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Legacy of the Fallen: The Dilemma
Legacy of the Fallen: The Dilemma
Legacy of the Fallen: The Dilemma
Ebook576 pages6 hours

Legacy of the Fallen: The Dilemma

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War had ravaged four kingdoms over several decades. But amidst the chaos and carnage, whispers of a prediction began to spread, foretelling of a chosen one who would rise to challenge all the Kings and unite the kingdoms, bringing an end to the cycle of bloodshed. A hero who would wield the powers of all four kingdoms and forge a new era of peace and prosperity for the realms. And so, as the drums of war beat ever louder and the cries of the fallen echoed across the kingdoms, the stage was set for an epic tale of courage, betrayal, and redemption, as the four kingdoms stood on the brink of destruction, their fates intertwined in a web of destiny that only the chosen one could unravel.

PublisherBill Nkalle
Release dateMay 7, 2024
Legacy of the Fallen: The Dilemma

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    Legacy of the Fallen - Bill Nkalle

    Copyright © 2024 Bill Nkalle

    The right of Bill Nkalle to be identified as the author of the Work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988

    First Published in Great Britain in 2024

    By Kindle Direct Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

    All characters in this publication are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    Imprint: Independently Published

    First Edition: June 2024




    About the Author

    Bill Nkalle is an author, diving into creativity with passion and dedication. Bill brings a unique perspective to his writing, infusing his work with insight and talent. When he's not penning captivating stories, Bill can be found indulging in his love for the arts, exploring new avenues of creativity. An avid reader and writer, he finds solace and inspiration in the pages of literature, constantly expanding his horizons. And when he craves an adrenaline rush, Bill will likely take to the skies for thrilling adventures in skydiving. Through his writing and adventurous spirit, Bill Nkalle inspires others to embrace life's limitless possibilities.


    I started writing this book in June 2023. It is my debut in novel writing. I wrote this book to explore unity, courage, and redemption themes against a turbulent fantastical world. Through the characters' trials and the struggles of the kingdoms, I aimed to delve into the complexities of human nature and the enduring power of hope. In a world often marked by division and conflict, I believe in the transformative potential of stories that inspire us to rise above our differences and strive for a better tomorrow. May this tale serve as a beacon of light in dark times and remind us of the strength we possess no matter the circumstances.

    Thanks to:

    My family who are always fantastic. My mother’s prayers help me excel. To my sisters, Karen and Lizette, who instil confidence in me by inspiring me to be the best version of myself.

    My brothers-in-law, Asmara and Fred, whose words of motivation encourage me never to give up.

    My friends John and Ola, whose confidence and personality types are indeed prodigious.

    To my Creator for blessing me with a creative mind filled with supreme imagination.

    And, once more, an exceptional thanks to all of you who’ve bought my books over the last few years and made me recognised as an author. I do hope you enjoy this one too.

    Chapter 1

    The Origins

    In a part of the earth shrouded in the mists of time, four powerful kingdoms stood tall, each vying for supremacy in a never-ending struggle for dominance. The Kingdom of Barmorn, renowned for its enormous size, number of warriors and majestic palace, held sway over the rolling plains and lush forests of the east. Their king, King Ojak, wise and authoritative, was a beacon of hope for his people as he sought to expand his realm's influence across the land by any means necessary.

    To the west lay the Kingdom of Morgond, ruled by King Kamul and his cunning sorcerers and fierce wizards. Their imposing city was perched on the edge of a treacherous mountain range. It struck fear in all who dared to challenge their authority.

    In the south, the Kingdom of Ostadon flourished amidst the lush jungles, its noble palaces adorned with intricate mosaics and lush gardens. The king, King Zinga, a visionary and diplomat, knew the value of foreign alliances and trade, using his democratic skills to secure the prosperity of his kingdom. But in times of battle, he relied on his chief defender, Adelram, to keep his rivals astray.

    Finally, in the north, the Kingdom of Armonhil was known for its gigantic warriors and people called Armonhilts. It was ruled by a powerful king, King Jabaka, who never lost battles. He worked hard to maintain peace within his kingdom above everything else. Yet, in the depths of their despair, a fierce resistance simmered, ready to rise and challenge the peace he so held dear.

