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My Mate From Another World: Fated Luna
My Mate From Another World: Fated Luna
My Mate From Another World: Fated Luna
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My Mate From Another World: Fated Luna

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Adeline Galdur is a 20-year-old alpha's daughter who doesn't believe in a mate bond. She has a boyfriend and plans to get married and mark him. She's smart, strong, and also the pride of her pack, the Nightingale Pack. Kaiser Heroux is the fierce, strong, and powerful alpha of the Blue Moon Pack who enjoys intimate relations with different she-wolves, even as he waits for his mate. During one of his encounters, a witch placed a curse on him, decreeing that he would only find his mate in another world. Initially dismissing it, he continued with his life.

When he encountered Adeline and suddenly disappeared, he remembered the curse the witch had placed on him. However, he chose to ignore it, attributing Adeline's vanishing act to her intentions, which left him infuriated. Despite his feelings for her, he engaged with other she-wolves even more when he felt her infidelity.

Adeline wasn't sure what was happening—being pulled and pushed into Kaiser's world. She couldn't smell him yet, so she remained unaware that he was her mate. Consequently, she continued her relationship with Mike, causing Kaiser's unbearable pain. Although he started getting used to it, he still sensed it whenever Adeline was intimate with her boyfriend.

When the Blue Moon appeared in Adeline's world, she found herself back in Kaiser's realm and finally smelled him. However, the sight of him engaging intimately with another she-wolf sparked her anger.

How will they navigate their interdimensional bond when they have no idea when and how Adeline will come and go from Kaiser's world? What challenges will they face when Kaiser's counterpart in Adeline's world is an adversary she must confront, and when Adeline's counterpart in Kaiser's world is being used to separate them? Why do their paths cross when they hail from two different worlds?

Release dateMay 19, 2024
My Mate From Another World: Fated Luna

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    Book preview

    My Mate From Another World - Lovella Novela

    Chapter 36


    Another week has passed,and it's already a blue moon.Dad told me and Daniel to attend a ball with another pack,and even if I didn't want to because Kaiser had already claimed me and I wouldn't be able to see my mate there,I still needed to come with my brother.I wanted to settle things with Elda,but she refused,so I guess I will have to wait until she calms herself.

    A knock on my door made me go back to my trance.Come in,I said before the door opened,and Daniel came in.

    I thought you were all dressed up since I had been knocking and you didn't answer.He said this as soon as he saw me lying on my bed.I sat up and smiled at him.

    I am not excited for this ball.

    Does that mean that you believe Kaiser about him being your mate?"He asked,teasing me,which made me chuckle.

    Shut up!I replied,and he laughed.

    Come on,I was just saying.

    Stop and don't say anything,I replied and got up to go to my bathroom to start preparing.Oh,I hate parties!I exclaimed and heard him laugh even louder,so I looked back and glared at him,but he just shrugged his shoulders.

    I'll get ready as well,he said before leaving.What is that?He just came here to check if I was coming or not.And what if he'd use me as an alibi for our father so that he wouldn't go as well?

    I started taking a bath and went to my walk-in closet to get dressed.Seriously,Dad never failed to tell us to attend the mating ball,and as you can see,we never found our mates there.I don't know if Daniel will be lucky this time,but I hope he will.

    I chose a long,black evening dress.I didn't want to look too formal since I knew that I wouldn't be able to find my mate there.It has a slit in the middle of my left leg that shows my skin whenever I walk.Its Sabrina neckline exposed my delicate neck and collarbone.If only I was excited to find my mate,I'm sure that he would be too excited to look at the crook of my neck,where he would mark me.But I know that it will hurt Mike as well,and I really hate this mate-bond thing.goddess forgive me,but it's just that.

    Just to make my face look lively,I apply very light makeup and lipstick.Even if I didn't like this kind of party,I also didn't want to appear unprepared.I have my father and brother to protect,who have been very proud of my natural beauty.After I sprayed a small amount of perfume on my wrist and neck,I put on my black stiletto and purse to complete my look.Feeling satisfied after looking at myself in the mirror,I went out of my bedroom and looked for my brother,who was waiting for me in the living room with our father.

    You look gorgeous,sis,he said,grinning.He knew that I didn't like that kind of compliment,so I'm sure that he was only teasing me.

    My beautiful daughter,I hope that you find your mate there already,Dad said,smiling.He looked at me as if I were the most precious thing he possessed,so even if I wanted to tell him that I wouldn't be able to meet my mate at the ball,I just shut my mouth.

    Stop it,you too.You don't need to stress the obvious.I replied instead,and we all laughed.Seriously speaking,I have the best family I could ever want.They are both very supportive,and they believe in me(not in the mate bond thing,though).But still,they are my family,and they love me more than anything in this world.

