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Breaking Loop - 1: The Living Curse
Breaking Loop - 1: The Living Curse
Breaking Loop - 1: The Living Curse
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Breaking Loop - 1: The Living Curse

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Child's mind, a fickle mind; just imagine if that mind gains godly power of wiping out living beings from the planet, how do you think that child's mind will act? It all depends on the child's upbringing and how he was treated. Who will fight against it? Who can cure

Release dateMay 21, 2024
Breaking Loop - 1: The Living Curse

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    Book preview

    Breaking Loop - 1 - Master Ivayaan

    Chapter 1

    Age-Old Story

    Year 1996, Barbadosa's colony in North Africa. A house was on fire. Cries of a child, screams of adults and the laughter of thugs flooded the air. Heavy rain with lightning and thunderstorm subdued the plaintive cries. Some houses nearby switched off their lights in fear. The roads were blocked due to the heavy rain, hampering even the police, fire brigade, and the ambulance. Five persons came running out of the burning house.

    One of them, a woman, was carrying a large bag full of papers and some books and when they heard the police sirens nearing she threw them into the house. She looked sad as she saw the books burning. Tears rolled down her cheeks but she did not have much time to mourn as her comrades pulled her to escape. The fire brigade controlled the fire and doctors ran in to check the survivors. The police had caught two of the five thugs, the other three had escaped.

    Everyone in the house was burned to death. One of the doctors picked up a book that was still in one piece. He flipped through the pages. The cover page was charred making it hard to read the title, but the fire had etched a complete new story in the book. A story of pain and torture, a story that healed and killed, the story of a family.

    Chapter 2

    Another One

    Year 2007. Lihamantos colony, the nearest to Barbadosa. Recently many deaths had occurred in Barbadosa due to natural causes but the mystery was that such death had increased in the last five years. Due to the colony being on the outskirts of the city, there were not many hospitals or doctors. Dr. Revman Muller was considered one of the best doctors and he had declared that cardiac arrests and brain strokes were becoming common. He had suggested home remedies for preventing or decreasing the risk of the strokes but the deaths did not decrease.

    Dr. Revman Muller had a two-storey building and is married to Evelyn Ermish. They had a seven-year-old child named Aiden Muller. Revman came home tired late at night. This had been the regular schedule for the last two years. He hardly got four hours of sleep. That day, being extremely tired, he dreamt of caves with stories inscribed on the walls with fire, as he advanced forward to check out the inscriptions, he saw a burning child came running towards him.

    He woke up with a jolt, sweating profusely, he increased the fan speed. Weird dreams had been regular part of his life recently. Aiden was also feeling restless that night and came to Revman with a book. The father became nostalgic remembering something about the book but before he could recall it completely his son interrupted his thoughts and told him to read out the story to him. Revman was tired but his son’s pleading was irresistible as he was very attached to him.

    So he started reading out. Half sleepy himself, he went on reading mechanically but suddenly something struck him and realised the reason behind the deaths. He stopped reading as he thought it was inappropriate for the child to hear any further; however, the child was already asleep. He covered Aiden with a blanket, and thought of getting some sleep before testing his theory at his clinic.

    He fell asleep. First, he locked the book in a safe place where Aiden could not reach it. Then he went to his clinic. Before he could test his theory, a patient came running with chest pain. Fearing cardiac arrest, he was in panic. The doctor checked him and told him it was only acidity and prescribed some medicines.

    After the patient went away, Revman thought of having a short nap as he did not get any proper sleep at night, and he thought he had completed the first step of finding a theory; to prove it, it could be done after a short nap. But the short nap went on to three hours and when the next patient entered and tried to wake him up but realised that Dr. Revman was not breathing. He shouted and panicked.

    The receptionist after knowing the situation called for Dr. Mason, who was near Revman’s clinic. Mason declared he had suffered a brain stroke and is dead. The news was a shock not only for Revman's wife but to the whole of Lihamantos and Barbadosa as he was one of the best doctors in the nation and believed to be only one who could solve the mystery of the wave of deaths.

    Aiden was not informed of his father's death; being a child they were not sure if he could bear the grief. It was believed that Dr. Revman was trying to find the cure for the deaths by natural causes that had been raging for the last five years. Evelyn could not stop crying and Aiden tried to console her, thinking that mother must be crying due to physical separation of father he told her, Don’t cry mom, dad will return after completion of work. Seeing her son's innocence, she just hugged him but the tears did not stop.

    Aiden studied in Burighton Classical School. The next day, he told his friends that his dad had gone to faraway lands to find a cure for the mysterious deaths. His friends were excited and wanted to know more. Aiden told them the story he had heard from his father the other night. There lived a doctor who had very strict parents and they wanted him to earn surplus amount of money because they wanted him to avenge their past, but the doctor under so much pressure couldn’t do so and killed them. and said that was all he knew.

    He told his friends he had fallen asleep while his father was reading out to him, so he couldn’t hear the rest of the story, but he was sure that the rest of the story mentioned the doctor’s parents past. As soon as he reached home, he started searching for the book but could not find it. He asked his mother, but still in a traumatic stage she did not understand which book he was talking about and told him she knows nothing about the book. Aiden was disappointed and tried to make up his own story about his father's research. So when the next day he reached school he told a made up story to his friends.

    Chapter 3


    Leaving his friends behind, Aiden had to shift to another place with his mother as she did not want to lose her son and feared that he too would become a victim of the natural calamity that was gobbling up the place. They moved to Sivara colony, far from Lihamantos. Aiden was not happy at first, it was common for any child to feel depressed to leave the place where he was born and to leave behind those friends, but soon he adjusted himself there and made a lot of friends.

    He was happy there but he missed his old friends and more than that he missed his father the most and was really desperate to meet him. Sometimes his mother would call Dr. Mason and let him talk to Aiden as his father so that Aiden would be satisfied. Nine years passed; even Dr. Mason stopped picking up calls. Aiden started missing his father more and more as now he didn’t even get to talk with him over calls and his mother had to come up with new excuses every day.

    She was tired of the lies but had no other way to keep him happy and distracted. She feared that after knowing the truth Aiden might go to Barbadosa to solve the mystery behind his dad’s death and, in this process, she might also lose her son. Years passed by, and Aiden was still unaware of his father's death and went on studying and became an excellent student as he wanted to surpass his father in intelligence and surprise him when he will return.

    One day he returned from class with two of his friends, Reinese and Suhasha. Aiden did a part-time job as an editor, and he had an important book to complete that day so he had to leave but promised to return as soon as he completed his work. His mother, who worked as a teacher at a school, had already taken that day's leave, so Aiden left and Reinese, Suhasha, and Evelyn started chatting. They chatted till late at night and waited for Aiden, but It was already 9 p.m. and Aiden had still not returned so Evelyn was tensed and called him.

    At that very moment someone knocked the door and Suhasha opened the door to see Aiden at the door and he apologised for not returning earlier. Reinese and Suhasha told him not to worry as they had a great time talking to his mother and also got the topic for their research works. Aiden, Reinese, and Suhasha had planned to study together for the exams so Aiden told his mother that he with his friends will be staying at the study house of Reinese, a special house or a large room built by his parents for Reinese to study peacefully.

    Reinese and Suhasha thanked Aiden’s mother for her hospitality and the three of them left for the study house. From the next day, exams were to begin. The three of them started studying. They studied for four hours and then took a break, Aiden tried to call his father on the number his mother had given him. This has become a regular routine with him; calling his father, not getting a reply, getting a little depressed, and then going to sleep, but that night he also called his mother as in many years this was the first time

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