    War had ravaged the kingdoms over several decades. But amidst the chaos and carnage, whispers of a prediction began to spread, foretelling of a chosen one who would rise to challenge all the Kings and unite the kingdoms, bringing an end to the cycle of bloodshed. A hero who would wield the powers of all four kingdoms and forge a new era of peace and prosperity for the realms.

    And so, as the drums of war beat ever louder and the cries of the fallen echoed across the kingdoms, the stage was set for an epic tale of courage, betrayal, and redemption as the four kingdoms stood on the brink of destruction, their fates intertwined in a web of destiny that only the chosen one could unravel. In the Barmorn kingdom, a tradition as old as time held sway over the kingdom. The tradition of warrior recruitment was a sacred and revered ceremony that determined the protectors of the realm. After every five years, families were given a command to provide a male for the kingdom’s defences. It was considered an honour to any family who provided a son as they received prestigious recognition from their king, King Ojak. Families without a male representative for the kingdom's defence were perceived as weak.

    A man named Olfell had four wives and eight daughters, yet he had no sons. Upon realising his wives could not bear him a son, he presented himself several times to the king and the leader of the kingdom’s defences, Braka, to be trained as a warrior to remove the shame on his family, but he was turned away and called too old to be recruited. Olfell believed in never giving up but was too tired and poor to bring a ninth child into the kingdom. Therefore, he chose to seek advice from Callius, one of the kingdom's oldest and wisest men. On a faithful evening, with the sun setting, Olfell went to Callius's house.

    Noticing Callius's youngest daughter, Kaela, Olfell greeted her, complimenting her beauty and remarking how much she had grown. He inquired about the location of her father, to which she replied that he was inside the house.

    He earnestly requested her to inform her father that he wished to speak with him. Quickly, she hurried off to relay Olfell's message to Callius. After a few minutes, Callius emerged, delighted to reunite with his old friend. They greeted each other before taking their seats.

    Callius inquired about the reason for Olfell's late visit. In response, Olfell expressed his disappointment in himself and his family, articulating his desire for a son who could join the Barmorn warriors to restore honour to his household. Callius acknowledged Olfell's plight, expressing understanding, but then chuckled at Olfell's expense, remarking that Olfell had been squandering his potential heirs on other women. If Olfell had remained faithful to one woman, she might have borne him a son, Callius joked. Olfell laughed, expressing his wish to resist the allure of other women yet acknowledging that such was the nature of polygamy in their era.

    He stated, If one wife cannot fulfil your desires, you might consider taking another, as is the case with polygamy in our era.

    However, that was not the primary reason for his visit to Callius. He sought Callius's counsel on how to regain honour for his family. After pondering for a moment, Callius mentioned that he knew someone who could assist Olfell, emphasizing that for successful outcomes, Olfell must comply with all requested actions.

    Olfell assented, affirming his willingness to do whatever it took to regain his honour. Callius then instructed him to go to the Daegel whispering waters at midnight, call out ‘Draven’, and wait for a response. However, Olfell chuckled, anticipating a different suggestion. He responded, mentioning his age and his difficulty seeing in darkness.

    Furthermore, venturing to the Daegel whispering waters at midnight poses significant risks, as numerous unforeseen dangers could arise since it is a forbidden place. Callius reiterated to Olfell that having faith is the initial step towards accomplishing anything in life. Despite this reminder, Olfell remained doubtful about Callius's proposal. He inquired about the outcome of following the advice. Callius responded, indicating that it was a matter of personal experience not to be disclosed to others. Olfell consented to attempt it. Subsequently, they engaged in further discussions about family affairs and kingdom-related issues, such as the ongoing warfare in the other kingdoms.

    At midnight, Olfell made his way to the Daegel whispering waters. With his elderly voice, he called out the name Draven and waited. Suddenly, a figure resembling a man made of water emerged from the whispering waters.

    As Olfell heard the sound of trickling water, he turned towards the direction of it, only to be filled with immense fear, causing him to collapse to his knees. He stared directly into the eyes of the dark, water-formed figure, who identified himself as Draven. Draven, a formidable sorcerer, had been banished by the king and resided secretly in the Daegel whispering waters, known only to a select few, including Callius. He introduced himself as the guardian of coveted powers desired by all men. He asserted that he understood Olfell's purpose for coming to him and could fulfil it, but Olfell would need to offer something in exchange. Olfell retorted, questioning how Draven could know his desires and make demands without him disclosing them first.

