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A to Z of Aliyah: All you wanted to know about aliyah and were afraid to ask
A to Z of Aliyah: All you wanted to know about aliyah and were afraid to ask
A to Z of Aliyah: All you wanted to know about aliyah and were afraid to ask
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A to Z of Aliyah: All you wanted to know about aliyah and were afraid to ask

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A comprensive set of descriptions and explantions of all the topics you are likely to encounter in connection with aliyah, which is the return of descendants of of the biblical patriarch Jacob (a.k.a. Israel) to their homeland, promised to them through Abraham in Genesis, the first book of the Bible.
The topics are arranged in alphabetical order with a new section for each letter.
Release dateMar 14, 2024
A to Z of Aliyah: All you wanted to know about aliyah and were afraid to ask

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    A to Z of Aliyah - Frederick Wright


    An A to Z of Aliyah

    Copyright © 2024 Frederick Wright

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN 978-1-4461-1380-6.

    The right of Frederick Wright to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

    First published 2023

    Revised edition 2024

    Published by Ezra Communications

    No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    By the Same Author


    Words From the Scroll of Fire, An historical analysis of Antisemitism

    The Cross Became a Sword, The Soldiers of Christ and The First Crusade.

    Father, Forgive Us, A Christian Response to the Church's Heritage of Jewish Persecution.

    Within the Pale, The History of the Jewish people in the fSU from 200 BCE to 2004 CE.

    The Dark Legacy of Martin Luther

    Essays ed and cont

    Roots and Branches,

    Israel: His People, His Land, His Story

    Monographs in Bereshis

    Approaching Genesis 2,3 and 4

    The Binding of Isaac

    Historical Theology

    A Three Stranded Cord, God- Land and People

    Approaching Ancient Documents


    To Life - A Memorial for Ginnie White

    Collaboration with Pat Frame

    Banner to the Nations

    For further Reading

    Patricia (Pat) Frame

    Intercession and Aliyah

    Understanding the Return of the Jewish People to Israel (A Bible Study in Eight Lessons)


    To all those who have served, who serve,

    and will serve the Lord in the return

    of His people as prophesied.


        The idea for this book first came about in a meeting in Scotland some years ago when I was sharing about the work Ezra does – from helping people find the documents to prove their Jewish roots to taking them to the airport on their departure day – Fred, also speaking in the meeting, said, Ezra really covers the A-Z of aliyah!  In time the idea has developed more fully and really all you could want to know about aliyah (and more!) can be found in the following pages.  This is a book with a lot of interesting information and background which you can dip in and out of and use as a reference for years to come.

    Fred’s background in theology and in history along with practical experience in various countries gives him an in-depth insight into all aspects of aliyah.  Pat’s practical experience of more than 30 years and her regular contact with Ezra’s teams on the field in all the countries adds the seasoning!  Both Fred and Pat started their journeys into this field in the 1980’s quite independently and both started in intercession. 

    This is the Lord’s work, and we are privileged to be part of this amazing move of His happening in our generation.  What is happening today in the return of the Jews, helped by believing gentiles is clearly written of in the Scriptures and is something that has not ever been seen before.

    PVF 2023


    The following work is entitled an A to Z of Aliyah. The work started some years ago as a suggestion from Pat Frame, that it might be useful to produce a booklet with a page for each letter.  If that was possible, it would be a useful tool to introduce people to the overarching idea of aliyah.  Furthermore, to say that it was far more important than just providing a seat or simply helping Jewish people on their way home to Eretz Israel. 

    Some years later we looked at the notion once again with the idea to expand the content slightly from a page a letter to something a little more comprehensive.

    A couple of years later in the wake of the war in Ukraine it became obvious that not only was the event an emergency and in particular for the Jewish people, but antisemitism was rising on a world-wide scale and a wider understanding of all aspects of aliyah was needed. After once again revisiting the idea, it became a pressing issue that rather than a booklet, something more substantial was needed. 

