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Four Fathers
Four Fathers
Four Fathers
Ebook347 pages3 hours

Four Fathers

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This book represents the rols of a father in a child's life. The family misunderstanding that could arise and how a child and a father sort them out.

Release dateMay 21, 2024
Four Fathers

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    Four Fathers - Saunak Mitra

    Jab Main Chota Baccha Tha

    – 01 –

    On a nippy November morning, the football field echoed with the cheers of friends engaged in a spirited soccer match. Milind, 31 years old, usually a force on the field, found his team trailing by two goals. Uncharacteristically, he decided to call it quits for the day.

    Alright, guys, time to leave, Milind announced as he gathered his belongings to head home.

    But Satvik wasn’t ready to give up the advantage. For some inexplicable reason, he was outshining Milind today. C’mon, man, hang around until I’m two goals ahead, will you? Satvik pleaded. You can leave after that.

    Milind dismissed Satvik’s request with a scoff, pushing his sweat-soaked hair back into place. There's a week's worth of goals you’d have to score to get ahead of me, he retorted.

    That's what I plan to do, if you stop being a sore loser and continue the game, Satvik fired back.

    Let him go, Satvik, Rohan intervened, sarcasm evident in his tone. He knew Milind's circumstances all too well. He has other, more important people in his life now.

    Milind shot Rohan a disapproving glare, unimpressed by the underhanded comment.

    Is that so? Someone's getting some action, Satvik teased, a sly grin on his lips. He kicked the ball to Milind, hoping to entice him into another round of competition, but Milind caught it, signalling his reluctance to play.

    Why didn’t you tell us? Satvik asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

    Don’t believe everything Rohan says, Milind countered, pointing an accusatory finger at his friend.

    The only thing left to do is getting married, Rohan remarked, signaling for Milind to pass him the ball. For Milind, he clarified. She's already married.

    The revelation was uncomfortable, casting an awkward shadow over the group. Infuriated, Milind approached Rohan, his face displaying displeasure. Stop it, Rohan, he warned, leaning in and grabbing Rohan with menacing intensity.

    Why don’t you stop it? Rohan reacted, shrugging off Milind's grip. You’re playing with fire.

    The tension on the field was palpable as the friends grappled with unspoken emotions and the complexities of their relationships.

    – 02 –

    Milind purposefully rushed down the busy road, the engine of his scooter revving beneath him. His heart raced, not just from the anticipation of what lay ahead, but also from the incessant stream of words pouring into his ear. It was Rohan, his well-intentioned friend, whose anxious rambling seemed to be practically tugging along.

    Dude, think about this for a second, Rohan's voice was a persistent murmur. She's like, what, six years older than you? And there's that kid of hers who's not exactly thrilled about meeting you.

    Milind's fingers twitched on the accelerator as he fought the urge to roll his eyes. Rohan's overprotective instincts were well-meant, but Milind needed to see this through.

    That's not all, Rohan continued, his gestures punctuating every point he made. Her dad's some high-flying lawyer in the High Court, and her husband? Yeah, he's swimming in money. And then there's you – the struggling writer. Rohan's hands spread wide as if to emphasize the gap between their worlds.

    Milind's jaw tightened, his grip on the scooter growing firmer. He was well aware of the differences, the chasm that seemed to separate him from Shreya's life. But there was an invisible thread that bound them, something beyond reason that had drawn them together.

    Rohan, I get it, Milind interrupted, briefly tearing his gaze away from the path ahead. The flicker of headlights caught his eye, and he swerved the scooter just in time to narrowly avoid a collision. The rush of adrenaline surged through his veins, but he quickly righted himself, heart pounding.

    Ignoring the close call, he pressed on. You have to understand, this wasn’t planned. None of it was. We just… connected, you know? It's like there's a force that pulled us together, and we want to see where it leads.

    Easy, man! Rohan's voice cracked with urgency, and Milind could almost see his friend's hand extended towards him, ready to yank the brakes. You’re not invincible on that thing.

    Milind's grip on the handlebars tightened again as he shook his head slightly. I can’t slow down, Rohan, he confessed, his voice tinged with desperation. Time's not on our side. Her husband is leaving for the US soon, and Shreya's made it clear – she’ll only consider us if her son approves.

    With the force of his will, Milind brought the scooter to an abrupt halt, the tires screeching against the pavement. He glanced around, his surroundings suddenly coming into focus – they had reached their destination.