    We started walking our way out of the pack house and,while waiting for our ride,said,Daniel,make sure you bring your mate with you.I almost burst out laughing;it was a good thing because after that,Dad gave his attention back to me and said,And you too,young lady.That literally made me roll my eyes at him,which made Daniel laugh.Your eyes,Adeline!Dad warned,but I just shrugged my shoulders at him.I knew that he couldn't do anything to me since he loved me so much.

    Let's go,Daniel said and started walking,so I abruptly followed him since I didn't want to hear any more of Dad's reminders.

    In the ball,she-wolves look excited.I guess they were looking forward to finally finding their mates.Everywhere I looked,all I saw were their happy faces.It looks like everyone was looking forward to tonight,Daniel said,and I nodded in agreement.Should I leave you here now?he asked.We are in the female's area,so yes,it was separate from the boys.When the clock strikes 9:00,that's when we will go to a common area,which is the venue of the ball,and meet the boys.

    I guess your mate is not here,I commented because no one was claiming him,nor did he.But I saw in every female's eyes how much they wanted Daniel to become their mate.

    Well,if I am not lucky to find her here,I guess I will still be lucky enough to have a partner in the end.I rolled my eyes at him before he left,laughing.Men are really annoying.Just because women want them,they let themselves be free for them.

    Hi,I'm Chloe.I thought you already found your mate,she said.I raised a brow because it was obvious that she was fishing for information about my brother.

    You'll find yours soon,I replied and left.I didn't want just anyone to become my brother's mate,though I also didn't want to be a hindrance to his happiness.I just hope that his mate is decent enough to become the luna of the pack.They can say that I am picky,but it was my brother that we were talking about.I love him,and I want the best for him.

    The ball has started,and many she-wolves get along really well.Maybe they knew each other before.Since I don't like to socialize,I didn't make any new friends at all.At 9 o'clock sharp,an announcement was heard,and we were called to go to the venue.

    We started to line up,and I decided to go to the end of the line.Since there are almost 50 she-wolves here and it would be boring if I just waited,I called out Elda.'Elda,are you really not going to talk to me?'

    I sighed deeply,and I started to feel annoyed,but I held it in.'Come on,Elda.We're about to meet our mate now.'I added.She was only concerned about our mate,so maybe if I said that,she would start talking to me again.

    'You wish!'she snarled at me.I sigh in relief after hearing her.At least she talked to me,and that's a good start.'I'm still mad at you!'I chuckle internally and let her know that.

    'You are only concerned about your mate;are you not concerned about my feelings?'I asked.'Don't I have the right to be happy?Am I designed to only follow you?'

    'We will be happy with our mate.'she replied,

    'Will it bring the same feeling I felt towards Mike?We will want our mate because the moon goddess made it happen.It's not a natural feeling everyone should experience.'

    'You don't know what you are talking about,'she replied.

    'Fine,if you insist.'Our conversation was interrupted by a continuing claim.'How lucky of them,don't you think?'

    'Look how happy they are;that's what you are trying to deprive yourself of.'Elda said.

    'Yeah,yeah,whatever you say.'

    'I am serious.Adeline!'

    'And so am I!'I exclaimed.

    'You are really annoying.'She said it like a child,so I couldn't help but laugh,especially when she revealed herself to me in my head.She's so cute.

    My attention was caught by a woman yellingmine,but I didn't hear anyone claim her,so I looked around.The girl from earlier named Chloe was still yellingmine,looking in a particular direction,so I followed her line of view.My eyes widened when I saw who she was referring to.Daniel??Why is he not saying anything?Wait,she saw him earlier and didn't say anything,so she is just making this up?Crazy bitch.I wonder what my dear brother will do in this kind of situation.

    He can take care of himself,so I decided to leave the venue and walk around.I have no time to watch their drama.'Dear brother,I'll entertain myself,and you settle your things there.'I mind link him so he won't get worried.

    I went out of the venue and walked on the lighted patio.I noticed a greenery,so I made myself comfortable on one of the benches.The Meadows Pack is known for its good food.I admit that they served the most delicious meal among the packs that I visited with Dad and Daniel.So it's not surprising if they have this greenery in almost every pack member's house.'Make sure not to cause any trouble,dear little sister,'I was startled by my brother's link.

    'Of course.'I replied,and then I heard nothing.I continued contemplating as I leaned back,looked up,and was welcomed by a beautiful moon.I couldn't help but think about Mike and then Kaiser.What am I going to do?

    'Adeline!Our mate is calling us.'Elda said it out of nowhere.

    'What do you mean?I didn't hear anything?'

    'He wanted us!'

    'Where is he?'

    'Let's go to him!I want to see our mate!I want to come back to my mate!'She exclaimed almost hysterically,and that scared me.I got up,and as soon as I did that,I was welcomed by a new environment.I was in a house,and I knew that it wasn't Kaiser's pack house.Wait,what's that smell?