    It became obvious that ‘A’ stood for Antisemitism and ‘Z’ stood for Zionism, namely, cause and effect.  Although this was not the initial thrust there was a need to provide a wide-ranging view of the matters in an analytic presentation.

    Aliyah is a Hebrew term that means to ascend or ‘go up.’  It is the generally accepted term for the return of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland in fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.  Aliyah is not a new idea, or a coincidence arising from the recreation of the state of Israel in 1948 as a result of Biblical prophecy, prayer and the eternal hope of the Jewish people.

    The Jewish people were called to be God’s representative people in the sensible world.  However, the privilege had elements of conditionality.

    Within the Torah, the texts at Leviticus 26:33, Deuteronomy 4:27, 28:64 and Nehemiah 1:8 all relate that disobedience will bring scattering.  However, it does not say that the land becomes forfeit and, or that the covenant(s) are void. 

    The historical process illustrates that although the Jewish people were scattered to the ends of the earth, they are returning according to the words of the prophets and recent history!

    Historically the inhabitants of the Northern kingdom were deported by the Assyrians in around 722 BCE. The Southern Kingdom of Judea, were subjected to either one or two deportations.  in the years 597 BCE and – or in 587 BCE, the year from which the prophet Ezekiel, who was among the captives, dates his calculations. 

    In fulfilment of prophecy (Jeremiah 25:11) the Southern tribes of Benjamin and Judah, along with some priests and Levites returned after 70 years in exile.  The events are recorded in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah.

    Following their failure to recognise Jesus as Messiah, they were once again dispersed following the fall of Jerusalem in 70 CE and the failure of the Second Revolt in 132-35, this time for almost 2,000 years throughout the whole world, (the Diaspora). God had promised that this dispersion would finally end prior to the return of the Messiah. 

    From the time of the exile there has been a yearning in the Jewish heart to return to their God-given ancient homeland, as echoed in the national anthem, Ha Tikvah

    The great Jewish scholars supported the dream.  The Mishna, a commentary on the Torah that records the oral traditions dating from Pharisaic times (536 BCE – 70 CE) put together in c 220 CE by Judah ha Nasi, rules that:

    All may be compelled to go up (make aliyah) to the Land of Israel but none may be compelled to leave it.

    God predicted that the Gentiles would have a part to play in this great re-gathering of the Jewish people (Isaiah 49:22,23).

    How wonderful it is that we as Christians should be called to play a part in the re-gathering of the Jewish people to their land in the last days.

    Jesus declares that the restoration of the Jewish people to their covenanted homeland is the herald of His coming as related in the powerful statement of the restoration of all things (Acts 3:21).

    When we look at aliyah, it is more than simply a facility for people movement or pushing toward prophetic fulfilment in a driven way.  The Jewish people are people, that is to say flesh and blood human beings and those working with them, praying for them and being involved with them in a variety of ways need to understand their faith, histories and cultures.  A very modest attempt has been made cover such issues.

    As this work goes to press the Hamas- Israel conflict has become a world-wide concern.  Due to the explosive, unprecedented post WW II rise in world-wide antisemitism the demand for Aliyah has risen sharply and it seems there is no future for the Jewish people outside of Israel. It is hoped that the following will be a resource for all matters concerning Aliyah. At the time of writng the Israeli government are expecting the largest amount of Olim in a year since not only the foundation of the state but also the collapse of the former Soviet Union.

    FBW  2023


    Abrahamic Covenant

    The Abrahamic Covenant is of special interest as it is unusually an unconditional covenant. The actual covenantal occasion is found at  Genesis 12:1–3. At Genesis Ch 15  the unconditional nature of the covenant is clearly illustrated in that usually the covenant was dependent upon both parties making, observing and keeping commitments.  In the making of a covenant both parties would pass between the pieces of the sacrificial animals.  In Genesis 15, God alone moves between pieces.