    – 03 –

    Milind rushed around his room, stuffing things into his backpack as if time was slipping through his fingers. Amidst the whirlwind of packing, a pair of boxers dangled from his hand, and he raised an eyebrow, shooting a questioning glance at Rohan. Hey, these boxers – yours or mine?

    Rohan leaned against the doorway, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. Think of it as a farewell gift, he quipped, pulling Milind into a warm, tight hug.

    Milind chuckled, a touch of sentiment in his eyes. Well, it's going to remind me of you, he replied, a hint of mock seriousness in his tone.

    Rohan laughed heartily, giving Milind a playful nudge. No chance of forgetting me, mate. I’ll make sure to call you right on rent day.

    Milind's phone buzzed, stealing his attention. He answered the call, a smile forming as he chatted with the person on the other end. Yeah, not exactly bubbling with excitement, he said into the phone, his voice light and playful.

    After a quick exchange, Milind hung up and turned to Rohan. That was Shreya, he explained, a grin spreading across his face.

    Rohan raised an eyebrow, a knowing look in his eyes. Sounds like things are heating up.

    Milind shrugged, a mixture of uncertainty and anticipation in his expression. We’ll see.

    Rohan clapped him on the back, a reassuring gesture. Don’t worry, mate. You’ve got this. Now let's get your stuff downstairs.

    Together, they made their way downstairs. Milind's backpack was loaded into the waiting cab, and Rohan pulled him into a final bear hug. Take care of yourself out there, Rohan said, his voice tinged with genuine concern.

    Milind nodded with a lump in his throat as he looked at his friend. You too. And find a new flat mate, someone less… romantically complicated.

    Rohan laughed, a twinkle in his eye. Will do. Now go on, your adventure awaits.

    With a final wave, Milind climbed into the cab. He watched as Rohan's figure grew smaller in the rearview mirror, a mix of emotions bubbling within him. As the cab pulled away, he knew he was embarking on a new chapter, uncertain but full of possibility.

    – 04 –

    As the cab navigated the bustling streets of Mumbai, Milind's gaze was fixed on the cityscape that unfolded outside his window. The symphony of honking horns, weaving vehicles, and throngs of people mirrored the whirlwind of emotions churning within him. Eventually, the cab came to a halt in front of an imposing villa, its grandeur had a stark contrast to the chaotic streets.

    Clutching his luggage tightly, Milind took a deep breath before pressing the doorbell. He waited with bated breath as the seconds ticked by, his anticipation growing with each passing moment. The door creaked open, revealing a young boy standing before him, a gaming remote in hand.

    Milind shifted the carton in his grasp to get a clear view and smiled warmly. Hey there, I’m Milind, he introduced himself, his voice friendly. We met at your mom's office. I’m…

    Before he could finish, the boy turned and disappeared back into the house. Milind stood at the threshold, a mix of surprise and confusion on his face. Just as he was about to take a step forward, the boy's voice reached him again, prompting Milind to pause. Do you like bees?

    Milind blinked, his confusion evident. Uh, not really, he replied, somewhat taken aback.

    Then come inside and close the door behind you, the boy countered matter-of-factly.

    A smile tugged at the corners of Milind's lips as he followed the boy's instructions, closing the door behind him. So, I’m Milind…

    Yeah, yeah! You’re mom's friend and will be staying with us for a few days, the boy interrupted, his tone a mix of nonchalance and eagerness.

    Milind chuckled softly, his amusement shining through. A few days, huh? he murmured under his breath.

    The boy pointed towards a closed door. Your room, he stated simply. And the kitchen's on your right, in case you’re hungry, he added before returning to his spot on the couch, resuming his gaming session.

    Milind took a moment to observe the surroundings, his eyes wandering around the unfamiliar yet inviting space. He was lost in thought when the boy suddenly paused his game, turning his attention to Milind with a curious expression.

    Breaking the silence, Milind couldn’t help but ask, What else did your mom tell you about me?

    The boy's response was swift and direct. That's between her and me, he replied, a hint of seriousness in his tone.

    Milind nodded in understanding, respecting the boundaries. He was about to retreat to his room when the boy spoke up again, his tone slightly more authoritative. And one more thing, he began, The television's available for use only when I’m in school, understood?

    Milind smirked, a playful glint in his eye. Loud and clear, he confirmed, offering a mock salute before making his way to the room assigned to him.

    As Milind settled into the new environment, he couldn’t help but reflect on the intriguing encounter with Dev. It was clear that navigating this new dynamic would be an adventure in itself, a journey marked by surprises, challenges, and the unexpected wisdom of a 10-year-old.