    Draven informed Olfell that he was aware of Olfell's desire to have a son in his advanced years, one who would be enlisted among the Barmorn warriors to restore honour to his family. Shocked by the revelation, Olfell asked what he needed to give in exchange for Draven's aid. Draven responded by stating that to obtain his help, a life must be offered. This statement was the condition for Draven to regain entry into the kingdom, assuming the appearance and attributes of the lives offered to him. Olfell, feeling desperate, sought clarification on Draven's meaning and expressed his readiness to do whatever was required.

    Draven laughed because he knew Olfell would accept any terms without haste. So he asks for Olfell's life after he is offered what he wants. Olfell declined.

    Not my life, Olfell retorted, I want to witness my son's growth and be the person who hands him over to the king when he comes of age.

    Draven assured Olfell, I will personally deliver him to the king.

    Perplexed, Olfell struggled to grasp the significance of Draven's statement.

    Sacrificing his life to achieve his dream was not initially among his considerations. However, after contemplating it briefly, he agreed to the deal. Instructing Draven to take his life, but he emphasised the condition that a child must be born before his demise. Draven agreed.

    Draven instructed Olfell to step forward and drink from the whispering waters. After Olfell complied, Draven ordered him to lie with his favourite wife before sunrise.

    Olfell hurried home to fulfil Draven's instructions. However, as the bright morning sun emerged, Olfell felt a sense of unease and anxiety, uncertain of what would transpire next. He believed his end was imminent, so he waited anxiously, yet nothing occurred. Four weeks later, his favourite revealed that she was expecting a baby. Although Olfell felt thrilled by the news, he restrained his excitement, hoping fervently for the child to be a boy. Eight months later, a male infant was born into Olfell's family. Olfell experienced unparalleled joy, becoming the most jubilant man in the kingdom. He invited all his friends to join him in celebration, organizing a modest feast where attendees indulged in food and drink to their heart's content. Finally, Olfell bestowed the name ‘Astor’ upon his son.

    As the festivities concluded and Olfell found himself alone, he pondered why he had not met his expected demise. Lacking the courage to return to the whispering waters and confront Draven, the sorcerer, Olfell contemplated the mystery. Three years remained until the annual Warrior Son Festival, where families presented their sons. Determined not to leave anything to chance, Olfell waited until everyone in his household was asleep before he quietly took his newborn and made his way to the warrior's barracks under the cover of night.

    Encountering the gatekeeper, Heitor, Olfell found him unimpressed by the sight of an older man and an infant in the darkness. But Olfell urgently implored to meet with the leader of the warriors. Heitor declined to call his superior out of bed at that time of the night. He told Olfell to return in the morning. But Olfell declined and continued to insist that he must urgently see the Barmorn warriors' leader.

    Heitor then instructed him to wait while he summoned another individual. Closing the gate behind him, Heitor hurried off to fetch someone else. He sought out a night guard stationed at the barracks, who was on the verge of falling asleep. Upon hearing Heitor's urgency, the guard became furious and quickly went to see who the older man was. Upon arrival, he recognized Olfell as a long-time friend of his father.

    Olfell also recognized the young man. He felt glad to encounter the younger man and was pleased to introduce his newborn son. The young man inquired how he could be of assistance to Olfell.

    However, Olfell's response was not as expected. He explained that he had journeyed from his home specifically to present the baby to the warriors that night.

    The young warrior expressed disbelief, explaining that it was not feasible and not how the process operated. He emphasized that the boy needed to reach a certain age before commencing training with the warrior clan. Olfell reiterated that his sole purpose for being alive was to present the child to the warriors, fearing he might not have another opportunity.

    Olfell recounted to the young man the enduring stigma he had endured over the years due to his inability to present a son to the kingdom's warriors, like other families. He conveyed that his time on earth was limited, emphasizing the urgency of fulfilling his duty to present his son to restore his family's pride.

    The young warrior empathized with Olfell's plight and offered a suggestion. He recommended that the older man contemplate presenting his son to the king and informing the monarch of his intentions to offer his son to the ranks of the warriors sooner than anticipated.