    Then I saw him.He's with a woman who is now holding his face with both her hands as if she's going to kiss him.I couldn't stop Elda from growling,which made them look at us.Then I heard myself yelling Mine!Elda was furious,and it was too late because she already jumped at the woman whose hands were not leaving Kaiser's face.

    Chapter 37


    Shit!I exclaimed when I saw Adeline jump at Keisha,so I had to protect my little sister from her.But that angers her even more—I mean,her wolf.Her eyes turned to gold,and I knew that it was her wolf that overtook her.Adeline!I shouted.I might have woken her up because she stopped suddenly.I sigh in relief when she blinks her eyes,which are now slowly turning back to blue.

    What the hell was that?Keisha asked angrily.

    Stop it,Keish,I replied,with my eyes fixed on my mate.

    And who the hell are you?Adeline asked before looking at me.She chuckled before she continued.You have a lot of women in your life;why can't you just reject me?She asked and growled after.It was her wolf,and I think she didn't like what she said.I saw her roll her eyes after they dilated,so I'm sure that they talked.

    I should be the one who asks you that.This is my house,and how the hell did you get in without us hearing the door open?

    Keish,I'll explain to you.But for now,can you go to your room first?

    Wow!Just wow!You're leaving together?Adeline asked mockingly.

    It's not what you think it is,I explained.

    So what if we live together?My sister asked as well,and I think I started to get a migraine.How the hell did I end up with these two?

    So what?He claimed me as his mate about four months ago,and I was trying to tell him that I didn't want him and he could reject me,yet he didn't want to live here with you.Just what kind of man is he?

    He's a good man!Keisha exclaimed,You can't name any man that is greater than him.

    There's Mike!Adeline exclaimed,and that hurt a lot.Oh,come on,Elda.You know I am telling the truth.She said it suddenly.She must not have realized that she just let us hear her speak to her wolf.

    'So she's Elda.'Kylo said,'She wants us.'he added.

    'Are you sure?'I asked,

    'Wait,I'll talk to her.'


    'Just wait.'He replied,and then he was gone.

    And so what if there's your Mike?One thing I'm sure of is that Kaiser is way better than whoever he is.This little sister of mine will never lose a fight.I shook my head because it didn't seem like she would obey my order to go into her room first and let Adeline and I talk.

    Keish,just leave us alone,for now,I told her again.She looked at me and started walking her way to her bedroom while she stomped her feet.I shook my head because I just realized how patient I had been with her until now.Then I look at my mate.Yeah,another ill-tempered woman in my life.

    Have a seat,I said,pointing at the couch behind her.

    No!she replied abruptly.I massaged my temple to calm myself.I didn't want to anger her either,and that would happen if I talked to her in my angry state.

    You know you're not going to die if you do as I say.Seat so we can talk.

    There's nothing to talk about.

    You know there is.You just found out that I am your mate,and I'm sure that you are fighting with your wolf as well.Please,Adeline.Just sit.She sighed before doing what I said,so I sat opposite her.Goddess,her neck was exposed to me to put my mark,but I can't.

    Why are you dressing like that?I asked curiously.

    This?she asked,holding the side of her dress that causes the slit to open,so I saw her beautiful legs.I went on a date.She said it was like nothing.As if telling me that she doesn't care whether I feel hurt or not.

    Where are we?She roamed her eyes around as if looking for something.

    Our house.In the city.I went here to rest and at the same time help my little sister with the company.

    Little sister?

    Yes,the girl earlier,I answered.

    She's no girl!She's a fully grown woman!she exclaimed.

    She's only 18;she's a girl to me.


    You know what you did to me,right?I asked.I want to know if she did that,knowing it would kill me.I mean,the infidelity.Why is it more painful than the others?Why did I faint?

    What are you talking about?she asked,confused.So she didn't know?

    You know what you did weeks ago.It almost killed me.I answered,making her remember all her intimate activities with Mike.

    It wasn't complete.

    What wasn't complete?

    The marking.What marking is she talking about?Then my eyes widened.I looked at her,shocked,but she bowed her head and couldn't look me in the eye.

    You dare mark Mike!!I exclaimed furiously.I want to break everything in sight.I even want to wring her neck.

    Kaiser!Keisha shouted;she must have felt my anger,so she went out of her bedroom.What did you do?she asked Adeline.

    Get inside,Keisha;you are needed here.She looked at me before she shook her head and went back to her bedroom.

    Because I love him and I didn't want to hurt him,Adeline said suddenly.

    At my expense!You didn't want to hurt him at my fucking expense!I shouted.You knew that I was able to sense everything you did.When you're in pain or you get hurt,I'll feel it.Even whenever you and that Mike of yours fuck!

    What do you want me to do?