    The text records that Abraham was in a deep sleep. God’s solitary action indicates that God alone binds Himself to the covenant.


    A Hebrew word meaning ‘to go up,’ as in going up to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feasts or ascent to the pulpit in a synagogue to read Torah portions.  The term has also come to mean the act of ‘returning’ or repatriation to the covenanted land of Israel.

    Absorption (Indirect)

    In the early days, on arrival in Israel each Jewish person had to go through a period of ‘absorption’.  They all received an ‘absorption basket’ from the State which gave them some special financial support for the first few months, as well as some basic household items and occupational retraining.

    Absorption (Direct)

    Today direct absorption is the general pattern where new olim start their new lives with or near family members who are established in the Land.


    The honorific title Admor’ is an acronym for Adonainu, Morainu, Ve Rabbeinu - Our Master, Our Teacher, and Our Rabbi

    The title is given to scholarly leaders of a specific Jewish community, but exclusively to Hasidic Rebbes. Lubavitch applied this title to their hereditary leaders and in particular to their founder by applying the definite article, The Admor.

    (The) Amazon

    Jewish people are found all over the world and even in remote places such as the Amazon River and rainforests.

      Many Jewish people fleeing pogroms in both the Romanov Empire and later the Communist Revolution made their way down the Amazon to take advantage of the burgeoning rubber trade. 

    As time went by and particularly following WWII, they found themselves isolated and in the more distant parts of the river. 

    Ezra (in cooperation with the Jewish Agency and with Ministry to Israel) had the privilege of reaching, supporting, and facilitating the aliyah of the Jewish people who had established a presence in Iquitos far down the river where there were no interconnecting roads.  Activities were limited to river transport or via the very small airstrip to avail the needs both for consular visits and departure.


    It is not only Jewish people who return to Israel but also their beloved pets – horses (on early ships), dogs, cats, parrots, rabbits and other animals!  Each pet also has to go through a rather complicated and expensive ‘exit’ process from the fSU. When animals are transported the hold in which they are kept it is humorously referred to as ‘The Ark’ 


    The term is employed to express hatred of the Jewish people throughout history.  Sometimes known as ‘The Longest Hatred,’ it is unique in the fact that it is hatred without cause and illogical by any measure.  Therefore, it must have a spiritual dimension. Antisemitism may be religious, political, racial or simply vulgar prejudice.

    Antisemitism is best described as being anti-God and rebellion against both Him and His revealed Word.  A widely accepted definition that was initially proposed and became accepted in holocaust studies appeared in the below publication;

    The spirit of antisemitism is the spirit of Antichrist.  Fallen rebellious man cannot dethrone God or kill him.  Therefore, they attempt to remove the evidence.  Namely the Jewish people (Father Forgive Us). 

    The great 20 th c Swiss theologian Karl Barth remarked that the continued presence of the Jewish presence despite millennia of their attempted destruction is the only concrete evidence of the existence of God!  (See Words from the Scroll of Fire and Father Forgive Us). The latter follows the current section.

    Libelous accusations against the Jewish people have been generally referred to the teaching of contempt or in today’s parlance, antisemitic tropes.  The tropes have their foundations in the Patristic Period firstly in the accusations of Deicide and abandonment by God starting with Justin Martyr (Dialogue with Trypho the Jew 16).

    However, the following libels below arose in the mediaeval period arising from the antisemitic writing of the Church Fathers (see Words from the Scroll of Fire and Father Forgive Us).


    The Jews killed Jesus, their Messiah, the vehicle of their salvation.  As such they are deicides and intrinsically evil and an enemy of all mankind. In reality it was the Romans who executed Jesus as an insurgent. However, it should be noted that it was in the Divine plan.

    Blood Libels

    The accusation that at Pesach Jews kidnap a Christian Child and either crucify him first and drain his blood to make matzot or simply bleed him to death, often with elaborations to the story. 

