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A Fair(l)y Unexpected Adventure
A Fair(l)y Unexpected Adventure
A Fair(l)y Unexpected Adventure
Ebook71 pages58 minutes

A Fair(l)y Unexpected Adventure

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Could fairies be forced into a life of crime!


Well, that is exactly what happened to Norberto and Lorenzo, two fairies from Boston's most Italian neighborhood, the North End. Unwittingly captured and imprisoned in an iron cage, the fairies (not elves!) are helpless to escape. For years, thieves Arlo and Felix exploit their magical hostages to conduct a string of burglaries. All seems hopeless, until a fateful dinner turns into a weekend of adventure.


Lucy and Niels are cousins who, along with their Aunt Margot and Nana Kennie, attempt to save the fairies. In doing so, they find themselves involved with some shady criminals and a decades-old museum robbery. With the help of Lucy's brothers, Leo and Matt, and the local chief of police, the good guys might just come out on top!

Release dateApr 30, 2024
A Fair(l)y Unexpected Adventure

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    A Fair(l)y Unexpected Adventure - Lynne Widdison

    A Fair(L)y

    Unexpected Adventure

    Lynne Widdison

    Copyright ©️ 2024 by Lynne Widdison

    All rights are reserved, and no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any manner, whether through photocopying, recording, or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the explicit prior written permission of the publisher. This restriction applies to any form or means of reproduction or distribution.

    Exceptions to this rule include brief quotations that may be incorporated into critical reviews, as well as certain other noncommercial uses that are allowed by copyright law. Any such usage must adhere to the specified conditions and permissions outlined by the copyright holder.

    Book Design by HMDPUBLISHING

    Cover Art by Derek Larson


    Fun On The Ferry

    Dinner And A Robbery

    An Unexpected Dessert

    A Trip To The Station

    Going For A Drive

    Introductions Are In Order

    Brothers To The Rescue

    The Thieves Have A Plan

    The Fairies Fight Back

    A Turn Of Events

    All’s Well

    Chapter One

    Fun On The Ferry

    There was a flurry of activity in the Fiore household this Friday afternoon. Lucy Fiore’s parents were packing their bags to spend the weekend in Providence, Rhode Island with her aunt and uncle from Forida. Lucy was the youngest of the Fiore’s three children. She was in middle school, while her two older brothers, Leo and Matteo (who went by Matt), were now in high school.

    You need to be home by Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Fiore had made the boys promise. Their younger cousin Niels was coming up, with his parents, and would be crushed if he didn’t get to spend some time with his big cousins. In the meantime, Niels and Lucy, would get to hang out together. The two had a lot to talk about since they were in the same grade. Lucy liked the fact that Niels didn’t tease her all the time like her big brothers did.

    Leo and Matt were spending the night at a friend’s house. However, Lucy and Niels, would be staying with Lucy’s grandmother who lived with the Fiores. Her name was Kennedy, although everyone called her Kennie. Everyone, that is, except for her grandchildren who called her Nana. She was a young grandmother, not only in age, but young at heart. She loved nothing more than to come up with fun things to do with her grandchildren.

    It was this fun-loving side of Kennie that gave her the idea to take the fateful ferry ride into Boston and have dinner in the North End. Boston was not far from their cozy home in Norwell, MA, but life was busy, and they did not go into the city very often. However, had Kennie known the string of events this trip would trigger, she would probably have stayed home in bed, with the blankets pulled up over her head!

    As it was, Kennie, Lucy and Niels would be meeting Kennie’s sister-in-law, Margot, in Hull, MA, then they would all take the ferry from Hull to the North End of Boston for dinner. Kennie and Margot were more like sisters than sisters-in-law, having grown close over the many years they knew each other. Margot was a commanding, intelligent, vital woman who got the most out of every minute she was with other people.

    After dinner the group of four would take the ferry back and stay overnight at Margot’s house in Hull. The adults thought this best because it would be late by then, and Kennie didn’t want to drive in the dark.

    Listen to Nana, and if she asks you to do something don’t procrastinate, Mr. Fiore said gently but firmly to Lucy. He knew his daughter would be good for her Nana, but Lucy was easily distracted.

    Of course, Dad! Lucy responded while racing past him to find her backpack. The young woman brought this bag with her everywhere. Mr. Fiore sighed, then went to see if Mrs. Fiore was ready to go. Giving their three kids a hug, Mr. and Mrs. Fiore left for their weekend vacation. Kennie took Lucy to pick up Niels, who was at the Train station with his parents, and then the three were off to Hull.

    Kennie enjoyed hearing the two cousins gabbing away in the car on the ride to Margot’s house. Normally a chatterbox herself, Kennie felt content listening to the tales of horrific homework assignments, favorite teachers, and after school activities. Before they knew it the trio had pulled up in front of the stately colonial that was Margot’s home. Kennie loved to take a moment and appreciate this gorgeous building that was firmly planted right next to the Atlantic Ocean. Because it had been built in the late 1800’s, there were dumbwaiters, secret closets, and hidden staircases which servants used to pass hidden from the many party goers who visited. Though Margot, herself, did not have extravagant parties as often as she used

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