    Olfell readily agreed, deeming the suggestion brilliant. Displaying impatience and eagerness, Olfell recalled his pact with Draven. That night, he hurriedly carried the newborn to the king's palace, urgently demanding an audience with the monarch.

    The guards refused his request, advising him to return during daylight hours. Olfell persisted, emphasizing the urgency of his request. His agitation and clamour caused the baby to start crying, and the commotion at the gate awakened one of the King's wives named Estrella.

    Approaching her delivery date, pregnant and worried about the commotion, Estrella stepped out of her chambers, accompanied by one of her maid-servants to assess the situation.

    As she approached, she noticed an older man holding a newborn baby. She inquired about his presence at such a late hour. Olfell responded, expressing his wish to meet with the King. Estrella explained that it was not feasible to awaken the King from his slumber at that hour.

    She encouraged him to convey his message through her, assuring him she would ensure the King received it. Without hesitation, Olfell voiced his apprehension about his imminent death, expressing his sole desire for his newborn son to be admitted into the tribal warrior clan, thereby saving his family from disgrace.

    Olfell informed Estrella that he did not expect to live long enough to witness his child's initiation, emphasizing his urgent desire to have his son accepted by the King before his time ran out.

    Impressed by the older man's sincere respect for tradition, Estrella, driven by compassion, invited him and his baby into the palace. She directed her maidservants to offer him water. She then requested Olfell to wait in the palace until he could meet with the king in the morning, to which he consented.

    Estrella summoned one of the guards and instructed him to escort Olfell to a vacant accommodation designated for palace visitors. Olfell thanked Estrella for her assistance and inquired if he could entrust the baby to her care overnight. Estrella agreed and directed her maidservant to take the baby from Olfell. Before going to the chamber, Olfell gazed at his son and bestowed his blessing upon him, affirming that the child would grow to become a formidable warrior who would safeguard his people.

    As dawn broke and daylight filled the surroundings, Estrella was awakened by the baby's cries. She promptly instructed her maids to attend to the child's needs. Simultaneously, a guard called out for Estrella from outside. A maid responded to the call. In a few seconds, she returned in haste to deliver the news of Olfell's passing. Shocked, Estrella screamed in disbelief and swiftly rose from her bed.

    With her maids and guards by her side, Estrella hastened to the lodging where Olfell had been quartered.

    Upon their arrival, Olfell remained unresponsive. Estrella pondered what she would convey to the King. A few hours later, word had reached the King, who had recently risen from his slumber. He summoned Estrella.

    The King got furious and began to yell at her. He asked if his Palace looked like a charity ground. The King inquired if the rumours he had heard were accurate. Estrella responded, ‘Your Majesty, I cannot confirm the details of what you've heard, but indeed, an elderly man arrived with a baby seeking an audience with you last night. I advised him to await your awakening. However, at dawn, a guard hurriedly informed me of his passing.’

    King Ojak asked if anyone knew who the older man was. But no one did.

    He pondered momentarily, then instructed Estrella to dispatch a messenger to locate Olfell's family and relay news of his passing. Additionally, he tasked her with arranging for someone to come to the palace to retrieve Olfell's body and the baby, transporting them back to his family once they knew who they were.

    She consented to the King's directives and expressed her apologies. She explained that she believed it would be a compassionate gesture for the older man to have the opportunity to convey his urgent message to his king. She highlighted that the older man's unwavering determination to speak with his monarch was why she let him into the palace.

    King Ojak listened intently, then requested everyone except Estrella to leave. Once they were alone, he queried Estrella about the true intentions of the older man.

    She clarified that the older man's sole desire was to serve his people and avoid ridicule for his inability to produce a son who could defend their tribe. With the birth of his son, his greatest wish was for the child to join the ranks of the warriors, growing up to fight for and protect their tribe.

    The King then recollected numerous occasions when a particular older man approached the palace, expressing his desire to join the tribal warriors, but was denied. The king requested to see the child.

    Estrella called upon one of her maids and instructed her to bring the baby. As the infant was presented before him, the child's innocence captivated the king. After contemplating for a while, he made a pivotal decision that would alter their destinies. King Ojak, who had previously dedicated all his sons to the warrior clan to demonstrate his commitment, now saw an opportunity to claim a son.

