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Hope of the Enviers Nick's Reality: Hope of the Enviers, #2
Hope of the Enviers Nick's Reality: Hope of the Enviers, #2
Hope of the Enviers Nick's Reality: Hope of the Enviers, #2
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Hope of the Enviers Nick's Reality: Hope of the Enviers, #2

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In this novel, two parents make a perplexing decision to abandon their child by leaving him at the doorstep of complete strangers. What makes this even more intriguing is that they leave him with a substantial sum of money, a book, and a letter with instructions to return him when he turns twenty. Why would they do this? How can they forsake him only to demand his return later? And why specifically at the age of twenty, not sooner?

These questions will haunt the protagonist, Nick, as he's compelled to uncover the truth well before its time. Who is Nick, and what is his true identity? These mysteries, among others, unfold within the pages of this novel, the second part of the "Hope of the Enviers" series. As Nick delves deeper into his own past, he'll unearth secrets that challenge his very existence and lead him down a path filled with unexpected revelations.

Release dateMay 12, 2024
Hope of the Enviers Nick's Reality: Hope of the Enviers, #2

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    Book preview

    Hope of the Enviers Nick's Reality - Amal Al Awadhi

    Hope of the Enviers

    Nick's Reality

    Amal Al Awadhi

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



    1.Frank, the Old Man


    3.Revealing the Secret

    4.Help From House


    6.The Second Entrance of the House

    7.The Awaited meeting

    8.Making Nick's Glasses


    10.The Choice

    11.The Secret Entrance

    12.Nick’s Reality

    13.The Lie

    14.The Procedures

    15.Blue Family

    16.The Medical Examination

    17.Sewing Workshop

    18.The Storm

    19.Oriado House

    20.Ralph Sword


    22.Merrick's Decision

    23.The Beginning of the Search

    24.Looking for the Secret Door


    26.Unveiling the Parents

    27.The Shock

    28.New Realities

    29.Unraveling the Mystery

    30.The Departure

    31.The Residence of Philip the keeper of the Past

    32.Getting Out of the House

    33.Agreement with Dr. Bill

    34.The Confrontation


    36.The Criminal Jack

    37.Nick's Confessions

    38.Meeting of the Enviers

    39.Unfinished Ends


    Dear readers,

    We are back to talk about envy and the Axe. We have sharpened our minds and sailed with me into a world of my imagination. In the first part, we closed the pages of our hero Jack's story and his tragedy with stability and family love. However, the house of Leon-Radak is still full of stories and events filled with excitement and mystery. These will be revealed to us by our new heroes over the following five parts.

    I hope that I will live up to your expectations and that this novel series will benefit you positively by reinforcing the concepts of friendship, family love, patience, and altruism. I also hope that you will not be affected by the ideas of negative characters, as good always triumphs.

    Thank you,

    Note: The city of Ontario exists in Canada, but other cities and neighborhoods, even the terrain mentioned in the novel, are from the author's imagination.


    Frank, the Old Man

    On a quiet night, when people were sleeping, the streets were empty, and silence reigned over the area. A masked man was walking down the road. He was wearing a long black coat that reached below his knees and carrying a medium-sized wooden box in his hands with extreme caution. He kept looking around every moment in suspicion to check if the place was empty. He stopped on Wood Street in front of a modest two-story house with the number 56, where number five was upside down and almost falling off. He placed the box on the doorstep and pressed the doorbell button several times. Then he ran, hiding behind a nearby tree, watching, but no movement came from the house, and it remained calm.

    Okay, then, said the masked man.

    He picked up a stone and threw it forcefully at the upper window, which he thought was the main bedroom's, to break its glass and force whoever was inside to wake up and open the door. His attempt was indeed successful, as the lights immediately turned on. He heard an angry man cursing.

    Who is that idiot who broke my window? asked the old man.

    Then, an aged man with a shaved head and scary features appeared out of the window and yelled angrily as he looked at the road.

    Who would dare to do that? asked the old man.

    The masked man deliberately showed himself in front of the old man and threw another stone to break another window, intending to provoke him so that he would run after him.

    In a rage, the old man pointed at him and threatened him.

    I'm going to kill you, said the old man.

    The old man grabbed a rifle on the wall and rushed downstairs. Once he opened the door, the masked man ran away. The old man tried to chase him but stumbled over the wooden box and fell. However, despite that, he managed to stand up with his gun aimed, only to find that the masked man had escaped. He shouted in frustration,

    Damn you, you rascal! I'll find you wherever you go, and you'll have to fix what you broke. I'm gonna show you! Said the old man.

    The old man pounded the butt of the rifle on the ground several times, angry at his failure to catch him.

    The old man said with regret, Ahhh, I would've got him if I haven't fallen.

    He paid attention to what he said and turned around at once to find out why he had tripped. He was surprised to see the big wooden box because he hadn't seen it before. Even though it was clear how big it was, he could not see the box because he was so focused on the chase.

    What is this? the old man said.

    He walked up to it, confused, to look at it and see what was inside. When he was above it, he gasped in shock.

    A child! cried the old man.

    Lying inside the box was a beautiful little child with black hair and fair skin, dressed in tattered brown clothes and wrapped in a brown cover. Under his feet was a medium-sized black box, and on top of it was a letter that he immediately picked up and read.

    Mr. Frank Canarf, at 56 Wood Street, Open the letter! it's important for you!" The old man read it aloud.

    The old man realized that the masked man was the one who had brought him, and he understood why he was acting strangely. He had never experienced such harassment from anyone in the neighbourhood before. They avoided him because they knew how wicked he was.

