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Deceived: Lipstick and Lead, #6
Deceived: Lipstick and Lead, #6
Deceived: Lipstick and Lead, #6
Ebook254 pages2 hours

Deceived: Lipstick and Lead, #6

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The bumbling female bounty hunter meets a dime novelist and does he have a story to tell.


Escaping her matchmaking mother, Caroline Mckenzie becomes the bumbling female bounty hunter. Luck protects her from her inept self, until she meets Trent Holmes. Then all bets are off.


Using his past experiences riding with a gang, Trent Holmes is writing dime novels, trying to stay alive. Until Caroline attempts to arrest him for the crimes he's hoping to escape.


With secrets between them, can two misfits come together before their pasts tear them apart?

Release dateMay 15, 2024
Deceived: Lipstick and Lead, #6

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    Deceived - Sylvia McDaniel


    Zenith, Texas

    Caroline McKenzie sat at the dinner table, listening to her mother, Esther, and Levy Mutscher, pig farmer extraordinaire, talk about what made a delicious ham. Picking at her food, the night couldn't end soon enough. Knowing her mother would expect her to walk him out the door and let him kiss her goodnight, a shudder rippled through her at the very idea of his lips on hers and it wasn't pleasure or anticipation she was feeling.

    The farmer glanced at her concerned. Are you cold, Miss Caroline? I'd be happy to bring you your shawl.

    No, no, thank you. I'm fine. Just felt like something crawled up my spine, for a moment.

    Years of living with a smelly man and bearing his children flashed before her eyes. She wanted to marry a man for love, not desperation. She wanted what her cousins had found, true love, not just a merging of assets. And his assets smelled. 

    A frown drew her mother's lips together, obviously not happy that Caroline was not participating in the ham discussion. This was the chosen son-in-law, and Caroline resisted Levy with all her being. 

    While I clean up the dishes, why don't you two take a stroll in the yard? her mother said, beginning to gather the plates from the table.

    Great idea, Levy said. I brought my harmonica, if you'd like to hear me play.

    Joy of joys. Did he think that would help her overlook his dirty fingernails and stinky clothes? Good grief, did her mother not see he'd tracked mud on her rugs? 

    Or was that remnants of hog excrement? Without a mother or sister to freshen his home, Caroline would bet her next trip into town—his house—was nothing more than one big ole pig sty.

    "Maybe I am coming down with something. I'm starting to feel a might poorly. If you don't mind, Levy, could we postpone our walk for another time?"

    His face fell. Without even looking at her mother, she imagined her expression was filled with rage. Caroline cringed inside. Once again, she'd disobeyed, deliberately disappointing her mother. Yet from her perspective, it seemed more like survival. 

    Of course, Caroline. Levy stood and looked about uneasily. I'll be heading home. Let's do this again soon.

    Walking him to the door, her mother patted him on the arm. Levy, I'll invite you over again. After dinner, we could play cards. Let you and Caroline spend some time getting to know each other.

    He glanced at Caroline and she gave him the look women had used through time. The don't even bother smile, certain she didn't want to get acquainted with him. Nothing in her screamed get him to the altar. 

    As soon as he was out the door, her mother turned on her. What do you think you're doing, missy? He's about your last chance at marriage.

    With a flip, she shoved her long ebony hair away from her shoulders. Barely twenty and you consider me ancient.

    What was the rush? Especially with someone she wasn’t interested in. Was it wrong to want to spend the rest of her life with a man she loved and adored, rather than just settle?

    Caroline, I'm serious. You need to marry that man. He's nice, he's decent, and I'm not going to be around to support you for many more years. It's time you found a husband. Next week, he'll offer for your hand and we will declare your engagement soon afterwards.

    Taking a deep breath, Caroline stared at her mother, anger rushing through her like a flash flood. Momma, you're not making this decision for me. No one chooses the man I'll marry but me, and my choice won't be Levy Mutscher.

    A grimace crossed her mother's face, one she hadn't seen since childhood as she placed her hands on her hips. I've given you plenty of time, and you're not even interested in looking at a man. Next week, you're engaged.

    That's not true. Every time I go to town, I stand on the street corner and stare at the men, wondering if that one's available. 