    Recognizing the similarity between his situation and the old man’s household, where only daughters remained, he remembered the old man’s name, ‘Olfell’, he whispered. ‘I would like to see the body,’ he said. He went to the chambers where Olfell lay and immediately recognised the older man. In his mind, he swiftly reversed his decision and chose to raise the boy as his own.

    He instructed Estrella to dispatch a messenger to summon Olfell's family to the palace. Despite Estrella's inquiry, he remained firm in his insistence that she carry out his directive. After leaving the King's presence, Estrella instructed one of the palace guards to locate Olfell's residence and extend the King's invitation to his family. She specifically instructed the guard not to disclose Olfell's passing.

    The guard departed from the palace with a clear destination in mind. He went to Callius's house, where Callius was preparing to venture out for a stroll. Upon spotting the royal guard at his doorstep, Callius halted his departure and observed as he entered, bowing respectfully. He exchanged greetings with the older man, Callius, who reciprocated politely. Callius inquired about the presence of a royal guard at his residence at such an early hour, wondering if the king had summoned him. The guard replied negatively, explaining that he sought precise directions to Olfell's house, confident that Callius could provide the correct guidance.

    Intrigued, Callius sought clarification on why a royal guard was inquiring about Olfell's house at such an early hour. Despite his curiosity, the guard respectfully declined to divulge any information, stating it was not within his authority. He emphasized the need to complete his task and return to the palace swiftly.

    Callius chose not to press further, confident that he would eventually learn why the guard visited. He provided the guard with the most straightforward route to his destination. Expressing gratitude, the guard inquired about Callius's family and conveyed his greetings and farewell to the older man.

    Upon reaching his destination, the guard was surrounded by women and teenage girls engaged in various chores within Olfell’s residence.

    They appeared preoccupied and failed to notice his arrival, prompting him to announce his presence with a loud greeting. As those outside recognized his identity, they gathered around, perplexed as to why a guard of the King was in their residence at such an early hour.

    The guard conveyed that all close relatives of Olfell had been called to the palace. One of Olfell's wives inquired about the reason for their collective summons, while another speculated whether it pertained to Olfell and the baby, noting their absence upon waking. However, the guard responded that they would receive clarification once they reached the palace. With that, they collectively agreed to follow the guard nervously without delay.

    Upon their arrival at the palace, the King, surrounded by his councillors and other council members, welcomed them.

    He expressed great joy at meeting Olfell's family and conveyed his delight upon hearing of the birth of Olfell's son. However, he somberly mentioned that there was distressing news to share. He explained that due to Olfell's impatience in presenting his son to the warrior clan, he had brought the baby to the palace late at night.

    Olfell was accorded courtesy and provided comfortable accommodations for the night while awaiting his audience with me the following day. However, he passed away in his sleep, and the circumstances surrounding his death remain unknown.’ He detailed.

    Upon hearing this news, Olfell's wives and daughters broke into tears and lamentations. Despite the King's efforts to console them, their grief proved overwhelming.

    Once the room fell silent, the king proceeded with his proposal, stating that he considered it his duty to care for his family, including the newborn baby, due to the older man's passing within his palace. He declared they would all relocate to the palace, as he intended to arrange a dignified burial for Olfell.

    Upon hearing the king's pronouncement, Olfell's family members were escorted out by guards, who then went to their home to pack their belongings from their home. Meanwhile, the king and his ministers resumed their discussion about the conspiracy of the king caring for the peasants in his palace.

    However, King Ojak believed that by bringing the family closer, he could raise the newborn child as his own. However, one of his advisors, Goha, cautioned him that as long as the child's family remained nearby, he would eventually learn about his true parentage and how they came to reside in the palace.

    The King expressed his intention to command them not to reveal that information, but the advisor countered, stating that it would be impossible to keep the truth hidden. Eventually, the child would discover that the King is not his biological father. King Ojak was fiercely fixated on claiming ownership of the child.

    After the conclusion of the meeting, he summoned his covert mercenaries and tasked them with ensuring that none of Olfell's family members reached the palace. He instructed them to stage the incident to appear as another attack from one of the rival kingdoms.