    The blood libel dates from Medieval England and spread rapidly, many Jewish communities being put to death on the charge, real or imagined. 

    Although a constant motif from the early 12thc there was a spate  of such accusations during the second half of the 19c in the middle east, including Jerusalem in 1849 and 1870, Constantinople in  1866 a number of cases in Egypt between 1870 and 1892 accusation is still made to the present day. On 8 th Feb 1990 in an outrageous statement Nabilia Shalan of the Syrian Delegation and a member of the UN Human Rights Commission recommended that all member should read the essential and valuable book, [the libelous] The Matzah of Zion, that perpetrates the blood libel, to confirm the racism of Zionism!

    Desecration of the Host

    The accusation that Jewish people stole the Host (communion wafer).  It should be borne in mind that in the Mediaeval period it was believed that when the priest initiated the Communion the wafer became the physical presence or living physical body of Christ (transubstantiation). 

    Jews were accused of stealing the host and urinating on it and other defiling elements but most of all torturing it.  Fantastic stories were told about the host screaming, spurting blood, turning into a child and hosts of butterflies emerging from it.  Such accusations were met with riots, murders and sometimes whole communities being destroyed from it. 

    The notorious Rindfeish riots of 1298 in Rottingen, Franconia were occasioned by such an accusation that led to the death of every Jew in the city followed by attacks throughout Franconia.  The riots and subsequent organised band destroyed 146 communities, with over 20,000 Jews killed.

    Well poisoning

    During the Black Death the Jews were accused of a pan-European plot to poison wells as an offensive against Christians to cause Bubonic plague.  The accusation arose as Jews did not became afflicted in the short-term.

    The reason was that the Jews drank clean running water only and followed personal hygiene at a much higher level.  Therefore, the Jews caught the plague slightly later.  Many Jewish communities were put to death on this charge.

    Profane ceremonies

    The idea that Jews keep statues of Jesus in the synagogues which they take out and whip, urinate upon or defile in other ways.  In Rome during a devastating thunderstorm over St Johns Lateran it was posited this was directly attributed to such a practice. Jews were arrested and sentenced to death on this charge and the storm ceased immediately!

    Pacts with the devil

    The Jews are inleague with the devil and working in concert with him to destroy Christendom.  The Jews practice witchcraft and were considered the most proficient wizards and sorcerers of the day.  In mystery plays and local entertainments Jews were generally presented in this way

    The Wandering Jew

    The legend first appears in the 13c.  A Jew struck Jesus on his Via Doloroso.  The heinous crime condemned him to wander the earth until the second advent of Christ.  The character was presented in the most horrific way, having a large, hooked nose protruding eyes, bandy legged, pincer toes, with a scraggy beard and clad in filthy, ragged attire. 

    He was a figure to be feared as his presence was a harbinger of catastrophes and plagues.  Sightings were reported over the centuries including London in 1818.  The legend persists in eastern Europe.

    Hereditary deformations and illnesses

    As a people cursed by God Jews are afflicted with hemorrhoids, huge, hooked noses pincer toes, tails and horns.  In addition, they were afflicted with a foul odour,

    referred to as odor Judaicus.

    In addition, there was also the notion that Jewish people or in the very least Moses were horned.  The misunderstanding came from Jerome’s translation (the Vulgate) of Exodus 24;9 that relates that when Moses came down from the mountain instead of the skin of his face shone; Jerome rendered the text the horns of his face shone.  By the 14thc horned Jews began to appear in stained glass eg the Cathedral at Auch.  Michelangelo’s horned Moses is a leading example.  Until recently a copy of Michelangelo’s horned Moses was outside the public library in Burnley in the UK.

    Jews were also presented as being suckled by pigs for example the wood carving at the Marian Kirk church associated with Martin Luther in Wittenberg Other artworks throughout Europe show Jews and cavorting with serpents and scorpions.

    Conspiracies for world domination

    There was from the Middle-Ages through to the

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