    – 05 –

    Milind's room exuded a sense of careful arrangement, with a tasteful display of a bed, bookshelves, side tables, elegant lamps, and thoughtfully placed artifacts. After settling his belongings, Milind eased onto the bed, taking a moment to admire the neat surroundings. In the hushed ambiance as the murmur of voices reached his ears, he realised he could overhear Dev talking to Shreya over the phone.

    Milind listened as Dev's voice resonated, carrying a mix of casual assurance and subtle exasperation. Yeah, Mum, I told him, Dev remarked, his tone tinged with a touch of impatience. Just give him a call, alright…Whatever.

    In walked Dev, the bar phone in his hand, which he handed over to Milind with a knowing glance. Without a word, Dev made his exit, leaving Milind alone with the device.

    Hey, Milind greeted, his voice warm as he held the phone to his ear.

    Shreya's voice flowed through the line, a familiar comfort that instantly put Milind at ease. So, how's it going? she inquired.

    Milind leaned back against the pillows, a soft smile gracing his lips. So far, so good, he replied, his tone quietly confident. Trust me, we going to get along just fine.

    Shreya's laughter danced through the phone, a melodic sound that echoed with affection. High hopes, aren’t we? she teased. Dev's no pushover, you know. He's got a mind of his own. By the way, how do you find the house? And your room?

    Milind's gaze wandered around the room, appreciating the meticulous details. It's a bit cozier than what I’m used to, but it's nice, he acknowledged.

    A playful banter unfolded between them, their voices weaving a comfortable tapestry of conversation. Milind's voice held a hint of mischief as he chimed in, But you know, something's missing.

    Shreya's curiosity was piqued, her voice curious. Missing? What could that be?

    A mischievous glint sparkled in Milind's eyes as he replied, You, of course.

    Shreya's laughter bubbled forth, a sound that painted vivid images in Milind's mind. Well, if that's all it takes, she quipped. I’ll make sure to hang a picture of myself there. Problem solved.

    As their conversation neared its end, Shreya's voice softened. Alright, I need to go now. We’ll catch up later in the evening. Take care, bye.

    Milind's heart was alight with a sense of anticipation as he responded, See you soon.

    With the call concluded, Milind found himself immersed in thoughts of the venture that had led him to this point. The room around him seemed to shimmer with the possibilities that lay ahead, and he closed his eyes for a moment, his imagination brimming with dreams of a shared future with Shreya.

    – 06 –

    As Milind sat in his room, his mind floated back to the day he first met Shreya. It was clear as yesterday. He was standing by the elevator door when it jolted to a halt, the soft hum of its mechanisms hushing into silence. With a subtle mechanical fizz, the doors had eased open, beckoning Milind inside. This was the first time he laid eyes on her.

    Hey Milind! Good to see you, man, Chirag greeted warmly, a bright smile accompanying his words. He stood alongside an attractive young woman, exuding an air of familiarity and camaraderie. How are you still here?

    Milind's lips curled into a wry smile as he stepped into the elevator, his eyes meeting Chirag's. The boss won’t accept my resignation, he admitted, his voice carrying a hint of resignation. I’ll give it another shot soon.

    Chirag chuckled, a touch of envy glinting in his eyes. You lucky bastard! You know there's a massive majority that would give up a limb for your job. And then there's you. Anyway, he continued, his hand resting casually on the girl's shoulder, This is Shreya. She's our financial advisor. Shreya, meet Milind.. He’s a copywriter.

    A short smile danced on Shreya's lips as she extended her hand in greeting, her eyes holding genuine interest. A man of words, she mused, her tone gentle and inviting.

    Milind's response was a modest shrug, his eyes glinting with a touch of self-consciousness. Well… I try, he offered, a subtle playfulness underscoring his words.

    Chirag's lips curled into a knowing grin, his eyes catching Milind's as he spoke. A modest chap indeed. He's more than just a good writer; he was our college open mic champion.

    A spontaneous spark of sarcasm ignited within Milind, his words flowing effortlessly. Little did I know then that my destiny was to pen tales about soaps and shoes, he quipped, the trio erupting into genuine laughter, the sound echoing within the confines of the elevator.

    Shreya's laughter resonated like a melody, her eyes fixed on Milind with a newfound admiration. Well, you truly are lucky, she confessed, her gaze a mixture of warmth and curiosity. I wish I could use words half as skillfully.

    Milind's lips curved into a thoughtful smile, his gaze meeting Shreya's. The grass always seems greener on the other side, he countered, his voice tinged with both contemplation and longing. I wish I could earn in a fortune.