    Damn him! Shouted Frank. He broke my window, then left me with another problem.

    He picked up the letter while looking in the direction where the masked man had run. Then he said threateningly,

    Woe to him if it was a joke,

    Frank yelled and opened the letter:

    "Dear Mr. Frank Canarf,

    First of all, I'm sorry to bother you at this time. When you see what's in the box, you may be able to figure out why. Of course, you may be curious to know who I am, but this is something I won't reveal. It won't matter to you as long as I pay you. I know how much you love money and would do anything for it."

    To make sure that I know you well and that I am not joking with you, I will mention some details about you. You are 70 years old, your wife died over 30 years ago, and both of you do not belong to a family because you both lived as orphans in the same orphanage. You work as a carpenter in a workshop in your garage; your blood type is A. You earn $7000 monthly. You own an old red truck, and all your clothes are blue because you love this color. The last time you bought used clothes was four years ago, and there are more details about you on the following pages if you need more.

    Now that we've agreed on a formality, here's my offer. I'll give you $10,000 as a down payment for taking the child in the black box, with the agreement that I'll send you another payment of the same amount in two days. I'll send it by mail to prove that I'm being honest. Agreeing to look after the baby until he's twenty will get you three times as much.

    There are no conditions about what you have to do to teach, care for, or feed him. But I do want you to beat him, starve him, and torture him—but not kill him. You can do whatever you want with him as long as it hurts him. If he gets angry or you can't control him, the only way to calm him down is to lock him in a dark room.

    When he turns twenty, take him with the book and the bank check in the black box to Juif Bank. Don't try to be smart because the date has already been printed on the bank check. The procedures will be performed in front of the employee, who will hand you the money when you give the book to the child. After that, kick him out of your house and life and completely forget about him.

    It was written in a big red font, This child in your hands is a male, and his name is Nicholas Winston. You cannot change his name. You must teach him to swim and dive. I strongly warn you not to let him know about the contents of this message. This letter must be hidden from him. Otherwise, you will lose the prize.

    The old man quickly opened the black box. He found a bundle of banknotes along with the book and bank check. He grabbed the money, kissed it, and embraced it, feeling immense happiness. After he calmed down, he took the cheque in his other hand and examined its details, especially the date of receipt.

    Tuesday, June 12th, 2018, said Frank.

    At the bottom of the check, it was written, in a red line, The cheque shall be cashed on the day of the mentioned date, not a day before nor a day after.

    It's weird! This is the first time I've heard of this thing! Frank wondered, What kind of bank is this? Anyway, I'll wait for two days to make sure. I do anything for the money.

    Then he carried the wooden box, brought it into his room, and looked at the child, staring at him as if he were the hen that laid golden eggs.

    My child, you are so precious to me. So you'll stay in my room, close to me. If it doesn't work out and I don't get the second payment, I'll throw you in the nearest trash dump. Frank thought.

    The greedy old man did not sleep for two nights, eagerly awaiting the second payment. During these two nights, he complained about caring for the child. However, he endured it. When the sun of the expected day rose, he stood by the window, watching the road, waiting for the mailman. He expected the money to be sent to him by mail, but he was surprised to see a man approaching the mailbox in a hurry, placing something in the mail slot, and quickly leaving at lightning speed.

    It's him! it has to be him, said the old man nervously.

    He dashed out the door, racing against the wind. When he opened the box, he discovered a brown envelope, which he tore open eagerly to see the money bills inside. However, he soon realized he was still outside. Fearing to be seen, he hurried back home and shut the door behind him. He counted the money while sitting on the floor, seeing it was complete.

    It's complete, yeah, it's complete, said the old man.

    He climbed the stairs singing happily, heading to his room to hide his money in his iron safe, as usual. When he opened the door, he found Nicholas crying, so he opened his arms and embraced him,

    Come to me, the sack of money, come to me, my love. Said the old man, gratefully.

    He kissed him, then patted him to calm him down. Once he fell silent, he put him down, opened his locker, and took out the first batch to join it with the second one. Sitting on his favorite sofa to count them together several times until he was full, Nicolas cried again, interrupting him. He screamed at him, baring his fangs.

    Shut up, don't disturb my happiness. Said Frank.

    The child remained silent for a few seconds, terrified, then cried again. He walked close to him and grabbed his foot, suggesting he wanted something or was upset. But the old man had run out of patience, so he forcefully pushed him with his hand.

    Go away! shouted Frank.

    The child fell on his head and fell silent suddenly, leaving Frank in a panic.

    He died! said the old man. No, the money bag! Please don't die. said Frank desperately.

    He tried to wake the child up, but he didn't wake up. So, he returned his money to the iron safe first, then hurried off to the hospital. He returned home with the baby after several days. He was upset that he had to pay for his treatment.

    You cost me a lot, but I'll make you pay for it when you're a little older! Just wait for it! Oh, my money! When will I have all of you and get rid of him? said the old man sadly.

    Thus, a month has passed since Nicholas entered the old man's life.This period was enough for Frank to get used to him and return to his usual life. Every morning, he opened his garage and was busy making the furniture that his customers requested. After he finishes, he carries it in his truck to deliver it to their address. He was taking Nicholas with him wherever he went out of fear that something bad would happen to him or he would die, and the last reward money would fly away.

    One day, while he was busy with his work and Nicholas was sitting on the floor playing with some of the logs around him, a man in his forties, thick-haired, broad-shouldered, tall, and good-looking, with a box in his hand, walked in.

    Hi, Mr. Frank. said the man.

    Frank turned annoyed. You! What do you want?

    So the man smiled, and it was clear that he had become accustomed to the old man's bad character.