    King Ojak retained these mercenaries for clandestine operations, keeping their existence a secret to safeguard his reputation. These outlaws were individuals banned from the warrior clan by Braka for violating specific regulations and betraying their comrades.

    As evening approached, Olfell's family packed their belongings, and the guards were ready to lead them back to the palace. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, a group of shadowy figures emerged from a dense forest behind the small residence where they lived. These were the mercenaries, their faces obscured by dark masks, their movements silent and purposeful.

    Their target was Olfell's family and all who lived nearby.

    With ruthless efficiency, they crept through the settlement, their footsteps muffled by the soft earth beneath their boots. They approached the first house, where Olfell's relatives resided, unaware of the impending danger.

    Suddenly, chaos erupted as the mercenaries launched their attack. Doors were kicked in, windows shattered and screams pierced the night air as the people were caught off guard.

    The mercenaries moved swiftly, their blades flashing in the moonlight as they struck down anyone who dared to resist, including the royal guards who attempted to defend the family but to no avail. Panic spread like wildfire as the guards fought desperately to protect themselves and the family against the merciless onslaught. But the mercenaries remained relentless. They showed no mercy, leaving a trail of destruction and despair.

    As the night wore on, the residence fell silent, the echoes of violence fading into the darkness. The mercenaries disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind a scene of devastation and heartache.

    The dawn would reveal the full extent of the tragedy that had befallen Olfell's family and the once-peaceful environment they called home.

    The king remained at the palace, eagerly anticipating news of an attack by nightfall. As expected, reports swiftly reached the palace from citizens and guards alike, who relayed the information to the king.

    He acted furious. His brows furrowed deeply, his eyes ablaze with fury as he paced the throne room angered. His fists clenched tightly at his sides, and with each step, the floor beneath him seemed to tremble with his wrath. His voice, usually calm and measured, now thundered through the chamber angrily, shaking the walls around him. At that moment, King Ojak was a force of nature, his fury a potent and fearsome spectacle.

    Upon hearing the information as well, Estrella was overwhelmed with grief. As it reached its peak, Estrella, heavy with child, felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. Her vision blurred, and the room seemed to spin around her as she staggered backwards, her hand flying to her swollen belly in a desperate attempt to steady herself. A sudden, searing pain shot through her abdomen, causing her to cry out in agony as she doubled over in agony.

    With a gasp, Estrella collapsed to the ground, her body wracked with spasms of pain as she struggled to catch her breath. The air in the room grew thick with tension as panicked voices cried out for assistance, but Estrella lay Motionless, her face pale and drawn with the strain of childbirth.

    During the chaos, a team of attendants rushed to Estrella's side, their hands gentle but urgent as they worked to ease her suffering. With each passing moment, the sounds of her laboured breathing grew more ragged, the weight of her ordeal bearing down upon her with unrelenting force.

    And then, with a final, gut-wrenching cry, Estrella gave birth, her body trembling with exertion as she welcomed her newborn child into the world. Despite the chaos and uncertainty surrounding her, Estrella's heart swelled with overwhelming love as she cradled her newborn, a beacon of hope amidst the turmoil that engulfed them all.

    But as quickly as the joy had come, it was overshadowed by a sudden pallor that washed over her features. A sharp intake of breath escaped her lips, followed by a rasping cough that wracked her weakened frame. Her hand trembling, Estrella pressed it against her chest, her breaths coming in shallow gasps as she struggled to draw air into her lungs. Her strength waned. She whispered words of love and farewell to her newborn child, her voice barely a whisper against the backdrop of the bustling room. As her life force ebbed away, Estrella's eyes fluttered closed, her body growing still as the last vestiges of vitality faded from her weary form. Her aiders tried their possible best to revive her but to no avail.

    She had given birth to another daughter for the king. As the news of Estrella's passing reached the king's ears, a primal roar of anguish and fury erupted from his throat, reverberating through the palace halls like thunder. His knuckles were white with the intensity of his rage as he struggled to contain the tempest of emotions raging within him.

    The air around him crackled with tension as he stormed through the corridors, his steps echoing like the beat of a war drum. His guards and servants scattered in his wake, cowering before the ferocity of his wrath.