    Shreya's laughter bubbled forth, a joyous sound that seemed to light up the small space. Trust me, it's simpler than wrestling with words, she quipped, a playful glint in her eye.

    Chirag, an amused observer of the exchange, interjected with a mischievous grin. Perhaps you two could become mutual disciples, he suggested, his voice dancing with humor. A win-win situation, no doubt.

    Shreya's eyes sparkled with mirth as she glanced at Milind, her agreement swift and certain. Deal! she declared.

    – 07 –

    Exiting the bustling cafeteria, Milind navigated a beeline, his plate adorned with an assortment of delectable food items that had captivated his palate. His eyes roved the room, scanning for an available spot, and that's when he spotted Shreya seated at a table, engaged in animated conversation with her companions. There was a vacant seat, an unspoken invitation to join them, and Milind decided to accept it.

    May I…? Milind's question hung in the air, his polite inquiry directed toward Shreya and her friends.

    Caught in the midst of camaraderie, Shreya's attention shifted from her companions to Milind. Recognition sparked in her eyes, and a warm smile tugged at her lips. Hey wordsmith, she greeted playfully, her invitation evident. Sure, join us.

    As if on cue, one of Shreya's friends swiftly signaled the other. Chal, yaar, it's getting late, the friend's words carried a subtle urgency, and without delay, they excused themselves, leaving Shreya in Milind's company.

    Seated now, Milind's presence created a moment of subtle intimacy amidst the cafeteria's bustling ambiance. He settled into his chair, a soft smile gracing his features.

    So, how's the shoe sale going? Shreya inquired, her tone infused with light-hearted banter.

    Milind's shrug held a nonchalant charm, his eyes glinting with a mixture of contentment and subtle humor. Not bad, he responded, his words accompanied by a gentle nod.

    Shreya's playfulness took a turn, her words catching on her realization. Oh, I’m so sorry, she interjected, her genuine concern dousing the levity of their exchange.

    Milind's response was easy, a casual wave of his hand dismissing any awkwardness. No worries, he assured, his gesture a subtle gesture of comfort. My resignation hasn’t been accepted yet. So, I suppose things are chugging along. What about you? How's life treating you?

    The word life lingered on Shreya's lips as she contemplated his question, her eyes revealing thoughts that remained unspoken.

    Milind's head gently bobbed back and forth, his mannerisms underscoring an unspoken understanding of the complexities beneath the surface. Yeah, life, he echoed, his words a silent affirmation of similar experiences.

    The ticking of a watch caught Shreya's attention, a subtle reminder of the fleeting nature of time. But why are you quitting? Shreya's curiosity bubbled forth, her genuine interest woven into her question. I mean, can’t you pursue your dreams alongside your job? Why resign?

    Milind's exhale held a touch of exasperation, his search for the right words evident as he closed his eyes momentarily. It's a bit hard to explain, he admitted, his gaze returning to Shreya.

    With her attention drawn back to him, Shreya glanced at her watch again, subtly acknowledging that time was on their side. We’ve got time, she encouraged gently, her interest unwavering.

    Milind's thoughts unfurled like a story being told. His fingers seemed to dance through the air, tracing the contours of an imaginary path. Imagine being on a long drive, he began, his gestures painting a vivid picture. You know your destination; it's locked in your GPS, alternate routes are planned. But despite it all, you find yourself going in circles. And sometimes, starting from scratch feels like the only way to break free.

    Shreya's brow furrowed, her contemplation etched across her features. Your point is valid, she acknowledged, her tone thoughtful. But while you’re looking back for the right path, your destination could be right in front of you. Sometimes life has its own course, leading you on a detour before you reach that crossroads you were seeking.

    Milind sat with Shreya's words, weighing their significance. After a lingering pause, he met her gaze, a nod of agreement accompanied by a small smile. Valid point, he declared, their exchange marked by a shared understanding, a bridge built between them through unspoken sentiments.

    – 08 –

    At the bustling tea stall just beyond the office confines, a medley of aromas mingled with the cacophony of street sounds. Milind stood there, a steaming cup of cutting chai held in his hand, while Shreya awaited her own cup, anticipation radiating from her stance.

    Do you believe in destiny? Milind's voice carried curiosity as he extended the cup of tea to Shreya.

    Shreya's fingers curled around the warm cup, her eyes lifting to meet Milind's gaze. The unspoken question hung in the air, a thread connecting their thoughts. One could argue in favour, Shreya replied, her tone reflective. And you, why the question?

    Milind's reply was candid, his expression earnest as he

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