    I came to deliver your mail, which the postman left me by mistake, said the man.

    And this postman only misses my mail. Frank said it sarcastically.

    So the man extended his hand, giving him the box to leave quickly.

    Ask him yourself next time, said the man.

    He violently snatched it from his hands.

    Give it to me. Shouted Frank.

    Suddenly Nicholas began to cry, so the old man clenched his fist, screaming,

    Shut up, said Frank.

    The baby trembled and walked away, crying in the corner. Frank held his head and repeated to himself patiently,

    Money, money! I have to pull myself together for it. Said Frank.

    He is crying for something he wants, so do not shout at him as you scare him more. The man intruded.

    What is your business? Frank yelled at him.

    The boy cried loudly. Frank sees him and points his forefinger at him, threatening him.

    If your life wasn't about money, I'd beat you up, you freak.

    What does he have to do with the money? the man curiously asked.

    Haven't you gone yet? Frank asked.

    But curiosity got the man, so he insisted on Frank asking him, ignoring his rudeness.

    Answer me, the man asked.

    Shut up and leave at once! I have had enough. Frank said scolding the man.

    At the corner, Nicholas stretched out his hands, begging him to carry him, with tears welling up in his eyes. Instead of responding to the child's request, the old man held his head in annoyance, for he had a headache because of the child's crying.

    Ah! Let someone shut him up, or I'll kill him. Frank said it angrily.

    Subconsciously, the man's feet moved in grief over him, and he carried him, hugging him, so he calmed down and remained silent. The old man was amazed at his behavior and took advantage of the situation to mock him.

    Weird! It seems you have experience dealing with children despite your inability to have ones. Said Frank.

    The man furrowed his eyebrows angrily and said, Instead of thanking me, you gloated at me.

    Smiling slyly, Frank continues mocking him,

    It's a strange world! A rich man like you, Dr. Bill Brain, wants a baby and can't have one, and I'm a poor man who wants money, so I get a baby for free, which makes money for me.

    Dr. Bill was disgusted, he would almost spit in his face, but his manners prevented him from stooping to his lowest level.

    You're a sick, heartless man. His parents must be mad for leaving him to you to take care of, said Dr. Bill.

    Do you believe they're begging me to take care of him? said Frank.

    You're a liar, old man! Shouted Dr. Bill.

    The old man brought his fingers together and rubbed the index finger with the thumb as a gesture, pointing to the money.

    They paid me a sum of money to take care of him even though they knew me well and even promised me three times as much money if I kept him till the age of twenty.

    His mind did not accept his words because he knew how hateful and professional a liar he was.

    What nonsense? said Dr. Bill.

    You see how cruel people are and how low they are for throwing their children at people like me, and you criticize me for raising a kid that isn't mine. Said Frank.

    That's a lie! shouted Dr. Bill.

    The old man's features changed, and seriousness appeared on his face.

    It's the truth! Otherwise, why keep him? You know me better than anyone that I hate all people, especially children. Said Frank.

    He placed his hand over his heart, and he had a sly smile.

    Except for those who have money, they are dearer to me than even me. Said Frank

    He proudly lowered his voice a little to tell him his plans.

    You wait and see! How I'll use this child when he grows up to get more than I expect from his family.

    He finished with a sly laugh, exposing his stinky yellow teeth. Dr. Bill's whole body shuddered in disgust, saying,

    You're more terrible than I thought, said Dr. Bill.

    Frank answered him indifferently,

    Really! I do not care about this, Frank answered.

    Frank snatched Nicholas from his hands, and the child shrieked, fidgeting and moving his limbs, wanting to go back to Dr. Bill.

    Now, get out; I don't have time to waste with you.

    Flaring up in rage as he clenched his fist, restraining himself from hitting him, Dr. Bill said,

    I am so sorry for this child.

    If you want him, pay more. Frank said it sarcastically.

    The idea stuck in Dr. Bill's mind, and the old man moved to put Nicholas in a large wooden box that he used to keep him in whenever he got tired of his crying to silence him.

    How much do you want for him? Dr. Bill eagerly asked.

    Frank turned around and asked, surprisingly, What?

    I asked you how much you want for him! said Dr. Bill.

    Do you really want him? But why? Frank asked, laughing. There are so many shelters that give babies away for free!

    asked Dr. Bill with clear seriousness on his face,

    I asked you. How much do you want?

    Are you serious? Frank asked.

    Pulling out his checkbook and a pen from his pocket,

    I said, how much do you want? said Dr. Bill.

    But why? asked Frank.

    Because I am human, and I have no heart to see a child die in front of me at the hands of a monster like you. said Dr. Bill.

    The old man stretched his neck and looked at him with a sly smile,

    Aren't you afraid I'll get more children for you to buy after hearing you say that? Asked Frank.

    What kind of shelter could give a child to a widower in your miserable state? said Dr. Bill.

    The old man scratched his bald head and nodded his head in support of his words,

    You're right, said Frank.

    Set your price, said Dr. Bill.

    The truth is, his parents promised me a great amount of money. Said Frank.

    Fifty thousand, said Dr. Bill.

    What? shouted Frank.

    Sixty thousand, said Dr. Bill.

    After Dr. Bill increased his offer, before telling him the expected amount, Frank said in a language of expectation,

    I'm sorry, but his parents promised me more than that,

    A hundred thousand, said Dr. Bill.

    This is very little. The old man said.

    You think I'm stupid, you greedy! I know! What I've offered is more than what you've been promised. It appears on your ugly face. You'd rather agree. Otherwise, I'll report you to the authorities for stealing my valuables. said Dr. Bill.

