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Love Overflow
Love Overflow
Love Overflow
Ebook79 pages1 hour

Love Overflow

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About this ebook

The purpose of this book is to encourage the reader to be more generous and embed giving in their everyday life as encouraged by Scripture. Giving falls into three main categories: tithing (mandatory % to your local church), offering (at your discretion) and charity (giving to our neighbours in need). These are explained in more detail in this book. Through the author's spiritual growth, she felt convicted to do more in the giving ministry. Through giving, God uses us to answer people's prayers. God works through us to extend and glorify His Kingdom.

Release dateMay 21, 2024
Love Overflow

Racheal Kiconco

Racheal Kiconco is a born agaain christian who is passionate about charity and uses books and other means to inspire other christians to give for the extension of God's kingdom.

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    Book preview

    Love Overflow - Racheal Kiconco


    I dedicate this book to:

    My husband, Jimmy Delyon

    my children, Valerie Delyon and Gianna Delyon.

    I am grateful for their unwavering support.

    I also dedicate this book to my parents and siblings for their example and inspiration to answer the call to the charity ministry.

    ALL glory and honour be to God.

    Table of Contents



    Chapter One: Giving Defined

    Chapter Two: Misconceptions About Giving

    Chapter Three: Influenced to Give

    Chapter Four: Ways to Give

    Chapter Five: Biblical Reasons for Giving

    Chapter Six: Giving as Thanksgiving to God

    Chapter Seven: Giving as an Element of True Spiritual Growth

    Chapter Eight: Jesus’ Instructions on Giving

    Chapter Nine: The Impact of Giving


    I am a born-again Christian, who is passionate about charity – helping those in need whether financially or otherwise.  I have experienced the joy and blessings that come from giving. I have been convicted to write this book to encourage Christians to give as recommended in the scriptures. Long term, I want to be remembered as an advocate for charity and to show Christians that we are God's vessels and should live as such.  As Christians, it's not enough to pray, fast and preach; we must help each other practically.

    I realised that I never really took giving to God or others seriously.  I tithed occasionally and put in just a little in the offering basket as a courtesy whenever I went to church. In my opinion, most Christians, at least those around me, prayed and preached but slacked when it came to tithing and giving.  I never really understood how the churches I went to helped those around us so I never felt compelled to give more than the usual offering.

    The churches I went to usually urged people to give towards building funds, but other charity programs were rarely focused on or brought to the attention of the congregation. I, therefore, thought the church did not need our effort in that field. Giving felt like a Sunday-only thing, just another routine part of the church service. Outside of church, I would occasionally give a few coins to the beggar on the street. It never occurred to me that as a Christian I did not need to give only through church programs. The church had done its part, which is spiritual impartation and encouragement to love my neighbour. Later, I realised that it was up to me as a Christian to live and practise what was preached. One of the best ways to do it is through giving.

    To be honest, I never in my life thought I would write a book. I read a lot of books but I didn't think I could write one. I started thinking about and eventually started to write this book as a calling to spread the gospel of charity and generosity. After discovering that my calling in God's kingdom is charity and giving, I felt compelled to share my knowledge and my experience to show Christians how charity is a core part of Christianity and is important in spreading the gospel to the ends of the world as we are commissioned to. In this book, I talk about and discuss the meaning of charity and what the scriptures have to say about it.

    As I grew in my calling in the giving ministry, I learnt a lot and got curious about what the Bible says concerning the topic. I also did a self-assessment of my giving and realised that like most Christians, I only gave when I had excess or when convicted during the Lent season and Christmas.

    The full realisation of my calling was when I started to grow closer to God as a Christian. I can't put a finger on the exact time but around mid-2021, I went through a tough personal experience that forced me to ask tough questions about my existence and life as a whole. As I searched for answers, I came across the famous book, The Purpose Driven Life. By reading and doing the exercises in the book, I discovered that indeed giving was my calling and that I needed to do more of it on a long-term or frequent basis. The book talks about how the ministry you are called for is usually something you already do effortlessly. You are passionate about it and it brings joy to your heart.

    As I did more giving, I felt the conviction to write about my experience and encourage Christians to do more. As I did my research for writing this book, I discovered and learnt some wonderful truths about tithing and giving from books like Straight Forward Financial Growth by Moses Mukisa, a Ugandan minister and The Blessed Life by Robert Morris, an American minister, which are explained in the latter chapters of this book.

    The purpose of this book is to encourage the reader to be more generous and embed giving in their everyday life as encouraged by Scripture. Giving falls into three main categories: tithing (mandatory 10% of your income to your local church), offering (at your discretion) and charity (giving to

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