    In the throne room, the king's fury reached its zenith as he beheld the lifeless form of Estrella, her peaceful countenance a stark contrast to the tumultuous storm brewing within him. With a primal cry of anguish, he swept aside all in his path, his grief and anger merging into a maelstrom of despair.

    For in that moment, the king was not just mourning the loss of a beloved wife but the shattering of his dreams and aspirations to have a newborn son with her. He quickly sunk into depression.

    By dawn the following day, the news was all over the kingdom about the attack on a particular family in the kingdom. Crowds gathered at the palace, demanding answers from the king. But the royal guards dispersed the crowd as per the king’s orders.

    In his anguish, King Ojak summoned his advisors and council members. After pondering what to do to keep his people calm, he immediately developed a conspiracy and accused the Ostadon King of enacting the attack on his people.

    With his voice thundering through the chamber like a vengeful god. This attack on our people, he bellowed, his words dripping with venom, was undoubtedly orchestrated by the treacherous Ostadon Kingdom! His advisors exchanged uneasy glances, but none dared to question the king's proclamation. King Ojak's enmity towards the Ostadon Kingdom was well-known throughout the realm, fuelled by years of bitter rivalry and territorial disputes. With a sweeping gesture, King Ojak issued a decree, his voice ringing with righteous indignation. We will not rest until we have avenged this heinous act against our people! Summon Braka, he commanded, his resolve unyielding. The Ostadon Kingdom will pay dearly for their crimes against us! And so, fuelled by vengeance, King Ojak set his sights on the Ostadon Kingdom, determined to exact retribution for the attack on Olfell's family, although he knew it was a false claim.

    He sent for the leader of his warriors, Braka. Braka arrived hours later, accompanied by his unique fourteen warriors, an elite force of undisputed fighters.

    As Braka met the king, he bowed to respect him, but King Ojak's voice resonated with steely determination as he issued his command.

    Braka, he began, assemble your finest warriors and march upon the Ostadon Kingdom at once.

    Braka, a towering figure with eyes as sharp as a hawk’s, bowed his head solemnly, acknowledging the king's orders. As you command, my king, he replied, his voice carrying the weight of years of battle-hardened experience.

    With a sense of urgency, Braka set about rallying four hundred of his best warriors at the barracks, instilling a sense of purpose and resolve among his comrades. As the warriors donned their armour and sharpened their weapons, the air crackled with anticipation, each warrior eager to prove their loyalty to their king and their prowess on the battlefield. With the setting sun casting a fiery glow upon the horizon, Braka and his warriors marched forth, their hearts aflame with battle fervour. For they knew that they carried with them the hopes and dreams of their king, and they would stop at nothing to ensure victory against their sworn enemies, the Ostadon Kingdom.

    Chapter 2

    The Attack on Ostadon

    While in the Ostadon kingdom, Adelram, the revered chief defender of the Ostadon Kingdom, asleep that night, drifted into the realm of dreams, a vision unlike any he had experienced before unfolding before his mind's eye.

    In his dream, Adelram found himself standing atop the towering walls of the Ostadon Kingdom, gazing out across the vast expanse of the land. But the tranquillity of the scene was shattered by a dark, ominous presence on the horizon.

    He saw a horde of warriors descending upon the kingdom like a swarm of locusts, their weapons stained with the blood of the innocent. Adelram's heart quickened with dread as he realized the gravity of the situation.

    In the midst of the chaos, Adelram beheld a figure clad in regal armour, his face obscured by a helm adorned with the crest of a distant kingdom. With a sinking feeling in his heart, Adelram knew this was the harbinger of doom, the orchestrator of the impending attack.

    As the vision faded, Adelram awoke, his brow damp with sweat and his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that he must heed the warning in his dream, for the safety of the Ostadon Kingdom hung in the balance. Adelram resolved to alert the kingdom's leader with a sense of urgency and prepare their defences against the looming threat that now loomed on the horizon.

    Under the cloak of darkness, Adelram swiftly mounted his steed, the urgency of his mission driving him forward with a sense of purpose. With each thundering hoofbeat, he raced through the winding streets of the Ostadon Kingdom, his mind consumed by the gravity of the vision that had seized him in his dreams.

    As he approached the towering gates of the palace, Adelram's heart

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