    You knew it? asked Frank.

    Yeah, and I filmed it, said Dr. Bill.

    So, he swallowed, I didn't think you were so harsh. Well, I'll accept on condition that you don't report me to the authorities.

    Right. Said Dr. Bill.

    The old man swallowed as Bill was signing the check, and before he handed it to him, he said,

    Now tell me where to find his parents. Said Dr. Bill

    The old man raised his forefinger in a long bow.

    Hey, that wasn't our agreement. Argued, Frank.

    He grabbed him tightly by the collar and lifted him up,

    Speak, or I'll put you in prison forever. Shouted Dr. Bill.

    My stupidity made me your slave, said Frank.

    Speak up immediately! screamed Dr. Bill.

    The old man raised his hands, trying to calm him down,

    Well, well, I'll tell you, but get me down first, said Frank.

    So he told him everything in detail, hiding the numbers of the amounts he got.

    Show me the letter and the black box, said Dr. Bill.

    Why? asked Frank.

    To see with my own eyes! What you're saying is unimaginable, said Dr. Bill.

    But give me the check first! shouted Frank.

    I'll give it to you as soon as you give me what I requested, said Dr. Bill.

    And what if you changed your mind about the money, you promised me after you saw the amount mentioned in that letter? wondered Frank.

    If money mattered to me, I wouldn't give it to a rascal like you. Have you forgotten who I am? Or do you think everyone is as low as you? said Dr. Bill.

    That's a relief! Wait for me here while I get the box, said Frank.

    I'll go with you so you don't make it up now because I know you well. You're cunning and malicious.

    As you wish, said Frank.

    Dr. Bill carried Nicholas in his arms and joined the old man. After he saw everything with his own eyes, he believed him, even though his mind was still surprised by what his eyes saw. Then he handed him the check and threatened him in a sharp tone.

    Take it! Don't tell anyone about the boy, or else you'll know what's happening to you, said Dr. Bill.

    Yeah, yeah, of course, as you like, said Frank.

    The old man grabbed the check paper, and his eyes widened happily as he examined it, not believing he had won all this money without trouble. He hurried to take his car keys to cash it before Dr. Bill changed his mind. On the other hand, Dr. Bill came out of his house carrying the wooden box in which he brought Nicholas, including the other things, while speaking to him in a kind tone,

    I promise I'll care for you and love you as if you were my son. I won't let anyone make you cry anymore, said Dr. Bill.

    He returned to his house and shared the wonderful news with his wife. Deep down, he had always longed to adopt a child, but she had a strong desire for a biological one. Consequently, she reacted with refusal and insisted on returning the child. He had no choice but to reveal the heart-wrenching story of the child, hoping it would stir her sympathy and eventually lead to acceptance, amidst his urgent pleas. Finally, their family would be whole. Three years went by, and the boy blossomed in their loving care, like a cherished prince. He received the best treatment, wore the finest clothes, and enjoyed delicious meals. They showered him with love and attention, to the extent that even Frank couldn't resist eyeing opportunities to exploit his innocence once again.

    One day Nicholas entered the house with the nanny, weeping bitterly, and ran towards Dr. Bill, who was reading the newspaper in the living room. Dr. Bill panicked,

    Oh, my God! What happened to you, Nick?

    It's the old Frank, said Nick.

    As his face turned angry, Dr. Bill said,

    What did he do?

    He spoke in a voice mixed with crying,

    He said you aren't my uncle and that you bought me from him like stray dogs in the market, said Nick.

    Didn't I tell you not to talk to strangers? said Dr. Bill.

    It's not a stranger; he's our neighbor, said Nick.

    Nick put his hand on his face, crying so hard. Dr. Bill got upset and gave the nanny a murderous look that made her shiver with fear.

    What exactly happened? asked Dr. Bill.

    I'm sorry, sir. I accidentally left him alone in the park for a few minutes to buy him ice cream. When I came back, I found the old man, Frank, with him. I'm not sure what he said to him, as he left when I approached. After that, Nick started crying. I tried to soothe him, but it didn't work. He insisted that we go back home to see you, said the nanny.

    He was consumed by anger, which reached its peak. Yet he managed to regain control of his emotions, preventing himself from unjustly casting her aside for a wrongdoing unrelated to her, knowing well that she is a good nanny.

    Well, you can go, said Dr. Bill.

    Dr. Bill sighed, attempting to gather his thoughts, then he picked up Nick and cradled him in his arms, gently wiping away his tears with compassionate care.

    Calm down, son, and let me explain, said Dr. Bill.

    Don't lie to me, lest the devil accompany you, said Nick.

    Dr. Bill smiled despite his sadness, saying, I'm not going to lie. I don't like the devil."

    He remained silent for a while, then continued,

    Listen, my dear Nick! Indeed, I'm not your uncle, but the wonderful thing is that God sent you to me to paint my life, which was empty, dull, and black before you came.

    He stopped crying and started thinking,

    You mean like those black-and-white sketch books that I really love? said Nick.

    He patted him on the head, praising him,

    Well said, just like that. I'm the picture, and you're the beautiful colors, and together we become even more beautiful, said Dr. Bill.

    His face brightened with joy, and his beautiful, lively smile returned.

    Like the picture I colored yesterday, said Nick.

    Yeah, I loved it so much. I hung it on the fridge, said Dr. Bill as he was giggling in his sweet, childish voice.

    I love you so much, Dr. Bill, said Nick.

    He kissed his cheek warmly and started rocking him and tickling his stomach.

    Me too, and I love you so much, Nick, said Dr. Bill.