    Not really, but the words were sure to irritate her mother. No single, or for that matter married, man in Zenith appealed to her. The thought of some unknown man's hands touching her intimately left her reeling with distaste. 

    No, you've been spending time with Ruby, learning how to shoot, instead of being educated on how to be a proper wife.

    That was the problem. All three of her cousins learned to take care of themselves before they wed and her mother believed they were brash, young women - not the ladies she wanted her only daughter to mimic. 

    No, I don't want to be dependent on a man.

    Well, miss, no need to search any further. Levy Mutscher is a fine man who would love for you to be his wife.

    Shaking her head no, shock spun through Caroline at how far her mother had gone without her knowledge to find her a husband. No, Mother. Don't plan the wedding just yet.

    With flashing eyes, her mother released all the anger she'd been holding. Then you have until next week to locate someone better.

    Turning on her heel, Caroline walked to her bedroom. No, she wouldn't be here when her mother announced her betrothal. In fact, she wouldn't be here in the morning.

    Since Ruby and Deke's return, Caroline had practiced shooting her revolver every day for the last month. Like a young filly, the tightening sensation of the wedding noose around her throat let her know she wasn't ready for marriage. 

    And she would never be willing to wed poor Levy. No matter how much her mother pressured her, the farmer would never be the man for her. 

    The time had come for her to go out on her own. Ruby had trained her--she knew how to fire a weapon, she knew how to ride, she knew how to scout for criminals. Now it was her turn to go hunting as a bounty hunter.

    Anything to avoid being forced to say I do


    In Castle Gap, Texas, a three-day ride from Zenith, Caroline stood in front of the saloon. Taking a deep breath, she tried to stop her hands from shaking. She'd pulled her hair up in a bun and slammed a hat on top trying to make herself appear bigger and taller and meaner than a snake. 

    The feelings inside were still plain ole Caroline, not the warrior princess she wanted to become.

    Lifting her chin, she pulled her shoulders back and pushed through the swinging doors of the all-men’s establishment. 

    This was her destiny and she was the goddess Nemesis here to deliver retribution and punishment. Inside, part of her was laughing while the stronger part ignored the hateful old woman who lived inside her brain refusing to be quiet.

    Here to claim her first bounty. Her first victim. Her first criminal sat playing cards and she had every intention of taking him in and collecting the reward. 

    Walking up to him, his back to her, she yanked her gun out of her holster. In her deepest, most demanding voice, she called his name. Frank Colten, you're under arrest.

    The man turned to face her, his green eyes dancing with merriment. Sorry, sweetheart, you have the wrong person. What happened? Did he promise you a ring and then leave you in the family way?

    The men at the table found his comments humorous and gave loud guffaws at the wanted comedian. 

    Heat flamed her cheeks with embarrassment. Of all the cockamamie, lying stunts.

    No, she demanded as she lifted her wanted poster. This is your face on this billboard. For a bank robbery in Amarillo. I'm here to collect the reward.

    They kept on playing cards like this was an everyday occurrence. 

    Did you hear that, boys, Trent's been hiding money from us. We should go to his house for our poker games.

    Weren't they afraid of her? These men acted like she was no big deal. With a click, she pulled the hammer back on her Colt 45. Ready to convince him to go with her or suffer the consequences. 

    Steady with that pistol, he warned. Don't want to get nicked by your itchy trigger finger.

    If he only knew how her fingers trembled, he would be afraid. Very afraid.

    Gentlemen, you've had your hands in my pockets quite deep tonight. This lady is arresting me for a bank robbery, which saves me from your highway robbery.

    Really? Her prey would let her take him to the sheriff? This was easy. Too easy. Could he be trying to fool her?

    Rising from the table, he flicked the cards that were in his hands. Keep the rest boys.

    Aw, come on. You didn't rob no bank. Show her to the door, one of the men said. 

    No, she said in her loudest voice as she stomped her foot. Be strong and courageous and don't let anyone push you around, Ruby's voice echoed in her ears. He's coming with me to the jail.

    Music continued to play in the saloon as the whores strolled through the bar, offering their wares. Caroline stood, watching this tall man standing, staring at her. 

    If I agree to go to the sheriff's office with you, would you please put that gun away?

    Can't, she said, her voice once again at afternoon tea level. You're a dangerous man.