    And what are you going to do now that you've found out that I am your mate?I asked angrily.She didn't say anything and just sat there with her head down.I don't know what Kylo is doing now with her wolf,but one thing is for sure:they are not around.I couldn't feel him,and maybe Adeline too,with her wolf.It was just us talking.

    I don't know.There's something in me that still wants to be with Mike,but there's a part in me as well that's stopping me,and I want to mark you the moment I smell you,she replied in a low voice.I leaned back but never left my sight of her.I know that she will be gone again later,so I want to see her more.Be with her more.But what will I do to make her stay?Or what do I need to do when she leaves?She would only want me to forget about Mike.And fuck!I want her so much!

    My eyes were still on her as I got up from my seat and scooped her before going to my bedroom.Ahh!!!What do you think you're doing?she screamed.I know that Keisha will be able to hear us,but I don't care.I want this woman,and I am going to claim her.

    You are mine,Adeline.I am not going to let anyone mark you or let you mark anyone.I said this as I put her down after I closed the door.

    Are you out of your mind?

    Yes!You're making me crazy!You don't know what I've been through because of what you did;I almost died!I shouted back,and she zipped her lips tight.There's nothing she can rebut because she knew that she was wrong.I saw her fidgeting with her fingers,which made me calm down.Even if I wanted her to be submissive to me,I still didn't want her to do something she's not used to.And right now,she looks like a child who had been caught by her parents;the strong and confident she-wolf was gone.

    My hands have a mind of their own that grabs her and pulls her closer to me before I hug her.Oh,I really love her.Then I felt her arms around me,which sent butterflies into my stomach.How are we going to continue this when we don't know when and where I will leave your world,Kaiser?she asked before I heard her sobbing.

    Chapter 38


    Shh..It's fine.I told you we'd get through this together.We are mated because we are meant for each other,and the moon goddess will never let her children suffer and be miserable.I said as I hushed her while gently caressing her back.

    She's always like this,Kaiser.She just does whatever she wants.I already don't like the idea of a mate bond,but still,she did this.She paired me with you,who was in another world.

    No matter what and where you came from,I am still thankful that I have you as my mate.My voice was hoarse,trying not to choke on my own words because I also think the same way.But I chose to believe in the moon goddess.Whatever her plan is,I am willing to compromise just to make Adeline stay with me.

    I felt her looking up,so I looked down and met her gaze.Her eyes were teary before tears fell from her cheeks,so I kissed them away.I saw her close her eyes,so I met her lips with mine and savored the moment when she kissed me back.It was light at first until I deepened it,and then she fought for dominance.I smiled internally because she's back to being herself again.

    No matter what she did that hurt me,I forgot about it.Yes,I was easy.But only with her,because she's my mate.I played her tongue with mine inside her mouth,and I think she liked it after hearing her moan.My hand started to travel on her body,feeling her every inch and curve.She's perfect.I started to be aggressive and was about to tear her dress,but she warned me,

    Don't you dare tear my dress off?I attended a mating ball in my world,and I didn't want to go back without anything to cover my body.

    You attended what?I exclaimed,looking at her with a creased forehead.

    It was my father's order,so I can't say no.I'm with my brother,Daniel,who was also in search of his mate,she replied.I sighed and calmed myself.Just so you know,I didn't want to attend because I know that my mate is not there,she added,which made me smile.At least,deep down,she knew that I was hers.

    Fine,I replied,and I kissed her again.After a while,I pulled down her upper dress a little,just enough to expose her breasts,before sucking on one of her nipples.

    Ahh…Kaiserrr…That feels good.She moaned when I gave her little crown a light bite,teasing her.I wrapped my hand around her waist to support her while the other traveled from her waist down to her thigh.Exactly where the slit was,and give it a little massage as well.

    She raised her leg and wrapped it around mine,which gave me access to her drenching pussycat.I inserted a finger after I slid her panties to the side and heard her gasping.Ahh…She liked it,so I continued what I was doing.Ohh,Kaiser…she moaned.I couldn't help it anymore,so I carried her before putting her down on my bed.

    You look so beautiful,Adeline,I said,roaming my eyes around her beautiful body.She should be a mess with her dress rolled down on the top and pulled up on the bottom,but fuck,she looks desirable instead.

    Fuck me already,Kaiser.She commanded,and who am I not to follow?I am hers,and she's mine.There's no way that she will leave my world tonight without my mark.I don't care if she won't mark me;as long as mine is visible on her beautiful neck,it's fine.

    I kneel before pulling down her panties and oh goddess,she's so wet for me.I dug my face into her pussy and slid my tongue in the middle.Ohh..Kaiser…I heard her moan again,which started to become music to my ears.I would love to hear her moaning,mumbling,or even screaming my name in ecstasy.

    Her pink pussy was so enticing,so I

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