    Dr. Bill was agitated by what had happened that day. He was afraid of the evil of this old man, who seemed unwilling to back him down that easily. Dr. Bill went to his house to confront and warn Frank, and he met him with a malicious smile.

    I knew you'd come, said Frank.

    Dr. Bill firmly grasped the old man by his shirt collar, pressing him against the wall without a care for his age.

    What are you insinuating to, you wicked one? asked Dr. Bill.

    I expected that from you as well. Frank chuckled.

    He let go of him before he changed his mind and strangled him with both hands.

    What kind of person are you? shouted Dr. Bill.

    Frank straightened his clothes, saying proudly, The greedy one who likes to fill his pockets with money.

    You're mistaken if you thought you'd succeed in blackmailing me, said Dr. Bill.

    He replied coldly, I know how much you love Nicholas and how it bothers you to see him cry, even if he's crying for no reason.

    Dr. Bill threatened him, Don't you even think of going near him.

    Then you'll get used to seeing him cry, as I'll spare no effort to tease him, said Frank.

    So he raised his fist in front of him and said furiously, Don't let me do something you might regret, said Dr. Bill.

    Spreading his arms as if he surrendered and opening the way for him to do whatever he wants, Frank asked, What are you going to do? Are you going to kill me? Think carefully! Because if you do that, prison will be your fate. Your bad reputation will stick to him throughout his life, so he'll hate you and hate the day you thought of bringing him home.

    Causing strong words to come out from Dr. Bill's lips,

    Dr. Bill, with a tone of accusation, said, Perhaps you've forgotten how much you've stolen from me. I can report you and throw you in prison, you wretch.

    Frank looked at him with arrogance, confidently throwing his words at him, You know well the extent of my cunningness, and that I can send someone to remind him of that for the rest of his life. I will also fabricate different stories about his family to make him an outcast in the eyes of everyone, to the point where he would prefer death over living like this. I won't leave him until he takes his own life.

    With a surge of anger, Dr. Bill clenched his fist and delivered a powerful punch to the wall, the sound of bones cracking echoing through the room.

    Dr. Bill, filled with a mix of frustration and curiosity, asked, How much do you want, you lowlife?

    Frank smirked, rubbing his hands together in a triumphant manner, and replied, Good, we've reached where I want. Two hundred thousand every year, and I'll keep quiet.

    Dr. Bill, his voice filled with a cold determination, warned, Fine, but if I see him cry again, I will kill you. I swear, I will kill you, and I don't care about the consequences.

    He then withdrew his fist from the wall, revealing the hole left by his punch. The old man's heart trembled with fear, despite his feigned composure. He recognized the gravity of the situation and discovered a side of himself that was unfamiliar—his aggressive nature. As a result, the agreement ended with an annual sum of money, satisfying the insatiable greed of Frank. However, the harmony was short-lived. A year later, divine retribution befell him as the generator in his house exploded. The firefighters were unable to rescue him, and he burned, bringing relief to everyone. And so, the secret remained buried among Nick, Dr. Bill, and his wife until it resurfaced five years later.



    At the National Sports Stadium, a crowd ranging from fifty to a hundred people had gathered to watch the final match of the youth kung fu tournament. Near the fighting ring, the commentator began enthusiastically describing the events in detail, aiming to add an atmosphere of excitement to the match and entertain the fans in the hall.

    This is the final match of the kung fu tournament for youngsters in Ontario. On the left side, we have Benjamin Rock from Maine School, and on the right side, Nicholas Winston from Lee School. Here come the two players, stepping forward to announce the start of the fight. Nick delivers a strong punch, causing Ben to fall to the ground, described the commentator.

    The crowd erupted in cheers, and the commentator chuckled in amusement.

    Ben quickly gets back on his feet and retaliates with a punch of his own, but Nick skillfully evades it and knocks him out. How fast and cool! exclaimed the commentator, further fueling the enthusiasm of the fans.

    Sharing in the joy of the fans, Nick raised his hands in victory.

    Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Keep cheering for me! I'm the strongest, and I will definitely win, shouted Nick.

    Suddenly, Nick spotted Dr. Bill among the audience, his face flushed with anger. Panic washed over Nick, causing him to step back in terror.

    Dr. Bill? What is he doing here? wondered Nick.

    In a flash, Dr. Bill disappeared from his seat in the audience and reappeared in front of Nick. Startled, Nick gasped, feeling terrified.

    How did you get here? Weren't you just over there? asked Nick.

    Dr. Bill approached him, and Nick instinctively backed away, attempting to justify his actions.

    I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I knew you wouldn't have agreed if I had. I promise I won't do it again. Please, believe me and forgive me, pleaded Nick.

    Dr. Bill seethed with rage. His entire face turned red, and wisps of smoke seemed to escape from his nose and ears, reminiscent of a teapot on fire. He shouted at Nick, his voice terrifying.

    Nick! he thundered.

    A strong gust of wind emanated from Dr. Bill's mouth, carrying Nick away from his spot and eventually dropping him on the floor of his room, drenched in sweat. It took him several minutes to comprehend what had just happened.

    Thank God! It was just a dream, said Nick.

    He got up from his bed and poured himself a glass of water, which he drank in one go. As soon as he placed the glass back on the table, he noticed the clock.

    Oh, my God! It's already half past seven. I'm late, exclaimed Nick.

    He hurriedly dressed and rushed downstairs to have breakfast with Dr. Bill. Upon reaching the table, he set down his bag and took a seat.

    Good morning, Dr. Bill, greeted Nick.

    Good morning, replied Bill.