    Throwing back his head, he chuckled. Honey, you are making this evening so interesting. Saving me from losing more money. Intriguing me that a woman is arresting me. If this is how you earn a living, you must be damn near starving. 

    His friends laughed with glee. Unfortunately, it had been a while since she'd eaten a good meal.

    Darn, did she look that hungry? Maybe leaving in the middle of the night hadn't been her wisest decision. But she had to slip away before her mother married her off to that stinking pig farmer. 

    Shut up, or I'll be coming for you next, she told the men at the table. A couple of them frowned. Sticking her hand out she gave her prisoner a little shove trying to show her toughness. Let's go.

    Just then her finger slipped on the trigger and the gun roared with the flash of fire. Men ducked for cover as the bullet slammed into a table not far away.

    What the hell? the man sitting there said, rising, his face whitening with fear and anger. You almost shot me.

    Sorry, she called. 

    Get her out of here, the bartender shouted.

    The outlaw took her by the arm. I think we better leave before you get us both thrown into the street.

    She glanced up at him as he took her hand with the gun and removed the weapon. With gentleness, he slid the Colt back in the holster around her waist as she stared up at him in shock. 

    You're going to jail, she said in the strongest voice she could muster. He was her first bounty alone and she needed that infusion of cash in the worst way. That or be forced to marry a man she didn't want.

    Fine. Before you kill someone, why don't you take me into custody in the street, not here in this crowded saloon.

    Gripping her arm, he hauled her through the crowd to the clean, crisp air outside. Once they were out of the saloon, she pulled away from him. 

    Let's go to the sheriff's office, so I can collect my reward.

    When he grinned, a dimple appeared in his cheeks as he smiled at her. It's a block from here. Aren't you afraid I'm going to run away?

    Yes, but you promised you would go with me. Why?

    Because I'm not who you're looking for and the sheriff will vouch for me.

    What if she was wrong? No, this was the same face on the billiard.

    Do you have a twin brother?

    What if she had made a mistake? All afternoon, she sat across the street watching who went into the bar when Frank walked up, she knew she'd found her outlaw. Frank Colten, a member of the Jones Boys gang. Wanted for bank robbery.

    Not that I know of. Besides, my name is Trent Holmes, he said, sticking out his hand like they would become friends. 

    Caroline McKenzie, she replied, feeling awkward. How did you respond when the man you were trying to arrest acted like it was no big deal?

    So why would a woman come after this criminal? he asked, pointing to the wanted poster.

    Why not? Beats marriage to a pig farmer.

    He busted out laughing. Definitely. So, I gather you're not into swine.

    Right now, she just wasn't into marriage. Why would any woman tie herself permanently to a man, bear his children, cook and clean for him unless she loved him? Unless he was her best friend. Was it wrong to want to care about the man she committed herself to? But Frank didn't know her problems. He was about to have a few of his own.

    Only swine who think they're above the law. This job is far better than any other occupation offered to women at this time.

    So, are you some kind of avenger of justice? What are you?

    A bounty hunter, she said with more confidence than she felt. Why, when she said the words did they sound so hollow, so plain. If she didn't succeed at this, it would be one more thing for her mother to condemn her for and insist that her weak daughter marry the man she'd chosen.

    A grin expanded across his beautiful, rugged face and a warm trickle of awareness spread through her. Oh no, she could not be attracted to the very man, a criminal, she was about to put behind bars. 

    Hurrying up the steps he opened the door for her. After you, Miss McKenzie. And I hope you're not too terribly disappointed to learn I'm not the man you're after.

    She needed to win at something, anything and if he wasn't her criminal she could be in trouble.

    Then you have a twin walking around in this world, because you're the man on the poster.


    Trent couldn't stop grinning at the woman. A jittery, determined sassy little piece that had intrigued him from the moment he laid eyes on her. 

    What she didn't know was she'd just saved him from a really bad game of cards, and yes, the poster was a piss poor representation of him. One so bad, he hoped he could convince the lawman the picture didn't resemble him. 

    For the last two years, he'd lived in this little hole-in-the-wall town and everyone knew him by his real name, not his gun fighting name. 

    Good evening, Sheriff, he said, startling the man from a nap. 


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