid departed, threatening revenge, Bitsie turned to Nick for insight into the Morrison twins, known locally as the sweet and sour duo.

    Ingrid is the sour one, Nick explained. They’ve lived side by side on Elm Street for years.

    With Ingrid’s ominous threats looming, Bitsie wondered what retaliation she might face. However, fate intervened the next morning, diverting attention from the brewing feud between the Morrison sisters.

    Chapter 2

    Liz filled Bitsie in on the discovery of Marsha Morrison lying at the base of her basement stairs that morning, mentioning Stan’s belief that she had been dead for some time before being found by the neighbor.

    Did Stan handle the call? Bitsie inquired.

    The two sat in a booth at Bub’s diner, waiting for Bitsie’s brother, Stan,

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