    He began eating quickly, and Dr. Bill poured him a glass of milk.

    It's the first time you've been late. You've always been punctual, commented Dr. Bill.

    Nick spoke with his mouth full of food.

    I couldn't sleep early yesterday because of studying, replied Nick.

    Don't talk with your mouth full, said Dr. Bill.


    So, what about today? Are you going to be late again because of the kung fu tournament tonight? asked Dr. Bill.

    Nick was so surprised that he swallowed a large piece of toast without chewing it. It got stuck in his throat, and he began to cough. Dr. Bill quickly handed him a glass of milk. Nick drank it all until the morsel went down, then he put the glass down to catch his breath.

    Did you know I still do kung fu? Nick asked.

    Dr. Bill nodded and replied, Yes, I knew. Or did you think I would believe the idea of you joining the golf club? I know very well that you only like to play it with me. For the millionth time, I tell you, I know you more than you think and even more than yourself.

    Nick clasped his hands together and leaned forward, pleading with Dr. Bill to allow him to participate.

    Just this time, please! I have played more than five matches, and I have not lost control of myself in any of them because I followed all the instructions given to me by the psychiatrist. So, please, trust me! I can control my anger, Nick said.

    The doctor's orders were clear. You are not allowed to participate in combat sports, Dr. Bill said firmly.

    But I have overcome my anger. Why don't you believe me? Nick asked. You can ask the coach to be sure.

    If your coach knew about your problem, he would not have involved you from the start, as other coaches in other clubs did, Dr. Bill replied.

    Please, Dr. Bill, Nick pleaded.

    Dr. Bill remained firm and ignored his pleas, reaffirming his decision.

    No means no! Don't even think of using any sneaky tricks. I have already informed your coach and unregistered you, Dr. Bill said.

    Despair consumed Nick. He had planned extensively to hide it from Dr. Bill, but he could not outsmart him, not even once. Frowning, he stood up from his chair and dragged his bag behind him on his way to school. At noon, he isolated himself in his room, as he usually did when he was prevented from participating in kung fu tournaments. Dr. Bill used to leave him alone for several days until he got over it without pressuring him to follow the doctor's instructions. Throughout the day, he anxiously watched the clock. Nick tried to occupy himself with other things, but the game consumed his entire mind. He remained concerned until he fell asleep. Taking a short nap to clear his mind, he was soon awakened by the annoying ringing of the phone. Opening his eyes with difficulty, he muttered, What is this inconvenience?

    He buried his head under the pillow to muffle the sound, but it continued to ring incessantly. Frustrated, he threw the pillow aside.

    It's strange! Why isn't Dr. Bill answering the phone? Oh, my God! He must be downstairs in his lab.

    Nick got up and left his room to answer the phone in the corridor.

    Hello, who's this? Nick asked.

    Is that you, Nick? the caller replied.

    Oh, Coach Lee! Nick exclaimed.

    Where are you? The game is starting in an hour! Coach Lee asked.

    But didn't Uncle Dr. Bill tell you?

    No, no one in your family spoke to me today, Coach Lee answered.

    Are you sure? Nick asked.

    Yeah, don't tell me you got sick? Coach Lee said, chuckling.

    No, no, I'm fine and healthy, Nick reassured Coach Lee.

    Nick wondered, Then whom did Dr. Bill talk to?

    Coach Lee yelled, You need to get to the stadium right now, or I'll come get you!

    Nick answered without thinking, No, no, I'll come myself.

    Then hurry up! said Coach Lee.

    Nick hung up the phone and stood beside it, trying to understand what was going on. His eyes widened in astonishment as he remembered the coach's continuous complaints about his teenage son's quarrels and impersonations whenever someone called the club. Luck finally smiled upon him, and he managed to outsmart Dr. Bill by chance. Quickly changing his clothes, he sneaked out, disregarding Dr. Bill's concern. All he cared about was getting what he wanted.

    Within ten minutes, Nick arrived at the stadium, changing his clothes with a sense of relief, knowing that Dr. Bill would be unaware of his absence. Dr. Bill wouldn't enter his room until he emerged after his three days of grief. Nick decided that upon his return, he would continue pretending. Dr. Bill wouldn't suspect that he had participated in the tournament without informing him. He could focus on the fight and follow his coach's advice.

    For the first time in his life, Nick entered the fighting ring as a participant in the tournament, rather than a spectator lamenting his luck, facing the enormous crowds spread throughout the entire hall.

    Wow, all these fans came to watch my matches?! said Nick proudly.

    The coach corrected him, They'd rather come to watch everyone, but if you want them to cheer for you, beat them all and make it to the final.

    Nick was so excited that he jumped in place and threw several punches in the air.

    Don't worry, Coach! I've trained a lot for this day, and I'm not going to give up until I win and leave here with the trophy in my hands, said Nick.

    Well done, that's the spirit, said Coach Lee.

    Everyone looked at the large digital screens upstairs, which displayed the names of all the players, their opponents, and the arenas where their matches would be played.

    You are in the fifth arena against a player from the School of Dragons. Don't underestimate him. He may look smaller than you, but the students of the School of Dragons are known for their quick movement and intelligence. So attack him with all your might and finish the fight as soon as possible, advised Coach Lee.

    Alright, Coach, said Nick.

    He entered the ring, greeted his opponent, and then returned to his place, closing his eyes for a few seconds, talking to himself.

    This might be my first and last chance to try out my favorite sport with others in reality. So I have to honor this opportunity by winning in a way that no one has witnessed to make it an unforgettable historical memory, said Nick.

    With a strong will and determination, he set out to confront his opponents, defeating them one after the other. He became famous among the fans and became their favorite until he reached the final match. The shocking surprise was quite like his dream in the morning, against Benjamin Rock, his staunch enemy. Fate finally brought them together to face each other on the final tournament circuit. The first words that came out of Ben's mouth were sarcastic, inquiring about Nick's participation.

    Weird! How did you manage to get into the tournament?! asked Ben sarcastically. Normally, after the first day, you would quit the club like a chicken, said Ben.

    Nick responded defiantly, If I hadn't left those clubs, cockroaches like you wouldn't have been able to run for such a tournament.

    That's funny! The chicken finally believed she could fly, said Ben.

    We'll see who flies in the end, cockroach. I'm not leaving here without the trophy with me, said Nick.

    The fire of challenge ignited between them, giving the final match an excitement that the fans loved, and no one could determine the winner between them. Both were skilled in fighting and showed excellent abilities throughout the previous matches. The referee announced the start of the fight, and the commentator stressed the syllables of the words to convey the course of the game with enthusiasm.

    The last match started between the two best players: the strong Nick from Lee School on the right side and the brilliant Ben from Maine School on the left. Now the fight began between them. Ben gave Nick a punch that he skillfully dodged. Then, the brilliant Ben quickly turned around and suddenly kicked Nick's foot. Unfortunately, Nick avoided it and fell to the ground, so Ben finished it with a punch to the chest. Ben got the point, described the commentator.

    Ben's fans cheered loudly, chanting his name in admiration.

    What will Nick do now? He must make up for that point, and here he is advancing, sending quick blows to his rival Ben, relentlessly! said the commentator, continuing, Where did he get all this speed? I see poor Ben fighting back with difficulty, and he is beginning to look tired. So, Nick jumps in the air and lands his final punch on Ben's face. Ben fell to the ground, exhausted. Thus, Nick snatches his second point for a tie, described the commentator.

    Nick's fans erupted with joy, celebrating his performance in the match. What a great match! exclaimed the commentator. These two fighters are evenly matched, strong, and full of surprises. We can't predict the winner until the third round, which will decide it, the commentator remarked. The intense fight continued, and the arena was filled with excitement as everyone eagerly awaited the outcome and the crowning of a new champion.

    The odds are mostly in Nick's favor. His superiority is evident. Meanwhile, Ben's fatigue is starting to affect him, and his punches and defenses are slowing down, the commentator observed. And indeed, Ben had exhausted his energy, succumbing to exhaustion. However, he refused to accept Nick's victory in front of everyone. Ben had always sought to conquer Nick, his bitter rival, and today was his chance. If he succeeded, it would be a lasting triumph that would haunt Nick forever. Thus, Ben resorted to his malicious tricks to secure victory.

    Ben knew Nick well, as they attended the same school and were in the same class since the first grade. They had been classmates for years. Ben was aware that Nick's weak point was his anger. If he could provoke him into losing his temper, Nick would lose focus completely. And what bothered Nick most was any mention of his parents.

    Tell me, what were the names of your parents? Ben taunted.

    Nick's body trembled at the mention of his parents, but he tightened his grip, trying to maintain control as much as possible.

    That's none of your business, Nick replied sharply, launching a punch that Ben managed to avoid.

    You know, I've never seen them, not even at a parents' meeting in school, Ben continued, seeking to provoke Nick further.

    Keep talking about them, you chatterbox, and I'll make you regret it, Nick shouted, attempting another punch, but Ben evaded it with a nod and a smirk.

    Are they separated, or do they simply not care about you? Or maybe they just don't like you, Ben mocked.

    Nick's focus wavered, and in that moment, Ben swiftly dodged a kick that was meant for him.

    Shut up! Nick snapped, his anger evident.

    Ben seized the opportunity to deliver his final blow, laughing mockingly. You know, I heard they're dead. There's no trace of them, not even a grave. You know why? Because they burned to death and vanished like ashes in the wind. You'll never be able to visit them, Ben added, reveling in his taunts.

    Ben's words entered Nick's heart like fiery arrows. He stopped rigidly in his place. Ben's efforts finally paid off. He took advantage of the opportunity by sending a massive punch, overthrowing him and snatching the victory from his hands. It happened suddenly with ease amid everyone's amazement.

    For minutes, everyone was silenced, not understanding what happened until the commentator broke their deadlock by shouting and announcing the winner.

    Amazing! said the commentator, Who would have thought Ben would win? Yeah, Ben from Maine won. Oh my God! If Nick hadn't stopped he might have won, it's true who said the score is not decided until the last minute of the game.

    Ben got up and headed for the referee, who raised his hand to the top. The hall shook with the crowd's cheers congratulating him on his victory. However, this was not the end as Ben expected. There was another fight awaiting him for what he dared to say. What he said was not insignificant, and Nick would not forgive him.

    His body shook violently, and his mind completely lost control. Blood flowed to his face and his brow furrowed, and the whiteness of his eyes turned red to transform into another person. He cried out, but no one could hear amidst the clamor of victory. However, they witnessed him when he pounced on Ben and beat him as if he was a savage that does not understand what he was doing.

    Security and other trainers intervened to stop him, but he showed strong resistance and started kicking and hitting everyone he passed. They faded him away and carried him out of the hall, and they rushed to the aid of Ben, who was in a deplorable condition.


    Revealing the Secret

    Nick sat in his room on the floor, hiding in one of the sides of the bed, leaning against the wall hiding his face inside his knees. Remembering what happened to him in the match, Nick felt there was a deadly monster inside. A monster that would soon come out and harm those around him. He regretted it and cried deeply while tightening his arms wrapped around his feet with force until a hand landed on his head, so he lifted it saying,

    Dr. Bill. Said Nick.

    Come on, son. Said Dr. Bill.

    Nick jumped into his arms and wrapped his arms around his body, holding him as he burst into tears. Dr. Bill couldn't say anything to calm him down. All he did was pat his back and head to get him to let out whatever was burning in his chest.

    You knew! You knew, so you always prevented me, said Nick.

    Dr. Bill did not answer him and started stroking his head.

    You tried to prevent me from my bitter truth, but I always resisted you. I didn't understand you even though I trusted your opinion. Oh my God! Shouted Nick. How did I do that? Why did I lose my temper and hit him like that? I don't understand what happened to me. I'm afraid. I'm so afraid of myself. I'm a killer beast. Said Nick.

    No, you're not. Said Dr. Bill

    He grabbed Dr. Bill's hand, begging him for help.

    Help me! Help me, please, to get rid of my anger. Make me get rid of it! I'm so scared, begged Nick.

    His tears and pleas burned Dr. Bill's heart fiercely, melting with them the lock of the secret he had promised to keep from him all his life. He felt that its time had come and that it was the only solution to his problem. He was eager to reveal it despite his full knowledge of the consequences that might reflect on him. He grabbed Nick's chin and lifted him so that their eyes met, and he spoke seriously.

    It's time to find out about your parents, said Dr. Bill.

    Nick's eyes widened in astonishment saying,

    My parents!

    He carried him and let him sit facing him. Grabbing his shoulders, preparing him for what he would tell him.

    I want you to listen carefully. What I'm going to say is very important and difficult. I don't quite get it yet, but you must hear it because they might solve your problem. Said Dr. Bill.

    He felt lost and curious at the same time.

    What are you saying, Dr. Bill? Asked Nick. What do you mean they have the solution? I don't understand anything you are saying? Said Nick.

    Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself, in fear, to throw the bomb that would change their lives forever.

    I lied when I said I adopted you from a shelter. Your parents are still alive. Said Dr. Bill.

    He gasped in shock, and Dr. Bill quickly told him what had happened to him before the crazy thoughts came into his mind.

    Eight years ago, someone put you on my neighbour Frank's doorstep. You don't remember him because he died when you were little. So, I took you from him, paying him more than your parents offered. I wanted to return you to them, so Frank told me he doesn't know them.

    He replied in a choked voice carrying a lot of sorrow.

    Unbelievable! Said Nick.

    They put a letter with you in which they mentioned your real name, Nicholas Winston, and stressed not to change it. So I did not give you my nickname, said Dr. Bill,

    then he sighed in relief.

    And they asked for other things I didn't understand its purpose and above all of that they stressed not to reveal to you the contents of the letter, otherwise I would lose the financial reward that they promised me in the future.

    They gave you such a tempting offer to keep you from telling me about the letter! Why? Wondered Nick.

    He shrugged his shoulders, showing that he did not know.

    I don't know. said Dr. Bill.

    He felt a pain in his heart that warned him to stop. However, his curiosity was higher and insisted on him inquiring more despite the bad feeling he had, saying,

    But what did they ask you to do?

    Trying to evade the answer, Dr. Bill said,

    Things you'd better not know.

    Nick begged him, holding his arm,

    Please, since you have spoken, keep nothing from me. Sooner or later, I'll know. I'd rather you tell me.

    He turned his face away, saying coercively,

    They asked me to say and do things to you, like I treat you harshly and secure you nothing, and lock you up in a locked room if you get angry and lose control until you calm down. In addition, when you turn twenty, I have to tell you the truth and hand you the book they attached with the letter so you can go to them. Said Dr. Bill.

    The book?! Asked Nick.

    Yeah, there's a book they sent with the letter, and I think that's the thing that will guide you to them. Said Dr. Bill.

    He let go of Dr. Bill's arm, wondering in distress, saying,

    But why do they hate me so much? Said Nick And why when I turn twenty? And if they wanted me, why did they put me with that wicked man?" Asked Nick.

    I don't know. The only ones who have the answers to your questions are your parents, said Dr. Bill.

    He lowered his head, and every muscle in his body was trembling as if electrified, and he said indignantly,

    How happy I am to find out after all these years that my parents are alive and that they abandoned me when I needed them the most! They want me to return to them simply after I get stronger! How do I describe my feelings towards them?! Oh, how angry I am with them! How selfish they are! Said, Nick

    Nick, don't judge them until you know their reasons, said Dr. Bill.

    He screamed his head off, letting out the oppression that gripped him.

    "But what would make them give up a two-year-old on such cruel terms as they demanded? Asked Nick.

    He quickly rectified his anger and calmed him down.

    No, Nick, I didn't raise you like that. I always told you to look at things from all sides before you judge them. Perhaps your life was in danger, so they hid you until you were a man who could take it. Maybe they used cruelty as a disguise too. If you think about it from a positive point of view, you'll see that there are many possible reasons. Everything is possible. Don't forget that I have always told you to think well about things you don't know until you make sure of them, explained Dr. Bill.

    His attitude changed completely after that, and his view of them improved. His picture of them seemed clear. If the educator is positive, good-natured, fair, wise, and opinionated, then that would reflect psychologically on whom he educates, and they trust him completely.

    You are right! I shouldn't judge them until I meet them and know their reasons, said Nick.

    Well done, son, and now I must fetch you the book, for it's time at last to open it. Said Dr. Bill.

    I'll go with you, said Nick.

    They went to Dr. Bill's room. It was a regular, medium-sized room with a

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